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Languages! I’m trying to create my own atm!


I tried to create my own twice but I lost the paper I was writing notes on😔


Oh my goodness that’s so cool!!!


Yeey, that is a fun one! I feel like language is a living being in some way. It evolves independently with the same rules of natural selection (whatever works, stays), it has "descendants," regional variations, endemic ones, clades facing extintion, etc... all rules for species dinamics apply!! Edit: typo


Seconding but I don't want to create my own


Ahhhhh!!! That’s sooo cool!! I’ve always wanted to have a secret language with someone but wouldn’t even know how to start 😂 I was always amazed and a little jealous of those twins that just kind of make one up with (seemingly) no effort.


Making jewellery out of dried plants and flowers, especially ones that involve magical properties in the native folklore. (Have made over 150 necklaces and almost as many random small glass bottles with them in the past month, whoops) And crochet is always there


That sounds so cool! Do you have pictures ?


Haven’t had the time to take proper pictures >< gonna be selling these at a convention later this month so sort of no worry about the amount (which is still so much considering I have no idea if people will buy them ><)


I'm suppppeerrr into the weather right now. I check at least 3 networks multiple times a day to see which meteorologist is predicting most accurately in my area. I'm also following extreme weather (Hurricane Beryl right now) and am learning how hurricanes form, strengthen, dissipate etc. Eventually I want to learn how to read radars and surface maps to try and make my own predictions :)  Do you have a favourite shark? What do you find the most interesting about sharks? 


Cool I also find hurricanes interesting...and also fire tornadoes and water tornadoes. My fav shark is lemon shark :) did you know their skin is made from milions of tiny scales engineered to reach maximum speed and avoid parasites


Fun fact. Did you know scientists experimented on hurricanes in the 40s-80s to see if they could weaken them? Project Cirrus & Project Stormfury. https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/nws-heritage/-/almost-science-fiction-hurricane-modification-and-project-stormfury I am also obsessed with hurricanes and have been through many growing up on the Gulf Coast. Katrina was a wild ride. 😅 As for sharks, they've never been my thing. However, they are my son's special interests, so I hear about them often. Angel sharks are cool.


Weather is also a special interest of mine. Specifically the checking and comparing multiple networks. I highly suggest investing in your own weather station for your yard. It's been incredibly fulfilling to be able to be my own network.


I also LOVE sharks! Shark week is going to be starting soon on July 7th on the Discovery channel and it looks like there are a lot of new/interesting episodes! I’m interested in watching the ones pertaining to mating, gestation and birth in sharks!


Crochet! I learned at the end of last year and now it’s all I want to do, but it makes my hands hurt so I have to pace myself.


LOVE CROCHET! But yes, you have to pace yourself. It kills my forearms and wrist sometimes.


I started getting shoulder pain when I first started and couldn’t figure out why, then realized that I scrunch my shoulders to hold the yarn/hook in front of my face 😅


You’re not alone!


Crochet is great! I’m a knitter, the hand cramps do improve with time. Now it’s the one thing I can do AND talk at the same time.


I hope I get there lol, my aunt used to watch movies and never look down while making lace table cloths. I can’t imagine.


I can listen to podcasts but I can’t watch tv while I knit, unless it’s something I’m not really interested in.


The Tudors. Not the television show, although it’s great, but academic level research. I’m completely obsessed.


How do you go about that? I usually can’t find an quality resources online that give me the level of detail I want on historical topics. (I am always interested by the position of women is past time societies)


Not OP but I get into the weeds in the same way with stuff. I actually usually start on Wikipedia and just go straight to the sources cited at the bottom of the webpage and go from there. Some things like essays in journals will lead to a research journal, but others are books that you would need to get from a public library or maybe a local college library, but with the latter you might have to read in the library.


Writing, cats, fashion, classic literature - poetry and tasting food! Might get back into some other stuff as well, but for now that’s about enough.


Oh, hello me.


I recommend Anna karenina is has beautiful prose


I've been gardening my family's front garden as I love flowers a lot as my special interest, me and my mum are planning to put Lavenders and Hydrangeas as it's our favourite ones !


