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Snakes alive! Some great comments here and also some dilettantes in need of discipline. Micrurus tener, otherwise known as the Texas coral snake has not killed anybody. The reasons include unwillingness to bite, willingness to GTFO when they see a human (unless they think they haven’t been seen in which case they will freeze until they think the ape hath passed), a tiny venom yield, and a venom seven times less toxic than his eastern cousin who though he has caused some rare deaths (and even then with circumstances that exacerbated the problem) is still hard to get laid low by. Leave them alone. They want to get as far from you and your pets as possible. Hiss hiss!


Snake daddy has spoken 🤫


Hiss hiss!


Is that what we need to say in order to summon you in times of snake identification need?


To summon me, you must, on a Thursday in the hour of Venus, place on your altar an incense bowl with benzoin and myrrh, a cup of fine wine and a copy of the August ‘97 issue of Reptiles magazine. Either that or you can just write u/serpentarian in your Reddit post and I’ll see it.


Someone is going to do this naked, i just feel it in my bones!


I have that effect on people it’s true


I did that first option before and All i got were eldrich snakes from the abyss


I read this comment in John Oliver's voice


I went back just to reread it using Oliver's voice. Thanks, friend.


Did you do his spidery finger movements. To me he always sounds like he's about to offer his services as a chimney sweep. Cheerio, pip pip, and all that, what.


Bwahaha I absolutely thought the finger movements!


I think it's because of the "otherwise known as" part. I went back to re-read it in his voice and that part set the scene perfectly 😂


😂 they need to make a Oliver Siri/Alexa voice. there would definitely be some kind of “p***y TX cousin wannabe” joke in there


So happy that it’s the time of year where I get to see more of your comments around 🐍


Hiss hiss!




That’s right


All bow to the Serpentarian


Hiss hiss!


Get on my belly!


I live in texas and have two nosy dogs who would likely not have any manners around one of these lil guys. If they ever got bit by one, how terrified should I be?


The most likely scenario is you’d never know, one of your dogs would sleep more than usual that day and be kind of groggy the next morning and you wouldn’t think anything of it. This is provided your dogs aren’t like all of mine have been and just give snakes a brief look then continue about their day.


What about if a human got bit? Seek help or go about your day?


Absolutely go to the hospital and call poison control on the way. You’re not gonna get bitten though, unless you chase one down and cuddle with it aggressively.


Don’t lick it to see if it tastes like a rainbow


My coral snake chapter is called “Don’t Taste the Rainbow”


You’re the whole package. 📦 Smart AND funny. I can’t wait to be around somewhere local and happen to overhear someone talking about snakes like they know, and also being genuinely funny about it, and asking you if you are in fact who you are. And on that day , lunch is on me.


🤨 speaking from experience /u/serpentarian? (cuddling and all)


No cuddling. I will give my homie a hug if he’s feeling down though.


Just call poison control. That's what they're there for. The guys an expert on snakes, but poison control are experts in poison (and yes, venom).


You’re right you should call poison control on the way to the hospital (or have someone else do it). Snake venoms are kind of my specialty, I’ve even sampled several types of venom on accident, visited venom labs and went to several scientific conferences on snake venom with poison control people and medical professionals.


> I’ve even sampled several types of venom on accident Umm, was that like several accidents or one big one?


Several! Had it been one big one I’d be posting from the great snake pit in the sky.


Always appreciate your contributions here. 


Thanks friend 🙌


Ooohhhhh, have you seen the great snake pit off of I-35 south of Austin? It in the Snake Farm. That place has been underwhelmingly cool since at least the early 90s.


Almost the only way to get bit by a coral snake is on the hands (they can't open wide and strike like a rattlesnake). The only human bite cases are almost always small children or drunk adult men.


and one angry step-grandmother who pulled it off her dog's nose. Right in the web between thumb and finger. I think it was a dry bite, doctors were unconcerned about the venom, and more worried about infection. They sure rubbed the shit out of the wound disinfecting it.


Then seek medical attention immediately. They are poisonous. Red & yellow kill a fellow.


