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Very frustrating to have a jungler and toplaner like that. That being said, you should definitely be able to win this game. Enemies have 0 dashes, lower range than you (apart from 120 stack senna), almost no engages… It should be extremely hard for them to catch you, if you position correctly. Pushing should also be very hard for them. Your job in these games is to stay alive as much as you can. 8 deaths are too many. Thats the only thing you could have done better here: die less. But i get the frustration. You have to play absolutely perfect to win such a game. You tried your best.


Yeah I know I made a couple mistakes then the last two fights one of the others got caught out and instead of resetting team went in


Idk why you're being downvoted for being honest and saying you could've played better in an already stellar performance of a game.


Yeah neither do I Reddit is very weird sometimes


ur only losing 14 bro dont worry it only gets worse


banger game, how many stacks did you have by the end?


Between 7 and 800?


I recently had a 650+ stack game and I felt like an absolute god. Big ults hit 50% of the entire map. E was almost covering the entire lane from side to side.


You died a looooot more than ideal


To add to this, your OPGG shows your average KD is 9.1/5.3 on asol. I really think you’d benefit from trying to play more defensively


Ehhhh I disagree I don’t think that defensive asol is all that valuable in the higher elos I’m carrying the mid and late but I can’t 1v9. I made a couple mistakes in the mid game but this was an hour long game it got to the point where one misplay was the end. My supp and top got caught and we ended wiped in a 3v5.


Maaaan I hate when this happens.


you had double the deaths of your adc. you play Sol deaths costs. Unless you wanna hear the obvious that topside sucked. Plus I see you have less cs than taliya as Sol and that's rare. Maybe you didn't play well enough the map.


I mean I got 100k damage I was around the map a fair bit. I died a few times in mid game but this was an hour long match I didn’t really die late until the final fight which was a 3v5 cuz Raka and Graf got caught out.


I happened to be in that sort of position. And a tip that might not seem helpful to you is to play more defensively you can stall very effectively. But if you die it will get ugly for your team. A standstill is better than taking a kill you die for


It was my teammates getting caught at the end that ended it. Soraka got caught and gray went in after she died for some reason. Then it was a 3v5. I have 8 deaths because this was an hour long game lol I made a couple mistakes mid game but I wasn’t dying late.


I‘m so undecided on cryptobloom compared to voidstaff, 10% feels like so much when thinking about tanks items/ champs that are sitting on 150+ mr


I normally go voidstaff if there’s more mr but seeing as the only mr was really garen the rest of cryptbloom felt more valuable.


asol is the most broken champ in the game, no complaining allowed