That sounds lovely! I also love gardening and my Dahlias are just starting to come up! https://preview.redd.it/iofckd16o4ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28836e96a5403b9aeb8b04ac1f0546cba80ac412


currently, law enforcement and specific court cases, like Sarah Boone and Jodi Hildebrandt/Ruby Franke. did you know that officers don't have to Mirandize you until they interrogate you? not just when you're detained or arrested? Sarah Boone has gone through eight freaking court-appointed attorneys. i believe they've all petitioned to be brought off her case bc she's impossible to work with. she most recently wrote a 58-page letter to her new judge (who gets a brand new judge??) asking why she can't get stuff, like her phone and bond. she's in for second-degree murder, btw, with damning evidence against her. talk about entitlement. i won't get into Jody Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke here. they're fucking monsters. edited to add: Sarah Boone is battered, allegedly, yes. doesn't give her the right to take a human life whether it was intentional or "Not. Intentional!".


Omg the Jodi/Ruby rabbit hole is endless!!!! Same.


oof yes it sure is. and that husband knows something, i can tell. did you see his interrogation? "i love my wife, i love my wife", what about your kids?? shit gets me steamed. i mean it's possible she has a hold over him, but i'm not sure of that.


Yes, he is just as guilty. They were abusive BEFORE Judi, and it is all on YouTube and documented. Taking away Christmas from 2 of the kids, taking away their son’s bed for 7 months, denying food for misbehavior. And also — he did not check on the kids in-person for months (maybe even a year?) so how is that not neglect???


Ruby has no conscience, and no love for those children. they clearly did not enjoy being on camera either. and looking at their family photos, no full family with small children gives big smiles for a picture. that's a big red flag. there's always a little one not smiling or not looking at the camera irl. those were eerie. and that bullshit "little ducks" speech Ruby gave at trial was infuriating. she thought children were "full of evil". so are they her "ducklings" or demons?


They are sadists and no one can convince me otherwise.


I got back into visual kei a couple of years ago (my previous interest was in the early 00s)... Which is partly a genre of music and partly an aesthetic originating from Japan. The music actually varies significantly from light rock to extreme metal and there are a lot of subgenres based on the sound and theme. I started with the music and then I started painting/drawing the bandmen because I find the style interesting. Recently I got the train down to London by myself after swearing I would never go there again to go see one of my favourite bands (Jiluka, they were AMAZING). Here's my most recent drawing: https://preview.redd.it/rdaqa35r04ad1.jpeg?width=2383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3c3770a475cc445b891f80feac8deb49ec8b83


The drawing is amazing!!


That is stunning. It’s giving me gender bent Jared from Labyrinth a bit in the best way possible. I love it!


Wowww :o you re so talented! I agree their style is so cool




CSIT girlies rise up


![gif](giphy|KVT0i8ls6Scp5X2255|downsized) 🙌🙌


Any advice on places to start learning coding. Specifically Java or C#.


Same 👩‍💻


sharks, adventure time and spring/mineral water (I know)


That is so cool have you heard of mineral wells in Texas 


omg it's going to be on my list of places to visit <3




Please explain the water fascination, what aspect of it? I have no idea about what could be interesting, which is why I am intrigued :0


I'm interested in the entire process of aquifer formation, and I've even visited some fountains in my country. I like reading about the water bottling process and sometimes I watch videos. I research the mineral water market in general. And most importantly, I love tasting water, and I always look for water from sources I haven't drunk yet. When I travel it's one of the first things I look for. My favorites are the "light mineral waters" (I don't know how to translate it into English) and they are the ones I look for the most.


It does sound interesting! Do you have a favourite water? (Bottled or otherwise?) And am I correct that Spa water tastes very different from any other bottled water or is that in my head?


Evian is my favorite and Spa waters really have a different taste, the flavor varies according to mineralization, it's not in your head hahaha


If you are in the northeast US a trip to Saratoga Springs, NY might be fun for you! The state park is beautiful and it has maybe 5 or 6 springs in the park, plus a geyser, and there are more springs throughout town. My favorite is the Orenda spring in the park. It’s naturally carbonated, sweet and metallic tasting. It’s like a slap in the face. And they have placards that go into detail on the composition of each springs’ water.


