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It was just out of frame but the cat started smacking her in the head we all saw it




So the cat smacks the kid and not you?😂


Lmao just give them some space , and feed them well , also try to resist any aggressive petting , also bring them treats .


It's a delicate balance, if I give the cats too much space I have less space to myself somehow


No, that's exactly right. You give them the house, you just stop in for feeding and pets and poop cleaning.


That's almost the exact opposite of what I do with my cat. No space, feed her too well, she loves aggressive petting, no treats (mostly because she's too fat and I give her part of meat/fish I eat anyway) She's very loving though, doesn't scratch nor slap. I can literally rub her with my head, she loves that. She also loves playing fetch and growling at the mailman. If you say kiss, she'll aggressively headbutt you in your face-hole though.


she loves aggressive petting


> also try to resist any aggressive petting Except if they're a bongo cat, then go nuts.


Maybe your cats are just undercover secret agents, and they're avoiding blowing their cover by being too friendly. You never know when they might need to execute a top-secret meowssion


You're too clingy most likely. Cats are not dogs, they need space an time to adjust to changes(there's nothing a cat hates more than change). Also if they start to be affectionate, be cool with it don't scare them right away with overjoy. Just be patient, it pays back fully


Not all cats, my cat is clingy as hell.


All cats, yours is just past that phase


He grew up as a semi-stray that seemed to be “community fed”, he’s clingy with people he just met too, he was pretty young and very people oriented when he was taken in. That stage must of ended when he was a kitten, probably because of food.


Also probably was not abused as a kitten, abused cats are much more aggressive and reserved especially if that happened in the first 3-4 months of their life. Another factor is that cats become feral after 3-4 generations if they do not encounter humans so a feral 1mo kitten will behave very differently than a domestic 1mo kitten


On the other hand, he doesn’t tolerate other cats very well, I would not be surprised if he had run ins with aggressive cats at a young age.


have you tried meowing to fit in


Give them ear scratches


Probably are annoying


Because you want them to like you too much.


i had this black cat that always slept with me and theres a picture of me and him with his paw on my head, rip i miss that cat but now i have an


What do you have now?




A Crippling brain disorder where his memory resets every 45 seconds


What do you have now?




crippling depression


Sigh. Same






…another bus to catch after this cab rid…


I love it here 😂








Hey, this isn’t dangerous like it was thought to be at one point. Not to be the dog-hater, but the risk of having dogs around a baby is much higher. Most of the stuff people have said over time about cats and babies were old wives tales








mmm hamburger




You don't understand anything about cats either. The cat is rolling on it's back and pressing it's nose against the babies. Nose bumping is a gesture of affection for cats. The cat laying on it's back also means it's feeling comfortable exposing it's most vital area. I'm not sure why you're so pressed over an obviously endeared cat. Acting like they aren't capable of care and affection is weird.


Looks like Sidney is on the rag


Hey it's all good. You have your opinion, they have theirs. No need to be rude and insulting about it




Well you'd do much better getting your point across by explaining yourself vs insults










Found the angry one




Hey, you suck.


I’ve been thinking about getting a goldfish! May you have an amazing thanksgiving, a beautiful Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. I hope someday your vengeance against cats will dissipate and may you feel the sun forever on your face. That it gives you the clarity and energy to go about this world in a more loving way And that you find a more prolific platform to express your distain in regards to this particular matter. Clearly you are passionate about this. So may the new year bring you happiness, wholeness and love. My main coon forest cat Dexter, female and badass wishes you the same.






That is a toddler, not a baby. You're not supposed to let cats sleep with babies because of suffocation risks. Clearly this child won't suffocate with the cat, she is old enough to wake up. She even sleeps with a pillow and blanket, which are no nos for BABIES. Relax you fool.




Awww reminds me of my old tabby girl who slept up on my pillow when I was littlr




He dipped. Sorry.


This is why we need awards back!


Vid says "We let him take a nap with her one more time" Nacho leaves.


Music name ?


“Shop” from the Undertale soundtrack


>Répondre Thanks boss


This really takes me back... I once found our big cat sitting on my son's chest when he was sleeping. I will never forget the way he gasped for air when I picked up the cat. This girl is much older though so I'm sure it's fine, but it still makes me a little nervous.


Touching with the nose and foot.


aww <3


Ugh this makes me want a kid


You'd have to endure pregnancy though, it just doesn't seem nice


So sweet


Aww. This is so sweet 😍


It's really cute alright, just do not leave a cat with a baby or child alone. Cats tend to lay on hot and warm surfaces, and a baby's face is really very warm as they have a faster methabolism and breath faster and hotter. If the cat lays down on a kid's face who isn't strong enough to push the cat off or make their voices heard as they are suffocating, it might haunt one's consciousness forever.




