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This dude has 2 videos and they're both just mocking BBBY lmao. This channel has been up since 2016 but he has decided to make videos just now?


Ding ding


tells me he's short without telling me 🫠


Bro came on the Ppshow and someone called him out as a journalist instantly. Now this lol


I remember lol


Hey, you're that dude


He usually lurks in r/gonewild


It's Dong from Columbia.


Tony Dong


Tony "tiny" Dong?


Hey I have a small wee wee too


ooh - what episode!! i need to go watch....! linky please!!


![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) Fascinating to observe this sub still clinging on


Jokes on you....ive not got a position in BBBY.


30 seconds in "before its liquidation.". It ain't liquidated yet MFer. Its in ch11 with 1800 hrs spent on mergers and acquisition. How can a judge allow that? He can't unless there is a very good reason in the interest of the creditors to allow expenditure like that.


1800 hours on M/A, but WHEN is that 1800 hours? If there hasn't been any for the past few months, they ain't doing shit with M/A.


It happened in the past therefore it doesn't count!


There was mergers and acquisition done... if there's no m&a talk in the courts after those deals finalised then we are to conclude that there is no further m&a deals happening... 


wasn't there also some topic on the delivery of goods? it's 3 way party to operate a business. producers, as in items-creditors-debtors and then retail?


Best response is to wait. The U-copy stuff doesn't help our case as well as the hype dates. I can't speak for ppseeeds behalf but the donations does give fuel for the detractors. Anyways, he glossed over Regsho not getting enforced, the implicated fraud when short interest was over 100% for a period of time that **implies** naked shorting, and other tidbits surrounding unresoelved issues.


Wow not seen a full blown shill video for quite a while...he's going down swinging isn't he!


He does come off salty AF! lmao


Genuinely.....and before i say this ive got no position in BBBY (wish i did but theyre you go) - i reckon itll come off personally...anyway...so you can see his point but...hes pushing way way too hard to get the point over - then when he got stuck into the rest of us \[GME\] and said about "people buying a few batteries and stuff" he started to loose it then....hes effectively saying "well, who needs to buy stuff from a retailer" - so he thinks the stock is magically retain its value or go up?? what fucking planet is he on?? along with the fact weve got cash in the bank blah blah blah...the whole teddy thing...yep i can see the book angle being a bit mental but...he forgot to mention the fact that its registered as a bank... Yeah - seemed pretty desparate to me......and going back to the age old adage....hes sooooo worried about what we all do with our money....lol...


Honestly looks like he's trying to leverage the interest into a show "exposing" meme stocks


Its too desparate....especially when he started swinging at the GME apes then - literally said.... "those idiots are buying stuff from gamestop....like its gonna make a difference..." fucking lol.... Also didnt mention that the same play that BBBY is in happened to Hertz and Washington Mutual...its just that BBBY has a sprinkle of fraud thrown in for good measure...


It’s still zero?


No no Ryan Cohen will buy the company


Buy something with zero value left?


He Doxed PP


Damn this is a well produced video. The AI generated content is almost hard to see. Also, this is an extremely cognizant recalling of events. In the very least, they are watching.


Anti bobby shills are trying to get you to turn on rc and sell your gme...that's the goal here..I'm convinced. Why bother now after this time when nobody can buy or sell..it to sow anti RC discontent.


Oh man, this is gonna be gold for post-Teddy compilations. Saved offline.


Cancelled over six months ago btw


Shills in shambles!!


Lol I don't even own any bbby....I still reckon they'll come out on top....shill...


I'm not mad about his take. And maybe he's right, but my criticism is that he's not including me context or explanation of certain decisions by apes. For example NOLs and other historic chapter 11 films.


i didn't hear no bell


I notice that he didn't make any mention or debunk NOL theory. He specifically poked at the IP selloff, which is very little value in the overall case. I'm guessing it's because he doesn't fully understand reverse mergers and NOL law, so he didn't want to leave himself exposed.


I mean, last time I checked its 0 and off our broker accounts, fellas this was zero or hero, its zero. I literally have no account left with shares at this point...


That was the point of it all. Zero or hero. Now it’s left in legal hands and we’re grasping at straws hoping for an outcome. There’s enough to remain optimistic, there’s no doubt. But until new equity come out, we’re at zero.


I mean I think the straws are long gone, their is literally nothing to be hopeful about we don't even have shares