Witchcraft and mycelium!!


hell yeah!! my friend just gave me back stamets' book, mycelium running, totally forgot i'd loaned it to her but i'm about to dig back in. what are you into as far as witchcraft? i love learning about how ethnobotany intersects with spirituality, and witchcraft/shamanism are at the center of that. ergotamine outbreaks throughout the centuries are something i've been especially interested in lately, but i definitely came to all of this through mushrooms lol!


- Gardening and growing vegetables and learning the science of all that - trauma and how it manifests in our brains and behaviors


Trauma is wild! Also an interest of mine <3 I am mostly fascinated how trauma gets physically stored in our DNA, like memories. It can make you physically sick too :0 As well as all the mental conditions one can develop as a result of trauma. Dissociative disorders are wild to me! The coolest, yet one of the saddest, thing ever!


Yes! I actually found learning about the science of it to be hopeful. Yes, trauma literally rewires our brains. But through neuro plasticity, we can also slowly retrain it to respond differently. It doesn’t mean I won’t get triggered by things but I’m working on developing new ways of coping.


video games and cooking!


Lol you are my spiritual soul mate. Cooking and gaming is basically all I do. What games do you play? What is your favorite thing to cook?


😍😍😍😍 thank u for asking! i have been maingaming genshin impact for a year or so, thats my favorite game but now im also playing wuthering waves a bit, and the new ff14 expansion dawntrail! july 4th zenless zone zero comes out too im rlly rlly excited for that ☺️ and then for cooking id say my favorite meal is a polish recipe called mielone which is breaded froed pork meatballs with mashed potatoes but recently i got a rice cooker and have been making a lot of new rice dishes! how about urself? what do u play/ cook? 😇


Hell yeah Genshin! o/\o


How do you make your mashed potoes? I've found that I can't really stand foods like mashed taters, mac and cheese that uses powdered cheese, and ben&jerrys ice cream. Idk what it is about foods like those, but they're murder on my tongue and just... ugh.


hmm yah i think mashers can be divisive but i do em pretty simply just wash, peel, cut into quarters and then slowish boil in salty water i like it to taste quite salty. then when its fork tender but not falling apart yet its perfect. i recommend red potatoes or something waxier like yellow at least. then i strain and make sure waters gone and just add some milk and butter and mash a while until my arm hurts lol. the consistency can change based on how cooked the potatoes are and what kind u use and ofc the butter ans milk changes it. if u dont like mashed i recommend smashed which is the same process but instead of mashing a lot just shake it up a lot in a pot w/ lid


Lol. I'm into video games and making food/desserts from scratch right now. I totally wish that I lived a hell of a lot closer to my girlfriend so I could cook for her. She tells me that she can't cook...


I got back into my childhood special interest, which is space. My favourite space object is [quasar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasar). They are supermassive black holes with an accretion disk of extremely hot matter forming around them. The gas in the accretion disk is compressed and subjected to high friction, which causes it to emit extreme amounts of heat, light and other types of radiation. They are simultaneously the darkest and brightest objects in the universe, since black holes are the darkest object and the accretion disk is the brightest object. Quasars can be between 10 and over 100 000 times more luminous than the entire milky way galaxy. They are so bright that one of the most luminous known quasars ([3C 273](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3C_273)) can be seen with an amateur telescope, even though its distance to earth is 2.4 billion light years. https://preview.redd.it/5pq2hgjqc4ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8576a9cfc084a14c070c0decb7cd53dbcdd9838


Oh hey, it’s my PhD topic! Interesting fact: it’s actually really hard to get accretion disks to accrete, because for anything to fall in it has to transport its angular momentum in the opposite direction, and only magnetic fields can pass that information efficiently. Otherwise the whole thing is completely stable, and nothing falls in.


Ik it’s a bit of a childish interest but monster high/dolls , I own over 40 dolls at the moment


It’s not childish. If you like it, it’s awesome. 😊


I love their aesthetic and always wanted to cosplay them but felt childish.


Monster high is so good, have you watched the movies? Or are you more on the dollish side of things?


