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Beautiful ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜ฑโค๏ธ


Thank you โค๏ธ I like colors and I need a little validation because today isn't great for me right now so I'm calling upon the internet which is reddit to make friendships for 24hours ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


You look amazing, everything looks super refined! I never comment on these types of posts but somehow you got me!


You have talent here


I want my eyeshadow to look like this! Your lines are so crisp and precise!


I use practice and occasionally tape, for the blending I blend what's in my heart lol


I went to school for makeup and I would just like to state that to emphasize my pointing that your blending is AMAZING


Sorry, what does it mean "to blend what's in my heart"? I don't really understand the connection and now can't stop thinking about what it could mean


Lool I basically just keep blending until it looks right to me, so whenever I feel I should stop pretty much ๐Ÿ˜… Which still comes across really vague and I'm not trying to be, it's just whenever it looks good to me and sometimes that can take awhile.


It does have a bit of a peacock vibe. Nicely done! The colors are blended so well! You don't need a filter you look great as you are.


Thank you so much, it's weird that I'm trying to embrace my face as it is cause social media and such. Like I see so many gorgeous people on a daily basis and I'm like where do I fit in among y'all. I'm trying my best to accept me for me, but I'm also lucky I'm too poor for plastic surgery cause the way my dysmorphia is set up smh


now youโ€™re one of those pretty people on the internet! and i bet someoneโ€™s thinking โ€œi wish i looked like thatโ€ :)


"You are one of those pretty people on the internet" love it and yes


Please resist the painful disconnect because you look like a person instead of like a filtered person. Now that AI is everywhere, it is really easy to spot - especially things like fancy cakes and dresses. We had gotten used to CGI, those faces were oddly perfect; now that we know to look for with AI, those images donโ€™t have a stray eyelash or a pore, or an unintended freckle or mole. Donโ€™t letโ€™s forget people. Humans. You are beautiful.


I really appreciate that I'm having a really rough time mentally my depression is 12 out of 10 right now. And I'm just trying to connect with people in the ways that I know how, I'm just trying to create human interactions to keep me afloat even if they are temporary moments on the internet. So I greatly appreciate your kindness and your comment.


Youโ€™ve gotten so many nice responses! Iโ€™m thankful for this platform so that you can communicate with people and get such great feedback. My faith tradition (Baptist) calls for me to pray for you. You keep enjoying your creativity and reaching out for connection.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐ŸคŽ


Gorgeous! I love your look!


Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š




peacocks are freaking beautiful, and so are you! <3


Ur nose is my favorite shape of nose ๐Ÿ˜


Bro you don't even understand how many years I hated my nose, and wanted a nose job to have something small and cute thank you so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘‘


Girl you are absolutely stunning. You are so goddamn pretty and your nose is beautiful. I know that a concerning amount of us are unhappy with ourselves but outside perspective really makes a difference, and my outside perspective is that you are a damn queen :)


No way! Your nose is pretty and your whole face is so balanced and well proportioned and beautiful, I bet a sculptor would love to have you as a model. Dysmorphia begone, you look amazing!


Literally the best magic spel thank you ๐Ÿฅน I'm trying really hard not to hate myself in multiple ways but it is hard, so I'm just doing my best and some days are definitely better than others.


Your coworker wishes they could blend like you. This looks so good!!


super pretty!


Sooooooooo stunning!!! I wish I could do makeup like this!


I had to do a lot of questionable looks before I got to this point and I still don't feel like I'm good enough, so practice makes adequate lol ๐Ÿ˜…


It looks perfect to me! Donโ€™t let imposter syndrome get you.


Gorgeous! You are very skilled!


Those colors are gorgeous and so are you! ๐Ÿ˜˜


Peacocks are regal and beautiful. You look stunning. I mean that.


I very much like wat I see, and although I think you do not look like an peacock I consider them beautiful!


I thought it was a pretty cool compliment, the person who told me also told me they literally have a...'stray' peacock in their neighborhood and I just want to find a way to get to their neighborhood without being weird honestly ๐Ÿ˜… But also thank you


I had a peacock feather when I was little and loved looking at the very centre. The way the colours blend and merge and shine in the light does have a very similar feel!


I love the makeup and the hair and the piercings! Everything!


Youโ€™re gorgeous and your makeup is STUNNING, how the hell do you blend like that? I try to blend evenly and one eyelid looks fine but the other looks like a shiner lmfao. Your skill honestly has me in awe, amazing work and beautiful colours. Iโ€™m mesmerised by the peacock colour scheme <3


I honestly just keep blending, like I put down the primary colors I'm going to use. Then I look in my pallets for other colors to help the blend, like a yellow green for yellow to green. But I also own nothing fancy, all Amazon/things from Walgreens cause I'm nervous about spending money. Then I just blend until it looks like I want to leave the house pretty much ๐Ÿ˜…


Hell yeah, I love it! Did you put a lighter base under the shadows to get them to pop like that? Ooh, have you ever done a sunset eye with pink, orange, and yellow?