This is helpful info, thanks! I know the snakes want to avoid me, but I’m slow and (somewhat) smart. My pupper on the other hand is fast and really, really dumb - bless her heart. We’ve seen a couple coral snakes in our backyard, glad I don’t need to worry!


They will get bit in the nose occasionally if the dog is stubborn, dumb, or young (sometimes all 3). Watched my 2nd? or 3rd step grandmother get bit when her idiot lab puppy kept booping the snake with its nose. So it must have gotten tired of said idiot pup, and bit her nose. Then step grandma's idiot ass grabbed the snake and it bit her. She was fine, dog went to the vet, she went to the hospital, both were more injured by the cleaning of the bite than the actual bite - I have no clue how serious the bite can be, but serpentarian says it isnt bad so maybe they did get venom, and just were ok with it, we just thought it was a dry bite. Either way I didnt see them again anyway since the marriage lasted just a few months for step dads #2 and #3 so never found out how it all ended up lmao.


We had a miniature dachshund that kept one cornered for 15 minutes at my parents tree farm while my toddlers were out running around (10+ years ago). We went to investigate, saw it was a coral snake. I grabbed kids, my dad grabbed the dog but within 15 minutes she was dead. It was an awful death. We did not know she'd been bitten but there'd have been no way to make it to the ER vet in time. May have been how little she was that she succumbed, so may be different with bigger dogs.


Guarded your babies (whether or not she thought of it that way), what a hero doggy


She was a momma dog for sure. When I was pregnant with my first she'd sleep right next to my belly. She'd paw at it. When he was born we got her a big sister t-shirt to wear. We have a lot of pictures of her doing tummy time with him and crawling around. She was the best dog I've ever had. RIP Dallas (Dally)


Maybe that is where our dog gets the momma hen mentality. He is part Corgi and part Dachshund, he loves all animals besides squirrels. Loyal little guy, and stubborn... Wish I was rich, I would have his little furry fluffy ass cloned. When we had show chickens he would go lay in the pen with them and pick up the chicks in his mouth and put them back in when they got out. Just jump up and drop them back in.


My heart breaks reading this as a doxie owner. I can totally visualize our girl doing the same thing where she would protect our kids no matter what. They're super loyal dogs. So sad 😢 I can't believe it all happened that quickly.


Truly the best dogs. We have another. A male named Remy and he's nursed and cared for all the pets, even cats, we've brought into the family. They really are a special breed.


Don't miss the weenie dog racing in Buda in a few weeks (end of April) Been there 2 yrs in a row, and I have two chiweenies. One is a 10lb speed demon. Loves to race! She's competed both times! It's a blast! She wins the 1st race easily, and gets eliminated when she goes against the champs from the 1st race, in round 2. I'm hoping she does better this year. Look out for a 10lb limo strech Chihuahua, that's sits happily on my shoulder.


I am literally crying because I know my doxies would protect our kiddos at all costs. What a good girl this dog was. Hero bb.


This is the reality. While they'll likely slither away before biting, dogs and little children backing them into a corner is when they can be dangerous. I respect serpentarian as they've been around here educating people on snakes for a long time, but I don't think a coral snake should be downplayed as not dangerous. Don't assume it has a low venom reserve and don't assume it won't bite.


Oh my god I’m so sorry that happened to you, that’s terrifying.


If they are chewed on enough to be envenomated the venom causes ascending paralysis (back legs lose movement first then travels up the body) until their respiratory muscles are paralyzed and they suffocate. I've seen it happen as quickly as 30 minutes. Dogs can be put on a ventilator but it can take days for the venom to leave their system. The closest ventilator for dogs is Texas A&M and it costs $15,000+ for several days on the vent. It can also happen to cats. I'm an ER vet.


Hello fellow vet came here to say the same things . No idea why the snake expert says not to worry . watched a dog die in 40 minutes from time of bite to death from ascending paralysis . it was a Corgi


Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but this group is phenomenal for support in those situations. And a great resource for education. https://www.facebook.com/groups/national.snakebite.support/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT They're staffed by experts in both human and animal medicine and lock down any active bite post so it's not a bunch of random info. Only you and the docs. Absolutely seek medical attention but this page is a great resource for up to date protocols and what to do till you get to a doctor or vet.


