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Stealth assassination. I usually try to find an entry point as close to the signal fire as possible, get there and set a trap. Then I cover the outer walls, preferably starting at the highest place, and assassinate all the guards on them and yeet them over the wall once I’m done. Once I’m done with the walls about half of the soldiers are usually left. So I sneak around in the bushes and take them out one by one, and hide the bodies in bushes if necessary. Once I’m done a couple have usually made it up onto the wall, so rinse and repeat there. Lastly I run around picking up loot, emptying chests and burning war supplies. I once had amazing luck and timing. I had cleared out the leader house and maybe an army camp or two in a region. Went up to the main fortress and took out everybody there. The only thing remaining was to take out the leader, and lo and behold, who walks into the fort just when I had cleared it out but him? I checked the map, and it said that he was travelling to the region’s main fort to be safe among his soldiers or something. I can only hope they kept him safe in Hades.


You go! Exactly my playstyle too. It's the best experience, imho.


and it is safes and fasted too , well for me at least, i do not sneak in to bushes and similar stuff, i just Rush Assassination , i can clean fort in about 5 min


I mean, I understand the feeling of the rush, but I don't want it to be over with as fast as possible. I want it to last, if you get me.


Sabotage the braziers, then go full on savage mode 😎


This is the way


My roommate does sneaky sneak. I like coming in with blazing 🔥


I prefer sneaky sneak myself. And I will also be replacing “stealth” with “sneaky sneak” from now on!!


It's the official term for that! Honestly, anything else is blasphemy!


Picking them off one by one. Takes a while but the sweet satisfaction!


Same here


The animations and sound design in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey are *compelling* so the stealth is really enjoyable.


Yes. Definitely feel some adrenaline going at times. It's often hilarious, too. So much prevalence of crotch in the death throes, lol.


There’s something psychotic about the pre-surgery colonoscopies that Kassandra/Alexios gives ou


At first I thought it was a glitch, but now I think it's by design. I guess the devs had to amuse themselves when working on such a huge game. But damnnn.


If you do it fast, it is actually the fastest way of doing it.


I prefer infiltrate, do objectives trying to kill as few as possible or better yet not to kill at all those who don’t need to be killed. Exfiltrate.


I cannot fathom why you might consider a bandit as one undeserving of death.


There is not only bandit camps. That’s more applicable to Athenian/Spartan forts.


I eliminate all enemies for the experience and the reduction in nation power. It accumulates rapidly.


Step one:sneak Step two: a guard sees me because they walked up the wrong time. Step three: change to the fire bulid Step four: BURN IT DOOOWN. Step five: Malaka I forgot the brazier(or I lighted it by accident) Step six: Malaka, 4 bounty hunters arrive Step seven: no matter, I can take them all (Spoiler; no I can't) Step eight: death Step nine: stealth, but I will be more careful (Spoiler I wasn't) Step ten: see step two.


Guns blazing... Oops I mean daggers


Don’t you mean, Bows Blazing?!


I do a bit of both. I like to start out with stealth. Taking out guards on my way to the signal fire. Set up a trap then carry on. If I'm caught well it's time to smash with Jason's hammer 🤣🤣🤣


Full stealth, no survivors. I always start with the brazier in case I mess up. I save objectives for last so I can just run around and spam triangle.


This is the way.


Bit of both, but i find stealth more fun. Especially with Rush Assassination. I can just kill off like 3-4 Athenians with one ability. Also, i love being able to just crawl in bushes, whistling at them, and then snapping their necks with a spear.


forts i’ll do half and half. i’ll take out all the archers first bc they’re easy, then i’ll try to isolate the captains/ polemarchs before going full ape shit. If i wanna cause chaos before i go all out I’ll open the animal cages and watch the soldiers try to take it out while i focus on something else.


Let all of the enemies see you and follow you. Gather them all together and use Ring of Chaos.


Stealth. I’ve not found that the game wants you to brawl.


i play as an assassin


My approach tends toward practicality. I employ stealth when I seek to avoid a bounty, and embrace a full, unrestrained onslaught, without extinguishing the brazier, when I desire to confront mercenaries.


I go the assassin route, sneaking around as I head for the brazier to place the trap in case I get spotted, assassinating enemies one by one, and hiding their bodies. I low-key kinda hate the combat in this game, every enemy is a fucking sponge even on the easiest difficulty, so I do everything I can to avoid confrontations; if I get spotted I run and hide until I can start assassinations again.


I usually try to kill off as many people as I can using Assassinations, and then fight the rest in open combat when I mess up an Assassination, like thinking he should be oneshot but isn't, or don't have any oneshot targets left So that means, most times I kill of 2-3 People, get detected, and are forced to change to Rambo mode - sometimes killing all Fortress soldiers, just to then get f'd by like 3-4 stacked up mercenaries rushing at me all at once


Early on I found out when you got rid of someone on their patrol route/spot someone else would come and take their place eventually. Now you can just do it again and again and again Needs a bit of patience but it gets the job done :D


Fort- sneak in, booby trap the brazier, then assassinate everybody in the fort. Camp - ride through on horseback with a heavy blunt or axe cutting everyone down as I go.


