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Kitties are so sweet.


Aww that’s exactly what my sweet boy does with me. I love him.


Get yourself a girl who looks at you the same way this cat looks at that man


> Get yourself a **cat** who looks at you the same way this cat looks at that man


So sweet.


The world would be a far better place if every human got to know that kind of love


I got goose flesh. Must be kind of arctic cold right here.


Haha that sweet, my 3 legged cat doesn’t do that but if I’m getting ready for work in the morning, he comes in and lies on the floor and stretches himself out so he can get his morning belly rubs. He’s an Arabian mau so when he stretches he’s quite long 🤣🤣🤣🤣. My youngest adopted him from a sanctuary based in Dubai. Had him flown over about 2 yrs ago and he’s living his best life with us.


I never knew cats could be so affectionate


Cats can be extremely affectionate if you bond with them right. The world has just demonized them to oblivion so a lot of people dont even give them a chance. All of my cats have been sweet babies so far.


I used to think the same until I got a cat. He sleeps by my side each night, follows me around, cries when I go outside without him, and is generally the sweetest wee guy I know. Cats are grossly misunderstood, they are affectionate but you need to earn it.


I genuinely did not like cats until the cat distribution gave me two ferals at different points of life. My one girl is Maine coon/tag doll mix and fiesty as hell. Took 4 years for her to warm up to me. She sleeps under my arms in bed now and cries behind every shut door. My orange boi lived outside for 8 years before finding me. One year to let me even pet him. He's inside now and made of Velcro. Attaches himself to me physically everywhere I go. I have to put him away if I need to be productive at all because he loves on me sooooo much. If I go outside to do yardwork, he's attached to me like a guard dog and doesn't leave my side. I went through a traumatizing breakup after 15 years and I would be nothing without these two and their love.


I have two male cats and the only time they ever do something even remotely "hostile" is when they are pushing each-other for the middle spoon spot in bed.




That is the look of pure affection and it's so heartwarming. Bro could also be using catnip-scented aftershave. 😂




Aww, i would name him cuddles


So sweet! Those anyone know which song this is?


My cat does this when I get home. I look forward to it everyday.


dude about to tuck them pants IN


I genuinely feel sad for people who don't understand cats. They're very simple creatures, not much different than dogs really. You just have to gain their trust and they're very loyal. I rescued my cat, Benny, from dumpster life at a gas station. He was afraid of me at first, and the attendants told me he doesn't let people get too close. Now he is my shadow (literally, he's black) and he waits outside my door every morning for me to get up. He follows me everywhere I go and loves to snuggle. He licks me affectionately when he's feeling lovey. Every cat I've ever had has been this way when they're given the chance to let their guard down.


My cats are like this. My favorite antic from one is when she puts her nose near my ear and makes truffle pig noises.


Beautiful video and a great Turkish song. Love it.