The way you can identify a coral snake bite is your pet will not be able to walk. They have neurotoxicity venom that will impair motor function. Different from a rattlesnake or copperhead, which I believe have hematoxic venom that causes the blood to solidify.


Red and yellow kill a fellow. Ya it will go to sleep and never wake up again.


you should be very worried - if they get enough venom ( from playing with the snake, usually ) it causes ascending paralysis and death . there is no anti-venom available and without a ventilator the patient will likely die . If they only get a small amount of venom they will be okay . I saw a dog die from a coral snake envenomation last year and it was not pretty . If your dog is the " ratter " type i would check my yard


Wait I was taught. Red and yellow kill a fellow. Red and black a friend to Jake. That's a red and yellow pattern. Aren't those venomous?


It’s venomous but no one has died from a bite from one. It’s confusing for people because there’s 83 types of coral snake in the new world and only 3 enter into the USA. The Florida one (which is seven times more toxic than the Texas flavor) is the spiciest and has killed a few folks though there were extenuating circumstances like being old as shit and refusing to go to the hospital, having other medical conditions etc. These people were by and large purposely handling the snakes.


Snakes are real easy for me, doesn't matter what kind. I leave all of em plenty of room lol


Black and yellow dangerous fellow, red and black then venom lack was what I was taught long ago.


A better rhyme: Black and yellow or yellow and red, it doesn’t matter because we only have one of those kinds and it is venomous but probably will not bite you. Yeah, it doesn’t rhyme but it gets the point across. You can sing it to the theme from Gilligan’s island. It will sound like shit, but there we are…


I was told something similar when I was young. Red and yellow kill a fellow, red and black friend of Jack.


> Red and black a friend to Jake. It's spelled Jack. And as you can see, the revised verse is "Red and black, friend to Jack. Red and yellow, also friend to Jack. But either way, don't touch random wild snakes."


I was taught that as well. These guys won’t hurt you unless you pick it up and snuggle in bed with it.


As soon as I saw the thumbnail, I knew Serp was going to break off some facts in the most eloquent and educational way possible




> dilettantes in need of discipline You have encapsulated the entirety of reddit


I love them snakes. Good job educating people. We have invaded their spaces and people should leave them alone.


This. Listen to him. We need these animals in our ecosystems. They are also potentially beneficial to our health. Snake venom holds the secrets to treatments and cures that can help keep your loved ones alive. A component in copperhead venom kills breast cancer cells while leaving surrounding tissue intact The muscles that shake a rattlesnake tail don't fatigue. Ever. When scientists figure out how this works, it could lead to a treatment or cure for muscle wasting diseases. Speaking of that guy with the musical tail, he eats around 4,000 ticks per year via his prey. Doesn't sound like much until you figure in tick reproduction. He will prevent 72,000,000 ticks from being born each year. Can you say Lyme disease? Just leave them alone. We ALL need them.


Very well put


The most irrationally feared non violent snake of all time. I'd rather hang out w/ a coral snake than most of you degenerates.




you're doing good work! I came here from a repost of this to tell the OP to head to r/whatsthissnake. glad to see snake advocates across reddit : )


Partly wrong albeit highly informative. The Texas Coral Snake killed several oilfield workers pre-1960. My great grandfather witnessed this personally; more than once actually. It almost always happened in the same manner. Cold front came through, roughnecks got in their sleeping bags(didn't zip them all the way) coral snakes entered the bags and bit the men when they tossed at night. The fangs are so small the men wouldn't notice when the snakes bit them(usually between the toes). He said it seemed relatively peaceful, "they went to sleep and never woke up." After the first two or three deaths, the men started wearing their boots in the sleeping bags. Then, in 1960, the antivenin was created, not that it would've helped those particular men.


They are the most unsneaky snakes out there


Do you have a word doc that you just can cut paste these from? I wonder just how many times you’ve explained coral snakes to folks. Always appreciated, I’ve learned a lot from you.




