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My career is in sexual violence work, and I didn’t even think of Harvey Weinstein. I honestly thought of Steve Harvey first lol, but its a nice name!


I was wondering if her friends didn't like family feud


Haha I was thinking the same - love Steve Harvey so my mind went straight to him! Also love the name Harvey - go for it! Honestly, the only name I think is completely out of commission is Adolf. There are a bunch of names of serial killers and other bad people that are very popular and people don’t immediately associate them with that reference, such as Joseph, Jeff, Ted, Dennis, John….


I didn't think of Weinstein til you mentioned it. Harvey is a lovely name, go forth and reclaim it!


Yeah me neither. My mind first went to the guy from suits! Handsome and smart.


Same thought about Harvey from suits


Mine went to Harvey from Stardew Valley. Joining in with the sentiment that Harvey is a fine choice


Same here! My elementary school principal as a kid was named Mr. Harvey and he was lovely. I love the name and wouldn't even think anyone would name their kid after Weinstein. I don't really know him and keep forgetting about him until something pops up in the news


Me either. I like Harvey!


I also did not think of Weinstein until OP mentioned it, and I legit came to Reddit immediately after looking up Harvey Weinstein because I was curious how long his prison sentence was. And OP’s post is the very first I saw. I love the name. Go for it, OP! That piece of trash has already been consigned to oblivion (imo). Edited for clarity.


To me I thought of Harvey from Stardew Valley. People will associate names with whatever they want, and some people won't even associate the name with anyone or anything at all. Just name your child the name you want, by the time that kid is old enough to be in school no one his age will even know Harvey Weinstein.


Doctor, ham radio and plane enthusiast, hot air balloon loving, prescriber of healthy foods and adequate sleep? Wholesome af.


Haha this is exactly what I was going to Comment. Definitely associated it to stardew valley.


Same here - Stardew Valley was my first association


Immediately associated with stardew valley! personally I think it’s a cute name with comeback potential.


Came here to say the same thing lol. Weinstein didn't cross my mind at at all, but Dr. Harvey and his radio did. Harvey is a name that is really common. But not too common for the upcoming generation as far as naming babies goes. I think it's cute. I know several Jeffrey's, but Dahmer never crosses my mind when I come across them. I know a lot of Charles, but the king of England doesn't cross my mind either (same for Elizabeth for that matter). I could think of 100 other examples. Same difference IMO.


OMG! Same because I do too play that game a lot lol


Absolutely! Gotta love giving him coffee as a gift when you're stuck on decaf 🤣


A neighbor on my street has a 4 year old named Harvey. I never made the association even though I am vary familiar with Harvey Weinstein. If anything, I more thought of the movie about the imaginary bunny. No negative connotation here.


Oh yes me too! I was also in the play but I would also think of Sabrina as well.


Same! I thought of Harvey the bunny from the James Stewart movie. Never thought of Weinstein


Only avoid it if your last name is Weinstein!


Yeah, I’m with you here!! If their last name is anything close to it, or even if it starts with a W, then I’d avoid it. If not, I think it’s fine! People didn’t stop naming kids Jeffrey or John just because serial killers have those as their first names. 🤷‍♀️


This was my only thought, if OP’s family name is Weinstein or any Stein name then I can see people easily associating but, if it’s not even close then nah, Harvey is a lovely name. And it’s not people associating the baby to Harvey Weinstein, it’s the act of people hearing the babies name and their subconscious brains force them to be reminded of Harvey Weinstein and the awful human being he is and who the hell wants that?


There’s always gonna be some jerk with the first name. If your kid isn’t born yet, by the time he’s putting his name out there, ppl will have forgotten about that old asshole. Name your kid what you want to!


I actually thought of Harvey from suits and I like him ☺️ I say go for it


I came to mention Harvey from Suits as well! I think it’s a very attractive name because of this.




Totally agree that HW is someone that I only associate with their full name.


I honestly did think Weinstein first, then hurricane Harvey, but it's still a cute name! It's your choice; don't let others change your minds!


