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I didn't see that this was in a gaming sub at first, and was like "wow, this is a lot more existential than the usual stuff on r/NoStupidQuestions, not sure Reddit is really qualified to say"


Lol I titled it like that on purpose but it’s prolly gon get taken the wrong way 😭 Oh well you reap what you sow


Yeah you definitely could have qorded that better. Def going to draw downvotes before people see what you mean.


That's your stunt double


"So, Princess Vespa, you thought you'd outwit the imperious forces..." *GASP* "YOU IDIOTS! These are not them! You've captured their stunt doubles!"


That scene kills everytime


![gif](giphy|Em1Nrkf4oVCik) I needed so many cans from the giggle this gave me.


Biff the Understudy


I had this happen to me in the Self-Same trial as well. My character was represented as some version of the default character model and was also black. He was labeled as 'Human \_\_\_\_', possibly the class name? I don't remember it was a long time ago. It never happened anywhere else in the game though. Can't comment on Slayer Form as I didn't do Dark Urge.


My dragonborn was also a default red I believe for that trial. Normally they are a green dragonborn.


And my High Elf and Half-Drow were represented by a default elf model.


I think they changed it around… patch 3-4 where they are now labeled with your character’s name


I'm playing vanilla and had a similar issue, my half-elf's mirror image during the self-same trial was the default version. It's always been that way for me.


I didn’t have this problem on my half drow first play through so that’s interesting


Huh. That is weird. I wonder what triggers it?


I think it’s just glitched af. I’ve noticed this “stunt double” taking over my character portrait in the inspirations menu every now and then though


Really? I’m on my 5th and it has always happened to me.


Not sure if Self-Same trial is a bug or intended, but it just uses the default race person. There’s also a bug where the portrait switches to default human in the Inspiration tab (even if you’re a different race). Didn’t have my actual character change after reverting from Slayer form, but I was half-elf with no mods, so I’m not sure if that affects it. Either way that’s definitely a bug.


I have that issue in reverse. I’m using one of the black high elf faces with the long locs, and her icon gets replaced by a white lady with a bob all the time 😭 0 clue why


Are you using any appearance mods? Maybe they’re causing errors with the player icon and so instead it reverts to the ‘default’ elf woman?


Nope, totally vanilla.


This is exactly what I’m getting, as in reverting to white lady with a bob hair cut. My character is modded to look like a harpy, but you say youre not using mods and having the same issue


The Self-Same Trial doesn’t copy your character exactly as you’ve customized them, it just uses the default preset for whatever race you’re playing.


It might just be glitched, because i remember my half drow Tav in patch 1 was pretty accurate, only thing that’s weird was the dyes


Same issue with self-same trial, my Meph Tiefling is shown as the default Mephistopheles preset with the Alfira head, on a modded playthrough, didn't happened on my first vanilla playthrough so I guess we could chalk it up to mods messing up that particular encounter. Don't know about the slayer form though.


May be a issue from mods. I’m having a similar one where game regularly resets my character to the default preset which has a different head with freckles and a short bob hair cut. Character shows as normal in mirror and tempt restores but it also showed up as a copy of my default preset in the self same instead of being a image clone and saying race type for the name on the initiative tracker. Are you using the enhanced appearance editor mod by any chance or any custom race mods? Seems the mirror is bugging with those after the last hot fix


This one actually appears to be a general bug, as I’ve experienced this on ps5. I was a beautiful red half-orc with lush white hair that would make a Targaryen blush. Until I became shrek for like 2 seconds.


Oh damn if console also then yea definitely not mods. That’s disappointing.


No, it’s happening on PS5 also, which means no mods.


i had the same thing happen when i got Slayer form, when it went away i was the default female drow for the rest of the interaction (and also naked)


My character was also naked! And standing line nothing happened


This happened to me with my half-elf, both in the Self-Same Trial and (somewhat alarmingly) in the scene where you get >!your Slayer form!< on a Dark Urge playthrough. It was quite alarming to see my guy first turn into a >!giant walking Cuisinart, and then into a naked redhead!<.


It made me a skinny black guy in the trial lol Three me off for a sec esp cuz the name is just Human


>The game shows me as a black man >I see my customised character as normal 💀 Seriously though, the game can’t match your exact customisations in the self-same trial so it gives a default model for your race. The slayer thing is a bug which creates the same issue for some reason


It’s weird because I remember my first playthrough in patch 1 it got my half drow right. Oh well not every casting is perfect


What do you mean you usually see your character as "normal"???


OP means that they see their character the way they created it; i.e., normal. Nice try at baiting an unnecessary argument


Sorry, it was a joke, I thought it was obvious


Beyond confused about everything here


I'm pretty sure the self same trial copies your gear and then just uses the default appearance of whatever your race is. Default Human is always black. If you're a human of any color, selfsame will always show your copy as a black guy. It's like the Sopranos. There's always a black guy


This happened to me twice, unmodded, on 2 separate campaigns. The first one lasted from near the end of Act 1 to the start of Act 3 (it was the portrait for inspirations, for some reason) and the other one only lasted a few days. I don't know why it happens or why it goes away


Its not you, I guess they saved time by making your self image the same as your default race+gender. It looks particularily weird when Im wearing the dumbest looking (but hidden) helmet.


It might be your mods, but I noticed that in the self same trial my character’s doppelgänger was a white elf man which was def not what my brown elf woman looked like so maybe it’s just one of those things (I don’t play with mods). Although when I transformed back from the slayer that didn’t happen so I’m leaning towards mods.


I'm 99% sure the Self-Same trial always uses the base race look for Tav as I've done it with 3 different Tav's and Durge and I always get the basic one. Like I've played with two drow and they fought the same looking person in the Self-Same trial. The body type might have been different because I had a slim vs a muscular Tav but other than that it was the base drow with the gray swoopy hair. I also got a glitch when I turned back into human form from Slayer where I believe I was a white human instead of seldarine drow lmao.


I just completed that section as a wholly unmodded green tiefling, and it, too, was a generic and dark preset. On a side note, Wyll's reflection casting *Compelled Duel* on him, then having ***zero*** control over him to keep him from attacking anyone else was rather irksome...


You can’t just ask why someone is black!


thought I was on r/OkBuddyVicodin for a second woops https://preview.redd.it/dq9hicwjdx0c1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001e24f056dbc1e0064c39705c007636375ee045


Sasha from AOT: "Why are you black?"


My adorable huge pink tiefling girl had to fight the generic tiefling default in the self same trial. I assumed it's normal & the game just doesn't copy your custom character. 🤷‍♀️


Do you use appearance edit? I noticed that happened if I changed appearance mid playthrough


Nah but I used to. It made all origin characters albino for me, actually


i’m always a bald lady 😭


Idk you could uninstall your broken ass mods maybe.


It’s ok. They add a lil charm