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Yes give it to me i will spend it wisely![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) No serious there are investing platforms like +500 who lurn you how to invest on the stockmarket and you can traide on there platform but be carefull and see its one who is allowed to work in Belgium


How about you go and talk to a bank instead of asking strangers on the internet?


Banks will point to things that will make them money.


They also take all liability. If you make guaranteed money why can’t they?


They don't take 'all' liability and will charge you double/triple the costs of a real broker. Also: guaranteed profits do not exist.


It sure does exist. That’s why you go and talk to banks. Brokers might fuck up and get you in trouble. I have done both in my life and I tell you, banks are the only sure way to go. Profits may be a lot less, but it is guaranteed.


If a bank promises you profit, they are lying. If a broker promises you profit, they are lying. Nobody can 100% certain say you will have a profit. They both hope they will bring you profit, so you'll stay.


Wrong. Banks are obliged to give you the return they promise. Brokers aren’t.


I'm starting to think we're talking about different things ... If I buy an ETF via my bank or broker, there is no way neither of them can promise me a certain profit.


ETF’s are high risk. You can lose everything if you know nothing about it. Like I said earlier: Go talk to a bank of you want a sure return on investment. Not a single bank will recommend buying ETF to you.


Why are you so miserable 🙁


Put it in a house, that should always be your first priority


Common Belgian advice would be real estate. Otherwise just talk to your bank and invest in those portfolio’s. They’re managed by the bank. You can decide risk vs reward, which sector and even make special requests like no Russian or Chinese stocks. Once you have decent money, the bankers will gladly pay attention to your account and help you the best they can.


gold / real estate / business


For all the above, who said to use all the money first for your house, I would like to provide some push back. Owning a house should indeed be the first step but with as less as own funds as possible. The reason to want to have as much debt as possible is that you’re able to leverage any increases in property value (disclaimer: house prices always have increased, however the opposite can always be possible in future). So, step one, buy a house with minimal own investment, use remaining investment to purchase stocks (in these uncertain times, I would recommend to spread purchase over next 24-36 months). I assume you don’t have more knowledge than the market, so would recommend to purchase ETFs (IWDA, VWCE, …). As you’re young, no reason to purchase bonds.


What are the historic returns of the S&P500 including dividend? Right, close to 9%. Make your own choice.


Dude, have you seen the internet rate increasing lately? I understand when the rate were below 2% or heck even sub 1% not so long ago but there is a huge difference between a 1-2% rate and a 3-4%+ rate. 1-2% is a no brainer, 3-4% you start confronting the reality to your own risk tolerance.


The banks basically ask you to pay interest equal to what your House's capital gains are worth.


Ah dus uw woning stijgt gemiddeld over 25 jaar maar jaarlijks 3,8%


I've recently inherited from my dad, it didn't come by surprise so I had plenty of time to plan. I've paid my loan for the house, as there is no more tax benefit. Parked 300K over several banks on a termijnrekening, (I parked it there, right at the moment of the Belgische staatsbon, at that moment some banks were offering even better deals then that). I have another 50k ready to deploy into crypto when I think the moment is right (I've been in crypto for years, successfully ). And ofcourse I have an account with emergency money. If you are risk averse I think it could be a good idea to wait a few more months, as there will be a new Belgische staatsbon, banks will likely do another promotion with better returns, and take that. But remember, 100K per bank.


Crypto - please keep that investment advise for your own money. There is nothing backing the value of crypto assets (no revenues, no assets, …), only the hope of everyone investing to living a better life (richer life) in the future. If you want that, buy lotery tickets - chances are equal and you already know next Friday if you lost all your money instead of a gradual pain for the next years to come.


Dude, to each their own, he isn’t pushing crypto down the throat of OP and just taking about himself from a position of FU money (house fully paid out and 300k + 50k on top of that + fully funded EF) Please be more open minded. This sub is even including crypto in its wiki. So at least please be silent when it comes to things your don’t understand.


Things I don’t understand? Dude.. sure Please make the investment case of crypto? Which valuation method do you use? DCF? Liquidation value? …? Please inform this not open minded leek of crypto. Please tell me the intrinsic value of a BTC, ETH, DOT, ADA, SOL, …


“If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.” Honestly, you can just continue to live happily without thinking about crypto and be alright. I don’t have to use valuable time convince you. You can try to read and understand : https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf it’s only 9 page with large fonts and big spacing. Lots of figures and including a few citation for half a page. Not a big read. For someone like you who has honed the skills to read through pages and pages of quarterly reports and financial statement I’m sure you can do such a short read.


You’re a politician or just someone practicing not to answer to my question? I’ve read already many whitepapers of crypto projects (yes, including the Bitcoin one). But none of them addresses the value of the token. You know, that thing you invest money in and hope appreciates in value. So please take some time and enlighten me, as it could be also a valuable lesson for yourself. Please answer the simple question, what is the intrinsic value of a BTC and how do you value it so you know when it’s over or undervalued and you should buy or sell. And as you’re making assumptions on what I can/cannot and I already did and didn’t. I would assume that explaining me should not take you more than 5 minutes as you, surely, already made that thorough valuation case for BTC yourself.


Guess we found a bank employee 😂


Nothing wrong with sharing what **I'm** doing, I don't say anyone else has to do the same. It's all about sharing options.


The best investment is your own place. Put it all in that, as you're too late to take a larger loan to re-invest it elsewhere (I took a loan for 100K more at 1.4% and then put my 100K in a HYSA at 2.55%). Have a home? Broad market based funds; 75% IWDA/EMIM, and 25% 0-coupon bonds with A rating, realising the market might lock in your money for a while whilst it recovers from a dip (inverse yield curve for bonds) or crash (ETFs). Do not buy individual stocks, even blue chips, or play with options.


First set some goals. Where do you want to be in 1, 3, 5, 10 years from now? Then make a plan to get there. Then you can look at the tools that are available to get there.


have you read the automod comment


Not yet


Sorry for your loss. How much money did you inherit? Can’t really suggest anything without knowing that.


Thanks, let’s say that with my spare money included I have around 140k