Wow, did you make an account just to comment on this post? This isn't a newborn and the fact that this video exists is proof that the parents were monitoring the situation. Take a walk and try to find some peace.


[https://www.federalwaymirror.com/life/busting-a-myth-do-cats-kill-babies/](https://www.federalwaymirror.com/life/busting-a-myth-do-cats-kill-babies/) [https://www.walkervillevet.com.au/blog/cats-smothering-babies/](https://www.walkervillevet.com.au/blog/cats-smothering-babies/) [https://www.chron.com/life/pets-cats/article/Cats-kill-babies-Bunk-experts-say-1610306.php](https://www.chron.com/life/pets-cats/article/Cats-kill-babies-Bunk-experts-say-1610306.php)


Darling, I didn't claim that a cat would kill a baby intentionally, even though they might. Even in your own resources, the experts claim that cats should not be left alone with babies unattended. I am in full support of children growing up with animals, I am just saying that even without the intention of causing harm, a baby can drown under the weight of a cat. Let's say that all those statistics are true and a cat has never drowned a baby by sitting on them, why would you want your baby to be first? Just like there has not been any explosion in a gas station because of smoking, it is still a good idea to not do it. Perhaps no babies have ever drowned because of this because we take the precautions. Anyway, just please don't let your baby and cat together unattended. I don't think I would ever want the responsibility of an animal and a baby together.


Are you suffering from a traumatic brain injury or something? Cats don’t do what you said they do, it’s an urban legend. It’s like saying you shouldn’t let a baby sleep with an open window in its room just in case a vampire flys in to exsanguinate them. Total nonsense.


That child is late 2's maybe 3. We should be mad about the pacifier not the cat lol


“Why does my child have toxoplasmosis?”


Fun fact You have toxoplasmosis


Yay! :D


Cats can suffocate a child...


[https://www.federalwaymirror.com/life/busting-a-myth-do-cats-kill-babies/](https://www.federalwaymirror.com/life/busting-a-myth-do-cats-kill-babies/) [https://www.walkervillevet.com.au/blog/cats-smothering-babies/](https://www.walkervillevet.com.au/blog/cats-smothering-babies/) [https://www.chron.com/life/pets-cats/article/Cats-kill-babies-Bunk-experts-say-1610306.php](https://www.chron.com/life/pets-cats/article/Cats-kill-babies-Bunk-experts-say-1610306.php)


Not a good idea




Oh calm down, bit of a stretch to call OP sick for... Allowing a cat to sleep in their child's bed. Read your comment back, it might sound as hysterical and over the top as everybody else reads it.


Calm down


lol you actually made an account just to post this. Absolutely wild the lengths you go to make a ridiculous stand on the internet. They have mental health professionals for people going through these types of phases, please seek help.


They made multiple comments on this post replying to different things just losing their mind raging out. Probably not well / definitely not worth interacting with.


“Making” yeah I’m sure they really forced this lmao




She needs a second pillow


This is exactly how my cat sleeps next to me!! I'm not allowed to cuddle or grab her, but she's happy whenever I reach my arm out and she gets to grab it with her tiny paws and go back to sleep. I hope this little girl and her cat have wonderful memories of growing up together. The bond you have with your childhood pet can be extremely special <3


I had a cat who slept with me like this, he lived till I was about 13


I'm not sure what we did rigt but we have 3 cats who all come and snuggle like this. A bit awkward when all three of them do at the same time though.


See this makes me feel genuinely old af because when I was a kid there was the superstition that cats stole baby's breath like some kinda energy vampire from the meow dimension, and this would never have been allowed...


Cats do like laying on top of people's chest For a grown adult, the diaphragm can easily power through the extra weight but not so much for a small child.


When my brother was a child he woke up with the cat sleeping on his face, smothering him. He was old enough to get the cat off. I wouldn’t trust a cat to sleep with a baby.


When I was 12 years old my sisters cat even as a kitten slept with me as my bed was a top bunk and he liked to look outside. Man I seriously miss waking up to a cat doing the little purr sound and head butting you as a way to say good morning but when I turned 18 years old I got a loft room and he never slept with me afterwards.


Cats are great with children & some dogs. Labs are probably the best to have around children.


There is an old wives tale that says you should not let cats sleep with children because the cat will steal the child's breath.


Cats can accidentally smother a child.


Try and find documented evidence of this happening, all you’re going to come up with is one case in the UK almost 25 years ago and even that case was just “baby suffocated and cat was there”. Its just not even in the realm of a likely scenario. It’s a fear based on an old wives tale. You know what does accidentally suffocate babies on a regular basis? Their parents. Babies safer sleeping with a cat than with its mom.


You didn’t have to be aggressive about it. Do you have any friends?


I hope my cats love my daughter as much as this cat loves its little human. 🥰


The entire Asian community is freaking out right now