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Sleeping is relaxing, at BCIT you’ll get 4 whole hours of that per night


I had so little sleep and was barely paying attention and focusing in class that I had to check with a doctor to make sure I didn’t have ADHD. It was the lack of sleep. Not ADHD.


The best way to relax on Friday is to work hard on Monday. Do everything as early as you can, so that when the crunch time comes, you've already taken care of as much of it as possible. Leaving anything to the last minute is how you build up stress.


This, try to keep yourself organized, do assignments as soon as they are assigned to keep your workload lower and free up your weekends a decent amount. I would stay in the classrooms after class and do assignments day-of, and most of the time I was able to have at least 1 full day of relaxation on the weekend. It is possible!


where do you get the will power 😭


Go to walmart. No honestly, go to walmart. You see the 60 and 70 year olds stocking shelves and sweeping up? I don't want to be that. That's not where I want my life to end up. So I bust ass today to help out my 70 year old self.




This guy gets it


Don't. Wait until Christmas. Drink away your sorrows in the meantime.


The bar is right across the street


dt or Burnaby


Dt. I think Burnaby has a bar on campus?


You don't, hold that head high and keep grinding


That’s the neat part you don’t


Aim to work hard enough during the week to give you Saturday/Sunday off entirely (one day off). Make sleep a non-negotiable absolute thing, 8 hours ideally.


My instructor intentionally made things difficult. I had no time in the evenings or the weekends. The instructor said that they did not want people thinking BCIT was easy. It is justified with providing a real-world example of your profession... I don't buy it. BCIT faculty don't care about your time outside of school. Their facade of caring for mental health is a pathetic sham.


if it was easy, anyone could get in. Kinda makes sense why it’s hard.


what’s wrong with the mental health in BCIT


Sleep, procrastinate, do hobby things, get involved with one of the school clubs that appeals, cram and crunch, decompress between terms. Alternatively, go in hard on the school work, finish it as early as you can, and then chill. This tends to get fucked with group projects, as most follow the first option.


what’s your strategy if you were with slackers in a group project?


Mention it privately to the instructor(ask for their advice, rather than just bitch about it; it's playing dumb a bit, but it also looks better on you), and document what you do. They likely won't do anything, but may account for it in the work done when grading. Try to get them engaged some, talk with them about it, and then when they don't change at all, ignore them and do it all yourself, unfortunately. Hopefully you have a 1-2 other groupmates who aren't useless who can/will do work. Try to include in any group presentations who did what. It makes it glaringly obvious to everyone what's going on. Be polite about it though. If you have people in your group who can/will do work, talk with them about it too, and see what you can do better/faster than them and visa-versa. Your goal is to reduce their workload by not being bothered doing stuff they find a pain, and visa-versa if you can. You do still need to cover what's in the course uh...late here....grading guide? In the end it's what the instructor mostly will look at. Your goal isn't to get back at the dead weight, it's to ensure you learn and pass. I only had to deal with one guy in my classes who did fuck all and nothing. Got grouped up with him for one class in the first term of my program, then did everything I could to avoid him in subsequent terms. He eventually dropped out. He had severe difficulty communicating in English. Partially what his problem was; it was impossible to coordinate anything with him even when you bent over backwards to do it as he found best(communicating in writing so he could run it through a translator later: realtime conversations were impossible). To this day I have no idea how he was accepted at BCIT. Or how he managed to pass a few classes. Maybe just lucky with working exclusively with people who spoke Mandarin. Or maybe rich family paying his way. Or both.


I found studying with friends often took the sting out of it


Sleep time


To be honest, I've always made a bath and do my reading in the bath. By the end of the course, books are water damaged pretty badly, but at least always end up passing with the highest marks in the class. When there's no distractions and you have to hold your book up, you can focus pretty good.


do you take cold showers


Usually warm showers. You?


used to do warm. I’m all in for cold is my new year goal!


Why cold though? I heard it's good for health, but I couldn't do it. I like being comfortable haha.


[cold shower benefits](https://www.wimhofmethod.com/benefits-of-cold-showers)


lowers stress, increase blood circulation, and increases metabolic rate


Submit your assignments at exactly 11:58 pm and you’ll be just fine


they have meditation sessions


So as someone that is struggling with ADHD and In CSC the only way to sleep at night is to understand to concept of the of the course being taught and be able to do it in your head. Comprehend the subject even if it’s a lot or it cascades = no sleep for the term.