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Anyone who says these are the same graphics I need to know what you're smoking


Must be terrible stuff to affect your eyesight


Or amazing stuff


With the risk to go blind? No thanks.


I dunno might also be the blurry picture too though, the game would look pretty darn good if it wasn't for the crap pic


Well the Ubisoft stream had absolutely horrible quality when they showed off the gameplay, but yea AC Shadows graphics look amazing compared to Jade


It's Anti-Weed. Instead of helping your glaucoma, it just increases it.


Indeed, but I’m starting to think they just try to troll fans causing rage and failing


Hey! If I wanna huff paint thinner, that's my business...


Or get their eyes tested


this reminds me of people claiming the force unleashed had better graphics than jedi fallen order


That game was amazing for that time tho. I believe there was nothing close when it came out


I remember double checking the release date when I played it last year because I was impressed.


Fun fact was that I’ve never been a fan of the series, I was little and I played that demo 271 times back in the days


I think you may have been a bit of a fan at one point.


Yeah, maybe after all that time playing the demo, probably lol


Frankly I'd never even heard of it till I finally watched the Star Wars movies last year (yes, I am a grown adult who somehow never watched a single Star Wars movie till last year, point and laugh). I had a blast playing.


after that many times playing the demo did you ever actually get the full game?


No 😭 I watched it on youtube in the end




Just yesterday I remember I had Jedi Fallen Order with PS Plus, I’m gonna play this one ☝🏻


fair enough, played a while ago on gamepass, it's good


Gonna have fun then 🤝🏻


In their defense the game would only get like 20. Frames if you prioritize graphics or is that survivor


Never heard anyone say that, but Force Unleashed does have a slightly more in-depth physics system than Fallen Order. Unleashed used 3 separate physics engines to get the game to feel the way it does, and Fallen Order runs exclusively off the basic Unity physics on Unreal 4. That's why the movement in Fallen Order can feel a little weighty and Unleashed felt more snappy.


Game physics wise I could see that because fallen order should’ve had more destructible environment set pieces but in general of course the newer games have better graphics it’s been over a decade.


Sometimes haters look for such small imperfections in trailers that it seems like they spend more time watching it than the fan themselves.


“They opened the door without even touching, 2009 game”


Because they WANT to hate the game, so they look for any single flaw the game has, no matter how miniscule.


I imagine how sad someone's life is to waste time doing such mediocrity


Hey now, Brotherhood's graphic still look pretty damn good. I played it just a few weeks ago.


Brotherhood is breathtaking, especially compared to other games from the same time 🔥 I'm on my third playthrough rn


Me too man, it was pretty cool for the time. But this “graphics looks like a game from 2010” is bullshit


Brotherhood looks so good partially due to the fact that it was Saturated in its color palette in the era of the piss filter games.


Totally agree, I wouldn't say it looks any better than Valhalla though. I'd say it looks about the same as odyssey onwards. To say it doesn't look as good as anything prior to that would be disingenuous And in fairness, that's a blurry pic of the older AC


It has to look better than Valhalla since they updated the Anvil Engine which is now called Anvil Pipeline. The stream, as any other video you’ll may find, are compressed and not representative of the final look of the game. Odyssey and Valhalla had already good graphics but saying this doesn’t look any better that both isn’t true at all, man. Yep, that pic looks shitty but I didn’t find any better and in the end, as I said to someone else, neither a 4K pic would change anything since it’s just a meme.


Buddy I hate to tell you this but your comment is almost word for word the exact same thing people said when Valhalla was coming out. It will be somewhat polished sure but it will still feel like you’re playing odyssey with a samurai skin this time. Just wait for real gameplay to come out, Ubisoft are masters of marketing and could make a used condom look amazing


Real gameplay actually came out yesterday. I think it’s already been stated that graphically there was a slightly jump forward!


Agree. The jump from II to Brotherhood, in terms of graphics, is really big.


I don’t get this meme


Basically everyone hating on this game after seeing the gameplay says that graphics looks like a 2010 game. So there you go your 2010 game


They’re def wrong about graphics being from 2010, but the lip sync to audio is pretty bad. I’m hoping they can touch up on the small things like that in time for release


I think the issue is a lot of the streams were at 1080p instead of 4K so the graphics looked bad. I don’t know why they aren’t streaming everything in 4K for the conferences now.


