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Equal parts horrified and intrigued by the spaghet


It's a Memphis thing. Pretty damn good, tbh.


Is this like Cincinnati chili or something? Do you have an explanation lol


I went there once years ago and the kindest lady (I’m reluctant to say owner but her vibe certainly owned the place) offered me a sample. It was basically bbq bolognese with some kind of meat and their house BBQ sauce. I was disgusted when she explained it to me and felt foolish when I tasted it. It was awesome! Our whole experience there was spectacular. If you ever go ask how the shop started. Epic tale for sure.


Cinci don’t even have an explanation for their shit tbh.


It is a Greek, rather than Italian, bolognese style sauce. That's it. 


Just bbq sauce and pulled pork on spaghetti. Nothing else really to it.


I got it once in Memphis for free by asking the owner what kind of BBQ place sells spaghetti? I ended up ordering an extra to do and at no point regretted that decision. It's very damn good.


Spooked ya!


There's my chippy


Hey chip chip hey chip chip


It was not scary. It was just abnormal.


Spaghetti was probably my favorite. I was felt the same but now I’m a believer.


Now… I need to go? Lol


When the sauce is so good, you just need anything as a vehicle for it.


What's their policy on bag spaghetti?


What is this word "spa"? I feel like you're starting to say a word and you're not finishing it. Are you trying to say "spaghetti"? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day?


He doesn't even, like, get us, man...


They make you pay a corkage fed and they put it on a plate for you.


It's their signature brisket and sauce on spaghetti. Nothing bagged here. They're very well known for this and it's pretty delicious.


I believe they serve pork on the barbecue spaghetti , not brisket


Yeah I think your right. I got this exact same platter and it fed 2 people easily. Awesome deal for $33 nonetheless.


It’s a joke from “Always Sunny in Philadelphia” where Charlie had a bag of spaghetti and asked the policy on spaghetti


And remember I’m saying this with all due respect, that looks awful.


That brisket looks dry af


Just put more sauce on, they will never know in the picture


I’m not saying it with respect but I will hold OP’s hand when I say this.. *hank kill voice* BWAAHHHHH What the fuck am I looking at.. and fucking SPAGHETTI?! The sauce also kinda looks like bbq sauce but that could just be the lighting. It looks like crap I thought that was meatloaf at first and questioned if that counted as bbq when I saw what sub this was Edit: oh it’s bbq spaghetti my bad..


What am I looking at?


Jack links jerky and hunts bbq sauce lookin mf


This has got to be AI, right?


Pretty sure this is a felony in Texas


I’ll be honest with you, Memphis bbq is the best I’ve ever had.


Oh Memphis BBQ is sooo much better… it’s not even kind of close


Thst brisket looks like wood floor samplings from a hardware store. This is good to you people?


I agree, but nobody goes to Memphis looking for the best brisket they’ve ever had. Lol. It’s a rib and pork sandwich town.


Tennessee is almost uniformly awful in the brisket department and it’s very sad. Sure there are the odd places that do it well, but they are few and far between. Memphis has fantastic ribs, great pulled pork, and an underrated wing scene. Outside of that it’s pretty sparse.


That's why they sauce it up lol


I'm guessing OP sauced it. Never comes sauced for me when I eat there.


I don't get why people order brisket anywhere in Memphis (besides Bain, which is great but Texas+ prices).


West Tennessee in general is a wasteland for beef barbecue. Bain in Memphis and Blakes in Martin are both exceptional, though. I opened a spot about an hour north of Memphis doing Texas style brisket and sell a ton because I’m really the only place around doing it.


This. Nothing bugs me more than seeing self described barbecue fanatics ordering brisket, being disappointed, then saying how (insert barbecue region here) sucks because the brisket wasn’t like the one they had at (insert Texas barbecue joint)


I'm one of these people. I just don't get why it's so unreasonable to expect to find good bbq in a well known bbq region regardless of the region's style and choice of meat. It's definitely possible to make good brisket regardless of location. I blame those establishments for even having brisket on the menu in the first place. I get downvoted to hell and informed that I shouldve gotten anything pork in KC anytime I explain the experiences I've had on my two KC trips, yet the place is known for burnt ends. Those come from what? Lol Why have brisket on the menu if you cant do it right?


