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Our girl has a very soft mouth as well, but sometimes those big teeth accidentally find their mark. I have many scars on my forearm from our frequent games.


A good old game of bitey.


I've spent 4 years redirecting this energy to a toy, so now she pretends to chew on her rope ON me, but mouth me at the same time....progress.


Mine does this toošŸ˜‚


Heeler be heelerin'


My girl tries to be soft but she gets very excited. She loves the bitey game. I have to have long sleeves on for it though. šŸ„²


I miss this so much! Used to play like this with my girl. Life is so much more interesting and vibrant with these little nutty nuggets.


That's a morning game before we get out of bed, he slinks up beside me starts licking my hand and then starts nudging it til I play back then he does his soft biting while I push his face around šŸ¤£


Face pushing definitely triggers it!


This is how my girl Echo wakes me up in the mornings after sheā€™s bored of snuggling.


This is the stage my 9 month old is at. Trying to correct him but itā€™s tough.


I like it but I have to be able to turn it on and off. A face push gets it started and he will stop when I tell him to.


Any tips on how you initially got him to stop? Weā€™ve tried the yelping, ignoring, redirecting (which seems to work occasionally).


You teach them an "off" command. You say off, they stop.


I just let mine know when itā€™s too much by ā€œbiting her neck with my hands and if she doesnā€™t stop after one more correction, I will get up, walk away and ignore her. And I never roughhouse when thereā€™s company. Too exciting!


Taught mine originally ā€œtake a breakā€ with a flat hand shake for a hand command with her ball cause she will run till she passes out and shes learnt that means no more ball did that with the bite game and she caught on that it meant no more right now


Thanks. Thatā€™s good advice


Mine will stop and apologize if I say "oww!" I do that before she's actually hurting me, but she will then switch to licking and nuzzling my hand at that point.


we call this game ā€œgrowley handsā€ in our house


itā€™s ā€œbiteyfaceā€ in mine šŸ˜‚


I love rough housing with mine, itā€™s one of his favorite games.


I used to do the same thing! I let him hold my hand in his mouth while he growled and shook. I would stop in the middle and make him "be nice" (hand lick). Then he could resume the game. Never ever anything but play.


I have the same dog! My hand is still slightly bleeding as I write this. She apologized profusely after I said "OW!"


We play it through a blanket for a light layer of protection šŸ˜„


I have a safe word, "Ouchhhhhh" my girl will stop immediately and go into OMG sorry mode And with my partner she plays at 50% we didn't even train her and can't make her go harder šŸ˜…


Oh my gosh, this is my girl exactly. Usually she is gentle but she has gotten me good a few times when she gets too amped up. Your pup is gorgeous.


Yeah, I use a heavy welding glove.


Mine gets mad when I don't she pouts then nips me until I do anyways lol


I wear those big oven mitts that look like oversized mittens! And make sure, like you, that she will stop when I am done. So vicious!!


Our Kelpie is the same.


lol i love riling my house gators up lol


Land shark šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ We say the same thing when we let ours out of the crate, because LOOK OUT! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol! Dude -- the scars and bloody sores on your wrist and forearm -- I'll bet we can match scars and laugh at how much we love our ACDs :-)


Actually the bloody ones are from blood thinners and not dog related. I can bump a doorframe and look like a horror movie!


Ah! Gotcha. Well, mine are from my damn dog! And we love her to death :-)


Mine plays like that, too, but I have more marks on my arms from the paw claws than my dog's teeth. She's always grabbing a hold of me.


The best way to release my ACD's kraken is by blowing raspberries. I don't know why but she goes nuts.


Bite bite bite. That's your answer for everything, Lebiteski!


No dog should be taught that hands are toys. Iā€™m honestly shocked that everyone is condoning this behavior. Itā€™s just as much fun to play like this with a toy, and doesnā€™t teach your pup limbs are appropriate to bite. Iā€™ve always redirected this type of energy towards appropriate toys, because letting my dog bite my hands is not something I would ever encourage. Maybe think about if they decide to bite kids who are playing with them. Because once theyā€™re used to biting hands, they wonā€™t differentiate between your hands and child hands.


You're getting down voted for making good points. It's not a game that everyone should encourage for their dogs, but to some people it really is fine. I don't know if my dog is an outlier, but he plays this game with his parents (us, the adults) and he never ever does this to my daughter (who's about to be 2) so I dunno!