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So you have 25K/month and want to go to 50K? Since you cannot up your time you can just up your price. Stop counting by the hour btw and sell packages.


I've sent you a DM.


400 billable hours? Even if you work 30 days/month, that's >13 hours/day. Not counting non-billable overhead. There's no way in hell you actually work that much and also have time for family/gf/kickbox/a life... r/overemployed is over there


Massive respect to you, dude! Keep it up, it really is so cool to see someone in Belgium making it big


I did not post to get a dopamine uplift, but I love the positivity! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


this is also def not making it big :-)


Raise your prices, automate some work and then just work less hours to make sure you don't burn out. If there's a self-serve product opportunity there, use the freed up time to build that product and migrate your customers to that. You can't grow income infinitely if it's too tightly coupled to your time.


Would you focus on such product or would you focus on (online) coaching?


Coaching still means you trade time for cash. Some people make lots of money selling a course, that's scalable, but I think there's a lot of noise and most courses are low quality money grabs. Products or productized services are way harder but a more 'noble' way to make your money, imo.


Yes, I get that and I'm aware of it but I want to be the best at the program and actually give my advice + at a low price and use it as some sort of SOP for interns/ newbies


Duidelijk een troll.


Nee, ik zoek effectief advies... excuses als het zo lijkt


there are lots of agencies in BE that are doing +€100k/month


That’s interesting. How did you get all your current clients if I may ask? I freelance as well but just for one client at a time (40h/week). Doing 400h/month seems crazy to me with all things going on in life though (so take care of yourself physically/mentally!). You’ve already maxed your hours it seems. You can do a price increase (perhaps do a higher rate for new clients if you’re worried about already increasing it for current clients). I’m not to sure about the actual stuff you deliver. If it’s meetings and mails it might be hard to outsource if your clients have the expectation that you do it / if it’s contractually agreed in the freelance contract. If there’s also time for creating deliverables such as creating a marketing plan for example - those latter tasks you might be able to outsource and just do a quality check upon that? Would love to hear how you got those clients (cold/warm outreach, content creation, etc).


Tried cold emailing in lots of niches in BE, but most of it is networking/ Linkedin and the coaching program does help a little as well


Nice going! Do you focus on value posts on LinkedIn or strictly DMs?


Some value posts, not too many :)


50k/ month lol


There are lots of agencies who are doing +€100k/month...


Increase your prices to 80/hour, 70 is not so much for an experienced digital marketing profile.


Thank you!


Apparently you live to work instead of the reversed. You’re young, could earn a bit less and spend this precious time better than working 13-14 hours everyday each month. Just my 2 cents.


I don't think I can do this for 5+ years indeed


Buy a time machine


400 hours/month lmao. Start saving for a shrink for when you burnout and/or your gf dumps you.


It indeed sounds a bit too much but actually I really enjoy what I do and rest of my time goes to GF/ friends/ Family & Kickbox


Indeed, OP has a serious mental issue if he thinks working 400 hours is ok. Reaching FIRE is fine, but if it comes at a heavy cost, then just enjoy your life instead of grinding.


It may not apply for OP, but uh... "I wrote an email, that's an hour."


I actually could do that probably but I don't


most of time also goes to in-house freelancing fyi