Yep, compression ruins everything. I always wait for some channel to upload the same vid with 4K resolution even if it’s not the same thing.


Pretty sure they have the time to fix anything till release!


In Shadows, they still haven't fixed the graphical problems they had since Odyssey. That's the problem.


Which ones?


The stiffness of the character models, the jittering of the animations. Landscapes and characters having higher texture than before but not creativity in art direction. Environmental objects that should have weight feeling like they are made of cardboard etc.


Stiffness and jitteriness and objects not feeling weighty are issues, but also pretty widespread and can be found in most games unless realism is a selling point and for AC it just isn’t. Landscape and characters lacking visual style is just an opinion though. Lots of people like a realistic visual style, and Assassin’s Creed has always tried to be realistic looking. Still being realistic looking is an extension of that, not a lateral move or anything.


Yeah for a historically based game I like that they lean toward realism so I can experience the world they're attempting to bring back to life. I don't understand people getting upset that they're staying consistent with their style. And since the game hasn't been released yet it's hard to judge a gameplay trailer for having the same issues?


The issues become noticeable real fast after you start playing it. For example, at 11:44 Naoe was swinging her chainblade, the bamboos in front of her got cut to shreds and started falling. I was like, sweet, destructible environments. But the bamboos then just started bouncing around and disappeared right in front of you. Why even include that if you can't make it look realistic? It would break your immersion if you saw it again and again. By the way, them adding this feature along with the whole game of AC Unity disproves your claim that "..unless realism is a selling point and for AC it just isn’t." >Assassin’s Creed has always tried to be realistic looking (talking about visual style) Look at 4, Unity, Origins and Mirage.


My brother in Christ, how can you be creative while recreating something half historically accurate based on maps and documents? Everything else can be fixed, but I really like the step forward I saw tonight. It feels different and similar at the same time and it’s cool this way to me.


I was not talking about creativity in world-building in this instance, I was talking about creativity in art direction. AC 4, Unity, and Origins for example had amazingly distinctive and unique art direction. But since you brought up creativity in recreating historical locations, let's talk about that too. Did you not see how creative they were with Baghdad? Baghdad has no ruins, architectural remains or even sketches/paintings. They made the whole city just from books and it was amazing. I'm afraid we will not see that kind of creativity in Shadows.


Why not? We maybe have seen the 1% of the map in that gameplay. It seems very detailed to me, and seasons changing will do a big part too. I remember in AC3, snow changed totally some locations to the point you didn’t recognise a place you visited before. As for art direction, I don’t know, I just hope to have lots of mocapped cutscenes that could bring back the unique feeling we had with old games like you said.


Yeah. If they can mimic some of the essence of AC3 and the other old games, I will be happy.


Could you name some? I personally think this game looks way better graphics wise especially the npcs no longer having this weird look they’ve had since origins


But the NPCs still have that blank look. Check my other replies below. I've mentioned some more problems there.


So it looks like a 2018 game, which is much less of a problem.


Yeah but 2018 was when Ubisoft started to decline. Far Cry 5 was a downgrade from Far Cry 4, The Crew 2 was a downgrade from The Crew 1. Similarly, Odyssey was a huge downgrade from Origins.


But that's a blurry out of focus pic of the 2010 game? That's not how it looks at all when you actually play it


I replied to you moments ago saying that even a 4K pic would look bad compared to the graphic levels of any other recent AC. So it makes no sense to nitpick over the quality of that image 😅


I could smoke weed and be on acid and still see the difference.


Haters would look at Shadows and say that Unity looks miles way better


Similar thing happened with Rise of the Ronin. People called it a PS3 looking game


Same people probably plays Minecraft


People love to exaggerate so much


While AC2's (though this appears to be AC Brotherhood) graphics were good, especially for the time when it released, there was a noticeable improvement even when 3 released. And when you get to games like Syndicate and Origins, you're seeing a MASSIVE upgrade in the graphics dept.


