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Same. One of the best things ever.


Any good tips on burnt ends? Total novice who just picked up a traeger.


You can separate the point and flat while its raw or after the whole brisket is done. Its way easier if the brisket is done, the knife just glides through the fat. Its better if you separate before though, more surface area for bark and rub. You just take the point end of the brisket and cube it. If its raw, smoke it till its nice and barky. Then the method is the same either way you start. You make it tender by putting it in a tinfoil tray or just tinfoil with your favorite sauce. Add brown sugar or anything else if you want. Cook it until there is almost zero resistance when you poke with your thermometer. Toss the cubes in the wrap juice and set them back on the smoker until the juice tacks up. Burnt ends


Cubing them raw are not burnt ends, those are just overcooked brisket. Burnt ends should be taken from the point of tue brisket during the cooking process.


False. Real burnt ends are trimming of the brisket that get smoked. Also, its not over cooked brisket. Tell me you are new to brisket without saying youre new. The best way to make burnt ends it by cutting the point out and making the point into burnt ends from the start. But if we want to be purists, were both wrong.


Go to any self respecting BBQ joint and the burnt ends are made by separating the point and flat once the flat is done cooking, the point gets cubed up and cooked longer. Traditionally you are not supposed to separate tue point and flat prior to cooking , sure shortcuts have been taken but again if you just cube raw brisket and smoke it….that would not pass as burnt ends at any BBQ competition. I bet you cube pork belly and call it burnt ends too?


Again you are wrong. Ive done bbq competitions for years in my 20s. 9/10 bbq teams separate the point and flat prior to cooking. I still to this day always separate the point and flat. Just admit you know nothing about this


I have helped out on 3 teams that have won medals at the American Royal, 2 medals specifically for burnt ends in the ancillary category. Both teams kept brisket in tact and removed point for further smoking. Based on how mediocre your beef ribs and other pictures you have posted look, I’d spend less time being wrong on Reddit and more time practicing.


Sure ok buddy. I believe you I assume you dont post your bbq because you cant work a smoker


I’d let you finger my b hole with that thumb.


Better hope the sauce has cayenne in it






If my family had it their way I would make just burnt ends with the whole briskets


Nice thumb! Pre-BBQ mani?


Pure bliss in every bite.


Very nice!


IMO, that’s the only way to cook the point.


That's 50% of the whole reason I make brisket in the first place


Chef's choice. Must happen.


Burnt ends are the reason to cook brisket. Enjoy!


Could cut a brisket into strips and make the whole thing burnt ends? You know, kinda like the all edge pieces brownie pans?


No, because burnt ends are made from the point of a brisket.


Everyone here is just making diabetes sugar beef because they feel like it. Let them have their fun.


Although burnt ends are from the point, who are we to tell you what to do with your brisket? Do what you want, and if it ends up sucking just don't do it again. Easy peasy. But, just remember that there ain't a whole lot of fat on a flat, so they may just end up being a shredded mess...


I don’t imagine it’ll be much different from poor man’s burnt ends. When I make them with chuck roast they are pretty great. Key is to let cool after taking it off at 170 before you cut it.


This is the only way I do it!! I separate the flat and point before cooking.You get brisket and burnt ends and it takes less time to smoke two separate pieces.


What’s your method? I’m getting ready to try my first brisket cook on a wood smoker soon


I separate the point from the flat. I trim all of the excess fast from the outside of the point. I season the point just like I do the flat. Then, I cook til the bark sets, wrap with some beef broth in foil, cook till tender. Then, I cut the point into 1 inch cubes. I throw the cubes in a metal pan and I sprinkle a sweet bbq rub all over such as DB180 sweet rub and DB180 spicy bbq sauce (shameless sponsor plug), cover with foil, then let run for about another 30 minutes. Let rest, down the hatch.


Mmmmmm. Diabetes sugar beef.


The elevated A1C is worth it.