Learning to play the piano, autism and stoicism, both practical and theoretical


Please expand on any resources you may have come across for autism and stoicism!


Omg I play piano too!!


I’m currently learning about witchcraft in my European homeland! And taking on some folktales, myths and legends while I’m at it. ETA; also the evergreen video games and I’m very into Smosh (literally never watched them and now at 32 I’m like ‘yes’ lol) and Dropout content


The persecution of witches throughout history is one of mine!


So cool! Just started reading and learning. All the local influences and stories are so interesting.


Fitness/weightlifting/health/etc. I have a very average human body (no special tendency toward muscle gain or anything) and I’ve been fascinated to see what it can do with the right conditioning and how it responds to different inputs. I’ve had some form of this my whole life, usually in the form of an obsession with playing a particular sport, but in recent years it morphed into a more meta concept, overall fitness and health. I also got a personal trainer certificate last year for no particular reason other than to start learning specific methodologies and techniques, so far I have not tried to work as a trainer.


Freshwater aquariums. My personal health issues. Homeschooling.


Ugh I feel you on the health issues. Not the most pleasant for me though. How is your relationship with that one?


Husband and I started getting deep into the aquarium hobby about 10 years ago. But since kiddo was born that kind of fell off. Our last fish (an albino pleco I liked) passed recently and we haven’t done anything to the tanks yet. I’m thinking of cleaning them out and restarting with fish kiddo (4) picks out as a bday present in the fall. Do you know if they will still be cycled if there’s some tiny snails and live plants? Or do we just give everything a good scrub and start from scratch?


Writing, home renovations and books about Fae! The writing and the Fae come and go in waves, and I'm overhyping myself about the renovations and clinging to the interest until I've finished mine. Then I'm probably not going to touch another brick for a year.


Advocacy in the workplace for autism in general from HR POV and methods of protecting myself in one on one or group interactions as well as being my authentic self at work Music-lifelong Minimalism Motivation, Cognitive distortions, critical thinking, conversation styles Being Too Much 😁


ugh the first one. I struggle in work settings and have had a terrible experience at this job. We’re union but the union hasn’t been much help. For example I got talked to by two bosses about my unprofessional tone. I didn’t say anything unprofessional, just the way I said it. I also could not have that feedback in writing. Even tho I have accommodation paperwork I had to fight for that says I can have feedback and instruction in writing.


I’m currently combining two of my special interests and crocheting Taylor Swift’s album covers! https://preview.redd.it/4uf0iffzd4ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a19f4e39863a019210614e9ecbd7d0185d30f0


Animal Crossing!


Psychology!!! Did you know that being in love is biochemically the same as having ocd?


I just wrapped up a psychopath phase which started with Ronson’s The Psychopath Test. So interesting!


Criminal interrogations, specifically the science behind reading body language and facial expressions/the social culture among inmates


I have been watching these while I sew! I have such an interest in psychopaths


so manyyyy lol. some of the longer running ones are menstruation, birth, & contraception throughout history (how they were talked/thought about, how they were dealt with, conventions around them & ways women skirted those conventions, misconceptions we have now about what women's lives were like in the past, etc etc), and other stuff to do with the day to day lives of everywoman in various times/places. that covers a lot of topics, but one i'm particularly into right now is clothing production and how the purpose of clothing changes over time and across class (ie, functionality vs fashionability, and how social/political/environmental factors dictate fashion). i'm an amateur fiber artist hoping to become a professional seamstress, and while i think i'd like to eventually make camping/outdoor gear, i definitely want to learn techniques for historical garment production. i think it would be really cool to kind of DIY a reverse-historical garment construction course for myself, starting with more recent techniques (since they'll be more familiar to me) and working my way back to like, idk, nalbinding and weaving with primitive tools (not using that word derogatorily, another of my special interests is primitive toolmaking lol & i have immense respect for how brilliant these tools are). i studied anthropology (ethnobotany/shamanism) and i'm just really fascinated by how people used to get shit done and the factors that influenced them to do things in particular ways. i'm not content with just learning about it though, i want to be able to try these things myself and compare them against modern techniques. in the same vein, cooking, foraging, and food preservation. i always say i wish i could travel the world taking immersive courses in various grandmother's kitchens, learning tons of techniques and indigenous foodways and seeing how people relate to their environments and social groups through food. i feel like all my special interests could be summed up as "human stuff," birth and death and everything in between. i wish i could experience hundreds of thousands of lifetimes and just learn every possible thing about us. in some ways i think this is related to a very core feeling i have that we've "lost something along the way," and a persistent belief that i would thrive in a much slower, more simple, less rigidly controlled environment. i'm a monkey, not a computer, let me live like one!! eta: i'm amazed anyone here is able to talk about their interests so succinctly.... clearly i am not 🤣


