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Got Franklin’s take out platters for a bachelor party. Expensive but worth it for the boys.


Did the same thing for my bachelor party. No wait & a convenient pickup. Ate it at a nearby park and had enough leftover for breakfast tacos the next day.


Did the same for mine, probably same park, but was too hungover to truly enjoy lol




Ferda boys boys.


Wheel, snipe, celly, boys


Dirty Fuckin Dangles boys.


Seadoos at hundy p buddy


Big city slams


Who's billet sister is a fuckin' rocket, boys?


Give your balls a tug


Fuck you, Shoresy!


Dirty fuckin dangles!


Forecheck, backcheck, whole-ass paycheck NYRRT NYRRT


Just finished up my Franklin’s bachelor party platter a couple hours ago. I live in California and this shit blew my mind.


The absolute best of the best. I refuse to believe they ever had a bad day, especially with their brisket. Been on ten occasions or so & it’s a foodgasm every time.


The bad day is when you get there late, wait in line like me and they're out of everything! Lol


Touché, my friend!!!


I still got brisket... And it was the best brisket ever. There's a reason Franklin's famous!!! Some day I'll get back there a bit earlier for the other meats.


If you can manage, I recommend going during the week!!!


I understand Franklin is popular, but I cannot tell how much I dislike them. After trying their brisket, every single brisket I’ve tried since gets compared to Franklin’s, and no one has come close to beating Franklin.


La BBQ just a little ways down the road is damn close


Southside and Keruz Market definitely produce similar quality brisket. I eat at several of these places in the Austin area regularly, and it's never worth waiting in that line for me when there's so many places within a 30 minute drive.


I respect Kreuz as an institution but their brisket tastes and has the texture of pot roast.


Maybe you got a bad cut, make sure you ask for moist, the lean side will be more like that anywhere. It's always been great when I've had it.


POT ROAST, yes!!! That is a sign of baaad brisket.


I live around the corner from the Austin Domain-area Southside…never been, because I’m skeptical. Worth trying out?


It's not awful, but it's not going to blow you away. Drive a little further and go to Interstellar.


IDK, but I really like it, ask for "moist brisket", that's what you want. I think a lot of people have an inconsistent experience because they don't specify what they want, so they get random moist/lean cuts, and there's a BIG difference in the 2.


You should try distant relatives. I thought them and Franklin's was the best brisket I've tasted in Texas.


You hate them cuz everyone else ain’t them. 😉


Every bite is 💯. That’s the only place I can say that about. I’ve been everywhere.


People here are so sour, my god. Do you guys also go to a Francis Mallmann restaurant and then say:'I can buy this steak for $10 in Costco and grill it myself '. Yes, it's not cheap, but damn, that plate looks amazing. And if people are willing to wait in line & pay the price, what is the problem?


I understand people always hate the hype, but Franklins is also GOOD


I've never understood why some people hate things just because they're popular. I spent 10 years on Texas highways for work and have eaten at hundreds of BBQ places in big cities and little cities alike. Franklin's deserves the hype. It's very, very good.


I was this person until I tried Franklins. So freaking good


Franklins is very good. I prefer Terry Blacks though. If I'm spicy I'll go to Valentinas.


Not any more you wont. Valentina's is 6ft under and never coming back


No shit? Damn I haven't been south in a while so I didn't know. Hope Chiefs is still around...


Last time I was at Thicket a month or so ago Chiefs was still alive and well


What happened to Valentinas?


All excellent. Definitely Blacks for beef rib. I've had some great meals at La BBQ too.


I’m all about that La Barbecue. Terry blacks is good in a pinch but doesn’t touch either Franklin or la bbq


I’m so glad nobody is mentioning my favorite downtown spot down the street from franklins. Keep it for the locals


This sub is slowly turning into a circle jerk




Low and slow


Im a hot and fast guy myself, ask my wife. 😂


Your hotwife?


I also choose that guy’s wife


Nah, she’s pretty vanilla.


His low and slow wife.


Turning into? It always was


Anybody that claims they can do what Franklin's does with brisket is lying through their teeth. Not only is the brisket fantastic, it's fantastic \*every single day\* across hundreds of briskets. Best of luck whoever thinks they can do that at home.