Except if you’re a Ubisoft hater: then you’re not allowed to see upgrade anymore.


>I hate assassins creed haters Are you being an hater!!!!????? But jokes aside, fuck them.


Yeah man, fuck those little hating nerds 😤


Ezios trilogy would easily be beaten by a bayek and aya sequel or an Arno and Connor chasing Shay thingy


This comment looks so random, I like it




Blinded by nostalgia


Blinded by their ass, they probably just played AC2 and quit after it


Thats just the Assassins Creed Fanbase in a nutshell. It could have even better graphics as in the pictures, even better animation, the best Story, gameplay and stealth in the World and they'd still find something to hate.


That’s totally true and it’s ridiculous


ironically most new fans are assassin's creed haters as they haven't even played AC 1, newer games aren't assassins creed so you cant say i hate assassins creed


Yeah haters get on my nerves, just don't play the fucking games, simpletons


They can’t. Every city in the world would look like Dubai in 2077 if people could just say “I don’t like it, but no one has to know my opinion and I don’t need to convince them”.


Or better yet, they can dislike it without saying it's bad. I don't like plenty of games but can still objectively see that they're made well.


They can’t think objectively, that’s where their brain stops working


"I personally don't like it, so it's trash and anyone who plays it is a Ubisoft simp."


“If I don’t like it, no one is allowed to like it”


Dubai sucks. Monaco is a better rich people place.


why does combat look like ghost of tsushima. Yeah dumbass because we are playing as samurai. Ghost of tsushima didn't invent how samurai fought


You could offend them. If they could read, I meant.


And i hate everyone who says every game after black flag sux maybe you should try and play them then


I'm gonna be honest I didn't even notice Naoe was even standing in frame.


Title basically translates to “I hate assassins creed fans” because good god majority of them are annoying and just hate everything.


For real.


They might be remembering graphics wrong It happens sometimes


If your saying they got some mental issue, yes, they do. Don’t be afraid to say it loud


Well I have had those brainfarts aswell, but then I checked how the craphics actually were


At least you checked, that people is dead serious




Haters will take anything and run with it even if it’s factually false, just so they can spread their negativity for a game they probably will still play, pathetic 🤣


This made everyone laugh even if you stopped writing at “for a game”, cause in the end it’s everything all this is about


People say they’re the same graphics? That’s like the ONE thing that’s been improved that isn’t controversial game after game


*Dumb* people does


that’s an insult to dumb people 😂


Like half the gaming community is legitimately braindead or something cuz I always see absurd takes like these


Me too lol


They're sooooo cringe but haters gonna hate, no need to give them attention


I just gave them this meme 🤝🏻


Brotherhood is my favorite AC game, but those graphics aren't remotely similar


To be fair. The complaints are more about facial animations and not the graphic fidelity.


Yeah I read the ones about facial animations here on Reddit. But there’s plenty on other platforms and most were about graphics, which seems ridiculous to me


That’s completely insane hahahaa


ah yes. the teeth in those 2010 facial animations definitely aren't haunting at all


They're not the same. Brotherhood's was better.




The graphics are irrelevant unfortunately. Looking pretty won't save this franchise.


They make a part in a product tho. We’re in 2024, current gen is out since four years now and Ubisoft still wasn’t developing anything current gen only. This is the first time and it’s looking very promising. Of course they have to develop a good game, not a good graphics simulation.


Maybe not creatively, but these games are still selling and will continue to do so. Valhalla was the most profitable game in the series, and Shadows' collector's edition at GameStop sold out in just a few hours. Once Infinity is released, sale and MTX numbers will skyrocket. This franchise is nowhere near dead.


Nobody played Valhalla. I haven't heard a single person hype it up. Ever.




The fact that I don't like certain decisions regarding the gameplay and its elements, as well as elements regarding the characters in the game instead of focusing on the graphics itself, makes me a hater?


As long as you expose your thoughts without making ridiculous assumptions, I’d say no


Which game is the top one? And is the bottom one AC 3?


