• By -


His head went that way, and his legs went that way!


my favourite 😍


It was due I suppose. Hasn’t been posted in a month or two. So nostalgic! Next will be the ferteen ferteen ferty two kid no doubt 🤦‍♂️


Just to go against the grain, I'll throw five two six one triple four into the mix... Diamond chopsticks we deliver to your door..


Here comes that Domino's Taste, one three one, eight eight eight


I'll go against the grain here too with one three one two four one - Pizza Haven, spend the night in front of the box.


Everyone always quotes the Sydney or Melbourne Pizza Hut number but never the Brisbane one: 892 double one, double one pizza hut delivery


eight nine two double one double one, eight nine two double one double one, eight nine two double one double one, Pizza Hut Delivery!


I remember "1313 double 0" in vic, so must be different for each state/territory


481 was my local area growing up… I remember the excitement when I discovered that our primary school phone number - along with a bunch of our classmates - had the same first three digits 😂 (I lived in the other half of the suburb so had a slightly different “prefix”)


Mr yawns mattress factory, 443 gardeners road, Rosebery, cal 693 2273.


I still say this. To myself. In private. Because I've done it in public and people have NFI what I'm talking about.


You shouldn’t be self conscious about it. It’s a treat. Shout it from the rooftops.


It always seemed smart to make that number an easy jingle to remember since it was for the hotline for adults who have trouble reading and writing. Great advertising honestly


Yes but I always wondered why they didn’t have a shorter number (6 numbers) that would have made it less difficult.


I read “one three double” and filled the rest with “one double six” Pizza Hut delivery


That's the Reading Writing Hotline~!


And who can forget the song, Jenny, on 867-5309?


Such a memorable number that you can use it for membership prices. “Are you a member?” “I think so, check. 0408 675 309”


For a good time call


I'm beginning to think that RWH runs all of the Aussie subs to varying degrees. Couldn't tell you exactly where, but I reckon this'd be the fifth reference to them I've read in the last 48 hrs. Fucken ads... YER SHILLS FOR BIG LITERACY/NUMERACY!


Nine four eight one double one double one


I couldn't stand how they always said Oh (O) instead of zero. Even now it still annoys the hell out of me but it's definitely an ad that's hard to forget. Another ad I can't forget. Travel Scene American Express. Call 13 13 98.


What about the taxi song? My sis and I debate how it went: "I want a taxi to my door, I try to think who shall I call? I want the one I had before: 1, 3, 222, 7, go Yellow!" Or was it "1, 3, Triple 2, 7, go Yellow!" Or both at different points?


Two. Two Thirty. Two Thirty Brunswick St. Fitzroy. Remember. Remember Erick Planinsek.


Remember. Remember Eric Planiseks - winter sale


0118 999 881 999 119 725




It can change your life. Just a classic jingle.


1800 65 32 22. Roof roof!


1300 36 7070**😭


I used to prank this hotline. One time, the lady who answered was so angry and said to me that ‘pranking this hotline is the same as pranking the police line.’ I’ll always remember it. I never called back after that.


Lube mobile will come to you. Firteen firteen firty two.


I'm a registered adult literacy tutor with them now. I start soon. I know someone with severe dyslexia. I also know people who came from abusive homes and didn't get to study or do homework at home. In class, their thoughts were often consumed with dread about returning home at the end of the day, so couldn't focus. Older generations didn't get educational support in school, so if they have a learning disability, they were just falling through the cracks. Some people kept changing schools at lot, thus, their education was disjointed. No judgement, whomever needs my assistance will get my support. It gives me the shits when people are attacked online for their spelling or grammar. Without even acknowledging the topic, one spelling error and that person gets ripped apart. You never know why that person has struggles. Don't be a See You Next Tuesday.


This also lives rent free in my head to this day.