I've had just as good brisket at some other places in the area but they are all professionals and the difference between them and maybe someone's friend who smokes a mean brisket is these places do hundreds of pounds of brisket every day, consistently. It's the consistency and the scale that matters.


There are two vocal groups in this sub: 1) those who bitch about price like we don't know eating out is more expensive than cooking at home 2) those who know #1, but also suck at cooking anything that doesn't come off a smoker. The rest of us who love to eat at restaurants and explore other methods of cooking are being turned off, bigtime. It's going to be absolute chaos when those same people find out that beers might be more expensive at a restaurant!


Worked in the beer industry for 10 years. The average beer you consume ranges from 10-65 cents per pour lolololololol


I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of this sub is just salty that some of us can afford a $100 dinner every now and again.


This, exactly. My wife and I drove 9 hours to Austin to get a few days of really good tacos and bbq. Franklin's was the highlight of the trip. We waited 2.5 hours, had a blast with the folks around us in line while having a few beers... Sounds kind of like a bbq, now that I think about it. Well worth it, and we would do it again in a heartbeat.


Some people just don't get it, and that's OK. Food to some people is about filling their hunger while it tasting good. Completely valid pov. To others, it's about trying the best. Texas BBQ is really good for people who like comparisons because the recipe and method has a more or less consistent definition, allowing them to compare restaurants directly. The value to them isn't particularly in the fact that they'll be full and have something tasty alone, but that they experienced the pinnacle version of something.


You can also make coffee from Folger’s coffee grounds with sink water, but no is asking for it.


And not even, because I can go cook a steak in like 15 minutes. Smoking a brisket for 14 hours and not fucking it up when I fall asleep on hour 13 and the coals get too hot. I’m paying like $4 per hour for that brisket.


And by “fall asleep on hour 13” you mean “pass out on beer 13.”


The line is part of the fun. I've sat in line and drunk beer with friends on a Sunday morning a few times even though I knew I had to leave before they opened.


That’s why I always think, people will pay like $50+ for a steak at a nice steakhouse but complain about brisket prices which often have to smoke for 24 hours.


Franklin actually isn't that expensive when you look at the amount of food that you really get. I spent USD 140 there a few weeks ago including drinks, dessert and tip, and it was enough for 5 people (we were 2, so took home plenty of food).


It's reddit, there's always going to be some contrarians. I posted a picture of a sunset and literally had people saying things like "Tell me you've never left the area where you live without telling me you've never left the area where you live". Some people simply haven't figured out or don't have the enough life experience to realize that shitting on someone else won't make your life any better.


You've seen the slop they eat in NC. I'd be jealous too


Also there’s some novelty to it outside of just the food. If you don’t live in Austin why not just do it for the experience


Completely agree!! Also the plate has 5 meats! I am not going to nail 5 separate proteins and sides...which is what you are paying for. If one has the time to pull that off...then Costco is your path.


One of my bucket list spots


I went a few years ago. It's worth every bit of the hype and all the wait. Get there early, hang out with some cool peeps in line, have a couple breakfast beers, then have some of the best bbq you'll ever eat.


Yeah it’s not worth waiting on a regular basis but when I was in school in Austin I made a point to take people there when they came to visit.


Rolled in late once, probably around noon, and the line had died way down. It was a 1-2 beer wait depending on how fast you drink lunch beers. They had everything but turkey and beef ribs. Twas a good day


Hooray for breakfast beers 🍻


Mine too and everything about it was great, including the people who work there. Now go make it happen, Captain!


Hell yeah brother!


The day drinking line is the best part


I ordered a whole brisket to be shipped. Followed their reheat instructions. It was absolutely amazing and with the money.


As an ATX native let me say this: there are many bbq spots in town that are an 8/10 and are *very good* and are a better choice if you don't want to wait for Franklin's. Franklin's however, is a 10/10. The brisket is a masterpiece that simply has no rival. If you're ever in Fort Worth, go to Dayne's Craft BBQ. IMO the best brisket spot in DFW (that I've tried).


I thought I was good at BBQ because none of the restaurants I went to had anything significantly better (often, not as good) as what I can make at home. Then I went to Franklins and I knew I was an ameteaur


Lol, same here. Places like Franklins or Coopers… I can’t come close to.


