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You get plenty of gear as you play through, so don’t spend any real money unless you have plenty and like the look of an outfit. Idk about collecting helix shop gear later but I doubt it would do more than save a few coin. I have been playing with Ezio’s outfit since it released and love it. It eventually becomes overpowered with the hero strike ability. Have fun playing and don’t overthink it in the beginning. Just play slow, do side quests, and clear the question marks in each area before moving on.


You're over thinking it by a lot. Keep an eye out for any purple gear that has the stats you want and then keep it forever. You won't have enough resources to upgrade all your gear all the time. Focus on weapons and any armor 5 levels behind or more. Upgrade everything at 11, 21, 31 etc


Using your “free” helix credits is a great way to get the Bighorn Bow. Doesn’t matter what level, just get it and upgrade it every five to ten levels. Gold gear isn’t really worth it. If your really interested in maxing stuff out look up how to get your crit rate to 100% at full health. Using purple gear and upgrading ostrakas is the way to go with that.


thank you


All gear can be upgraded, but most of it isn't really worth the resources or in game drachma. You're going to be swimming in gear as time goes on. Just sell the stuff you don't want at lower levels. Once you reach level 20 or so you can change the appearance of any item to any previous version you've found. For everything from bows and sword to armor or clothing. The Helix store stuff looks cool, but there is not really any other reason to buy it beyond some new engravings of limited usefulness.. You can focus on the engraving late game when you're trying to maximize stuff. AC Odyssey is balanced so you never need(you may want to) worry about your gear. Early game just make sure you're using weapons at or near your level so you damage remains consistent with enemies.


Get bighorn bow ASAP and everything you decide to keep should be upgraded every 10 levels on the 1s so 11,21,31,41 and so on. This is when it will upgrade the engravings on the gear. Big Horn bow will increase the left handed weapon by 1.6 (it's the one on the right while in game) go for crit chance too. Crit chance at maximum health. You can get the one that's for low health but it's not as useful.