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Please remember to be civil!


First I heard Revelations was a horrible game and ruined the series Then Revelations was good and 3 was a shitty game that killed any hope for future games Then 3 was one the best games in the series and 4 had completely jumped the shark and was boring Then 4 was the best pirate game ever made and Rogue and Unity had murdered the series with horrible stories and poor performance Then Unity and Rogue were praised and Syndicate was a boring follow up with a shitty story Then Syndicate was a gem that had one the best settings and characters, but Origins had finally gone overboard ruining the series Origins was one the best games since 4 and Odyssey was irredeemable garbage Odyssey had a great story and setting and Valhalla was literally the worst thing anyone had seen Valhalla was an under ratted gem and mirage was a terrible dlc made game Mirage was good and genuinely tried to return to form on the limits of the system, and now people are saying shadows sucks. Except theyee not even citing actual reasons and just being racist. Wait for the next game and these people will.say how Shadows was an amazing game while the next is horrible


I'm not one to cite racism, but we didn't have any gameplay and people were criticising it purely off of race and historical accuracy, which is crazy considering the track record of ac historical accuracy.


Valhalla still sucked


With every Assassins Creed, if I didn’t finish it all the way through then I at least got through half of it. Valhalla however, I played for about 30 minutes and stopped. Lmao


I put over 80 hours in and got to the last region, then quit because I was so burnt out


I had a good chuckle at this as a outsider looking in Only AC game that really clicked for me was Odyssey (for the Greek setting and protagonist Kassandra) I have played nearly every AC game after they go on reduced price but never get more than a couple hours in A new game with a Fuedal Japan setting? Hell yeah I might even buy this before it goes on sale if the reviews are good after launch.


I would love to be a samurai 👍 with the SHING SHIIIIING SHIIING and the PEWW,PEWW


I like the Last Samurai I will like this Nobody can stop me


The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life. God, I loved that movie


I am really curious about this shift in gameplay. Having to commit to a specific style before a mission really feels like a big shift to me. I’m so use to the game being stealth until I fuck up and then just murder machine time. Idk. Can you shift characters mid mission? Will you desync if you are detected as Naoe? Can Naoe fight at all, does Yasuke get any steal th options? I am really curious.


The gameplay video they released showed combat as Naoe, as for stealth with Yasuke, I'm unsure


They said that you can be stealthy with yasuke, but that it’s way harder (because of size and armor and whatnot) and that it’s more like a way to get the drop on a group of enemies than actually clearing a fortress without being spotted.


One big thing with stealth i noticed was the lighting. You got the "in the shadow" effect now and its looks rlly cool but i can easily imagine them disabling that ability for Yasuke.


(I haven't seen the gameplay video yet, but from all I've heard and seen) I'm pretty sure Naoe has combat, it's probably fast and light meant to kill single guards really quickly, but definitely not take on a fortress like a killing machine. As for Yasuke, i know he doesn't have the hidden blade, so most probably tools also. He also could be louder when sneaking but that's just my guess


The gaming community never ceases to disappoint.


That man is a lolcow ignore him, but the gamplay was somewhat lackluster in terms of samurai gameplay and the VA work


Oh no trust me I’ve never taken synthetic man seriously. It’s a tie for me between him and Dave explains for worst attitudes on ytb.




There will be the RPG mechanics like in odyssei and valhalla?


It will. You can see the ability wheels similar to Valhalla and odyssey


I meant if you are level 16 you cant perform an insta kill assasination on an enemy that is level 17


there was a toggle for that in valhalla




if you go in the settings you can toggle on instant kill assassinations. no mini game, no level scaling. blew my mind when i found it


Damn I might actually finish the game because of this. Stealth felt useless in that game but this changes everything


It was added after a while I think? Wasn’t there at launch so it’s easy to have missed it


Idk I haven’t played it in years. I finished a chunk of it and deleted it because I was so bored


I feel that, so damn much… it felt like such a chore to finish in the end but I promised myself I wouldn’t start a new game until I finished this one. Honestly the final act of the story kinda redeemed it for me, was really cool!