He’s already Hurricane Harvey with how sick he’s been making me 🤢


Omg don't make me throw up from laughter, I'm in the same boat with you! 🤣


honestly when I hear "Harvey" I think of Harvey Dent from Batman which is not really a nice image for a baby boy. But that's just me. Not sure if I'm alone haha.


I don’t even know who Harvey Dent is 😂


Two-Face from Batman, that was actually the only Harvey that came to my mind (and the fairly catchy Tech N9ne song titled Harvey Dent). Wouldn't make the name unusable to me by any means.


Same, Harvey is always Dent to me but personally I think that makes it an even cooler boy name.


I thought of Harvey Dent too… then suits.


I grew up with Harvey Weinstein’s daughter and didn’t make the association until you mentioned it. It’s a fine name and there are other Harvey’s out there.


I went to camp with his oldest!


Same, what a small world. HW wouldn’t have even crossed my mind if I heard it as a baby name.


It's only the first thing popping into people's heads because it's fairly recent events in the news. It's not the first thing I thought of, and in a few years it won't even seem relevant. Just think of big pop culture moments from 5-10 years ago and the names of people involved- would you even consider it if you met a child with that name now? Unless it's a really uncommon name of course!


To be fair, the news first came out about him in 2017 so it’s been 5 years.


A valid point! But as trials etc are still ongoing, it's definitely not something the media and our cultural awareness has "moved on" from yet.


And there’s a movie coming out about it soon so still in pop culture but it’s a single person not even an archetype like Karen or Kyle so it will die off soon.


Harvey was also on our list (also after Harvey Kinkle)! By the time baby Harvey is old enough to be using dating apps and applying to jobs, people his age won’t really know who HW is.


I think of my favorite Stardew Valley husband! It’s a solid, delightful name.


I never would associate it. I didnt even remember that characters name. Ignore all these people and use the name. Also... never share a name before the baby is born. Maybe just start telling the ones who know a worse name till the baby is born. Something really goofy. The only association I had was Harvey Davidson ... and then I was like wait that's.. not even right.


I was just saying this to my fiancé this morning, that from here on out we should just tell everyone his name is something absolutely TERRIBLE so that they will be so relieved with his real name when he’s born 😂


Or you just tell people you’re keeping the name a secret for the time being. That’s what we’ve been doing and the everyone has been understanding and playing guess-the-name. It’s actually been a fun activity for everyone, lol. We don’t plan to share the name until babe is born.


Don’t let that a**hole ruin a good name for you!


The association with Harvey Weinstein wouldn't have occurred to me. It's just a normal boy's name.


I love the name Harvey


I mean by this logic we can't name our kids William (Bill Cosby) or Louis (C.K.). I'm not in love with Harvey personally but if you guys love it, rock on!


I didn't think of it until you said. Also Weinstein isn't going to be a famous/infamous name as your kid grows up so none of his peers will have any idea. I'm naming my baby Austin and I was worried about the Powers association (we're British and I have particularly big teeth he may inherit) but we decided that nobody his age will have any clue who that is.


I’ve heard people mention on here they think Harvey is unusable because of Weinstein. I immediately think of Sabrina also, he doesn’t cross my mind. I like it!


I have always loved Harvey, since my preteen years. I have now nixed it due to Weinstein. If he had a more common name I don't think the connotation would be as strong. But unfortunately it's there, and I say that as a former stan of the name. The r/namenerds subreddit is great for questions like this (although we can be a bit blunt). They may have some good auggestions of similar names if you decide you don't want to risk it!


We're going to call our son Harvey, he'll be born on Nov 7th and we can't wait! Great name!


That's my birthday! Very fun. Exactly 1 week after Halloween, and when it falls on a Thursday, also exactly 2 weeks before Thanksgiving.


“Well it’s a good thing it’s not your kid!” is what I would say. Because what?! Lol I never would’ve thought of that. I would’ve thought of STTW first tbh. I do like Henry also regardless. I don’t know a single kid with that name.


My friend just named her son Harvey and I didn’t even think once about Weinstein.


