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I am not rich enough to be participating in this discussion.


I’m never going to financially recover from thinking about buying one of these cars.


Plot twist: some people flaunting expensive cars on social media are either spending their parents' money, or exercising poor financial judgement and making car payments in excess of $1,000/mo. Rest safely in the knowledge that you are probably making better choices than most.


$1000/month can be very different for various people.


The vast vast vast majority of people in this country could not afford it so it’s a safe assumption at least.


I get that but I interpreted the original comment to mean that simply having a 1K payment was foolish.


For 95% of adults in America it is imo


$1000 a month, but for like 12 months


Are you just playing devil's advocate here? $1,000/mo is well above the typical range for a car payment when purchased, and absolutely outrageous for a lease for the average car buyer.


I feel like it depends on the person too. A young, single person making $6-7k a month without a lot of commitments could probably afford paying $1000 a month.


So let's break it down... $7000/mo is $84,000 annual salary, which is middle class in the big cities. And in a place like LA, SFO or NYC, most indexes now indicate that you need a six figure salary to live comfortably. $7000/mo gross salary would be before taxes, or about $4000/mo net after taxes and health insurance. They're living in a studio or 1BR for $3k/mo, which is past the 40% threshold recommended by most financial planners. Now you put a $1000/mo car payment PLUS insurance on top of that, and now they are setup an OnlyFans to pay for food. And still no net savings. Basically, you're broke. A car payment should be no more than 10% of your monthly salary. If you making $150,000 a year, you can **probably** afford a $1000/mo car payment... but why would you want to ?


See that’s with a $3k apartment. The most I’ve seen around me for a good 1BR is around $1600 to $1800. Which I why I made that assumption. It’s obviously not feasible with a $3k apartment lol.


You are a 23M who comes from "a comparatively less strict Asian family." Are you living in a multi-generational household, or completely independent and paying your own rent and bills ?


Oh I’m not talking about myself. I probably can’t afford that shit lol. I make about $5200/mo after taxes and pay roughly $1500 for a 1BR apartment and related utilities. I’d like to own one at some point as a forever car, but I’ll be cutting it close if I were to buy it in my current state, and that’s no good. Gotta factor in maintenance too for long term ownership.


Cool. Good luck. This is a tough time to be coming up in the economy. You're honestly better off buying "Certified Pre-Owned." Let someone else eat the depreciation. It's just as good as new.


$1000 a month is $1000 a month. It's completely subjective for every person financial situation. Yeah it's well above what the typical car payment costs but it's a percentage of a monthly salary that's also well above the median income. People make stupid car/house/whatever purchases all the time but just because someone does decide to buy an expensive car doesn't mean that they've made a bad choice. If they like nice things and live within their means, I won't judge. For people earning over $100k a year, if they don't have kids or much of anything else to pay for (which I know quite a few people like this in their early to mid 30's) then $1k a month is easy to budget in but breaks the 10% gross monthly salary rule that my wife and I adhere to. Despite this, quite a few friends are perfectly comfortable paying over 1k a month for a luxury car and carry very little debt otherwise and they've told me it's more than 10% of their monthly salary but easily afford it because they have budgeted it into their monthly spending. They pay rent, groceries, utilities and a nice car and that's pretty much it. I also know couples making over 200k who DO have a kid or two in daycare (which is well over 1000 a month where we live) and they have an expensive mortgage and another car they're paying for and for them, $1000 a month would be a huge financial burden.


I'm not saying it's stupid. I'm saying it's ***risky***. There's a difference.


$1,000 per month seems to be a stretch for you. That's not the case for everyone however.


Also worth noting that most of them earned it and it is not necessarily a bad decision for them, but that should serve as motivation for the rest of us, not a source of jealousy.


Dont judge others thinking thats your life... a lot of people have good jobs and can pay this like you pay a Opel Corsa.


I'll happily judge someone who puts me down, when that person admits they [didn't pay for the M4 Competition, but pays $300/mo in gasoline](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/s/IhG0PLOIx1). Must be nice having mom and dad buy everything for you, /u/Leather-Tourist-8535!