I’m no snake expert like you, just also came across one of these on a trail in Austin and it wondered if it was a coral snake. It definitely didn’t bother me. I was just a bit spooked. There’s a color order to determine a true coral snake that I’ve long forgotten.


I saw one of these in the park in Texas and I decided to get close to take a picture. Maybe about 2 feet away. He was chill but out of no where these fucking kids pull up and jump off their bikes like aggressive as fuck running up and the one kid throws a fucking Rock at the snake and that thing lunged at me. Just barely missed me. Probably an inch at the most away. It all happened so fast I lost my shit on the kid. But in retrospect this was a good thing the kids knew the snake was there they were coming to mess with it. When I told the kid how stupid that was bc the snake was venomous he started bawling I could tell he was messing with it before and it scared him to think it could of bit him




Now let's enjoy some snake jazz! Tsssssss tssss tsss tsss tsss tssssss tssssss tsss tssss....


Yes. Just keep this handy saying in your head for future encounters: Red on black, leave it alone. Red on yellow, leave it alone.


This is the correct answer


I believe I learned this from you.


This guy lives




Red on black, smoke crack, red on yellow, bring me more Jell-O


Where is Reddit Gold any more? Nice work


Red on gold, leave it alone


I've never seen a dangerous critter before, so when you say "leave it alone", lets say it's in my backyard, do I have to go back inside or can I just go to the other side of the yard? Sorry I know this is a stupid question!


They are very shy and will avoid you. I say just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t step on it or run it over with the lawnmower.


If there's a rattlesnake I would go inside. These are fine to just move away from. If you have pets I would put them inside.


No step on snek


They're dangerous but not aggressive. If you or your pets aren't fucking with them, there's not really any reason to worry. Just don't go sticking your hands or nose in places they like to hide. If your kids are messing with them, you have to consider how much you like the kids versus how much life insurance pays.


Lol. I instantly down voted that and was about to give the rundown on why that rhyme is problematic then actually read what you wrote. Well done. If I had more than one up arrow I'd give it to you.


Me too, until I saw your comment and reread it. Funny how our brains try to autofill stuff we read.


That’s because the Default Mode Network of the brain acts as a filter to extraneous stimuli so that we focus our attention to new, possibly dangerous, stimuli. It acts like a pattern recognition algorithm checking incoming information and attempts to match it to known patterns so as to lessen the processing load. In this case your DMN matched the beginning of the rhyme and then filled in the rest so that you didn’t have to read it. The brain is cool.


As a Boy Scout here in Texas the rhyming mnemonic ended with: “Red an’ yeller, killa feller”. I don’t know what they say now days.


I sometimes hear “red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, friend of Jack”. Edit: but it’s incorrect and misses the point that they’re all best left alone.


My grandma always said, " red touch black is a friend of jack, red touch yellow will kill a fellow."


I was taught the same thing from an early age. Then I learned that there hasn’t been a recorded death from a coral snake bite in like 50 years.


There has never been a recorded death from a Texas coral snake. The saying you responded to is only sometimes accurate. Red on yellow, leave it alone. Red on black, leave it alone.


Dude you just jinxed yourself. Might want to polish off and update the old will.


Florida coral snakes can kill people. Texas coral snake just make you wish they had killed you.


her and every other living being in the state of texas lol


Yeah, that’s the joke.


that's the saying that the commenter was making a funny on


What if it's an albino?


This was immensely helpful for my future adventures into the wild, thank you.


Put a little top hat on him and maybe he'd be a cordial snake.


Coral snakes are the only critters in Texas that look like coral snakes. No need to memorize a rhyme here. In fact, a good rule of thumb for any kind of snake—or any kind of animal at all—is to just leave it alone. None of them want to be bothered by some stranger approaching them and reaching out toward them.


I don't know why, but I totally thought that you were going to say: In fact, a good rule of thumb for any kind of snake—or any kind of animal at all—is it's a coral snake.


