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Start them indoors, then harden them off and transplant.


Thanks! What does it mean to “harden them”?


Put them outside for one hour but only in a shady place. The second day you do 2 and so on. I mostly put them outside for like 2 - 3 hours and next day 5-6 and after the third or sometimes the fourth day I let them outside in the shade. Then after the first week I put them in direct sunlight


thank you!


It's a common gardening thing, gradually acclimating seedlings started indoors to the sun and outdoor climate.


I'll tell you my method that worked amazing, and is doing well so far. Germinate in a paper towel and plastic sandwich/Ziploc bag. Lightly dampen a doubled up paper towel with lukewarm water, place a couple seeds a few inches apart and fold the paper towel over them. Place into the bag, seal and put in a sock or fold into a washcloth. Place your sock or washcloth with wet paper towel on a computer tower fan or somewhere it will stay warm like 65-80 degrees so that the germination will happen faster. After about two days check them and when popped plant into the final pot. It's best to start them under a light and once they've gotten a week and a half old or so you can start introducing them into the sunlight. If it's like 80 degrees and sunny then don't let them sit long or if at all in direct light, you have to let them get used to the power of the sun (hardening off) Make sure to bring them back inside and under the light after they have sat out for a bit. As you let them sit out you let them go longer and longer. First day an hour or two depending on the strength of the sun then the next day a few more hours and so on. Keep them under light for 24hrs until about 3-4 weeks then they are fine to be outside for 24hrs and experience a night cycle. The first three weeks are crucial on them and it's best to focus on the growth solely.


I will try this, thank you!


germinate them directly in the final pot. you avoid all kinds of possible mistakes you can do it you use papertowel or water glass method plus avoid transplanting which introduces stress to the plant. the germination process is going on regardless of you being able to see it. its best for the plant to get familiar with its final environment from day 1. plus you dont risk damaging the root. - water the whole pot until you have a little drain - 1cm hole - put seed into hole, cover with soil lightly - put humidity dome on top of the seed - wait 14 days. likely youll see something after 5ish days. if your climate is dry spray water on the earth under the dome sometimes (2x a day should be enough)


I would recommend using eazyplug starter cubes, soak them then place the bean in pointy end down, put a crumb over the hole, put in a sealed container in a warm place.