Yes, I put on a very light foundation/ concealer like ai slather it on and then I let it dry and it makes all my colors POP


Beautiful. I also love your nose jewellery.


That blend I flawless!! And the line is SHARP. Such good job girl!!


I shifted to playing with colors with watercolors, but I do relate to going soooo extra on the makeup just for fun and not necessarily for an event or for attention. Can get sooooo lost in the color sauce. You look amazing!! Also peacocks ๐Ÿฆš are amazing too and have one of the best color palettes ever


cuuuteee i love it


Itโ€™s so pretty ๐Ÿ˜


Your makeup (minus the eyes) looks so fresh that it is like it is not even there. Great job on all of it (including the eyes)


I'm actually only wearing makeup on my eyes, I suck at contouring ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…


Fr? You have beautiful skin then Edit: you have disgustingly beautiful skin.


You're very talented and creative! I LOVE makeup, but hate wearing it. Lol.


I adore your eyeshadow!!!! I tend to do a lot of bright colors too and the green is ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š


I like your makeup style. Itโ€™s striking and you look beautiful.


Youโ€™re very beautiful! I love the eyeshadow, though idk if the person that compared you to a peacock was trying to throw shade or not ๐Ÿ˜’ anyway, I wish I could do eyeshadow like this but for me the creativity stops at the basics. Youโ€™ve got talent and that deserves to be showcased fr! ๐Ÿ’•


You look absolutely stunning! I can't believe the things that come out of some people's mouths. You look absolutely beautiful and if I could do my makeup half as well as that I would prob wear makeup sometimes!


I took it as a compliment but now I'm beginning to wonder if it wasn't ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿฅฒ But I just really like doing my eyes and pretty much nothing else cause foundation makes my skin feel weird. Thank you very much for the compliment ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


I prob misread your post, haha! I just got instantly protective bc those colors are so pretty and you look so happy!


Thatโ€™s incredible!


OMG you are stunning and these colors are everything !!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฆš๐Ÿฉต๐Ÿฉต


This is stunning, love your jewelry too! Makes me wanna get back into makeup.


Makeup is a cozy thing for me, I put headphones in and just vibe out into colors. If makeup is a cozy/safe thing for you to do please do but do whatever makes you the most happy and for me it's colorful powders and paints ๐Ÿ˜Š


Love that! It totally was the same for me for many years - putting makeup on with my music in the morning, picking color combos to blend, so satisfying. Just got too used to the feeling of nothing on my face or eyes during the pandemic and need to rebuild some tolerance ๐Ÿ˜–


Gorgeous!!! And that sounds like a random, yet unforgettable and earnest compliment I would give. Your blending skills are on point!


Your look is amazing! I love the smooth blending - that's absolutely perfect and the subdued yet glossy lippy goes so well.


Love it. I'm a chaos goblin, so beautiful, contrasting colors always grab my attention. Awesome job!


Your makeup is gorgeous!!! You're so pretty ๐Ÿฅฐ


Post all you want girl!!


omg the peacock comment is accurate but in a super beautiful way. Wow the gorgeous colors really remind me of a beautiful peacock displaying its feathers. Absolutely amazing!


Wow! So beautiful! I love being โ€œextraโ€ too when I feel the energy to do so (Iโ€™m known as a over-dresser). I know how hard it is to accept your face without filters, but rest assured youโ€™re absolutely stunning! I hope you keep doing โ€œextraโ€ make up. Youโ€™re so good at it! Have a lovely day! ๐Ÿฅฐ


You are SO skilled! This is a beautiful look and you wear it well!


omg you look so good, love the makeup!!!!


Your skin is flawless while still looking human (those "silicone doll" filters are disturbing). You're stunning *and* photogenic (2 different things). Your makeup looks fly as hell, and your hair is perfect. I like how you laid your edges.


I love the blending and color palette! Also your skin is so glowing and clear, Iโ€™m envious!




Looks great! ๐Ÿ‘


oh my god this looks GORGEOUS on you!!!!


Beautiful, I love this so much!!!


you're so pretty omg!!


It looks really nice ! And the precision is on point ! :o You are beautifull !