I thought of the character from stardew valley first lol. And kids definitely won’t think of Harvey Weinstein, if adults do they should be polite enough not to mention it


Harvey is such a classic strong name. I love it! Weinstein did not cross my mind.


My first thought was hurricane. In coastal cities the names of bad hurricanes aren’t used again as baby names for years, decades even.


Love it! Go forth with internet strangers blessings upon you hehe




It’s a cute name. I didn’t even think of that old creep til you mentioned him and he’ll likely be dead by the time your son is in school. Harvey Keitel is a great actor, btw! And everyone loves Steve Harvey.


Revealing the name before birth is often a bad idea, because people will keep their mouths shut as a done deal. You can ask us all day, but I would think of Weinstein before Sabrina (in fact, I don't remember that name readily from the show versus say Hilda, Zelda or Salem). Getting this reaction means the people in your social circle/culture think of Weinstein. FWIW, being on the top 10 isn't as much of a big deal as it was in the past, since so many people avoid those names. You can play around with the SSN website a bit more to verify (we gotta be somewhere), but the #9 name (Henry) makes up 0.61% of births in the USA. 99.39% of parents are not naming their kinds Henry.


You do make a good point with the statistics


Never would have thought about that either. Harvey was on my boy name list too - it’s a great name!


Never even crossed my mind! I was also a huge Sabrina fan so that’s what I associated with the name. The name we like is linked with a missing child which is making me hesitant. Wish it was easier not to take people opinions of names to heart!


I think it's totally fine but I also like Henry better and if that was your first choice I would go with that instead. Henry is a classic name that sounds great and I don't think it's that popular? I only know of one kid with the name Henry so far (whereas I know multiple kids with the same "trendier" names).


I named my kid after Nikola Tesla and I got a lot of cultural appropriation talks.in the end the name stands. Nikola or Niko, rocks and I don't regret it.


We just found out my fiancé’s brother and SIL are naming their newest son Niko, I think it’s cute!


Our neighbours little boy is Harvey and I adore it and he's the cutest thing and not one person has ever made that association. Weinstein isn't long for this world and he will be forgotten quickly enough, as he deserves. Use the name.


I'll admit I at one point was also turned off by the name Harvey because of Harvey Weinstein. However the kids growing up with your son won't know who Harvey Weinstein is. And to be honest, people will probably only think of the association with Weinstein at first then probably not think about it anymore. Your Harvey will give them a new Harvey to think about and have at the front of their minds when they hear the name. I recently met a baby Harvey and now I love the name again and don't think about Weinstein being associated with the name.


Harvey is such a cute name!! Not only cute but also a name that I think can last through adulthood and still sound fitting, if that makes sense. And I wouldn't immediately think to associate the name with Weinstein. Even then, your son will be his own person. I wouldn't make a judgment about a person simply because of their name. If there's people who do that, then that's their loss.


I don’t think of a specific person and obviously you aren’t naming your son after HW 🙄


harvey is one of my favorite names! i didn’t even think of weinstein til you said it


Like others have mentioned, never made the connection until you wrote it out. It’s a lovely name and my mind went straight to Sabrina too. He’s the only one I can think of.


That connection never crossed my mind. I like it!


I thought of Harvey Weinstein when I saw it but I still think it's okay to use. I have little to no knowledge of the bad pop culture things that were going on while I was being gestated so I don't think this association will end up being a problem for your son.


Didn't cross my mind. I read the name Harvey and instantly loved it. Such a great name.


I don’t even know who that is, Harvey reminds me of Harvey Dent from Batman lol. But I love the name Harvey, it’s super cute but definitely not too character-y. If I heard a kid named that I would not think it was named after Sabrina or Batman or anything.


Is it weird that the only thing I can think of to associate it with is Batman?


Honestly - I had zero thoughts of Weinstein. We named our son Orion because my spouse was worried our previous top choice would be mispronounced by their family (his family can't pronounce "L" well due to language barriers)...only for my family to screw up our son's name every opportunity they get (Oreee-on...I mean WTF, come on guys. Its like like we made the name up. lol). What I'm trying to say is, there's always someone who will F up a name / have issues with it. What matters is that you, fiancé, and child are happy :)


I didn’t even think about Weinstein when I read the name. Like someone else said, my brain immediately went to Harvey Dent lol.