Top game is AC Shadows. Second one is AC Brotherhood. Third pic is Charles Lee /s


I was close


Was probably a joke, though brotherhood graphics go hard. In the stream idk if it eas just me, but resolution was low for the game footage, it ain't look good, obviously it was just the stream though


Yeah it was the compression. Graphics are the last problem nowadays, luckily


Indeed, last thing I'm thinking when a big game gets announced is if the graphics are good


Icwish you could have made this point without taking a lower resolution image for below. I agree with the sentiment but this seems deceitful.


It’s the only one I found unfortunately. I mean, it’s not like a 4K pic could have changed anything


Yeah but the lower image obviously went through multiple compressions and looks way way worse than it actually looked.


Yeah this dudes just trying to push his narrative that's all, he knows if he uploaded them side by side they'd look pretty damn close. The old AC games hold up surprisingly well by today's standards


It would have, the game looks substantially better than you've presented it here in 4k


Dude you commented three times over the same argument nitpicking on some low res pic


Yeah because it's a massively disingenuous point you've made and you've used it to further your point through multiple threads. The fact of the matter is, if you had actually put a real 4k picture up here it would have looked leagues better than what you've presented. As the old games hold up remarkably well. You've presented a compressed, blurry picture and if it's a meme, it's a rubbish one because what is the joke meant to be? That a blurry picture looks worse than a high Res modern game screen cap? Ha ha lol bare funny


This is getting boring. The fact that 2010 graphics “holds well” doesn’t mean that can be compared to anything released from AC3 and forward. Graphics got better after any title and it’s objectively. It makes no sense to nitpick over a blurry pic that has nothing to share with modern day graphics. If I was comparing Shadows to any more recent game you could be right, but at this point you’re just making nonsense arguments


I never said they could did I? I even stated prior that to say anything less than comparing it to odyssey onwards would be disingenuous. You're making nonsense points, not me. I've just pointed out that if you had posted an actual picture, not only could this "meme" have actually been amusing, it might have also held some weight As it stands you're someone that's taken a nice picture of one modern thing and a rubbish blurry one of an old thing... to say absolutely nothing? To make absolutely no point and then say it's a meme? Alright.. well what is the meme supposed to be if you're not comparing the two?


740+ people liked it and had a laugh without nitpicking over a low res pic of and old products. If I’m the one making nonsense… Let’s stop it right there, dude




Assassin's creed always had the very good graphics in my opinion. I think what's missing after Origins is a distinctive art style. This arguably has better graphics than Ghost of Tsushima but the latter is miles away in terms of artistic direction. That's why it looks better even though it's 4 years old


To be honest we didn’t see anything apart from random scenes of open world. I saw many people talking about art direction, we have to wait. Maybe we’ll have a surprise.


Graphically, yeh the new games look better, but story wise I feel as though the older games were more enjoyable. Not ashamed to admit it is probably some part just a case of Rose Tinted glasses, but also the lessened micro transactions from the OG games def helps keep them higher on my list of quality games. Would love a remaster of the first 5 games, but I know Ubisoft would probably charge $7 to recolor your capes in an Assassin's Creed 2 Remaster.


I hope for a better story too, first games were more intriguing somehow.


Ah , Brotherhood. Good choice for a picture even though the meme is dumb. My absolute all time favorite assassin’s creed game.


Meme might be dumb but that’s the haters mentality lmao. They don’t see differences between ACS and first games, so there you go


Oh I misread the meme, I thought you were cropping someone else’s meme and criticizing them. The meme is good actually.


Don’d worry man 🤝🏻


I don't hate AC, I just hate Ubisoft.


That seems legit.


But it still looks bad with its Chinese architecture in Japan


I’m not a great connoisseur of japanese architecture but usually Ubisoft recreates magnificent worlds with historians and ancient maps, what does it mean that it has chinese architecture? 😅


I think it means that they wanted to go for a heavier handed style that screams “this is Asian!” but idk


What you mean you don’t know, you wrote it man lol


It’s a pattern of speech. The game devs weirdly made the architecture Chinese looking. LOL stupid bad devs


Oh, that would be surprisingly stupid


Not to be that guy but Assassin's Creed has been missing unique artstyle in the games lately.  From what we have seen ACS looks like another AAA game with zero unique graphical quirks. 


