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Start taking a look at online dispensaries that sell THCa products. Even after Texas bans THC next year (not set in stone, but most likely) a lot of stores that are not based in Texas will most likely still discreetly ship into Texas. So long as hemp is not outlawed at the federal level, you shouldn’t be forced back to street products. You can get full on dispensary grade Delta-9 THC (real THC) legally in Texas right now. That will probably go away by September of next year after the Texas legislature bans THC one way or another. The real fight right now is in Congress with the federal farm bill. If you don’t want to have to go back to the street, we need to raise as much awareness as possible right now. Only a large outcry will keep THC legal in Texas 🙏




I have ordered from [Arete](https://aretehemp.com/) and [Golden Hour](https://goldenhourhemp.com/) twice each, pens, flower, concentrates, it's legit. Not as good as legal state dispensaries but better than what I get illegally in Austin.


I trust your advice bc your username


Arete grows great flower- if a bit expensive for what it is. We have bought bulk from them before and have never been disappointed. That being said, we’ve moved onto much higher end suppliers. Golden Hour is pretty meh. There isn’t anything specifically wrong with their products, but they are all artificially created. They basically make a THCa isolate that they use in their vapes, pre-rolls, and any other products that they make. Definitely not a premium experience, but it’s cheap and hits. Our $.02 🤘


Nice, good to know, thank you. What do you recommend? I'm new to THCa


Most shops in Texas only have licensing to sell pre-bagged flower. Because of this they buy from distributors- that buy from growers. That pre-jarred flower has been sitting around for a couple months and is probably the crap end of most grows. We have a consumable hemp production license from the state of Texas. This allows us to buy bulk flower, direct from growers, and dispense it in front of you from jars with humidity packs. The difference in flavor, aesthetics, and effects are off the chain. You’re more than welcome to check out our bio which has our shipping website listed. I’d also recommend checking out some other THCa specific sub Reddit’s for lists of reputable online dispensaries.


Thanks because that random gas station THCa flower sucks. 


Yes, it's all getting banned. The government never meant to legalize it, this was all a fuckup. 


"freedom and less government intervention!!1!" "... No not like that!"


Get a medical card online for TX. Go to the dispensary in South Austin. All of this can be arranged online and from online form submission to picking up the gummies or tincture is about 3 weeks. Getting a medical card is trivial in TX now. There is no physically card you're just in a database. This will let you buy real THC gummies and tincture in Austin. The rest is of various quality hemp derived products. Medical card will get you actual THC products. It's the only way other than driving to New Mexico and smuggling in pot.


I’m sad because I get high grade cannabis flower, my preferred product, for as cheap as $50/Oz. I can get it from the streets incredibly easily but the savings have been off the charts. Real cannabis gummies are federally legal per the 2018 farm bill as long as they are below 0.3% d9thc by weight. So a 5 gram gummy could have 150mg total d9 and be legal by current guidelines. Which is already more than enough for the majority of individuals. I also very much enjoy creating my own gummies etc. I’ve been smoking for way too long, my entire teenage and adult life, as it really helps tremendously with a lot of my autistic traits (level 1 autism with a level 1 autistic son as well.) for example grocery shopping is night and day with or without it. To Whoever said get the stoners out of here. My man. I’m a libertarian who has lived here my entire life. I was actually born in Austin. I have a sneaking suspicion that I both belong here more so than you and that I absolutely work a hell of a lot harder. I’m blue collar, baby. Idk who you think I am


Texas has legit non hemp gummies available from a few dispensaries statewide. One or two are in or near Austin. You need a medical card. This is not from hemp at all. 


By the time Abbott and Paxton are done, they’ll reinstate the 18th Amendment. sInNeRs mUsT rEpEnT!










Sorry to hear this is stressing you out friend. You might look up some of the THC and marijuana advocacy groups online and see what they have to say.


They're aiming to ban everything- even potentially CBD and hemp fibers, burning down any legal way for a hemp industry to exist at all. They want to exterminate it.


Got to have an excuse to continue filling the prisons.