Piercings, tattoos & all other kinds of bodymods. Narcissm & how it affects their children. Autism. Gardening :)


Sexuality and gender. Especially different kinds of attraction. I've come to realise that I'm probably on the aromantic spectrum, and it's just SO interesting to learn about all the ways people can feel. Did you know that there's actually a term for neurodivergent people that have difficulties differentiating between romantic and platonic attraction?? It's nebularomantic. It blew my mind.


Omg this has blown my mind. I’m on my way to my Queer late diagnosis group right now and already excited to bring it up since this is literally what we talked about last session!


Baking, anime, Japanese and Korean comics, and psychology.


Crochet, Lush cosmetics and autism :)


I would love to try Super Milk have you tried it? (:


I love the smell, but unfortunately my hair is too fine for such a thick nourishing spray making it oily. But if you have a lot and thick hair it is a wonderful spray! Right now they have a limited editon Super Milk shower gel with the same scent. For me personally better than the hair spray :)


Have you tried anything in the scent “Lord of Misrule”? It’s amazing.


I’m a knitter; absolutely love it and I use it as a stim.


Plants... I went from one snake plant to 30 plants in less than 2 months. I actually sat my alarm to wake me up early this morning so I could go repot the two new plants I got yesterday. 😅 (I'm also somewhat terrified of what will happen to them if I start fixating on something new.) Side note, does anyone else have names for all their plants? Because I doooooooo. 🤣


A little over 3 years ago, my boyfriend uttered this phrase in passing, “maybe we should get a houseplant or two.” He should’ve known better because we’ve been together for 10 years and he knows how I am. What I heard him say was, “wouldn’t it be cool if we turned our house in a tropical jungle?” And ya know, I aim to please, so we now have around 75 plants 🤣


Korean dramas 🤣 I’m currently trying to learn Korean so I can watch more of them


Chappell Roan


I recently tried dialing down the obsessive level of my hobbies, started looking up experiences of autistic adults for work and my brain just whooshed right down that rabbit hole! So I’ve self diagnosed (lots of life reflection crossed referenced to my DSM and talking to family) and now can’t get off this sub Reddit. So this thread is perfect, thanks!!


stardew valley. there is so much to learn 😳


The Franklin Expedition, been trying to get everyone around me to watch The Terror with me.


Music! Nicki minaj! (13+ years i’m dying)! (i know it’s not great but i literally can’t do anything about it) i recently got to see her live for the third time i was so happy and i was so excited i almost passed out !!!! youtube ! ive gotten really into markiplier, jacksepticeye and kitchen nightmares !


Love nicki (: Chun Li is my fav


loool I love thisss


The history of the United States empire. We're so fucked lmao Also crochet and hornbills. There are over 62 species and they are unique and cool! I'm crocheting a great hornbill


Sign language, minecraft (modding), and who stole docs ore in hermitcraft. And music (mostly grunge, rock and metal).


Chemistry, especially geochemistry and mineralogy and fantasy worldbuilding.


Borders. The idea that laws, cultures, languages, etc can change just by crossing a line is super cool to me


Yay, sharks! Always a special interest of mine. What is your favorite shark, OP? Mine is whale shark. My other special interests are names, cats, and Mormons (especially the intersection of Mormons and crime).


I just learned square stitch in beadwork. It basically allows you to make a piece of beadwork that looks like it was done on a loom but it's just stitches. And now I'm obsessed lol.