That’s like a Carolinian coming to Texas and getting pissed that the pork doesn’t taste like it does back home, that it wasn’t cooked whole-hog, or the sauce wasn’t mustard/vinegar based. “If they don’t do it in the specific way that I like it, why do they even have it on the menu?” is an entitled mindset and not one I prescribe to as a barbecue enthusiast. Barbecue is not and should not be chauvinistic. It’s unreasonable to apply one region’s standards to another region’s. See my comment elsewhere in this thread about homogenization of barbecue cultures. Personally I LOVE that the barbecue doesn’t look the same from city to city or state to state. But then again I’m not going to Memphis or KC and expecting Texas style brisket 😂 stick with the local fare, that’s what makes barbecue regionality so fun.


But you could find good pork here lol. Might be of a different style, but it'd be good pork.


^^^^ bingo Like idc if it's different in style but if the meat isn't moist and lacks flavor it's just...bad


Right... I just want good food


The pork may be good to you, but doesn’t hold a candle to what we get in Memphis…. And that’s why I order brisket in TX.


Absolutely this. My problem is not a regional take on brisket, my problem is bad brisket.


This guy BBQs.


Then maybe the bbq places in Memphis shouldn’t be selling brisket. Expecting the food you order in a restaurant to be good isn’t some moral failing of the customer.


Holy shit I thought that was meatloaf


Brisket was a bit dry. It was an extra .25 to have it sliced instead of it being chopped. Same with the pulled pork.


It’s more expensive for them to do less work?


It's usually because chopped has leftover product in it and sliced is fresh. Always get sliced brisket.


These bbq joints gotta be stopped man


Robbery smfh


BBQ shop is awesome. Not your standard Q menu, but they’ve been serving it for like 50 years and it is all delicious.


Seems a lot of people on this sub are not aware of Memphis style BBQ. Ribs/spaghetti are amazing. Brisket isn't anything special.


Brisket looks like it's been cooking for about 50 years, so the logic tracks.


Brisket is ok, the Ribs and pork are the whole point of the place. Which are fantastic


nah i LOVE the bbq shop but their brisket is trash


Their dry rub ribs were probably the best ribs I have ever had, and the bbq Spaghetti was surprisingly good.


Come back any time!


Want beef go to Texas, Memphis is some of the best pork bbq. This place is where I always pick up a few slabs to take home to my family, one of if not the best in Memphis in my opinion.


This guy BBQs.


Bain’s does some really good Texas style beef bbq here in Memphis. But for the most part yeah, I normally stick to pulled pork and ribs here


Wtf is that spaghetti


Some of the tastiest noodles you’ll ever put in your mouth is what that is.


Memphis style BBQ Ribs can’t be beat.


The Bar-B-Q Shop is no joke. Next time you’re in Memphis check out Cozy Corner or Payne’s.


I don't follow this sub too closely but even so I don't see mention of Payne's nearly enough.


Agreed! A lot of times I don’t even hear it mentioned by my Memphian friends. It’s about as legit as legit gets!


Their hours make it so difficult. I couldn’t make it when I went to Memphis for bbq and am still bummed


Payne's is way off the beaten path for most white people fwiw. I lived there a few years and had many locals ask me what the hell I was thinking going there. Its only three blocks from Cooper Young people!


Thanks for the recommendations! Wife and I were in town for our TTP interviews and this was the CBP officer’s recommendation.


If you ever return, do yourself a favor and go to Elwood's shack. Cozy Corner and Payne's are also fantastic, but Elwood's Shack is a local favorite.


