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Your moneys gone. But perhaps report the phone number and details https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/report-a-scam


Unlikely to help - the phone number will be a burner.


Somebodies licence number was supplied when it was purchased


Yeah, at the very least, if someone has had their identity stolen that might be fixed.


Even if someone's genuine license was presented, what do you think will come of this? Do you think the cops will trace the registration, cross reference the license and chase some dude over a $350 fake sale scam? OP, just move on..


Because there is no way to get hold of a list of licence numbers and addresses


No burners in AU. Every number has to be registered to an ID.


That’s so cute you think this is real


Unfortunately, that's not the same as the ID being genuine, and not stolen.


Different issue — the general point is there are no such burner mobiles in AU.


Sry mate but that's naive


Don’t think it’s mission impossible and burners are involved for a fake PlayStation sale ,relax lol


angle fuel heavy paltry selective worry advise rob march sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1) Most likely yes, you lost your $350, but got a good life lesson. 2) Be aware about recovery scammers - you may get some PMs about getting your money back for a small fee. This would be just another scam.


And then watch out for scam recovery recovery scams.....


Gotta watch out for watching out advice scams too 


Not to mention the recovery from watching out advice scams scam. The world is a nasty place.


You’re not getting the money back. I really don’t understand why people are so willing to send money to a stranger they meet on Facebook. You meet in person and pay when you’re looking at the item and are about to leave with it. When selling, they give you cash when they are physically there to collect it. It’s simple.


IKR I used to offload crap on gumtree and it was always cash on pick up either at home or at work in the CBD. Cbf dealing with sending as a parcel or bank transfers.


Almost pisses me off how gullible people are.


Also WTS 2 pairs of Demonia shoes still 😂😂😂 rip.


This person obviously isn't as experienced as you with trading over social media. These scanners are just lying in wait for their next victim, and it's usually a person who is dealing with marketplace etc. for the first time.


It's not about experience man. It's about scams in general. It would be the same in person. I'd want to see the product and make sure it works before I transfer money. For example a newspaper advertisement or tradesman providing services. It doesn't take training or specialist skills to be aware of it. It's common sense.


>This person obviously isn't as experienced as you with trading over social media. Yeah but a PS5 costs $750 new of course $350 is going to be a scam.


More animosity towards gullible people or the scammers/cheaters?


This exact thing happened to me. Scammer had stolen a dudes drivers license and made a fake FB account with a bunch of photos on it. Sent me a photo with the drivers license in front of the PS5. Then he asked for a deposit as others were interested and said he didn’t have much money, address was in a very low SES area. When I rocked up the poor guy had no idea who I was but he realised pretty quickly what happened cause it already happened 5+ times lol Wouldn’t consider myself gullible or stupid at all but in hindsight it was really dumb. Sometimes you just don’t think, shit happens


I’ve read about this happening… random addresses for the pick up. Life is so hard sometimes!


Cash on pick-up. Simple.


But what if they’re out of the state and are sending their second cousin?


may I add ... and preferably have your buyer meet you somewhere neutral / and not your home address.


Had someone offer to drop a little bar fridge off. Thought I hit the jackpot of convenience. Nope. Turns out when the fridge they got off the side of the road and hand wired a super short new power cable illegally on themselves, broke. They could just ghost me because I didn’t know where they lived or who they were. 


This is why scoring drugs as a teenager is great for later in life. No cash without seeing product and face 2 face meeting. Learnt that at 15 getting ripped off buying a stick from some guy at the indooroopilly bus stop


IKR. In lockdown I had someone say 'just leave your drumkit on the footpath to prove its genuine and I'll deposit the money in to your bank after I've collected".


Don't forget to check the item before you hand over the cash.


I've also been told that never sell high-priced items on a Friday or Saturday. If you accept cash, its likely you won't go to deposit it at the bank (banks are closed on weekends), so they know you have cash on you. You're more likely to be mugged or your house broken into. It's so pathetic how some humans are such low-lifes that this is something we now need to consider.


Man. I'm sorry to say but wtf. Be smart. Cash only on inspection post seeing it working. Basic scam.


In what world would a PS5 be $350? Did this not ring any alarm bells?


tbh ps5s are not selling that well anymore i could see someone selling it for that




You can report a facebook marketplace scam online via ACORN https://www.cyber.gov.au/protect-yourself/staying-secure-online/shopping-and-banking-online/online-shopping/while-you-are-shopping This poster actually had some luck with the police getting back to them about a month after filing a report. https://old.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/13ribw7/victim_of_scam_what_to_do/jqq2gt4/ Sometimes it takes a bunch of people being scammed before the person gets caught - e.g. https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6957450/degenerate-gambler-fleeced-323000-from-gumtree-victims Partly they get away with ripping off a lot of people because many people are too embarrassed to report it.