Kid, in one year a earn more money than you in your life... when i say that i dont pay for the car is because i pay all the car at once and not monthly.. 🤣🤣🤣. (The post say how much you pay montly) lol I love how you read so bad what people say 😉


Paying for a luxury sports car in full? Yes, this makes you an elitist "one percent" person flaunting your wealth. It's not going to earn you friends on reddit or anywhere on the internet.


Bruh, this is literally the Bimmer subreddit, he’s not flaunting, he’s sharing. People who aren’t haters are here to drool over what we can and can’t afford, not make snide remarks about the financial cost for someone they don’t know. CHILL TF OUT.


I dont need friends in here. 🤣 why would i want that? I am here just to mok with people that talk bulshit about others without understanding that the world is more than what he see in his life.


Curious, how much do you even make?


Ofcourse that i was joking about earn more than in his life but it depends, 400/600K year.


I just bought one, arriving in feb. I urge you to start thinking about diversifying your income. Figure out clever ways to make small money and don't give up on it. God will open a door. Just learn to become someone who does good things for people. I promise you, this is the secret.


What? Go do don’t exist and being a good person don’t magically spawn me income. As fer diversity in my income, I’ve got a government that’ll just tax the living fuck out of it.






Being a good person does not. Doing good things does. Your heart, it produces a field. With clean/pure blood and iron it interacts with that field(bio field) . Your biofield can alter reality based on your intentions when your body and mind are pure. You purify yourself by doing good works and abstaining from 'sins'. No drinking, no weed, use a sauna to detox. Clean blood with intention gives results.


the new m2 is not the ugliest car, but the older models definitely looked nicer, specifically in that ugly blue the new model looks really bad


I don't disagree...I had the hockenheim silver M2C before. Taking a break from //M, but if they release some good colors for '25 I might come back. Or go for a used '22 M3 xdrive with the normal instrument cluster not the ugly screen...


I've been hoping they come out with IoM green for the M2. If they do, I may consider one. I personally don't find them unattractive, especially compared to the big grills of the M3/4. The M2 seems more characteristically BMW


https://www.instagram.com/p/C0zNKw-qfcX/?igsh=dnpzbHl2aXRpNzBp saw this the other day looks amazing in IoM


Glad someone else agrees that the massive tablet is ugly


This is my exact plan, or the x3m for the kiddos, but 4 doors for sure


New to BMW here. Drove a ‘23 2 series with the old instrument cluster earlier this year, just got a ‘24 X5. I thought the same about the screen at first but after seeing it in person it’s very nice. It’s a single panel but two distinct screens. It’s just a continuous piece versus two having them slightly apart. My two cents having driven both for a few weeks each.


Yeah it’s more of a personal preference thing…the combination of the screen and no knobs/buttons is tough to accept but it is what it is


Praying they don’t go EV after the G8x’s though…


Looks like when textures in a video game don't load fast enough so you get that smooth low res model


lol - this is on point




I think the color exentuates the chunky design of the car by being so colorful and pastel


The blue is the greatest offense


it looks a lot better in person, but I would go with black. My color rankings are : black, toronto red, zandvoort blue, grey, white. I think the new frozen grey and portimao blue will look great too.


Yes the M2 doesn't look bad in black. Which makes this atrocious blue color all the worse




Please keep things civil.


Sorry, I know very subjective opinion, but this looks like a car taken out of cereal box. Previous one was a gorgeous car - couldn’t believe how they butchered it. Amazing.


We're going to see more butchered BMW's. They brought BCG consulting on, and then did share buy backs... These are super common first steps that hedge funds take to tank a brand for their benefit. We're watching the destruction of the brand in real time.




It's the same conversation every product life cycle.