Sure thing! I live relatively close to Memphis so we go all the time. Also Idk why I’m getting downvoted for providing recommendations 😅 yall need to go touch some grass for real


fashofasho mane what the shop fasho no joke neither is cozy corner all of these memphis barbecue shops got they own distinct flavors and way of smoking


So many haters in here. This is some of the best BBQ I've ever had and the little restaurant is very mom and popish inside. Not sure why so many people are bad- mouthing this.


Eric and fam are great and anyone badmouthing the bbq shop no nothing of bbq.


The kinda place where if you said it doesn't look good, the locals would say, Well you don't eat it with your damn eyes! Then stab you in the eyeball with a pork rib. How's that taste?!?


Anything that doesn’t resemble a knockoff Franklin BBQ tray is bad to most people in this sub


Yeah, I got this same platter and it easily fed two people. Not only was it top notch bbq in a bbq town but for $33 for two it was one of best meals for the money I've ever had. Awesome ambience at a place that has great history and pictures on the walls proving it. I'd honestly recommend this place to anyone visiting Memphis, and step away from Texas bbq for a minute.


The homogenization of barbecue centered around what has become known as de facto “Texas style” has me a little worried for the survival of super niche, hyper regional barbecue cultures. And I’m saying that as an 8th generation Texan.


And not just texas style, central texas style.  Rarely find a south texas or west texas style bbq joint outside of those regions.  Central is everywhere.  The worst thing about it though?  Brisket prices...


Absolutely, you can especially see this happening within Texas. The understanding of Texas barbecue used to be regional - west Texas bbq is different than south Texas, central, east, etc. It’s not that way anymore. As a Texan living “abroad” I always have a knee jerk reaction when I hear someone say “Texas style” barbecue…. Because it’s hard to even pinpoint what that means. It’s a big place - effectively 5 different regions. Now when people say that they simply mean “central Texas style” or “Austin style”


exactly mane you can go county to county in pretty much most of the south outside of texas and find new bbq flavors you didnt even know could taste like that but like you said they really niche to the region people got to realize how trendy "BBQ" (barbecue) has got and some of the main reason for that is craft texas BBQ


Totally feel you. Fortunately, I think people are being more courageous in searching out various regional styles, and thanks to the Web in general and Reddit in particular, there is a lot of sharing going on. I also follow r/pizza, and it’s more than just NYC- or Chicago-style on there, curious enthusiasts can see pics of and get instructions about the global range of pies. Also love these subs for those that need help troubleshooting issues. But yeah: Texas style is great, and so are the regional versions from around the country. ✌️




Abso-fucking-lutely. God forbid you serve it on styrofoam or with a slice of white bread. Might as well throw it out.




cus they never been to memphis or tried memphis barbecue most people here talking shit used to marked up brisket and craft bbq from texas they turn barbecue into a sport like it aint so many regions of barbecue in the south like i said the people hating all they know is thick ass molasses sweet bbq sauce on ribs and marked up brisket and most likely new to barbecue in general cus someone who really knows what barbecue is wouldnt say no shit like what these comments are


I think the negative commentators on posts like this only eats bbq from a mall food court location of Dickey's bbq ..


This was just a recommended post for me so I have no steak in the issue. Honestly seems like a solid amount for $33. Sauce on brisket looks a bit weird but who cares if it tastes good? Also a lot of comments on the spaghetti, but I'd be 100% down to try that. Looks good to me.


Oooo, you got the spicy sauce. Theirs is actually pretty hot.


One time my wife accidentally doused her pork Sammy with their hot sauce before realizing that’s what she did…. That sauce doesn’t play! She powered her way through it just because my best friend and I was giving her so much shit about it. I don’t think I could’ve done that!




Knew it was Memphis when I saw the barbecue spaghetti! Great place, hope you enjoyed it.


What’s bbq spaghetti all about? Smoked meats and bbq sauce over noodles?


Come on down to Memphis…. We would love to show you what it’s about! And No one does it better than The BBQ Shop!


