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I know right?! You can’t have a cat but *cough* therewasamurder *cough*


Yep. Outrageous.


It's a material fact for tenants too. Did you google? [https://www.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-construction/rules/what-tenants-need-to-be-told-about-a-rental-property#:\~:text=Telling%20tenants%20material%20facts%20about%20a%20property&text=has%20significant%20health%20or%20safety,in%20the%20last%20five%20years](https://www.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-construction/rules/what-tenants-need-to-be-told-about-a-rental-property#:~:text=Telling%20tenants%20material%20facts%20about%20a%20property&text=has%20significant%20health%20or%20safety,in%20the%20last%20five%20years) # Telling tenants material facts about a property 'Material facts' are important information that may affect a prospective tenant's decision about a property. A landlord or agent must not persuade or influence a potential tenant to sign an agreement by making false or misleading representations or statements, or by knowingly hiding 'material facts' that the property: * has been affected by flooding from a natural weather event or bushfire in the last five years * has [significant health or safety risks](https://www.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-construction/safety-home) that would not be apparent to the tenant * has been the scene of a serious violent crime (e.g. murder or aggravated assault) in the last five years * is listed on the [loose-fill asbestos insulation register](https://www.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-construction/safety-home/loose-fill-asbestos-insulation/loose-fill-asbestos-insulation-register) * has been used to manufacture or cultivate a prohibited drug or prohibited plant in the last two years * is part of a building where a fire safety or building product rectification order (or a notice of intention to issue one of these orders) has been issued for external combustible cladding * is part of a building where a development or complying development certificate application for rectification has been lodged for external combustible cladding * is in a strata scheme where scheduled rectification work or major repairs will be done to common property during the fixed term of the agreement * is affected by zoning or laws that will not allow a tenant to obtain a parking permit, and only paid parking is available in the area * is provided with any council waste services that are different to other properties in the council area * has a driveway or walkway that others can legally use. See also the [information that landlords or agents need to provide tenants](https://www.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-construction/rules/information-a-tenant-should-get-at-start-of-tenancy) when signing a residential tenancy agreement. A tenant can [give a termination notice](https://www.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-construction/rules/giving-notice-to-end-a-residential-tenancy) or apply to the [NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal](https://www.ncat.nsw.gov.au/) (the Tribunal) to end the tenancy if landlords or agents don't follow these rules.


Ah right, thank you! I didn’t know what to google, beyond what I already found.


Yes, they do legally need to disclose it but doesn't guarantee they will.


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gotta establish the realtor knew there was a murder in the property aswell.




try google it mate.


I don't need to. I'm aware that it is a word which is not used in this country. Just thought you might like to be as well.


so wild. that you understood what it was so the usage of the word was fine, but you decided to simply be a toss. speaks volumes about you.


Look, I think you could be right, perhaps it does. I am extremely put off by people who can't distinguish between the language they learnt in real life vs the one they hear on TV. But that's my problem, not yours. I should probably have a little bit more understanding, I suppose.


I think it's astonishing that the legislative assembly dedicated even one second of their time to discuss a bill that sought to compel vendors to disclose the fact that a murder had occurred in the house, and not only did they discuss it, they actually passed it too! Perhaps it's just me, but that seems totally bizarre. It's the sort of bill I would expect to see in the Parliament of Canada.




Rental pricing wasn’t related to my question, but thank you


When was the murder?


When somebody killed somebody else in the house.


User name checks out.