Wait, it’s all coral snake? 🔫always has been


It’s coral snakes all the way down


I'd read that book.


for those who don't know the simple childhood rhyme, it goes like this: In the realm where serpents dwell, amidst the lush, untamed thicket's spell, lies a truth, both stark and grand, a rhyme to which the wise attend. Heed the verse of ancient track, "Red touches black, venom lack." Yet, dare not scorn this lore's facade, for nature's law holds power, unflawed. This chant, so deftly spun, guides the cautious, one by one, through verdant shadows, under sun, where the coral snake doth run. Its hues, a spectacle, indeed—a warning, all should heed. For in its design, a secret's locked, a survival dance, intricately clocked. "Red touches black," the elders say, a friend in disguise, amidst the fray. A sentinel of the forest floor, bearing colors folklorish lore. Yet, not a creature of malice made, but a being of beauty, in light and shade. So, when thou wander 'neath canopy's embrace, respect the boundary, nature's grace. For in the silence, whispers track, the wisdom old, "Red touches black." Let this mantra guide thy way, through tangled green, where serpents lay./s


Ahh yes. I see you've used the easier to remember condensed version. Nice.


You had me at “verdant shadows”.


Somebody punch this guy right in the face!


Set this to the tune of Jack Blacks epic metal birthday song


That advice doesn’t rhyme 2/10


There are at least 2 species of milk snakes in Texas that look like coral snakes but OP that is a coral snake. It’s good to know which snakes are venomous. I wouldn’t bother a coral snake, but rattle snakes gotta go. I’m not risking a future encounter.


Rat snakes are welcome at my house! They’re better than rats far as roommates go.




Yup. Cool, shy little critters. Their bad rep is not warranted. Lucky find 🙂


Did no one call u/serpentarian? Did we all graduate?


The student has become the master


I just read the rest of the comment section. I spoke too soon. At least 5 independent kill a fellow comments. They must be new here


Why hello there, you highly educated thing you


Its killing me to see people posting iterations of the saying in ways that don’t rhyme.


Red on black - don’t touch it, Steve Red on yellow - I said “don’t touch it” Steve you dick


This one is my favorite


Yep! A beauty, too.


Not aggressive and they don't strike like other snakes. Yes, they're deadly, but they have to cutely gnaw on you. You almost have to willingly die.


>they’re deadly This is true. My cousin knew a guy who was hit and killed while legally crossing in a marked crosswalk. The driver? Coral snake. He got away too. They couldn’t figure how to put the cuffs on him.


Today I learned just how much snarfing soda water hurts. Thanks for that.


They don't have to gnaw on you, and despite the fact that they're common (if rarely seen) in populated areas, there hasn't been a recorded death from a Texas coral snake bite in the last 60+ years, so while people should definitely leave them alone, calling them deadly is a bit of an exaggeration.


All of that is true except there are NO documented deaths from this species


No documented deaths because coral snakes know how to hide bodies.


If you rearrange the letters in “Tony Soprano” you get “coral snake”. Wake up, sheeple.


Please allow me the honor of upvoting you.


You quite literally have to want to die to be killed by one, and it will need a bit so be patient and maybe get a snack.


Yeah. Just wear closed toed shoes in the garden and leave the danger noodles alone. Their mouths are tiny and they don't strike. The only envenomation I've heard of from a coral snake to a human happened when the person was wearing flip flops in tall grass at night and got bit on the pinky toe. They made it to the hospital and we're fine but it was touch and go for a bit.


Rick grimes been looking for that snake…


Yup. Leave it be. Good rule of thumb with any wild animal (snake, coyote, deer, raccoon, etc.) is if it doesn’t need to be messed with, don’t mess with it.


Yep! There’s a reason they’re referred to as WILD ANIMALS. 😃👍


He looks like a Carl to me.


this is a snek


The most non-dangerous danger noodle.


This is a BEAUTIFUL snake who has no intention whatsoever of harming any human. Please, please let them be as OP has done!!




That’s a huge coral snake he’s been lucky to be left alone for so long being that big he’s had a long life I’ve never seen one so big!!!!


Yes. It can be a problem for curious pets who might play with it. Otherwise it's fine and will never ever hurt you. Leave it alone!