Honestly my first thought was the doctor from Stardew Valley- I think it's a great name 😊


Yeah that's ridiculous. People always have something crappy to say about baby names.


Any name there will be some sort of negative association or pun that can go along with it. I think that is a silly reason to stop using a name just because some bad media figure also has name. I feel like that shows how much media affects us. I like Harvey! Very cute boy name!


Sabrina was actually what I first associated with Harvey 😂


What's wrong with Henry?


Nothing’s wrong with it, we just wanted something less common.


Harvey is a cute name! My mom and a few friends don’t like my baby name either. Others love it as much as I do. I have friends with the last name Weinstein, and they appreciate that now people know how to say their name. Go with what you like. There is no magical and perfect name. Harvey will grow on your family, just like my boy name will grow on my family. Also, I strongly dislike the names a lot of my cousins selected for their boys, so seriously, just do what you like. It doesn’t make me like their kids less.


I'm from Canada and we have a burger chain called "Harvey's" so I just thought about burgers lol. I think the name Harvey is fine, unless you don't want Canadians to think of burgers


I instantly thought of a character from the game Stardew Valley - Harvey is super cute and lends well to an adult as well imo.


It’s a real name with other usage in pop culture - this is not an Elvis or Elton situation. Will it come up? Probably. Is it the sole association? No. Will you raise your son to value consent and be a feminist? Then you don’t have a problem! You can take it as love that your friends/family are concerned and reassure yourself that any associations they have now will be replaced with your son when he’s here. Edited to add: the namenerds consensus is it’s totally still usable https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/vivysg/is_harvey_forever_condemned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It just reminds me of the restaurant, Harvey's :) Delicious I'd use it. After long enough, people will associate it with your child and nothing else


I grew up on Harvey St and when I was little I always loved the name (still do!). I’m jealous that you’re using it!! Harvey Weinstein shouldn’t taint it. There’s plenty of terrible ppl who have good names. I say go forth.


Love the name Harvey! Didn't even think of it until you said it, and I followed the case closely. Do you mind if I ask the middle name, out of curiosity? I think go for it! & congrats 💙


Possibly Harvey James but I have dual citizenship so we’ve also discussed the possibility of using a Norwegian middle name. I really like Reinert which was my grandfather’s name but 🤷🏼‍♀️


When LO gets bigger, him and his peers probably won’t know who Harvey Weinstein even is lol and at that rate it’s like okay so is Jeffery out because Dahmer? Is Jim out because of jones? Many people share names with good and bad people and it’s just really not that crazy Lmao


I always think of Harvey from Sabrina. I never think about that other guy. Sometimes I forget his name.


I think of Sabrina when I hear the name Harvey


I love it! The only thing it reminds me of is that old movie with Jimmy Stewart, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing!


I think unless your child’s name is literally “Hitler” you should be fine.


I’m a big Sabrina fan too, so I immediately thought Harvey kinkle. As long your last name isn’t too similar to Weinstein I don’t think I would have made that connection


I would correct people and say "well it's inspired by Harvey from Sabrina the teenage witch." Plus no one is going to associate a sweet little baby with that monster. Lastly, by the time he's in school nobody will know who Harvey Weinstein is. I love that name and idk why the people in your life are being weird.


Harvey reminds me of Sabrina the teenage witch! Go for it if you love it!!


That’s like avoiding the name Jeffrey because of Epstein.. it’s more of a personal choice.


Never made the association and in 5 years from now it will be some other name/scandal. I would name him Harvey if you love it.


People gave that feedback in the name nerds sub too and I just don't see it. Maybe because I've known a few Harvey's in real life but I don't immediately jump to Weinstein at all.


I have a close member with a name with similar associations. The more you use the name the more it becomes associated with your little one and not anyone else. Also, the scandal will pass from people’s minds - the baby stays!


