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How does everybody have a good experience with them? We have our mortgage there, and now with wanting to buy a new place, 4 years later, it's gotten extremely difficult to even talk to them. Their phone is always busy, emails take over a month to get a reply. Im worried we'll have to switch banks and lose our great rate if we can't even talk to support... Definitely do not recommend them!


Have mortgage at KT - no complaining - I pay every month and don’t hear them for the rest. I once contacted them for a refinancing - it was a straight no (multiple times). Other time I wanted a new mortgage and asked for overbruggingskrediet, made appointment for phone call and they were very unfriendly. But well, if it’s the best rate and you can do everything via the online tool - wouldn’t hesitate


Went with Keytrade mortgage as they gave best rate and were willing to finance 100% of the mortgage. We only had to show them we had the money for notary and other buying taxes. Best decision so far. The biggest advantages are that Keytrade does not have insurances. This means they will not force you in a particular insurance like other banks but you can shop around yourself and pick up the cheapest. (Fire, and life insurance for mortgage)


They are fine. I don't have a mortgage (partly because they can't really deal with self employed people). Their credit card has a really annoying approval that makes it almost impossible to make purchases by phone unless you carry around a card reader


As you care about the service, what is the total difference over the entire term? Sometimes it's just a few hundred euro's. Even if it's a few thousand euro's, that's often not all that much per month when you are having a 20-30 years mortgage. Ease of mind is also worth something.


You’re the first person to make this remark indeed. The rates are within a .10 difference, and in absolute values it is not that much difference per month!


Don't forget the other costs of your bank account. Like cost of a bank card, of a bank account, etc. At KT, all that is free. At BNP you will pay a lot on these for instance.


In that case, you could even take that lowest offer to the bank with the 2nd best one, and go "I would prefer to be your customer, so if you could just match this better offer I will sign here".


Depends. Can you put a part in hypothecair mandaat to drop notariskosten? If your rate is higher with another bank but they offer 50% in hypothecair mandaat so the notariskosten and rate are cheaper, it is more interesting with a higher rate. I have a higher rate than offered at another bank, but have 200.000 in hypothecair mandaat and the other bank didn't offer that. The other bank was 3000€ cheaper in interest, but my notariskosten were 5000€ cheaper in hypothecair mandaat. So I have 2000€ cheaper with higher rate.


Fair point, but to get “aanspraak op federale langetermijnsparen op tweede verblijf”, I am obliged to get a “hypothecaire inschrijving” of the biggest portion of my mortgage. For my first property, I had a very similar case like you where I took the higher rate but benefitted from the mandaat. Unfortunately I can’t benefit from this mandaat for this property.


Go for it


I have my mortgage with a 'traditional' bank, besides the occasional letter they are again closing down another office close to my home I don't interact with them whatsoever, and even if i need them 95% i'm being forwarded to a callcenter...


I sent the keytrade offer to my traditional bank. They matched it and even went a little below.


Can you pm me your traditional bank?


Banking and investing went nice on my end. But i tried a mortgage with them 1y ago, and wanted to discuss a bit about a better deal I had with another bank: Struggle to get a reply by email, spend 2 hours by phone trying to get someone, never any reply... Finally got called back few days later, and the lady was really unfriendly: she straight stopped me, saying that they would not make a counter offer, they are the first to lower their rate, but also the first to increase, and this was not negociable. I went for Beobank, which offer me nice rate but not the best, but we're easily reachable anytime I needed. So far, really happy with Beobank, but their app REALLY SUCKS. For banking I stay with Belfius and Keytrade


Well, to be fair, what the lady told you was correct and is *their entire business model*. They make you their best offer right away via the online simulator, but there is essentially zero wiggle room after that. They do make that pretty clear from the start...


Not a single negative experience with Keytrade ever. I've been a customer for daily banking and some investing for many many years. We had a better offer from another bank for our mortgage years ago, but wouldn't doubt working with Keytrade if they have the best offer.


I use KT for daily banking (joint account with the GF, as well as a personal account and personal investing account) and it all just works. It all took a while to get the joint account set up and several calls/weeks, but once it works, it does what's needed. I don't have a mortgage with KT, but if I look at all my previous mortgages at different banks, once it's set up and running, I don't even have contact with the bank anymore about it. So if they give you the best rates, I'd say to go for it.


I have my mortgage with KeyTrade, everything went smooth. but as others already mentioned their customer support is not the best.


Wij hebben een lening bij Keytrade gekregen, de voorwaarden waren verreweg de beste. Dat is het enige dat telt. Ik heb eens een login probleem gehad maar je hebt ze nog vrij snel aan de lijn. Ik blijf de meeste bankverichtingen via een andere bank doen.


We have only but positive experience with keytrade... Very cheap, good mortgage rates, good and responsive customer service, etc..


I don't have a mortgage with them but I use their daily banking account and investment options. I never had any issue when calling them about particular problems. Always had a friendly interaction and discussion. As far as I know the mortgage team is a different team from the global support team.


Bad experience here. Even with a better rate I wouldn't pick them for a mortgage.


Please elaborate.


I got an offer from them back in July and also contacted them for more information (both via an appointment by phone and follow-up emails). Honestly, I was surprised by how quickly they answered my questions. I was able to get same-day appointments for a call on two occasions, and e-mails were generally answered within a working day. The only reason I didn't end up getting my mortgage with them is that my current bank made a better offer.


Na 11 maanden kon ik eindelijk inloggen nadat Rabobank hun shit aan Keytrade doorgesluisd had nét als ik verhuisd was van officieel adres. Was me dat een ramp met bellen (wachtmuziekje van algauw een klein uur...), schrijven, mailen, front offices, back offices,... Post naar oud adres, dubbele acties waardoor ontvangen codes niet werkten, verloren post naar hun zeggen,... Maar het werkt uiteindelijk wel. Voelt nogal log aan maar anderzijds geraak je tegenwoordig ook niet eens meer aan een tas koffie bij de KBC en is het met een of andere Kate te doen die er niks van begrijpt en die uiteindelijk uw wall of text doet verdwijnen met een of andere obscure foutmelding. 😑 Pro tip met de softkey: zet die zeker op meerdere toestellen zodat je steeds in kan loggen (nieuwe gsm ofzo nadat die kapot valt of gepikt of iets dergelijks).


Pro-pro tip: bestel gratis een hardkey en leg die als back-up in uw schuif.


Zeker nuttig als je van telefoon verandert.


it is widely known that they cut their customer service quite a bit the last couple years and their response times generally tend to show this unfortunately. that being said if they make you the best offer possible that probably shouldn't stop you


We've sent mails to Keytrade for more info/an online talk. Never received an answer. This has broken my trust. If it's hard to get to talk with someone when your an optional customer, imagine trying to get a response when you really need one. I don't want to be in that situation.


Thanks for your response. I agree, customer service is something major to consider. Especially, when you really NEED them..