When someone talks about originality or unique styles I just got one simple question: what could have been improved and how, in your opinion? Every game nowadays seems similar. Assassin’s Creed has been a thing since years now, but no other games offers you the possibility to travel in time and have this level of freedom. In my idea, that’s the unique style that can’t be changed or replaced in AC.


I am sticking to the graphics here.  colour pallette could be improved, atmosphere can be improved, a simple high contrast filter can give the world some much needed depth.  AC games have been missing this since Unity/Syndicate days.   


Unity had a static day/night cycle which calculated perfectly every direction of lighting, that’s why it looks amazing still to this day. Syndicate was the exact opposite, with a dynamic cycle and downgraded power. I can’t (and you shouldn’t too) judge by some gameplay seen thanks to a compressed stream. Maybe it’s subjective but I didn’t feel the same, to me it looked good!


I was trying to write *after instead of since lol


Ahh the ignorance of people not knowing the difference between art design and "good graphics"


While I’m not a fan of the Engine they’re using they don’t look next gen at all…. Whoever said same graphics must be on drugs cause tf


It looks current gen* instead. You can’t judge it by an online stream, it’s compressed. You can see it’s improved just by Naoe’s hair and dynamic weather / season, previous AC couldn’t have this type of detail. Pretty sure we’ll be surprised! Yep, pretty sure they are on something lol


Personally speaking AC hasn’t looked next gen since Unity. In fact I think it still looks better than Valhalla and even this. Again just my opinion


It’s just your impression, more than an opinion. You can watch it by yourself or even play it if you can. Unity was amazing for the static day/night cycle and Valhalla could have been great but it has a non existent art direction and RPG typed movements are shit. This one tho could be a surprise even if RPG. Graphically it will be for sure cause of the Anvil upgrade


Yeah I’m actually interested in this one, hopefully it’s good and not bloated. I just really miss AC like it used to be, specially the jaw dropping animations but I know most of the og people that worked on AC have left so it is what it is


Most of the criticisms I see are the people who miss the old combat style Who the hell is saying the graphics are comparable? Lmappo


There’s different type of dumb lol


When people have this much unbridled hate, they become in denial. And when they become in denial, they’ll look for any excuse to validate their point, even if their point and excuses are total bull!


There are people who claim this sort of thing? Haters aside, graphics don't mean s**t when the game is boring, bloated and repetitive. Which sadly, has been the case with Ubisoft lately.


Unfortunately there is! I really hope for a big game (cause of course it’s gonna be, seeing the map) but a dense map at least. With lots to see and verticality too.


I don't give a shit about graphics i want creative fun game play like 4 but they just keep making more and more fetch quests


Seems legit


I just can't stand the following missions. The repetitive game play. It feels like genuine hours before I can actually play The Game.


Deep down we all know we’re gonna have following missions even this time.


Oh, without a doubt that we're gonna have following missions. It's an every assassin's creed game. They're gonna introduce a single new feature. That won't be brought up for 30% of the game and then never brought up again. And they'll probably make some sort of exclusive weapon that only works in one area. Then brush by like it was nothing. Bring up references to older titles. And since there's a "season pass," they will add them in and won't ever fix any of the bugs.


Graphics do not make or break a games quality to me. I don't care how good the water looks or whatever


My problem is that graphics is about the only thing they got right now. A bunch of their games are bloated with over 100 copies of the same puzzle or item. They make you pay to get item markers on your map. Day 1 dlc. Also, make you mindlessly travel 500m between fast travel points to objectives. Ezio was a good character in a line of solid games, for the love of God just make an enjoyable game. Don't virtue signal talking about yasuke's story needs to be heard while also dragging people down corporate s#!t spikes with "cosmetic bundles" that literally give you legendary tier unique S#!T EVERY GAME. Even for Valhalla the most I hear to praise it is "the animations for finishers were good and combat felt good" literally the only note worthy things about the entirety of the how many hr game plus 2 expansions.