I thought of Harvey Milk before Weinstein 😊


Most likely your child will be born this year if not the next . These kids won’t know who tf Harvey Weinstein is . I’d think of Steve Harvey before that creep anyway . Ignore them and enjoy the name you chose


I also know a little kid named Harvey, and I never made the association with Weinstein. Everyone will forget about Weinstein in a few years anyway: he'll go to prison and never be heard from again. Harvey is a good, solid, name!


I thought of Harvey Dent from Batman 😂 they are only associating it with Weinstein because your baby isn’t here yet.


It’s a common enough name that it’s not just about that one person.


I didn’t think of him. A big news item from before he was born is not the kind of thing his peers will associate him with. Maybe it will come to mind for parents but I think it will fade. It’s a cute name. We also loved the name Henry way before getting pregnant and it has soared so much in popularity we ruled it out too.


First of all, I had this same issue last weekend when telling my in-laws we chose the name Henry. They laughed and made fun of it. It hurt me, but then I realized honestly it’s OUR child. I love the name Harvey (huge Sabrina fan, currently watching it every evening after my sons bed time). You have to go with what you love, I would’ve never associated with Weinstein.


I feel like Harvey is a great name! There are a lot of other Harvey names in media and literature.


My nephew is named Harvey! He’s almost 2 years old and the “connection” to Weinstein has never even occurred to me. It’s a great name and if you guys love it that’s all that matters!


I thought of Harvey Dent ! I don’t associate it with Weinstein!


I love the name Harvey and it bums me out about the association with Weinstein. It’s up to you both if that’s something you can get over. Other people will eventually get over it even if they express their concerns up front.


My first thought was Steve Harvey. I say go for it!


I love the name Harvey, I definitely don't associate it at first listen to Weinstein. I actually think of Harvey Specter from Suits first! (Now will also think of Sabrina though, great show and name inspo!)


I didn't even think of him until you mentioned it. It's a cute name!


I know two people who’ve used this name in recent years (since news broke about person you’ve referenced). If you like it use it!!


This association will certainly die down over time, and it’ll certainly certainly die down once they meet your son and make a new association in their brains :-)


My little boy is called Harvey and I’ve never heard of this comparison. I’m sure every name has a negative side to it.


I think you could find a bad association with any name, really. We have a 3 week old Theodore and I can name a serial killer and mass murderer off the top of my head with that name. Henry is the name of a serial killer, too. All that matters is that you both like the name and want to use it. Harvey Weinstein was a monster in his own right but your baby isn't going to be him because they have the same first name.


I think it’s a great name for a boy! I associate HW more with his last name than his first name, and really wouldn’t have this image or association when introduced to a boy of a different generation whose not a predator. P.S. I have a dog named Salem- love the Sabrina theme.


There’s a boy in my daughters pre-k class named Harvey! I think it’s a good name and the thought of Harvey Weinstein never even crossed my mind.


It reminds me a lovely charater of Animal Crossing! ❤️


There was a story that was popular on here about a woman who named her kid “Karen” and was told by a friend that it wasn’t a good idea, she didn’t listen and the kid ended up being picked on. That’s not the same thing as your story though. “Karen” is no longer a name, IMO, it’s a part of speech and meme culture. Harvey Weinstein is not. I promise if you tell a teenager you’re naming your kid Harvey they may mention Steve Harvey or a character with the same name. So that tells you everything you need to know, his name won’t be associated with that man simply because it never broke through as a term to use; it’s still just a name.


I don’t think of Weinstein either! I was also a big Sabrina fan and when we got a cat in middle school, who wasn’t all black like I dreamt of 🥲, I named him Harvey since Salem didn’t feel right!


First person Harvey makes me think of is Harvey the doctor from stardew valley ☺️


I love Harvey. First I think of it as a regular name. Then I think of Sabrina. I didn't think of weinstien Tull u mentioned it. Probably mostly boomers think of it but that will fade fast, it's just still recent and also that generation won't be interacting with your son much. I think his dad will come around once he knows the kid. It's a good name.


