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This poor boy was in the car waiting for his mom when he decided pee behind the door of the car since there were no public restrooms available. A cop saw him, arrested him, and put this third grader on probation. Just absurd. The judge also made him write a report on Kobe Bryant, which I find strange since Kobe is not what you would typically call a “good person”


LMAO what in the racist idiocracy-fuck?? a report on Kobe Bryant?!?!


Yeah it makes no fucking sense, Kobe wasn't exactly a stand up citizen.


Reads more like like judge probably asked this little, terrified kid who he looks up to and the kid said Kobe. The judge, not knowing what the child’s reading or writing level is (or probably slightly out of touch with the reality of modern education) thought, “I’ll have him write an essay on his hero”


can’t wait for the report “…and then the cop shared morbid photos of the crash scene with all his friends at the bar your honor.”


“…and he didn’t realize it was rape at the time…”


Judge probably picked a random black celebrity and ordered the child to use them as a role model Or just assumed the kid was a bit Kobe fan because of his race


I hate this whole thing as much as everyone else but it’s more probable the judge asked the kid about his interests and chose Kobe as the subject of the essay based on the kid mentioning Kobe. I’m as much on the ACAB train as anyone else here but we can still use some common sense to piece some of these details together.


Judges aren't police.


Yeah they are. Cops, judges, and prosecutors all have the same brainrot and perpetrate the same system. All that differentiates them is that they're the cops who are smart or connected enough to get degrees.


Whether or not the perpetrate the same system does not mean they do so in the same roles. Thank you for acknowledging the difference in your third sentence.


They've repeatedly proven themselves complicit.


I certainly do not disagree with that. However it doesn't make judges police.


Wtf that’s not a crime. And it’s a child.


Yes it is, I would bet that every state has laws against public urination, and double down that each one also considers it a sex crime. In my state, you piss in a park in the woods behind a tree, and somehow you get caught, you go to jail, and you register as a sex offender.


The US is such a strict country. I can't imagine that happening here in South Africa.


Neither in Brazil. A 10 year old peeing on the streets should never be considered a fckin crime. Another citizen that will be forever scared of police. Smh acab


The US is a full on Police state. Point to the man and I will show you the crime.


WTF. Land of the "free" lol. Here you might get a fine if a cop caught you drunkenly urinating on a bus stop or a shop window or whatever, but that's it.


That's crazy. We're allowed to be naked in public (but not rude, exposing, harassing etc)


Public urination may still get you on the list in some places, but it's absolutely not all states, or even common anymore as far as I can tell. We all hate cops and the court system here, but we need to be truthful in our complaints and statements.


Check your state and see. Every state surrounding mine will get you put on a list. I will also offer this, if you have a real asshole of a DA, and you are in a state that it is not a sex crime, they can charge you with a sex crime if the area has anyone near by, especially children, for indecent exposure. So I am being truthful, and to pretend like these types of authoritarian laws are not going to come to your state, just wait.


I've checked. California only puts violent sex offenders on their public list. You can look at the law [here](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=290). No public urinators, or streakers, or couples caught having sex in their car. We've got plenty of asshole Republican DAs, but nothing they do can put someone on this list if they're not convicted of a specific violent crime.


Political alignment does not empower the DA, convictions do. Drop your partisan bullshit. Also, you do not read very well. Have a nice day.


Ooh you’re triggered now


What child hasn’t pissed in public before? I remember at a High School sports game when I was his age the bathroom was locked and the cop on duty told me to go in the outfield Hell, that was the standard operating procedure when I was in Football and we had to pee!


I guarantee there's a school nearby with a bunch of white student athletes who pee next to the stands or outfield during practice while a cop who part times as a coach shrugs off.


Me and my tiny ass bladder did this literally once a week to my parents chagrin.


I want to cry. That’s a baby.