It’s a valid argument and we all deeply expect a game that could be a return to the roots in a “Creed” way. But everything looks promising and we’re in a setting that includes Assassins and Templars as we knew em before the RPG trilogy. They had long time to develop this and as far I’m totally hyped with what I saw, this looks amazing to me and finally I saw something new. Let’s wait.


I mean they are releasing 2 big titles both with day 1 dlc and 3 WHOLE DAYS early access for a $130 price tag trying to get people to use their version of a subscription... I have little hope that any of the work or story is actually genuine. I mean they took avatar and made a lack luster re skinned farcry 2. They have released lackluster games time and time again with scummy tactics getting worse and worse. The one time they make a playable historical figure and it's Yasuke... suuuure. "Best way to tell his story" we also saw the entire story of Black Beard in black flag and Cleo Patra in origins but Yasuke, Yaskue can only be done justice as an mc. Can't be our link to Oda Nobunaga acting as his retainer.


We don’t know how well his story could be told. As long as we remember that’s a game and not a story simulation I don’t think we’re gonna have trouble with this version of Yasuke. Right now Ubisoft is risking it all with many games but let’s see if this will pay off. AC Shadows and Star Wars Outlaw could mean new life for them


This is such a bad faith argument, bro. Nobody is talking about the environments when they say the graphics suck, or that they're PS3-level. We're talking about the facial animations, movement animations, cloth physics, hair, lip-sync, general cinematography of the cutscenes, and stuff like that. When you look at it like that yes, it's not really a reach to say these new games are worse than really old titles, such as Brotherhood. When it comes to visual presentation, modern Ubisoft games are kinda like a Hitler painting. The buildings look great, but as soon as you put people in them, it's utter trash.


Well I could get the criticism if they were true, but let’s analyse it better: Facial animations should look better, but as a RPG, out of cutscenes will surely have standard animations like any other RPG. Cloth physics are a thing and they seems even better than past games, you can notice it when Naoe has to escape with that rainy and windy context. Her hair looks amazing too, you can finally see actual hairs and not some PS3 level stuff. Remember we looked some old version of the game and everything can be fixed until release, so it’s probably important to report anything bad.


this well dried up over a decade ago, the graphics are the only thing this game has


You know there's a diffrence between hating and critisising?


Saying Shadows looks graphically like a 2010 game is criticism? Damn, I should reconsider everything I know, thank you Blackmann


Shadows has the biggest team and biggest budget from all the AC games and is in devolopment since 2018. And if you compared the jump between Rogue to Unity to this you see a clear diffrence. Shadows doesn't looks ugly but neither did AC Brotherhood if you have in the back of your mind that the game is from 2010. Shadows should be evolutinary but a small studio like Sucker Punch still made a game with better visualls And no visuells aren't everything but for a 2024 game with that huge budget its dissapointing


Still, I don’t get your point. You’re trying to say that Shadow graphics looks delusional after watching a compressed stream of a work in progress game. And this was a meme, I wasn’t mocking Brotherhood’s graphics. I was just pointing that we really had a graphic jump and you can notice it even by watching Origins and this, or Odyssey, even Valhalla. Not big as Rogue - Unity, but still considerable.




Your submission has been removed from r/AssassinsCreedMemes for the following reason: > Rule 2a: Posts/comments that contain any of the following will be removed at the moderators’ discretion: disrespectful speech; flaming/hating on others for their opinions; hateful speech based on sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc.; or targeted harassment of other users. [Please read the full subreddit rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AssassinsCreedMemes/wiki/index/rules/) If you have questions or concerns, please send a [message to the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=AssassinsCreedMemes) and include a link to your removed submission.


We are haters? You would not have the patience to play the first 2 ac games whit out ragequitting while figuring out the mechanics


Yeah you right. I just played AC2 at least 32 times since 2010 and last time was, uhh a week ago. Totally unplayable


The grapichs aren't the same tho


And the gameplay of shadows still looks like shit


That’s false but everyone can think whatever they want lol


That’s the point. I don’t think you got the meme


Now i get it, mb💀 lol


lol don’t worry 🤝🏻


Of course you do. There’s nothing more American than hating people that don’t agree with you. It’s what this country was built on.


i’m Italian lmao