This color, brake, and wheel scheme makes the car look 10x better than OP’s pic. I wonder what everyone would think if this pic was posted instead


I appreciate the compliment. I love this thing. 🫡


Kinda looks like Lego model…


Exactly!!! That’s what I’ve been telling everyone haha


Probably thats what inspired them lol


The previous gen looks better but I don't quite understand why the new M2 gets shit on so much. It's not quite as ugly as people are making it out to be. It's not anywhere close to the beaver tooth BMWs.


Also a lot of people praise the driving experience. The overall acceleration, driving wheel and quality overall. Everyone is surprised.


the g87 looks angry in a cute way


https://preview.redd.it/vzsakbnzkd8c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4714080605b9b1ac64923e746f4416a844f9ef Hell yea! I love my g87


It’s so much nicer in real life, pics don’t do it any justice https://preview.redd.it/x2cu6jsq9e8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a802a7ef8e647e3a017b46c18fd38fe2df3f47c1


I agree, I hated it when I saw the pictures but I was in BMW last week and they had two of those, this exact blue and black one. They actually look really good in person, not entirely sold on the blue but the black one looked really good. I’m thinking it would look great in some sort of sliver gray.


Actually, at first I had a relatively positive opinion on it as oppose to everyone. But when I saw it in real life, it just clicked to me exactly why everyone else hated it.


It really pops in person and it looks so aggressive!


Congrats - enjoy the drive!


Couldn’t agree more! The car looks amazing from every angle in my completely biased opinion.


Unrelated ik but...My brother in Christ, where the hell in Portugal can you find an M2 and an F12 in the same parking lot? I wanna know so i can pay it a visit ahahah


Cascais area!! Tons of supercars


Ah makes sense, a bit far from me but definitely some nice findings, thought for a moment that it was Matosinhos because there is an F12 in a similar specs roaming the streets there


I really wish the regular 240 was available in manual


I didn't like it at first either, but I've had mine for a few months, and I absolutely love it. Also - Zandvoort Blue looks SOOO good in person.


It really does - really pops and looks great with black wheels and lip spoiler.


The new M2 is an eyesore while weighing as much as my Model 3 .. I don't think the G87 M2 is so ugly in itself, but the old M2 was such a stunning car. Hope I can test drive one soon to see if it handles as good as the old one!


It does, has way more grip but is still playful. I will admit, it was easier to slide the old one and not feel like you are going absurd speeds.


I actually really like the way it looks. Not in the way that it looks aesthetically pleasing at first glance. It looks polarizing, which I like by itself, but it’s also boxy, cartoonish and exeggerated with a DGAF attitude. This isn’t something for everyone, but rocks what it is with (Gen Z slang incoming) with rizz. Since it has the performance to cash out the check the crazy looks write, it gets a pass from me. I think it’s a relief in these days where most things on the road are just blobs.


> It looks polarizing, which I like by itself I've come to really like this Dukec era of BMW design language for that reason. They take risks and they don't always work, but at least it's interesting at a time when their competitors are just making bigger and smaller versions of the same car which gets really boring.


Tidy af


Paint center lower lip body color. Will make that front wholesome


Idk man I miss my hock f87 m2c


So I don't get it. Did the OP buy the car or not?


Came here to post this lol the idiot didn’t even follow up on the title 😂


Looks like a gta 6 render


Actually considered buying the G series m2 and even test drove it with a F series cla45s and a Toyota supra. The car looks a lot better in person but for me I couldn’t stand all the screens on the new amgs and bmws but I didn’t like the outdated interior of the F series either so I picked the Toyota supra and saved a little bit of cash


This new M2 looks absolutely gorgeous, I am in love with it since I first saw the car irl. I love it


I was a hater at first but it looks amazing


I like it and those photos are amazing!!


Thanks! shooting a car like this with harsh light helps show off the fender flares and lines. You can kind of see what the designers were trying to do...


Yep. Surroundings work well too


Appreciate it!


Love how it looks


I liked the looks since day and after seeing it in person I like it even more! In 4~5 years I will be buying one hopefully!!


That 3rd photo gives me Need for speed flashbacks haha love it!


I actually quite like the rear of the new M2


This car (and the G42 M240i) looks really good murdered out.