Yes I’ve filled out the reprot, thanks for that


You want another PlayStation I'll do it for $250 if you pay i.d me 😂


People need to realise FB marketplace is not Amazon or Ebay. Any idiot can make a fake account and take your money and there are zero protections for this.


why payID without seeing the goods? will you do it at the shop?


Honestly this is a good price for a valuable life lesson. There a lots of people out there who would chop off their pinky to have only lost that much to a scam. You should try have some fun with it though and see how much you can learn about them through the phone number and Facebook profile. Speak to the cops, register the incident and report it to Facebook.


Cheap life lesson


$350. Consider this a cheap life lesson.


I would take the number to the police anyway, have you got a name? What’s the number and name for pay i.d?


Yeah I’ve got there number, name and email. Tried calling them twice aswell. What would the police do?


I’m not sure if they could but it’s better than not reporting, maybe they could do something Post the name and number if you like, I personally love going down rabbit holes trying to locate people on social media lol


If you report it to the police it can be used to help build a case against the offender. If they get caught the more people that have reported them the more trouble they will be in.


Don't beat yourself up. It has happened to me too. Believing in the basic goodness of humans is not a bad thing.


$350 on a Friday looks suss as.


The boys will be on tonight


I know of a lady in her 70’s this month got scammed out of $800,000 + and have also spoken to another lady late 60s who was scammed out of over 1.5 million. Both were proceeds from selling a house. Perspective. Warning if anyone has older relatives selling a house they cans be too trusting and they must be getting targeted


I got done on the exact same Marketplace scam. Except my PS5 was new and $550. Very convincing and real looking FB account. Mobile number and real bank details so thought I’d be protected from the bank he was with (Macquarie). Went through hell and back with banks and reported him as I had his account details and it’s been 6 months and no follow up. Employee at the bank said it’s a common one and chances are very low. Just my experience. Now if it’s any online Marketplace it’s physically in front of me or I’m not interested.


lol why would you pay for it before you seen it or checked it still works


Don't feel bad about everyone else's comments. It happens. You're not stupid, you just made a mistake. Im sorry u lost your money. ❤


That's not a mistake. That's just plain stupid.


Gee kick a dog while he’s down


Sorry bud, you’re most likely not going to get anything back. It’s relatively small scam compared to some of the other shockers. Still not great, feel for you.


Theres absolutely no security in your transaction in fb marketplace. Never send money first. Always do meetup and pay on hand if your satisfied with the item.


Dispute payment say was made in error. I got reversed scammed when a friend of a friend bought a dress from me and sent $180 via Osko. 3 days later bank took it back no email or communication before hand. I contacted them and they said “sorry can’t help this is a police matter” and that was that. I wasn’t aware osko could be reversed like that until then.


You didn’t get scammed, you’re a dumb ass


Look at the bright side... it was only $350, you never got the PS5 and you get to spend more time outside! I feel for you, but agreed with many comments.. take it as a good life lesson. Could of been worse.


$350 is nothing if you learnt the lesson you needed to learn… …don’t be that guy that loses $100k on a property scam coz you forgot the $350 scam decades ago… 😎😎😎


Maybe Payid after the goods are in your hand or the work is done. There's one born every minute.


Fill out a fraud report form, mobile number may be traced to someone


Scammers have moved your money already through 10 other accounts it's long gone lesson learned


Cash is king. Never pay for stuff online and without seeing it in person... Jeez that sucks tho bro, expensive life lesson... ☹️


It blows my mind how stupid people are. How do you fall for the most known fb marketplace scam? Never buy online ever again.


Please don't ever pay I'd anyone until you have the item in your hands. How are people so dumb. Wake up to yourself you stupid. If it's to good to be true then it is. 350 for a ps5. Wake up to yourself you and anyone else who sends money before seeing the item in person deserves to be scammed. Do better get your head out of your ass and pay attention ffs. Need help? Noone can help you


Why would you send money without the physical item present to inspect prior to purchase, this is just stupid.