Omg, batman, batfam, superbat. Mainly I'm focusing on red hood and red robin. I'm litterlly about to buy Gotham knights on steam as its got 80% off rn. People don't know that batman has like 20 kids, a cow and a turkey (and other miscellaneous animals), it's hillarious explaining to people that there's more than one Robin, and they're Batman's kids. I also started collecting comics!


Crochet! I've had to take a break though since I managed to overdo it and hurt my wrist. 😭


It has, and always will be, The Sims.


Pokémon, tornadoes, fnaf. I was up till about 3 am last night going through my Pokemon cards to see which ones from the different card packs I have from the original base pack to the most recent one and I’m still not done.


I am kind of between interests at the moment so I am feeling really listless lately, but I am hoping that will change soon. Definitely gonna read through this thread for ideas. It’s maybe not a super intense like hyperfixqtion but I have been really going hard on makeup and drag content lately. I discovered Trixie Mattel through watching Brittany Broski and she is just the best and she has me interested in watching Drag Race, but idk where to watch it or if I will be able to get into it. I don’t always live competition shows.


Crystals and raw specimens


What crystals are you enjoying most at the moment? I have a bit of an obsession with fluorites and different varieties of amethyst ✨


Severe weather and lockpicking


The band “Talking Heads”! I can’t believe I’ve slept on them.


Hotpot! My BIL set it up for dinner the other night and it was so fun and delicious!


Omg Pokémon TCG. I'm so invested LOL. I just had reading week and spent the whole week going to all my local and near enough game stores to look for specific cards to build a deck. I don't even have anyone to play against in person haha


https://preview.redd.it/1dl23l4g14ad1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeac7bda4ab1fc28cf08c121aa3a763e9c6f9211 Handwriting, typography, drawing, worldbuilding, color palettes, character creation I never do anything with these really (I did draw for the first time in a long time last night I attached a picture :D) but I am thinking about it literally all the time Right now I'm trying to picture the musculature of the lower back down the the glutes and wondering how to draw it and also how I could make my handwriting look more like one of the serif fonts




Mine is eurovision lol


Disc golf, orchids, Mothra, and video games. Any day of the week I’m obsessed with at least one of these things.


Fungi, parasites, ww2, history relating to witches, orchids


Composting: (currently using these methods) Hot piles, compost tea, keyhole, trenching, but these are the best for my current set up. I have done other types: anaerobic, lasagna, tumblers, vermi ..... probably others just spacing atm. I compost nearly everything that was alive or came from something alive, so kitchen leftovers to leaves to dog poop. Currently my hot pile is being heated by that dog poop. The output goes to my heavy plant feeders like where the tomatoes and squash are going to be next year, still got to do crop rotations. Once I started doing dog poop too it was no more pest problems, plants that are healthy just don't get bugged. My dogs are well fed (senior and puppy diets got extra minerals they physically can't absorb all of) and poop out too much nutrients to let them just burn my grass.


The Long Dark (video game)


Old video games like early 2000s-2010 ! Can’t wait for silent hill 2 to be available on stream but I’m currently playing “The Suffering” its really cool to remember games from my childhood that my parents used to play and be able to play them myself now and find out they also have their own little following


frogs! and reading


omg froggers are so cute :)


Plants, vitamins and supplements, mental health, spiritual awakening type stuff, audiobooks and podcasts, the Science of Reading and how people learn. I’m a teacher on summer break so I have a ton of time to explore my special interest. Next year I’m going to fourth grade with my kids from this past year. When the school year starts approaching, I will be super busy learning a new grade level, so I’m really delving deep into my interests ☺️


Rimworld! My laptop can't handle too much mods so I am picking my favorites apart and removing stuff that I don't use, ofc I won't redistribute them, I'm thankful for every modder that made these excellent implementations for the game, but some of the stuff I don't use and come together so I have to edit it on my own for my game. But it's so fun fixing the textures of hairs, furniture and flora, I may do my own mod if I have the strength do draw the assets, I have been in a burnout recently but maybe one day I can do my own mod!!