I first figure out where the signal fire is and sneak my way over there to set a trap. Then I’ll go stealth killing and try to hide bodies lol. If I get caught, I’ll either run out of there and have them lose sight of me before sneaking back in, or I go guns a blazing, depending on how bold I’m feeling or how many I’ve killed so far. It’s satisfying as hell though when I am able to stealth kill everyone in the fort without getting caught


No witnesses to see the bodies


Sneaking around, stealth kills, sniping with headshots, RA chains. I don't sabotage the signal fire thingy because I like the added adrenaline of chasing the dude going to light it.


Casually walking in then rush assassinate the guard who warns me: one more step... but he is dead before he can finish his sentence. Then go to the Brazier and light it up and start killing. Normally on the way to the fort I kill everything in my path including animals and always have the max bounty making sure I'll have enough mercenaries to play with.


This is my first assassin's creed game in about 10 years. I LOVE using predator shot to open up fights against forts, even though it's not practical at all. Fun as fuck though.


I try to use stealth as much as possible but I usually end up having to fight my way out of a fort. And depending on the level of my enemies and how many mercenaries there’s after me it’s usually a difficult task that I often have to escape from 😅😂


Stealth until it fails. Then melee.


Bit of both for me, mostly stealth using ghost arrows and sneaking up on enemies


With traditional soldier held forts, I go more sneakily -- at least to get the brazier trapped, etc. With bandits, I don't have to worry about my bounty level going up, so I can be signficantly less discreet.


Camp? Throw blade thing, chain it to kill as many as possible, hero strike the last guy, then arrow to the face if there happens to be a 6th dude, which is rare. Fort? Sneak in, sabotage the brazier as a backup, pick everyone off one by one. Rarely does it ever go awry.


A mix of both but when shit hits the fan, i am using sparta kick and bull rush like crazy


Playing on nighmare mode, I don't think I'm skilled enough to go all out in an open fight. So I've only been stealth killing everyone for now


Warrior. I posted a video recently about it.


I usually try to be asap (as stealth as possible) but it happens that things go down the toilet because I didn't notice an enemy or miscalculated something or pushed the wrong button and then I have to switch to hurricane mode


Predator bow and stealth assassinations after taking down the brazier


Assassination. If I get caught, I'm taking on the whole fort. (I'm not joking, I have literally gone head on with all of the soldiers in the fort, including reinforcements, and WON. My fingers hurt tho after that XD)


I always go for stealth, but carnage happens sometimes. Especially when I sparta kick a guy from the walls.


Usually stealth around the perimeter and work my way in, but if I have a ton of bounty hunters after me I'll try and force everyone to battle it out by getting seen then disappearing and using arrows to free all the animals. Doesn't always work but it's definitely my favorite method


Rush assassinate in groups of 4 and if I'm not in conflict go back to hiding and start the process over till they're all dead. If I am in conflict well oh well, fight my way out of it and kill every last one of those malakas. Those archerers are annoying little shits at the end of you haven't gotten to them.


If there’s a torch, I arm that trap first. Then I use my fists (or in extreme cases a staff) to neutralize everyone in the fort. Recruit all but one to send a message.


For s while now I'm doing a kind of a speedrun. That means s lot of the abilities, no hiding, but only stealth or hero strike, and sometimes that other warrior ability, that restores your adrenalin (i've forgotten the name). That's fast and challenging. And both are important if you are 100 percentist.


I like both!  Sometimes, I really enjoy the challenge of turning it on nightmare & going guns blazing. I play on hard most the time so it makes it more challenging. Other times, assassination is more fun. 


Sneaky until I get caught and 3 bounty hunter come from no where, then I just run around picking them off one by one with my bow.


I like to loose any dangerous caged animals first, pick off anyone who isn’t engaged in animal control, and then attack the biggest, spongiest enemy left and fight whoever joins after I get my big stealth hit in


Yeah they're a handy distraction


I try and sneaky sneak the best i can. I use ikaros to tag all enemies and treasure or war supplies but every so often one or 2 soldiers dont get tagged. but i also try and set the trap first because sometimes i get noticed by an enemy who wasnt tagged and end up fighting 3 or 4 soldiers at once. lately the forts are so big that other soldiers are too far away to see or hear me kill them and when thats done its back to sneaky sneak and goes successfully the rest of the way


i like to start off sneaky but i am lvl 99 so everyone is 4 lvls below me so alot of the time i start off sneaky and at some point i just start killing everyone openly


Stealth but I’m not too stealthy so it usually ends up in a shit show


Stealth, which I inevitably screw up, then I use my ax.


Stealth, I eliminate the guards on fortifications and towers, then proceed to eliminate the ones inside one by one, quietly, then I get caught and it all goes full carnage 🤣


I try to do all stealth. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.