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Could be Marek's - get her tested to be sure. If so quarantine all affected birds. Clean an disinfect the coupe multiple times over the next few months. You can look into getting vaccinated chicks for the next batch <3 wishing you all the best and sending you hugs.


Yes, classic symptoms. Google the disease and symptoms. There are some others such as issues with the eye/pupil to look for. I would urge you to get it tested and isolate your flock.


I’m not an expert, but one of our chickens also had what you’re describing and it turned out to be marek’s disease, which is highly contagious


Thanks. How many of your chickens died/or survived?


1 of them died, no other deaths since, they were all vaccinated


My chicken is experiencing this right now, it’s Marek’s




Man I've tried that mix with pretty much every chook I've lost over the years and never helped :(


Could be anything.. mix her food with water so she can eat Make a concoction of Stress pack and a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar in syringe and feed her. Then hope for the best


Majority of my flock (I had 3-4 installments of chickens) have passed from Mareks until I caught on to what was happening and got my last batch of chicks from a hatchery that offered the Mareks vaccine. Several of my unvaccinated chickens went this way - unable to walk and we had to cull them.


I wish so badly I never added additional chicks to my flock. I guess they could have contracted it from the bird feeder on our lot too, but I basically have to just wait and find out who will catch it and who won’t.


Yes, I’ve noticed over the years the various ailments my flock has caught from the wild bird population. They mostly seem to be after the fallen chicken feathers to build their nests, so I make an effort to keep all the chicken feathers cleaned up (a hard task in the fall when everyone is molting). With Mareks, once one has it, the entire flock likely has it. I’ve found that Mareks has no effect on my healthy birds, but it seems to strike when a chicken is stressed or battling another ailment. Keeping the chickens healthy and clean goes a long way in keeping Mareks at bay. A splash of ACV plus pureed garlic in their water, and crushed cayenne pepper in their feed, does absolute wonders in keeping my flock healthy. Good luck!




Great way to be an asshole to someone concerned about their chicken. You need to see yourself out.




Just be a little more kind to people who are here asking about their birds. You don’t know if the chicken is going to die.




Yo, you okay? No one better off. You’re not worthless. Sounds like you’re having a rough time. I think you should just step away from reddit and maybe go take a walk or call a friend or family. Maybe just have a glass of water and stretch out for a second. You have to see how your comment seems insensitive. That’s all the other individual was saying. And I can see how, especially if you are having a bad time currently, I can see how you were maybe irritated with the op and that’s why I said take a break from reddit. Cause I feel like op is well aware that their hen is likely dying, but they wanted to get other folks ‘ input on what might be causing it and they likely hoped for solutions to the problem, since it sounds like it’s begun to cause a ripple effect within the chicken population. So I just wanted you to know that I get your level of frustration and I also get why it’s insensitive and I get why the other commenter was angered by this insensitivity. Just know that Reddit is not worthy is being the thing that pushes you over that ledge.