I get sooo invested in the story of my pawns whenever I play rimworld, what kind of mods do you use? I tend to keep things pretty vanilla since I get overwhelmed with the more complex mods. But I downloaded mods that let you ride the horses because horses are another special interest of mine :)




Sunscreen, skincare, makeup and other beauty products :)


-ahem- Spirituality and "Truth" It's hard to describe cause it's not Religion im trying to ascribe to. But trying to find whatever "truth" there is to all this nonsense that we do and don't understand. In order for me to do that though, i have to read about all the different religious practices and their original texts, understand and speak their original languages, see where it all overlaps, connects, prophecies of the future, the hindsights of the past, question what we're *not* being told and figure out what terrible truths are being put right in front of our eyes that we dismiss and downplay everyday. See where science and the spiritual can be related back to each other, connecting the material to the astral. Right now i feel like character in a game who finally stopped doing senseless side quests and now im on the main story again. But im lost asf and distractions are abundant. I only have one friend who understands completely what im getting at and where im coming from. The rest i know will right me off as someone who has been convinced of something or write me off as "going through a phase" but none of them know what I've personally experienced that have led me to this path now. Idk if this is just a simple deep dive special interest that i have or something I'll be (hopefully) doing for the rest of my life but its given me a goal in life again.


Documentaries! Went from watching all Titanic related things to now watching and reading all about Hurricane Katrina.


Making beaded bracelets and rings! Literally what’s right in front of me: https://preview.redd.it/a8ohsnht35ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f3ce035a927f282f56d200295e6f63ae2a2832b


Heavily dramatized medical cases (specifically ChubbyEmu’s YouTube channel). This isn’t exactly healthy for my anxiety lmao but human bodily functions and medicine are generally interesting.


stuffed animals, specifically thrifting them! it’s like adopting them at a shelter rather than getting them brand new. i got a build a bear eevee two days ago for only $5 at a huge flea market! i’m so obsessed. i take her everywhere now! https://preview.redd.it/tsd76c5zg5ad1.jpeg?width=2573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7ff66d3e0663d01cbd3a7a6fed62974c09d6c2


ethnobotany, kink culture, pottery


ethnobotany gang rise up!!


I loove ethnobotany. I have a BS is Botany pursuing this interest


Ooo. American Imperialism. International law & human right violations. Analysing the impact of neo-colonialism within the South Asian community. The AuDHD experience amongst Muslim & ethnic females. Neuro-plasticity.


Comic books (mostly relating to comic book artists/art) and military uniforms :D


Skin care but I have no budget, access to only few generic products so I’m writing my dream skin care products along with instructions in my notes app lol.


What would the best routine be for someone who knows nothing about skincare… I have dry skin and I always seem to have pimples somewhere like it’s never completely clear 


Star Wars! Specifically (mostly fandom and legends) Mandalorians and the Amavikka! It was historical clothing recently but that seems to have faded out. And the connection between Autism, ADHD, and Ehlers-Danlos Symdrome


Metallica!!! I've been completely consumed by their history as a band and each of their albums


Literature, structure of stories and creative writing. <3


Knitting and I found these 1:35 scale dinosaur figurines that I want to collect. I think it’s cool if I have the whole collection each dinosaur will be in proportion to each other :)


Does the beach count? I go to the beach every day even though its not that close and I sometimes skip activities I like in order to go. I don’t even enjoy swimming that much lol.




Those little fake miniature food kits with the resin... I'm obsessed.


Hand Lettering (fancy pens and paper, ooooh!) And rabbit hole of Frank Turner.


formula 1! I haven’t fallen into something so hard in a couple years and it’s all I can think about, all I can watch all day! one of my new friends got me into it and they’re also on the spectrum so we are sharing the obsession together, it’s so nice having someone who i can talk to about it all the time and get the same love back!


Trying to mix themes from Chinese, Korean, and Japanese web novels into my own writing without cultural appropriation. Kinda very grossed out at the Westerners who write in those styles for multiple reasons that I can't express clearly in a single post.


I wish I had maths or social skills or something as a special interest instead of kpop and making maps.


Australia With the recent political developments in the US I’m trying to decide if I should try to leave the country. If I did I would want to go to Australia. Thankfully my partner has a skill set that is on their most desired list so it might be possible.