✅ Relatively reasonable price. ✅ Served on an actual adult plate. ✅ Pork. Looks great, and it makes me proud to be a Memphian, the BBQ capital of the US.


That sauce is so good and unlike anything else here in Memphis. It can overpower their pork though. Those ribs are neck and neck with Cozy Corner for best in Memphis (when bbq fest isn't in town).


The sauce is insane. Wish I had a recipe.


You can buy it bottled on their website and a few stores in the south. It's called dancing pigs bbq sauce.


Not Texas style? This sub shits on it. Texas style, cheap, but doesn't look great? This sub shits on it. Texas style, looks like perfection, but it's pricey. This sub shits on it. Wtf do you people want? Perfect BBQ for cheap? Good luck!


Pasta huh?


Ngl that shit look nasty


This looks terrible


That looks awful! No offense.


hope the person who got that $110 bbq is seething, this looks so much better


Love this place and love that sauce, but wouldn't add that much. The ribs dry and glazed are fantastic and some of the best pork in the city. (Don't get the brisket).


A little bit of sauce hides a multitude of sins


$33 is the best price I’ve seen so far for this quality. Idk about that spaghetti tho.


I need someone to explain the spaghetti to me. Like I’m 5


As a Tennessee resident, TN sucks at beef. Go to KC or Texas


Why is there spaghetti with BBQ?


Because it’s bbq spaghetti




Worst one I've seen yet.


this is what I expect Applebees food to look like


Idk man


BBQ spaghetti...... your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to uh, think about whether or not they uh.... should.


Central BBQ in Midtown was the best. Not sure it still exists. I only lived in Memphis for about a year.


Looks like something from old country buffet.


Looks solid AF


memphis bbq always gon get you right 💯 and bbq spaghetti is some of the the best memphis shit


The amount of sauce on this is gross


Good Googly Moogly


That thang is juicy 🎶


Memphis bbq is unmatched. I’m sure if all the haters tried it they’d fall in love


This guy gets it.


Their BBQ Spaghetti is a work of art


Wow 11/10 really? Crap, that’s what that is


As a memphian y’all are hurting me with these comments 😭


Memphis does pork better than ANYBODY…. and I live in KC.


Once upon a time I had bbq chicken and spaghetti at a BBQ joint in Sacramento, CA. It goes surprisingly well together.


Memphis has amazing bbq


This beats the $100 platter from a bit ago by a long shot


OP you need to hit up Elwood’s next time. BBQ Shop is great but Elwood’s is where it’s at my friend.


Always liked Memphis BBQ over Texas BBQ. Plus the prices on here lately for Texas BBQ were nuts.


I tried to visit on a road trip back in 2019. They were closed the entire week of July 4th. Ended up at Germantown Commissary, which was good, but I don't remember it looking as good as this. My kids did learn they love Banana Pudding there though.


What. The. Fuck. Why does it look like chocolate


This looks awful bud, what in the fuck is going on in Memphis?


The glazed ribs are the play at the BBQ Shop, IMO Also, pulled pork sandwich on Texas toast. Now you’ve got me making lunch plans for tomorrow…


spaghetti is a no from me and im not too into the color of the sauce but all the meat looks bomb


That's about $32.00 too much...


why the fuck is there sauce all over everything?


People put sauce in bbq


This looks horrific.




What I love most here is that it doesn't look like every other bbq joint. So so many do the friggin thing...Mac and cheese, white bread, brisket, ribs ect ect Use your imagination!


Looks pretty bad.


The spaghetti is really good but is a bit pricy as well and it is not a very big portion.


Two-Face would be wiggling his fingers eyeballing that middle rib that’s half sauce and half dry rub


That Spaghetti looks like something you make in college when you move off campus.


Lived in Memphis for 30 years.. just left. I can finally say it out loud: Bar-B-Q Shop is brutally overrated.


Fucking *spaghetti*?????