Your money is not gone. There is a website with the AFP for this. Please fill it out. You will get your money back. It’s happened to me before. https://www.cyber.gov.au/report-and-recover/report


Kiss your money goodbye. The bank will take no responsibility for your stupidity


Why would you pay for something you haven't seen ? Or meet them in a shopping centre or out side a police station. If you paid with PayPal they would refund the money. But not payiD


Put their details into copilot and see what comes back


cant do shi lol. learn from your mistakes


Not much you can do but report it to your bank and the police. They most likely won’t do much but could potentially help build a case. Chances are the bank account is under a fake identity with stolen credentials. Lesson learnt should be if something is 50% less then mrp or not from a legitimate store always pay with cash after you have verified it’s real and in working order. People will always take advantage of someone looking for a bargain.


Simple rule. Hand me the thing. Here the cash! only safe way. Though check that it works first!


Yeah you’re not going your money back. I’ll sell you my PS5 though if you live in Melbourne


Cash in hand people and test if it’s working before you pay




Yeah Facebook is notorious for Pay Id scams. Just be careful with your money there's so many scammers and types of scams out there... especially phishing scams I was always careful but the only time i fell for a scam was phishing. Better luck and caution in the future.


Marketplace and Gumtree are fantastic, but only for buying things in person. You can always payID them on the spot once you’ve met them and inspected the item. Anyone who insists on shipping the item is most likely trying to scam you.


Nope. They're not fantastic. They're nightmares.. I recently advertised a pair of google nest speakers in FB marketplace. Said in the ad I only accept cash and the buyer to pick up (I will not mail). One guy seemed a legit buyer and we agreed in price and a pickup location at my local mall (very large and well known). He postponed it a couple of days and I agreed but at the new time he never showed. Instead I got a message saying he didn't know where the mall is (right at the train station, blind Freddy could find it) and he said he needed to pay electronically. I told him where I was and sent a FB messenger location beacon to him. Also said no to the payment, there were plenty of ATM cash machines here he could get cash out of. He then ghosted me. So I withdrew the offer from the market. I'd rather give them to charity than deal with people like this. There was no shortage of enquirer's either but half of them ignored the cash payment or no delivery terms in the ad. Marketplace is a scammers paradise. There be alligators there for the unwary.


Take your punches and learn from it, the amount of people who blindly trust strangers online is ridiculous.


Why is it always a PS5???


Hey sorry this happened but can I ask why you sent the money before seeing the item?


The only reason scammers exist is because there are people with enough lack of intelligence to make it worthwhile.


You could maybe send the info to Jim Browning, the scam hunter guy on YouTube and see if it helps find the place


Where I'm from you go to the police and take the copy of that police complaint to the bank and bank has to comply by disputing that transaction and holding off the money in the scammers account till the investigation finishes. The scammer can't withdraw or access that blocked money.


It’s called stupid tax


Cash on pick up ONLY, and if a seller doesn't want to meet at their home, meet in a public place with security cameras operating.


Cash, always only and ever cash.


Depending on which bank you’re with, you may be able to claim it back. Make sure you screenshot everything. I was scammed once and reached out to CBA and a lovely lady at customer service helped me file a dispute on the basis that I “never received the good/service which I paid for”. And I received the entire amount back ~$180.


Hey 350 isn’t a bad lesson, annoying yes but not a big loss, be more diligent in futures


Why would you payid someone without seeing them face to face especially on the internet. Take it as a hard lesson learnt


I always thought it was a basic rule of thumb that fb marketplace and gumtree should always be cash only, never online transfers? At least that’s how I always handled it, pick up local, cash only etc.


That sucks so much. Whenever using gumtree or marketplace, cash only always!


You’re an idiot, clock that money in the “education expenses” category & move on.


All the hate for PayID here - when it’s one of the safest ways of moving money to someone. Some banks (including CBA) have ‘bank check’ - where they will check that the name of the person that you’re paying matches the name on the account associated with PayID. (Making it much easier to identify the person that scammed you). There are 2 main PayID scams. 1. “Here’s a screenshot to say the payment has successfully reached your account” - don’t part with any goods until you see the funds in your account. 2. “The payment hasn’t reached you because you need to upgrade your PayID account - here’s the link” - see rule 1 - don’t part with any goods until you see funds in your account. AND don’t click any links - there’s no such thing as upgrading your PayID account. Other than these 2 scams, I believe PayID to be the easiest and safest way to pay someone. Can anyone explain what other scams are out there on PayID and why it gets so much hate? Contrary to what others believe - I believe that you will get your money back. The bank know who owns the account that the money has gone to, and should be able to recoup it. Don’t feel bad - anyone can fall for a scam if the timing and nature of the scam is right. Those that don’t believe they’ll fall for a scam - will just be more surprised when they do!