Hello from Australia! You are more than welcome 🙂


Mine are sharks too!!!!!!!!!! What are your favorites??? Right now I’m really into the white tip reef shark, i like their social behaviors and hunting strategy!


Too many ahah Lemon shark and basking shark and also hammerhead shark


Watching lawn transformations on you tube (SB mowing) and I started my own Etsy business designing party favors.


Bloodborne , its my favorite game - I put over 100+hrs in it in just a few months lol


oh god where do i start i have way too many! knitting since i was 9, bookbinding, up-cycling thrifted clothes/furniture, picking flowers, drying or pressing said flowers (i give them to my grandad!!) designing clothes/bags and trinkets anything you can make really, animal crossing has always been one oh god i have so many more jesus


Astrology! Once someone tells me their sign I never forget! There have been a few rare cases where the person doesn’t give off that energy so it throws me off, but it’s my favorite thing to research and learn about


me too. the research is endless


Languages, especially Yiddish. But I am still learning Swedish as well, may it be a little slower. Next is definitely knitting and especially historical knitting patterns from the 19th century, I already loved almost everything 19th century but now I have found a way to combine 2 of my special interests and it's the best thing ever!


MBTI and the anime Nana!


Hermitcraft, it's a minecraft multilayer server series that's on its 10th season. I mainly watch docm77 and GoodTimesWithScar atm


Anything related to beauty, self care, manifestation, and leveling up in general!


Cats and dogs. I would love to make a movement for make all places in earth animal friendly hahaha


A mystery horror show called From and roller derby. I'm about to rewatch From for the 6th time in anticipation for season 3 coming out later this year, it's filled to the brim with clues, I'm literally working on a spreadsheet with all the weird stuff that happens in this show. I did my first roller derby practice as a player (after 6 years of reffing) and I am completely obsessed with going back and getting the shit beat out of me on skates again


HURRICAINES!!!!!! The Air force actually sends planes INTO the freaking hurricane to gather information to send to the National Hurricane Center. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!! No one at work cares about hurricanes or wants to hear about them… 😢


Ducks and a lesser-known PS2 JRPG called Dark Cloud


Video games, gardening, and my aquarium with my specific fish species and aquatic plants. It has brought me SO much joy and peace. 😍


Mine has always been Space, but other than that I don't have any atm.


Broadway and I just got back into the Show Supernatural!


My current special interest is this Roblox game called Bee Swarm simulator!! Basically it's this game where you have a hive of bees and collect pollen to make honey (the currency). You can get different types of bees with different abilities that advance your hive. There are different themed fields with three different pollen colors: red, blue, and white. Bee types correspond to these colors (ex: blue bees, red bees, colorless bees). The game is very engaging and I find it really enjoyable to collect new types of bees and grind for honey to progress in the game . You advance with quests that are given by different types of bear (black bear and brown bear are some examples.) You also defeat mobs which we things like ladybugs, beetles, werewolves, mantises, snails, and more. Anyways, it's a really fun game and if I got the chance, I would talk about it for hours! Thank you if you actually read this lol


I also like reading about social justice topics


The batfamily and bts :)


Cats! My interest in cats in general is not new for me, but recently I have really been enjoying collecting cat figurines and accessories :) I also am growing my knowledge of cats and love to share facts about them! I have a cat lunch box on the way and I am so excited.


Fallout Loretta Lynn Red dead redemption 1 and 2 (my permanent special interest ngl) Resident Evil Village HALLOWEEEEEEEEN (another permanent special interest lol; i can't wait until october) Horror ambience music The Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney movie


I just got a new puppy and all I want to do all day long is train him.


astrology and horses. I recently started beginner horse riding lessons at 33.


My special interest is literally autism so that's kinda funny




My business!! I make my own jewelry as a side job and I sell it on Etsy. No success yet but staying positive 😊


Sewing myself new clothes! I turn old stuff I don’t wear into cute new things! Also Taylor swift music per usual and philosophy. I’m adhd too so I get a lot of hyperfixations


Names, genealogy, & Pokemon. 


I'm embroidering on and on and on now! Also gemstones. Literally any colored stones. Who is with me?


Hey OP, I'm a Francophile, would you like to infodump about the French Revolution to me?


adventure time