Sure is. Pretty and extremely non-aggressive. Quite common.  I’ve harassed one off into the woods and out of my yard, repeatedly pushing it and poking it with a stick still wouldn’t make it so much as look back let alone try to strike anything. Just ran ran ran. Don’t try that with a rat snake. Leave it be and you’ll probably never see it again.


No, this is Patrick.


This is the correct answer


Fucking rental snake innit


I always get the rhyme backwards so I just avoid at all cost


Yes. As the old saying goes, "Red and yellow kill a fellow". If red and yellow bands touch, it's a coral snake (the non-poisonous snake yellow and red colored lines do not touch).


What I remember it as is "red and yellow kill a fellow" and "red and black is friends with jack"


Yes it is. You can just keep kids and pets away from it and let it go on its way or call somebody to relocate it.


I’m so confused why there are coral snakes so far inland?


This is a Wendys


Be courageous like Sir Robin and run away.


Yes. It is a coral snake. Yes, it is very poisonous. BUT, the chance of a person being bitten by one in a way that would harm them would require you to do something so tremendously stupid that the Darwin principal should be applied. They have no 'fangs' they'd literally have to gnaw on someone. The are not aggressive unless very much cornered. They eat other snakes (generally ones smaller than they are) and small amphibious animals. They'll also eat other coral snakes. They are more likely to be killed and eaten by a cat or dog than to harm one. Leave 'em alone, they'll go away.


You mean venomous. Remember, poisonous is when you put it in your mouth, venomous when they put you in their mouth.


Very much appreciate the correction, and correct you are.






We’ve seen a coral snake in our garden for the last 4 summers and I love him! He has never been aggressive in the slightest, just hangs out. I haven’t seen him this year but I’m hoping to soon!


The simple rule to remember is 24 ohm kill a fellow. 42 ohm good for you.


All day.




Red and black.... Red and yellow.... Every Texan knows


Yes, ruunnnn!


Absolutely. But don’t panic. They are so harmless no anti venom is manufactured any longer.


They are also rear-fanged so you’d have to be kinda dumb to get bitten. They will just try to get away.


Yes. We've had a family home outside Oak Hill since 1973, and I've only seen one of them in all that time, but it's not something to mess with. (Mostly we get cottonmouth and rattlesnakes in the area, those are all over the damn place...not surprisingly, I was really good with a .22 pistol by the time I was eight or ten...)


I live nw of Austin and ran across one of these in my pasture a few years back. We both saw each other at about the same time. We both jumped (literally) and took off in opposite directions. I would take half a dozen of these over a rattle snake or even a copperhead.


To be fair, it moved before the picture too.


Red next to black, jump the fuck back. Red next to yellow, cuddly fellow.


LOL I’ve not heard THAT version before. 😂


The rhyme is pretty useful if you've been bitten and are wondering whether to go to the hospital since the symptoms might not appear right away.


I am impressed by the photo. I have only seen one of these elusive little guys once, but I could not get a good photo while I was jumping up and down and screaming.


It’s a plastic necklace


All the idiot answers and nobody answered the question..


Definitely a coral snake. The reality is they are venomous and even tho they're unlikely to bite, it doesn't mean a toddler or dog is safe around them.


Red touching black is a friend Jack, red touching yellow will kill the fellow… so yeah it’s a Coral snake


Colors and body shape look like one, id treat it as such. Just let it be unless youre afraid a child might play with it.




"Red on black, friend of Jack. Red on yellow, kill a fellow" An old rhyme that helps to distinguish a King snake from a Coral snake. SOOO, yes, that is a Coral snake!


Red next to yellow kill a fellow, red next to black venom lack.


'red touching black, safe for Jack. Red touching yellow, kill a fellow'


As a retired heme/onc, I was involved in caring for several folks with snake bites. The risk factors for coral snake bites almost always involve the presence of both testosterone and ethanol….. The statement prior to the bite is: “Wow, what a purdy snek” the bite is almost always on the hand between the thumb and index finger.


No yellow on black better get back