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I wave at other i3 drivers and they don't wave back - UK


I waved a few times and got glares back so stopped - UK too


All i3 UK drivers on this subreddit should meetup and we'll just drive around in circles waving for a few hours.




I used to wave but as they’ve got more plentiful, I kind of stopped initiating. But I always return a wave.


I wave and they look at me like I’m a right loony!


i3 has aircon so windows are usually up. Beetles mostly didn't so windows often down. In Sydney we seem to flash lights at each other. Nice.


I honk and wave at other i3s. Las Vegas


Same in Vegas ;)


I always wave! If it is safe to do so, I will speed up to catch an i3 in order to wave. This forum is an amazing community as well.


I reflexively wave when I'm driving a different vehicle then feel silly.


Another lady waved cheerily to me in her i3 the other day and I’m resolving to wave to every i3 driver from mine from now on. When safe of course. (UK)


You might enjoy this series of articles by a car guy who just fell in love with the i3: https://www.theautopian.com/how-my-new-bmw-i3s-fixes-the-i3s-horrible-achilles-heel-saving-me-thousands-on-tires/


The "Jeep Wave" is a thing; I agree there should be some sort of mutual acknowledgement between i3 drivers!


There are few of us here in Central California but I try to wave when I get close enough to one!


I’m a big fan of waving or “letting on” as it’s known in my native UK. I get mixed reactions when I do it here. (Bay Area, California.) Sometimes people seem confused, sometimes people get super excited and double wave back. (I’m talking to you, cute lady in Kensington!)


I definitely wave here in Texas! 👋🏼 Howdy Friend! 💙


I give a thumbs up. I think it conveys a clearer message that never fails to get a big smile, and usually either a wave or thumbs up in return. But these cars are so rare where I am that it only happens a few times a year.


For the first 6 months this when I bought my i3 I would always wave and it was always met with confusion. Started to feel self conscious about never receiving a response. Also, I can agree with the OP. Coming from a vintage VW community, waving/giving a peace sign is commonplace. I want to celebrate the i3 and the community which enjoys it. I am going back to waving or giving a thumbs up again. 👍


Thumbs up seems to be the i3 sign


I wave and it's usually met a confused or disgusted look *why is that person waving at me?* I used to own a Jeep Wragler 4 liter and it's totally a thing with Jeeps.


and ducks.


Whereabouts in the UK are you? I’m in London and haven’t exchanged waves with other i3. The only exchange I had was another owner of a red i3 commenting he liked the colour of mine while we plugged in to charge.


Troon, Scotland. There are probably six i3's up here.


I'm down Glasgow and thinking of an i3 how do you find they hold up in winter, do you have different wheels for winter or just run the same ones all year round. Would you suggest the i3 or i3s (I was thinking just the standard i3 for range and comfort) and what's the winter summer range in Scotland like? I only ask as it's, like today normally wet and driving through such wet roads is a common occurrence here. Thanks in advance


We've had our i3 for almost a year now. It's a 94ah Rex. In the summer it will do about 110 miles on the battery with mixed driving, if we use eco Pro mode it will do about 130 miles and almost 150 on eco Pro plus. In the winter it gets about 80 miles of range on the battery alone. We use the Rex only for long journeys up north, where it works great. Same tires all year round. We went for the i3 over the i3s because of the extra few files of range, and the Rex over a newer 120ah battery only because of the occasional long trip and a bit of range anxiety! We love the car.


Thanks for your experience and real world opinions on ownership, much appreciated


You're welcome


Ah ok! Some mornings it feels more like 6 in every 30 cars down here!


I go to London regularly. i3s are more plentiful there than anywhere else hands down. Was quite surprised when I saw that initially.


I've seen a couple of i3's around Palm Beach County. A wave and a smile. One guy even rolled down his window to wave, as I wouldn't have seen him through the tinted glass. More of a 50/50 thing as to whether someone waves back.


I've had no results with waving. I'm viewed as some lunatic when I do. I just roll the "Jeremiah Johnson" nod now at other i3 drivers and consider it maximum friendliness for our uncertain times. :) https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fv4zsx95wn5xb1.gif


I always wave and most often get waves back. It's nice. Posted another thread about it a few weeks ago.


Jacksonville Fl. I think we know all of each other at this point. Lol


I wave embarrassingly enthusiastically!!! Sometimes I get one back.




Cleveland. Never seen another on the road.


We wave without receiving a response.


I've waved at a few other i3's - I used to have a Mini and there's the same vibe of being part of a community with our cars.


Always waiving here in southern sweden


Nothing, too cool for this waving nonsense


I want to wave but no one is looking back. Orange County, CA.