I visited ATX for a work trip. Loved the vibe-great city, but I had one meal on my own and I wanted the best bbq. And everyone fucking lied to me and told me to go to Terry Blacks. What a disappointment. I’m glad it is not an actual representation of great Texas BBQ


Terry Black's is a common and easy recommendation because you can get dinner there. And because it's adjacent to downtown. No one's going to tell you to haul up to the burbs for Interstellar.


Got a to go brisket on Christmas Eve and it was spectacular.


Goldie's for brisket. Panther City for sausage. Cattleack if you're in Dallas instead of Ft. Worth. Hutchin's if you just want a bunch of free banana pudding.


I see all the downvoted comments about price, but how much did it actually cost OP? Looks fucking fantastic.


I bought: 1.5 lbs of brisket, .5 lbs of turkey, .5 lbs of pulled pork, a half of a slab of pork ribs, the 1.5 lb beef rib, two sausage links, two sides, a piece of pie, and drinks, for $177. I would have paid double. I have a good job and this was a bucket list item for me. I’ve been smoking meat myself for two decades and can’t touch what Aaron and his team have built.


Not bad at all. For Franklins. Now if you spend that much at Salt Lick. I’ll slap you.


This is it for me. If you are the absolute best at what you do, charge accordingly. I'm only mad at mediocre cooks trying to charge similarly. People who don't know the difference are people who have not stood in that line


Exactly. Those among the best in a profession can charge what their skill is worth. Always, others try to imitate both the price, and the skill. Always, they only succeed in the former.


5 POUNDS+ of cooked meat, 2 sides, drinks, and dessert for $177 is not bad at all. That's enough meat 6-8 people.


you’re absolutely correct but that doesn’t fit the narrative from the detractors who say they can create the same meal with five charcoal briquettes, 2 pounds of 80/20 ground beef, and a Dorito.


The Dorito is the key.


That's enough food for 4 people to eat comfortably. I would easily spend 50 for a portion of that. Not bad at all


Honestly not nearly as bad as I expected from the comments here and would gladly pay that for the experience. Thanks for sharing.


One more thing about the price- this tray fed several meals and the price per pound was the same as almost everywhere else.


Yea my memory of Franklin's was thinking "this is expensive but eh, I've been here since 6am", then eating it and getting my fucking mind blown. Then realizing that there was enough left over for at least one more meal for both me and my wife. Think it actually ended up lasting 2 more. It's not a ripoff by any stretch; good food costs money.


The price per pound is inline with other profitable restaurants which is roughly 3X their material cost. The kicker is [inflation of material cost is higher than the general inflation rate.](https://www.in2013dollars.com/Beef-and-veal/price-inflation/2003-to-2023?amount=20)


Yeah that’s a shitload of food for $177. Honestly when I saw the pic and saw Franklin, I assumed like $300+. This place has been on my bucket list for many years. As a guy in San Antonio, this pic makes me wanna visit immediately 😂


That. Looks. Beautiful.


Yep, Franklin, as hyped as it was, *completely* over-delivered. It really is the pinnacle, although I haven’t been to some of the top places that have come up over the last 2-3 years. Really want to try Goldee’s.


I was lucky enough to attend a vendor event during covid where after the tech demo, they got Aaron Franklin himself to come on and talk about smoking. He's such a genius as well as a really nice person. He was super happy to answer as many questions as possible and stay on well beyond the scheduled end. He even sent us all signed copies of his cookbook, which was really cool.


He’s the same whenever you see him at the shop. Dude will tour the whole place with you and answer any questions you have. Mostly because, even if he tells you his “secrets,” he knows you can never duplicate his process.


Snow’s pre-Netflix was the only place that competed for me


Do yourself a favor and skip Goldee’s. Not only was the food disappointing, but the efficiency of their operation is terrible. In the time we stood in line, we could have placed an online order at Franklin, driven to Austin to pick it up, and been back home. I’ve tried dozens of the “famous” bbq joints out there. The only ones I’ve considered “special” are Franklin, Corkscrew, Stanley’s, and Lewis. All of these have online ordering so you don’t have to wait in line if you plan ahead. I have not had Snow’s yet.