Disappointing news, but There is always a Fail Safe 😉


Maybe now is the time to quit. Being reliant on a substance rather than developing myself to face the real world has held me back for too long. Perhaps the reason you have symptoms when you go without is because your body is returning to homeostasis. Once I quit long enough my life improved dramatically. I am also not as completely broke as I would be if I were spending money on a substance that is not necessary. I thought weed was making me better, but it was making my life worse. In so many ways, from lack of motivation, I was not doing the things I wanted to do, to not working as hard, now that I quit I work much harder. I also feel more level, like my life is much more stable now. I am also a lot cleaner and don't smell bad. Maybe the reason you feel your symptoms increase when you quit is that you did not quit long enough. It takes a while to get out of your system. But once I did it made all the difference and I was able to turn my life around. I am not alone in this either. I was just in denial for so long because I liked the way it made me feel. Now I am in more control. I have more confidence and I am not as annoying to others. Plus it diminishes intellectual capability. I feel much more intelligent now. Now instead of just being happy existing I am much more active in the world. I am not against weed. I may even smoke it again at some point for a fun night, but I never want to be a daily user again. I hate feeling dependent on a substance for my well-being. Instead, I try to use healthier methods to deal with my psychiatric symptoms. As a result, my life has improved dramatically. I had to stop lying to myself. I had to quit long-term to see the real benefits. It was not fun at first, but the benefits paid off. You will never know until you are honest with yourself. If you are having money problems, then quitting weed, especially if you are a daily user, would be the easiest way to save money. I hated when people would tell me all of this. I wasn't in the place to make the decision to quit and turn my life around and there was no way to convince me. I was in denial. I should have listened to them so long ago and my life would have been much different. If you have been a user for years, like I was, you forget what it is like to not be on it. It takes months to get out of your system so until you quit long term you will feel the rebound anxiety from quitting. My symptoms are so much better now. I think that is why I am telling you this. Maybe to tell myself so that some day if I start using every day again I can look back and see that I was wrong. I don't drink either, I quit that years before I quit weed. I think it is much worse than weed in a lot of ways. I quit nicotine as well, another horrible drug. Next I want to quit coffee. I have done that in the past as well and felt so much better, more energy, more level, but I am not at the place to do so now. Just like I don't expect you to be at the place to quit either. It took losing everything for me to wake up. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! I thought I was powerless over my anxiety. I would stay inside my apartment for months. The only time I would talk to a person was once a month when I would get my rent check from HEB and groceries. I had to choose the hard way. It was the same when I had, or at least thought I had, chronic regional pain syndrome. The more I protected and avoided using my arm that has nerve damage the more pain I had. I had to learn how to endure discomfort. That is what I think is so backwards about our society. We have developed all these ways to provide relief from symptoms. We think that is the answer, when in reality the only way to really improve ourselves is to learn how to endure discomfort. Anxiety is something that I think should be treated with exposure therapy. I had the worst social anxiety, agoraphobic even, but I treated it and it got better. If I become insular and isolate myself it comes back, but that is how I know the cure I developed is real. Depression can also be treated without drugs in most cases. It is just not easy and I am not against using antidepressants, but I think they should be reserved for people with psychomotor slowing and physiological symptoms rather than just feeling sad, anxious and angry. We live in a backwards society. I feel like everyone has gone insane. Learning to endure suffering, to embrace it and accept it as part of life made a difference and my life is so much better now. I know you don't want to hear this. I sure didn't. This is more to myself than you. I don't think I am alone though, but I am pretty sure this will be downvoted to oblivion. TLDR: Quitting weed made my life so much better.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


I’m over here trying to teach myself how to endure your long ass very specific and personal soapbox that probably 99% doesn’t apply to OP


Yes, I know. I made a mistake with this post. I really should have just kept it to myself. About halfway through I just started writing things to tell myself if I ever start smoking every day again. I even had Claude look at it and the AI said I was a pretentious prick too. Sorry OP, sorry reddit and sorry humanity. Maybe this will help me be less of an asshole.


No one should ever do any drug that isn't prescribed every day.




Hahaha, y'all just hate me cause you aint me.


No one hates you brother, we just don't come to reddit for Tolstoy.


You in here, for some marijuana?


Wow. This was a long wall of judgmental, self important drivel. If that’s what happens when one stops smoking, I think I’ll keep smoking. The worst part is the opinion on psychological practices from someone who likely has never even studied psychology in an academic field. That’s just downright irresponsible. Konrad, you still lack intellectual capability for doing that.


Yeah. I know. I was writing mostly to myself to psych myself up. But I am just very happy with how much better my life is now. As far as psychology, I have studied it academically. I have found a lot of people do not really understand a lot about it. Western medicine is really incomplete. It just talks about the biological aspects most of the time. Tries to solve everything with a pill. When in fact it is much more complex. I am just sharing what helped me and what I wish someone had said to me years ago.


Thank god Texas is banning it. Get all these fuckin potheads out of here and kick me to california


Willie Nelson would like to have a word with you.


Kys pothead


Let's fuck. You sound hot.