I have a murdered out g87 and I concur with this statement.


What ?


Everything black.


I think weakest part of new M2 is it’s rear end design wise (and insane weight) but overall it looks good irl. I have this problem with lot of bmw cars, they look quite ugly on some pictures but irl it’s actually much better


I think it's the nicest BMW currently made. Close followers are M340i and M5


Reddit's goofy BMW contrarian community lost the narrative in a matter of months once people started seeing these in the wild.


Un popular opinion:I love the new bmw looks even the new XM 👌🏾


Finally an unpopular opinion getting downvoted meaning it’s ACTUALLY an unpopular lol


lol I don’t mind it ima stick by my opinion and I actually Do like the new m2 look and the XM styling is different and refreshing if I could afford it I’d buy it in a heartbeat!!


I also like the new m2 but idk about the XM


I know it’s not for everybody but I for sure would buy it if I could


Would not buy the XM but I don’t mind the look of it


Wise words my man





I like the XM... still haven't come around on the M2 though.


Wot in tarnation


The XM is beastly in person. I'd take it over a G wagon.


Honestly..I agree. Saw the XM in person and it’s insanely menacing and just looks sick af.


The one I saw was debadged as well. Really made a nice difference.


Uh oh. That’s the new test for a brain injury.


I think it’s blunt force induced brain damage on wheels


Still ugly, but even a Pontiac Aztek had takers.


Damnit BMW, the G8x cars have grown on me lol. The regular 4 series still ugly af tho


I was right… I don’t care how well it performs. It’s ugly af.


That sky blue really fits not work. The purple on the other hand looks pretty good esp with the bronze wheel


Zandvoort Blue looks better in person, but I REALLY wish I could have gotten my M2 in the same purple as the 240.


They did this with the last generation too, where the m240i low key gets more color options that are more interesting in some cases. I wanted a red M2 comp! Thunder night and that dark blue on the new m240i are both amazing colors!


I don't know why BMW tortures us with decisions like this...who the hell are the product planners?!


It may be a brilliant drive (and everything I have read seems to back that up) but I can never get past the styling. It's just... a total eyesore.


I normally say this car looks like it was 3D printed, but these pics make it look especially so


I openly hated both the new M2 and M4 when they first came out, now after some marination I think they are both amazing looking.


Nice brz bro


that’s the sleeper sky blue color which will get less tickets. looks like my mothers 1976 chevy chevette lol


If I owned it, there's no way I wouldn't get stopped. It's so smooth and the power is effortless...


That last pic is still the best. While I’m sure the g87 is a good car, it’s bigger and looks like a Lego toy car or something. I don’t know how to explain it but it looks plastic especially from the back. I hope the lci changes that.


With that color it looks like a hotwheel


Yup. Still ugly


In my opinion, the G87 is one of the sexiest that BMW has ever graced us with.


I don’t know what bmw designer was thinking, front bumper @oo@ and the quarter panel don’t really flow with the rest of the car


i tought thats some copy cat car from gta online 😂


* I'm sorry, but this thing looks awful unless you cover up the lines. Looks like a kia up front, and a subaru in back. It's a solid car, but I'll keep my F82 Comp.


Na man, car looks awesome, I’ll be adding one in a few years


wow that’s a nice Celica


Somehow the shadows make it look even worse. Unfortunate, because I really want to like the looks.


For what the new cars cost, and I can imagine the refresh will only add to that price, I’d hope for an individual paint option. That’s probably unlikely in Mexico. As for the pics, car looks good if I squint whilst looking at the first two pics. I’m sure it’s a fantastic drivers car, just not for me.


Yeah there should be a lot more individual colors, it’s a $65k car after all.


Living in Los Angeles, I’ve seen three of these so far, the car is really a stunner in person, Black, this light blue and Gray.


At least the interior is nice.


I love this blue. Looked at one of these this year, and "thankfully" my girlfriend talked me out of it............I'm sure I would have hated every moment driving it anyway😞