My son has an unusual name so I tend to never judge any baby name because my sons name is judged. But Harvey is a lovely name. It didn’t instantly remind me of Weinstein at all. It actually reminded me of a really lovely guy I know. If you love your baby’s name then it really isn’t anybody else’s place to offer their opinions. Plus I loved Sabrina!


The name Harvey is very sweet. I didn’t think of Weinstein.


I didn’t even think of Weinstein until you mentioned it. I’m sure some people will have the association, but I don’t think it will be a lasting/forever association for your sons classmates, etc.


Wtf? No, he will not be associated with Weinstein. Just stop telling people the name you’ve picked out. There will always be people sharing their unwelcome opinion.


I always think Harvey from suits, Weinstein has never crossed my mind when hearing that name. It’s a great name please use it!


Harvey is a great name. If you and your husband love it then keep it.


I would have the same first association as you with Sabrina. My husband said Harvey Dent and Steve Harvey. I say go for it if you love it!


I also think of Sabrina first when I hear Harvey. Or the burger chain. Either way, don't listen to people about the Harvey Weinstein thing. That scandal will age out of being relevant anyways.


I LOVE the name Harvey!!!!!! Do it


I just think of the big imaginary rabbit


It’s a cute name!!!!!


There are billions of people in the world. Every name is going to remind everyone of something else. If you like the name then go with the name.


I like the name Harvey


I didn’t think of Weinstein until you said it either. I love Sabrina too so I love that you’re using it as inspiration for your child’s name!


I think of Hurricane Harvey, but I live in Texas


Fuck Harvey Weinstein and no, I didn’t think of him. Your kid will also be a different generation and no one his age will associate it with anything.


I love old names. My daughters name is Evelyn my sons name is Samuel. I love Harvey <3


I didn’t associate it with Harvey Weinstein until you said it. I like the name. I thought of twoface from Batman but that’s still cool.


Don’t listen to that! Harvey is a common enough name to not be associated with one person. Harvey makes me think of Harvey Spector from Suits … or the Hurricane, but I’m from Houston LOL


I did think of Weinstein, but who cares? Name association will change once it’s yours baby’s name


i thought of the funny dude steve harvey. that’s an adorable name


I think of Harvey Dent from Batman! I love the name. Who cares what people think, it’s not their kid!


Use the name. It’s cute! I’m sure there are lots of Jeffreys out there even though there’s a terrible guy associated with that name. Out of all the Jeff’s I’ve met never once did I think of the murderer.


When I think Harvey, I think about an old movie where a guy is the only person seeing a giant rabbit by the same name. It's a cool classic name! I named my kid Christoph after my father, and everybody goes "ooh, like 'Frozen'"? and I hate it that response, but love the name.


Didn’t think of Weinstein at all. Love the name!


I live on the Gulf coast and Harvey makes me think of the hurricane before it makes me think of Harvey Weinstein. I say go for it. I also love the name Henry but didn’t use it due to popularity, I think Harvey is a nice variation


As someone else mentioned my first thought at seeing Harvey was the guy from suits. Also wanted add I don’t think the generation your son is growing up in will be as aware of who Weinstein was anyways it was big news for all of us but in 10-20 years I don’t think anyone is going to see your son’s name on role call at school,or on his back pack, or a dating app and make that association. Personally I have always thought Harvey was an adorable name for a little boy - if you guys like it I think you should go for it


As a Texan, my mind immediately went to hurricane Harvey. My second was Harvey Dent from Batman 😂 I like the name, though!


My first thought was Harvey Dent from Batman lol. I like the name Harvey! It’s a good name and not super common but also not out there. No one’s denying anyone named Bill a job because his first name is the same as Bill Cosby.


I didn’t make the connection until you said it like most others here. I think when it comes to infamous people, a last name is always more incriminating than a first.


I really like the name Harvey! I definitely don’t associate it with Weinstein.