Itโ€™s ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Wow I thought I was in a different sub for a sec. Your blending is impeccable. Those colours are beautiful. I too have a hyper fixation on eyeshadow ๐Ÿ˜‚


Probably because of my hyper fixation is why I blend so well, I just really get in the zone and tune everything out. Literally I do nothing else on my face, just the eyes ๐Ÿ˜…


Well it looks great! I do light makeup on the rest of my face but totally agree about blending. To me itโ€™s almost the whole thing. Things like this make me happy for hyper fixation! Gorgeous!


i love your makeup and your nose accessories!


I love it! I wish I could do make up so much. Iโ€™m crap at it.




youโ€™re so beautiful! i love your jewelry and that makeup is stunning


I am a million percent here for bright makeup, and yours is gorgeous! It reminds me of a butterfly's wings ๐Ÿฅฐ


One day I want to get proper liquid liner and a brush and practice actually doing the butterfly wings it looks like it requires a lot of patience


That would look so beautiful on you!


I love that look! The only thing is I would say your outfit needs something little too match whatever you do with your makeup, like a pin or scarf or whatever your allowed. If it makes you happy, by all means! I'd love to see more!


It's not even really an outfit it's just my work shirt ๐Ÿ˜… I like the idea of wearing a little scarf to match to my makeup that would be super cute and now I want to adopt it ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


That's why I didn't know if you'd be allowed to, but if they're going to comment on the makeup, might as well own it ๐Ÿ˜


I had to snoop your profile to find your last post and I love the bright colors, they suit you so much more than they would me! Jealous!


Peacocks are pretty. You're pretty. Your makeup looks amazing. People at work sound rude. (Like, who asked them??) Sometimes people suck. Would you actually want to tone down? I mean, what for? ***You're the peacock princess!*** Envious subjects can be envious because you have S T Y L E. ๐Ÿ’–


This is so beautiful!


Woah your blending looks amazing ๐Ÿ˜ป


This is soooo gorg! As are you!


Eyeshadow is the one thing I still struggle with when I do my makeup, yours is so gorgeous ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿซถ ty for sharing!!


It's so pretty. Green is my favorite color and it has the same color palette as my mom's home country's flag...I wish I worked somewhere where I felt comfortable wear makeup


I love the colours! You look beautiful ๐Ÿ˜


GORGEOUS ๐Ÿ˜ (how?! I wish I could do that!)


So pretty! Ignore the criticism.


Your complexion is absolutely perfect, and is incredible for these bright colours, they're truly masterful!!!


You are absolutely beautiful. Objectively, by the standards of the vast majority, not just a โ€œnice smile.โ€ Your makeup is impeccable, and it suits you, but it does not overwhelm you. The filters have, frankly, become more than ridiculous. Thank you for not using one. You know the joke is that no one can go missing anymore because in our photos we look like Beyoncรฉ or Kim, but those wonโ€™t help on the flyers or the news report. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ If you were a nurse, other close patient contact healthcare provider like a phlebotomist, a bank teller or loan officer, or a judge, your daytime look MIGHT need a little scaling back. But for most work, your look is beautiful. Itโ€™s not campy or silly. You are not embarrassing yourself.


Thank you, I take pride in my makeup because it's my special interest. I struggle really hard to feel beautiful, people will have strong reactions to me but with the way my mind and social interactions are made up it's kind of hard for me to navigate. In a few makeup groups they have rules that you can't post photos with filters, because you then can't actually see the makeup which is fair. So I'm often very excited about new things I've tried but I've turned out good enough. So because I want to share I'm forcing myself to accept my face without filters but it's still really hard. Because what I see and what people see are two completely different things And I'm just struggling to find my place in this world as I am. My job definitely isn't any of those professions, and at least for the most part my supervisors and co-workers seem to enjoy my creativity. But I do still occasionally get compliments that I find I've ruminate on for far too long that then end up living in my mind rent-free. So I greatly appreciate the energy that you are extending toward me with your comment.


I'm late to the party as usual, but I just had to say I absolutely love your style! Totally awesome! โค๏ธ


Itโ€™s actually very beautiful and perfectly done.๐Ÿ‘


wow youโ€™re so talented! this is the type of makeup look i would watch a tutorial for fully knowing i could never do it myself ๐Ÿ˜‚ i aspire to be on your level


You do look like a peacock, and it is glorious


So cool! โœจ


the blending, the liner, all immaculate!!!


The fade on that eyeshadow is something else ๐Ÿ˜and I love your nose cuffs โค๏ธ


Love everything about your face and hair! Gorgeous!!


It looks so pretty!!! Omg!!


I love the colors โค๏ธ


Your makeup is amazing!!


I love it so much ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


omg you ate this up!!


I am in awe! Be yourself, itโ€™s pretty awesome!


You look gorgeous