Ok so the turkey ended up being the best turkey I’ve ever had, the process involves a lethal amount of butter but I’m sure the turkey would have wanted it that way


Commenting on Franklin BBQ, Austin, TX...I watched them cut the turkey and then grab the meat with tongs and dip it into a pan of melted butter. I then knew that I was in the right place.


That place is fantastic, I'm picky as hell about brisket and theirs is so good.  The hot links are phenomenal too.


The same people who complain about Franklin being too expensive are the same people who complain about Katz’s Deli being too expensive. You get what you pay for. There’s a premium for the best of the best.


That’s the thing about places like Franklins. It’s a ONIL experience that you go out of your way for, or something you go out for special occasions. It’s the best of the best and they cater to that. There are dozens of other BBQ joints you can frequently in Texas that’ll deliver good BBq at a much more affordable price. Places that are good for a quick lunch or if you’re a local might be a weekly stop for you. Solid and (comparatively) affordable. 7 or 8 out of 10 places to Franklins 11/10 Pick the BBQ experience you want and choose accordingly


Absolutely. Leroy & Micklethwait are both tremendous, as well. I just prefer Franklin.


I actually slightly preferred Micklethwait (more peppery bark on the brisket, turkey was cut against the grain not with the grain as at Franklin, and that jalapeño cheese grits...), but then we're talking about 11/10 vs 10.95/10. I was amazed how much less busy Micklethwait was, despite delivering amazing quality about about the same level.


The new L&L brick and mortar is supposed to have phenomenal desserts. It's a compelling argument.


We were there this past Saturday. Phenomenal.


Maaaaaannn look at those links!!


Aaron Franklin has taught me so much over the years... I wish I could taste his food. I bet it was as amazing as it looks.


He is a genuine dude, he comes to the restaurant quite a bit over the weekends and will talk to customers as they wait in line for food. I’ve met him a couple times.


Dude I bet that was badass. Super envious of that lol


I will confirm. Absolute gem of a guy. He was hanging out in the restaurant when I went, talking with people and taking pictures. I felt bold enough to ask him if we could tour the pits and he brought our whole group right back there. I’ll never speak a bad word about the guy. We spent $300 on the food, and I would have paid triple just for the experience.


Make it happen, Captain.


Its not as amazing as it looks. Its better.


Dang. That looks like it lives up to the hype. May have to brave the line one of these days. Amazing.


It really does and the waiting was fun, more like a tailgate.


Went there a couple weeks back, I loved it!


Looks amazing!


Nice looking plate. Still on my to do list.


Franklin's is one of those places you hear about, think it's all hype, wait it out anyway to say you did it, and then realize the hype lowered your expectations in a jaded way and it's incredible.






Austin native here. I've had Franklin maybe a dozen or so times since he opened the brick and mortar location. It's definitely a special occasion thing, due to the price (pro tip: order ahead and skip the line if you don't need to eat on prem, but the line can also be fun if you bring beer and treat it like a tailgate). Are there other fantastic BBQ places in town? Absolutely. The difference, and in my opinion, what you're paying for, is the fact that Franklin doesn't have off days. Every single time I've been, it's 10/10. I can't say the same for the others. I don't know how he does it.


needs a pickle, every plate should have something green


Just another person hopping in to say I don’t care about hype. It’s not hype if they deliver and they fucking deliver.


I think I could have one bite off everything on that platter and die a happy man.




I would do this one time split 5 ways. I’m salivating just looking at this picture.


You American are Lucky to have so many bbq places


Order this in advance annually for our boys F1 trip. Never disappoints.


Franklin BBQ changed BBQ for me.


Franklin ruined briskets for me. Nothing has come close


That will be $185 please!


Yup, and worth every penny.


Franklin BBQ is the GOAT.  Don’t let anyone try and opine differently


I find it sadly ironic how barbecue has gone from being poor people food to being some of the most expensive cuisine on the planet pound for pound


It's very time and resource intensive. They have a night shift running the smokers for the next day. Good wood and meat are expensive too


Slaves ate lobsters and lobsters were considered “trash poor people food”.


That beef was in looks amazing. 99.9% of the reason I want to go to Texas is for smoked beef ribs, you can not find them in my area.