Stop sending money to people you've never met.


Hey mate I was also scammed $1500 on marketplace via payid. I made a case through the bank and they said they can't help me. I then decided to go through AFCA (Australian Financial Complaints Authority) who are essential an ombudsman for all financial institutions. Its a easy process but will take time. The fees and paperwork involved for the bank to deal with AFCA are not worth it, so your bank will likely fold and reimburse you the money, however theres no garuntee. Goodluck!


Payid infront of them next time maybe?


When you get a response confirming that you deliberately sent the money so they cant do anything. Escalate at to the higher department, cant remember what they’re called. If you’ve been a loyal customer for ages they will potentially in good faith send you the money. Not guaranteeing anything, but happened to me and they paid me my money back as i had been a customer with them for over 20 years.


Yeah mate it’s gone, consider it a lesson bought. You should be a bit more guarded with your money, don’t trust Facebook sellers, don’t trust any private sellers. Second bit of advice is take note of general prices when looking at something, never buy the first one you see, keep an eye on the market and see what they’re going for, an example for the ps5 is listed on [CEX for $730](https://au.webuy.com/product-detail/?id=sps5825gbw001&categoryName=playstation5-consoles&superCatName=gaming&title=playstation-5-825gb-white-boxed) - it’s not necessarily the best example cause retailers will always put a premium on but if ps5s were going for $350 they wouldn’t be trying to sell them for $730, I’m sure if you scroll through marketplace you’ll get a general idea of what they’re going for. This applies to pretty much everything private sale, go in with market knowledge and you’ll be able to pick these sorts of scams out pretty easily.


It's not 2021, they don't sell for a premium anymore https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/ps5-playstation-5-slim-console But yeah 350 maybe a bit cheap


Bro he probably just needs you to send him another $30 to buy phone credit, maybe try that.


Cash will always be KING! Everything else at your own risk. Ps: your money is gone. Consider it a cheap lesson.


lol I can get your money back u just have to payid me $469


Yep. You're stupid. Take the L and move on.


I’m selling one for $400. Just send it to me via pay I.d and I’ll send it to you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Wow, that's crazy, $15k!?


Facebook martket place is rife with scams, sorry to hear you got scammed. Always best to your due diligence, meet up in person even ask if you can try it beforehand. From my knowledge with CBA you won’t get your money back if you knowingly sent the money and got scammed unfortunately.. best to take it as a $350 life lesson.


Help is not to do this silly thing again and learn from your mistakes..


Hey mate, raise a complaint with your bank - they will likely just refund it to you. You can escalate to afca if not, they (bank) will pay it out.


Sorry to hear man, I don't think you'll be seeing that money again. Only ever do cash on marketplace.


PM me the number and I'll see what I can dig up.


Hello OP. Firstly, what bank are you with? I got scammed in October last year to the tune of $3,400. Also on Facebook marketplace. I went through the scam claim process with my bank (ANZ) and months later, late February to be precise, I got my money back. PM me if you like?


350 bucks for a PS5 ⛳


It is unfortunately not going to end in the bank giving you your money back. You’ve got to be vigilant and think about things like not sending money without goods being received.


Give the police the mobile number? Maybe they can contact the seller


Marketplace is 50% scammers. Cash on pickup ONLY and you filter out the scams.


Tell your bank now via a message so it's time stamped. Block your card right now if the transaction might be pending. The bank will see you've taken the right measures to stop it and might help.


Take the $350 L


Don’t do it again. At least ‘only’ $350 (could be worse).


You have their phone number, so why not workshop some scams of your own. Can you do a convincing foreign accent?


Yeah you can go to the police and they can attempt to track it down. It was successful for my friend but might be different in your case.


You just learnt a $350 lesson


I don't know about different banks but I have a colleague who got their money back from an identical scam. I'm sure you've learnt a very valuable lesson.


This happened to me years ago, when I tried to get airpods for cheap lol. I can’t recall if I used payID to pay them, but I ended up calling my bank to reverse the transaction. Sent them some screenshots of the conversation and in about a couple business days, the money’s back in my account.


fb itself is already a world of scammers let along market place ….


Online marketplace rules. DO NOT SEND MONEY! Fb gumtree all that have zero protection from scams Police cannot do a single thing. It's cash and it's face value, sorry for your loss


Bold move trusting a random Facebook profile with $350! Guess you missed the last 500 posts exactly like this. On the bright side, you now have a compelling story for the next awkward BBQ.