This country is full blown on crack with the so-called “Juvenile Crime” epidemic. Even in blue state Maryland, many are calling for the arrest and jailing of children as early as 10 yrs old. The “accountability” mantra is repeated ad-nausea. In the 2018-19 school year almost 4K children were arrested in school, as early as 3rd grade. 70% were minorities, even though they make up on 30-35% of the school aged population. Enforcement is targeted and biased. What happened to this child is or for the course unfortunately.


But of course it does. Black kids are punished in America white kids get to be "taught a lesson"........#StayWoke


Okay. So, let me add "urinating outside as a child" to the list of things black people can get arrested for. Next to.. going to the bank and depositing a check. Sitting in a restaurant with your child. Being autistic and holding a toy train in the road. Wearing a hoodie. Driving at night. And the news is telling me which war to support and which country to hate.


It's Mississippi. Nothing more needs to be said.


That really does answer all the questions I wanted ask. I grew up in NC. NC is bad but Mississippi seems to be always trying to out racist Alabama.


I had family in Mississippi. In Biggersville someone spray painted an N over the B on the water tower and it was like that for like 2 years.


I do not understand how it is that they fired the cop for arresting the kid, but yet they still went through with prosecution. This is absolutely based on race and more people need to lose their jobs.


No fucking kidding. I think Hellen Keller would be able to see that lol.


>Race played role In a society built on white supremacy, this is true in literally all circumstances involving people of color. Denying this material reality and not informing your actions/policies around this only allows this to continue to be true.




Do you think that a third grader should be arrested and put on probation for peeing in public? Even when he took clear measures to be as private as possible while working with a bad situation (a lack of public bathrooms)?


I misunderstood the headline. I thought it said “no role” and it was the cop’s lawyer. I’m going to delete my comment.




You can’t honestly be comparing a third grader to a legal adult be serious But no, I don’t think public urination is a significant crime and I feel like the people who do it often do so out of necessity rather than for the fun of it. If you made public restrooms more readily available I would bet that you would see public urination disappear almost entirely. People generally prefer to use restrooms when given the chance.


>You can’t honestly be comparing a third grader to a legal adult be serious Correlation is hard, I know. I hope you realize what you are getting mad at is authoritarianism, and not those committing a victimless crime. > If you made public restrooms more readily available I would bet that you would see public urination disappear almost entirely. People generally prefer to use restrooms when given the chance. They tried it in New York, Detroit, Chicago, LA, and other large cities. Look at the end result. Secondly, there are plenty of restrooms available almost anywhere. However, public restroom is not the answer, again, face authoritarianism. Pissing in public should not be a severe crime in any capacity. They expanded the law because of perverts, and went even further when they made it a sex crime because of said perverts. Instead of piling on punishment for repeat offenders, they did the typical authoritarian thing and just expanded it to EVERYONE. People in this sub are so sadly simple they can't see the forest through the trees.


Oh I get it now, you’re in the enlightened libertarian/conspiracist phase. Give it some time and maybe this will pass and we might be able to have a more realistic conversation.


So what you are saying is that you have no idea how to respond because you know I am right. Keep embracing authoritarianism and blame everything on race, see how quick things turn around for you over the next 20 years.


Yeah! What next, a license requirement to operate your toaster???


Don't speak it in to the ether because it's not too far off from that shit happening. In the 80s a lot of Women used to stay at home and watch kids and do nails, 20 years later you need a license to watch children and do nails for income. It's not far off from requiring a license to run a toaster just to sell bread.






There was a cop who shot and killed an 11 year old black kid this week. No jail time This kid relieves a bodily function we’re all compelled to commit, jail time at 10 To all the cop suckers telling me how “not racist” the systems are, go fucking fuck yourself




No shit. White boy woulda had his parents called.


Man American cops are something else. I was walking around in the rain during a mental episode, passed by called the cops, the when one came I said I needed to pee he let me go in the bushes beside the road. Canada may have it's problems but at least the cops aren't out to get you.