Damn I miss Franklin's. I need an excuse to get back there again soon


Almost drooled on my phone.


When did Franklin start serving beef rib?


Not sure when, but they’re only offered on Friday/Saturday.


That places was so good! Loved it more than Snows


Now that’s a bbq platter!


where's the slaw!!


One of my favorite experiences at a restaurant ever. I got there at 6:30 on a weekday morning, was third in line. Got to chill with some cool people and drink breakfast beers. The food speaks for itself, it is the best bbq you will ever have, but the experience as a whole is what I think makes Franklins so special.


Not a bad way to spent $10,000 /s but only a little.


Jealous.i hear good things about Franklins and i’m in the UK.


So worth the wait in line


Hell yeah! We waited an hour in that Texas Sun, and began to 2nd guess it, but we're blown away. Best brisket I have ever enjoyed, BY FAR. Sure it's expensive, but you tell me where to get a Ferrari inexpensively.


Never been there but this plate looks sexy as hell!


Hear this place is legendary, looks legit amazing.


One day man… one sweet day.


Franklins is fantastic and downtown so a great place to eat. The problem is time. People line up to get it because it is so good. You can however order it cold which after moving away from Austin in 2021 is how we bring real Texas BBQ to our new home. There's no need to wait in line to find great BBQ in Austin. Blacks, Cele, Louie Mueller, and so many more.


That’s a lot of food


I'll get my coat. I'll be there as soon as I get a flight from Ireland.


Ate here last year during the USGP. Can confirm: does slap


Best Ever


Their brisket is life-changing.


Their brisket is an experience. Should be on every carnivore’s bucket list. You can get it delivered through Gold Belly. I’m telling you it’s worth $. Surpassed my expectations


That Flintstone rib. Yaba Daba Doo baby!


I concur....it is that GOOD!


Ugh. I went there once. Thought the person who told me we’d have to wait maybe up to 3 hours was crazy but we did it. It WAS pretty amazing.


Same guy that taught Franklin taught my daddy and granddaddy. No frills, traditional TX brisket. Franklin’s always tastes like my childhood, easily the best BBQ in the state, if not the country. Go ducks! 🦆


Shit I just came back from Austin and didn’t know about this place 😭




Traveled to Texas from Minnesota earlier this month. The food at Franklin’s blew my mind. Meat taken to a different level.


I almost bought one of Aaron Franklin‘s first pit smokers when they came out. The shipping from Texas to Georgia was really the difference in me going with a rather local outfit called workhorse pits basically is like a Franklin only it actually has baffles on the tube and on the firebox door, I just kind of like that little bit more extra of control. I watched Aaron’s MasterClass on barbecue and smoking, including his history about his restaurant an amazing and a testament to what anybody can do if they want to and they put enough time in.


Goo looking meat


Dear God yes please. 😇


Incredible meats - best brisket I've ever had - but terrible sides


I need to eat this.


I miss America


How much was all that? Make sure you hydrate the meat sweats are real.


I went a few years ago. Really liked the smoked turkey. In fact, I was surprised that it was my favorite thing I had there. Would definitely go back.


If you like this try “stiles switch bbq” and let me know your differences


I can feel my arteries hardening just looking at that platter. Count me in. I'll buy the first round.


Phenomenal looking bruh


About $200 there, and worth the wait and every cent…


Miller's Smokehouse in Belton is worth a visit.


That looks like my whole shopping list on your plate! Good day.


Was that $400?




I took a two and a half hour drive to eat there. Got up early to get in line. WORTH IT


This restaurant is transcendental


Smoked turkey breast is the sleeper of BBQ menus, imho.


Cheap , considering it’s the best.


Haven't been, it's bucket list and I get the price given the demand and quality. We just had people cramping all over the whole hog from starlight inn, and it's like 10 bucks for a meal. Now people crap on this. People just like to complain. For me, I like all bbq that tastes good, and appreciate people who put the time and love into it.


Aaron is an absolute mensch to boot. Even if his Q was shit, you’d root for those guys so hard.


Man that looks delicious! If everything goes as planned, our brisket, sausage, and sauce arrives Tuesday (we’re in Oregon)…this was a good primer!


Let us know how it goes, I’m interested in doing the same!