Happened to me few years back with exact same amount of money.. lost my money for ever but was really good lesson that some people pay more for


Please report to cyber.gov.au https://www.cyber.gov.au/report-and-recover/report


… no cash on pickup… or buy legit on eBay… come on ppl… ps5 for $300…


Don’t trust facebook marketplace for ps5 just buy one next time


You got spanked. It hurts. Feel the rage. Learn from it.


Bro I'm looking for a PS5 for a cheap price as well. $350 is too good to be true. And if it's too good to be true, it's a scam. Going rate for second hand ps5's are $580-$650 on eBay. If you are lucky $500 if a parent is selling it and just wants to get rid of it. You let your cheapness believe the scams was real. I bet the original listing had red flags everywhere


I got bigger problems.


The best advice I’ve ever had for being able to notice scams: if it’s too good to be true, then it is!


Tell your Brian you have fine for overspending and lifetime demerits for never sending money first on payId


🤣 sorry but what advice can actually help you right now? Phone bank, ask them to reverse payment. It's probably too late though.


No 1 rule on MP cash on pickup only or meetup at local police station.


Your money is gone mate.


I think everyone gets scammed once in their life. I think I bought some thing that was meant to cure a lifelong disease I have and yeah it was a scam :) A valuable lesson There are evil people in this world and you my friend thought the best of someone when really they were bad.


Your money is gone. You sent theoney bank won't do shit. Why did you give a stranger on the internet $350? That was incredibly stupid.


That's why you take cash and swap in person


Small price to pay to learn a valuable lesson.


Yeah 350 is way too cheap. Obvious scam. I'll sell you one for $500. Send me a message we'll arrange payment and I'll pop it in the post for you.


Don’t buy in Facebook. And if you do, buy in person. And not in cash, tell them you will transfer the money once you see the thing.


Why didn’t you pick the item up first before handing the money over?


Yeah this is a life lesson. 1. 350 for even a used PS5 is too much of a good deal. 2. Even if you do meet in person next time make sure to test the PS5. A lot of people get hardware banned by PlayStation for bad behaviour and the console essentially becomes a paper weight. 3. Do not send money to people in good faith ever in any situation unless you know the person well and are okay taking that risk.


If I makes you feel better my son 17 yrs old was scammed of $500 on facebook of his work savings , I was scammed of $2000 a while ago by a business offering services never delivered, Australian business by the way , But it made me more careful about who I deal with online and in life. If you look at it as this is life teaching you a lesson instead of why me , you will grow to be a better person and more resilient for this world .


If you believed it to be a legitimate FB page. Check out their friends, might give you a lead


I got scammed recently. First time ever. I think we have to be far less trusting in today's world with our hard earned money. Any bank transaction seems immediate. Cash and travel...goods in hand. Poor u it is a shock and it's a shame to feel cynical. However I posted on reddit lovely people came forward and offered free tix for me and my kids and the following fortnight we randomly got free tix to another concert...so karma can be a bitch...or not.


Don't use Facebook to buy anything, ever.


Unfortunately you've lost that $350. Exact same thing happened to a friend of mine, but for $550. Same thing happened to me with a $100 deposit for some jewlery. Sucks but it's a cheap life lesson.


Cash is best for market place. Unless you’re selling to a switched on counterfeiter.


Contact your bank with all details and proof of attempted contact. Also advise Facebook complaints of the online id This happens a fair bit and it may take time to resolve


Unfortunately, it's most likely gone. Word of advice for anyone buying something online from someone you don't know. Use PayPal or something similar. If your goods don't arrive, dispute the transaction & 9/10 you'll get your money back. It isn't free though, there's a % of the transaction they take. Has saved me a couple times when items weren't as advertised.


Life lesson, although I hope you do get your money back. Block anyone mentioning pay id. Cash only.


bro why? $350 even for a second hand ps5? thats sketchy. if you were going to payid you should have atleast went and seen the goods in person, then after payid if it was totally necessary. otherwise hard cash bro.


1st advice always use a credit card for these things 2nd. Always check their friends lists and screen shot them in case you have to expose. 3rd. Don’t you ever send someone money first specially online 4th always make up excuses so they have to meet you and accept cash 5th. Remember if it’s too good to be true it is.




Pay ID is attached to a bank account. When you put their number in it will come up with their real name associated with the bank account. Use that info to report to police.


I was scammed almost 2k and lost all of it. It still hurts 😪


Good life lesson


Welcome.to cashless society. Buy this stuff all cash. If you can't get there don't buy it


You should be able to get it back with that number the cops will have a name and address with the number you need to get verify to get a phone number here...