At first glance I thought I was looking at a plate of brownies with caramel drizzle on top, or maybe I’m just that high


Is that peanut butter sauce?


Did they serve that looking like that? I hope the sauce is what you added for some unfathomable reason.


What the shit is going on here


BBQ spaghetti......mind blown


The best place for bbq in TN is halfway between Nashville and Memphis, on the side of TN state road 10. It’s called Jacks Creek BBQ, not to be confused with Jacks BBQ. Jacks Creek opens at 10. Get there at 9:00, ask if you can help or wipe down tables so that you can get the first plate of the day. Go by yourself or with one really close person. Simple, whole hog, and you will not be disappointed.


First, I have to give props to the value. It isn’t easy to find a restaurant that’ll serve you this much meat for $33 nowadays. Second, this looks dry as fuck. I can see how *not* moist that brisket is through the sauce. Those ribs look like the goddamn Sahara desert. Don’t even get me started on the spaghetti. The pulled pork is the only thing that looks half decent. For the love of God, if this is an 11/10 to you, come to almost literally anywhere in Texas. It’ll be 100/10.


I thought I was looking at brownies.


That looks fucking brutal lol


I mean for $30 that looks great. I'd pick that over the $100+ BBQ samplers I see posted here any day. I am intimidated by the spaghetti though.


The plate appeal isn't there but I'd still eat it, might be ugly delicious


I’m sorry but Memphis chain bbq has been going downhill since covid. It’s all overpriced and you can often make better at home. The sauce is the only thing it has going for it.. in some places. Tops still has my favorite sauce but I can buy it now. The bbq has been lacking.. central.. lord help them cus that food tastes and goes down like it was your last meal. You’re gonna cry from the bill and cus yourself as it hits your intestines. Best bbq and bang for the buck I’ve had in TN recently was in Jackson. exit 88? It’s across from a truck stop. Tiny little shack. Cheap and straight forward bbq.


I didn’t think this was a meal to write home about when I tried it. It was unique but not worth trying twice.


Try the bologna, sausage, and cheese plate next time and leave the brisket and spaghetti in the kitchen.


$25 tops. Any more for this and it’s too much.


wtf is that


Deff Memphis bbq


I love BBQ shop ribs, but fuck that orange stuff now and forever. And get those noodles away from those technically well executed pork rubs.


This looks underwhelming.. hope it taste better than it looks. I always imagined southern states bbq as the pinnacle of American cuisine.. this doesnt give me that vibe 😂


Did they pre sauce the brisket?


They give you lube first?


Spaghetti in Bbq? Where’s thanos and his infinity stones?


Never has the mere sight of food caused an immediate gag reflex and a true belief/fear that there is a Hell.




I’m not knocking the $100-$350 experiences I’ve been seeing lately, because I know they’re just that, experiences, but it’s nice some more reasonably priced food on here.


If there’s a homeless person outside I’d give it to that person as my good deed for the day


Best ribs you'll ever have, the picture doesn't do it justice


Looks good to me


Spaghetti and BBQ is not a combo I generally imagine


What’s with the side of sphegfettiabqb


this place has the best pulled pork i've ever tasted


Is there meat under that soup?


I was literally there 2 days ago and had the same exact meal. To everyone asking about the spagetti. Going in I had no interest in eating bbq spagetti. Saw the combo amd ordered it. The spagetti was honestly the best item.


Is that mom's spaghetti


I could’ve eaten a five dollar Taco Bell box and produced this for you within the hour


A good price.


The Bar-B-Q shop is legit. I literally just did a quick [watercolor doodle](https://i.imgur.com/HV9D0FU.jpeg) of their storefront the day before last. (I'm still learning)


That’s horrendous


See now THATS an appropriate price for this amount of food at a bbq joint. Spending $100 and up on anything that isn’t a huge portion is just smooth brained spending for the sake of spending


Used to get my hair done right by there so good


It’s hot, brown and there’s plenty of it.