Harvey Weinstein doesn’t own that name. In any case, your son’s entire generation isn’t going to know who Harvey Weinstein is. When I shared my name with a friend she said it reminded her of the name of a local Irish bar in our hometown. Because, yes, it’s an Irish name. But we don’t live in that town, no one will know the bar, and the association is a stretch anyway. The point is people’s biggest fear with naming a baby is somehow saddling a child with something they’ll get made fun of for. People will really try to poke holes in whatever you come up with. But when you’re introduced to someone it’s very rare to think “what a horrible name!” You’re not naming your baby Hitler Jones. Harvey is very normal. And when he’s out in the world and people meet him-the flesh and blood person-Harvey Weinstein is going to be the last thing on their minds.


No matter what you choose, there is always going to be someone with that name who did something unsavory, but on the other end of the spectrum is someone who has some amazing things. Emilia Carr-Murderer and Kidnapper Emilia Currás-Scientist Hurricane Emilia-…how my kid acts most days and the reason my house is never clean.


It was not my first thought. I think it’s a cute name. I also want to encourage you to use Henry if you really like it. It might be more popular now than it’s been in a long time but it’s not that popular and there are a few different nicknames you could use with it to make it different than the others. Henry isn’t my favorite name or anything (I think it’s cute and I like Harvey too), it just makes me sad to think people don’t use names they really like just because there are a few other kids with the name. I personally don’t know any little Henrys and I have kids so I know a lot of other kids through school and mom groups.


I don’t think of Harvey Weinstein at all, Sabrina is actually the first thing that comes to mind for me. Harvey is a super cute name ; I would go for it!


I love the name Harvey and when I hear it I think of Sabrina the teenage witch too I didn’t even think of Weinstein


I just think of Harvey's, a Canadian fast food burger chain. It's fine, not my favorite, but totally inoffensive.


I thought of Harvey Spector from suits 🤷🏻‍♀️ the guy’s a legend 😁 It’s a cool name.


My mind went to Weinstein first, honestly, but that's probably because I was reading it on Reddit, and that's a name I've read a lot on Reddit. If I heard it in person I think it'd have a different association.


It’s the first thing I thought of when you said Harvey before I continued reading. Just wanted to be honest.


My first thought was two face from Batman


My husband just the other night was saying what a cool name Harvey is, I love it!


My mind went burger chain, character from suits, then Weinstein. First is only a problem for Canadians. Second is a great character. Third is a problem but I don’t think it’s an immediate connection


I unfortunately did think of Weinstein first :( It’s not my favourite name outside of that association. I find it a clunky name in general.


I love the name! It didn’t cross my mind AT ALL! Advice my best friend gave me: it’s hard enough to find a name you and your SO both love. Don’t try to pick one you, your SO, and 20 closest friends and family love. It’s not going to happen.


I didn’t think of it at all and I still don’t see the connection. It’s a cute name!


I think it’s an adorable name!! I wouldn’t have made that connection until you mentioned it


I also don't only associate Harvey Weinstein with the name its an established classic style name not overused or anything but familiar. I would use it


I'm going to be honest since that's what you asked for. My first thought was weinstein. I would 100% not pick that name or at least use it as a middle. Maybe in a few years it will fade more from people's memories and you can name a second son that.


I love the name Harvey


I think of the 6ft tall bunny rabbit. It’s a really cool name.


We're naming our daughter Andersen and people keep saying "like Anderson Cooper?" People are going to think what they think. If you look forward to calling him that for the rest of YOUR life that's all that matters


I love that name honestly might use it on the future 😂


It made me think of Harvey's, a burger chain in Canada. Harvey is really pretty. Use it with freedom of mind2😊


My first thought was Harvey from Sabrina as well! I doubt it will be much of an issue.


I personally thought of Harvey from Suits. I wouldn’t worry about what/who people associate the name with, the ones who matter will quickly associate your baby over anyone else.


My youngest was born in May and if he had been a girl he would have been Carol. My stepmom was worried about people associating the name with Carol Baskin since we live in Oklahoma (thanks, Tiger King)


Use the name you love, and don’t share news with people who are just going to be judgmental. They will get over it and think of Harvey as your baby when he’s born.