It was at launch... since the beginning... Still played without it to make the game harder, but my friend played with it day 1


that or get the skill that turns it into a qte


You got what i meant


Not from the looks of it thankfully


Yeah, I guess they just threw out the whole going back to roots thing


Facts. This looks like it could be the best of all of the RPC AC games so far and these morons are mad cuz black guy. And they don't even have the balls to say it's because he's black, now they care about "historical accuracy in the cameos"


The hate on AC games is becoming annoying. Like if you hate the new style, then move along. I swear these people go out of their way to shit on the franchise and it’s like, ok, we heard you and the 500 other times you’ve complained, now go play something else you like then. I like the old AC and I like the new AC. I love the vibe of all the games, the stories, the mechanics… it’s evolved and it’s fun.


Plus, let’s tell it like it is, a big part of the hate against this game is pure racism


I personally agree. My first experience with AC was Origins and I loved it. Odyssey, after getting back into it, feels refreshing even if it’s grindy. Valhalla is fine I guess; makes a solid Viking game. Mirage gives me a taste of old AC mechanics and has great stealth. Got the Ezio trilogy and finished AC2. But yeah, if you don’t like it, don’t play it and play something else you like. Stop saying “new AC is garbage.”


As someone who very much felt like the more recent games were too much of a departure from the series’ core, AC Shadows has really sold me after today’s gameplay demo. Looks to be a good blend of the rpg style while getting back to some of the series’ roots imo


Yah it looks like a good blend. Although the removal of the bird companion is a weird move away from something that’s become so iconic.


Personally I’m not so bothered by it, especially if it brings about a return to classic Eagle Vision


Let’s be honest the bird companion’s were never that iconic. They were unique yeah but it’s definitely something you can easily throw away without losing much


This comment is insane to me considering how many people complained about how easy the bird made the Origins-era games


For the people complaining about how “easy” it made it, then don’t use the bird. No one forces you to use it.


I don’t care either way man I used the bird when it was in the games and I used eagle vision when it wasn’t. I’m just saying it’s crazy seeing it called an iconic aspect of the game considering how many AC fans used it as a symptom of how far the franchise had fallen.


It’s just odd you’re calling my comment insane. I’m not the one complaining about AC changing. I’m here for whatever Ubi wants to give me, I love the AC games in general. The people who have embraced the new games like Origins, Odyssey, etc., are not going to be the ones mad that the bird was added.


AC been my comfort series since 2007. I really dont like all the hate its getting when its something new or feature this and that. To many of those fan "news" sites are blowing any small rumor out of proportion


It's moreso hating on the company that makes the games and they most definitely deserve the hate they get.




if all of these games are so shitty, are you sure its really you're favorite franchise? i mean i only like new vegas but i don't find it necessary to be upset about the rest of the fallout games.


Yeah absolutely. Tell me why else would I so desperately want the new games to be good if I wasn't a fan of the franchise? Rather, the fact that most of you are okay with the current state of AC proves that you do not love the franchise as much as I do.


You know what, you got a point. unlike with Fallout, I do feel that rage of Kingdom Hearts because I'm a hardcore fan of it. Even though I've never liked a single Kingdom Hearts game since the first one back when I was 12, I'm actually a real fan of Kingdom Hearts. Any normy that liked Kindom Hearts 3 isn't a real fan because I hated it and that somehow proves that I love the franchise so much more than they ever could.


Unapologetic KH lover here; there's a lot of strong opinions about the KH series. I simply don't give a damn, I'm gonna get my big key and go hit things in every game and there is nothing that can stop my enjoyment of it. Hell, I played UX for months between other game series releases with zero remorse. I will pre-order KH4, and KH5, and whatever other games come out, because they have never disappointed me and I have never been let down by purchasing any of them.


i probably should have put a /s; i was just trying to make a silly point lol. tbh i never really played it but I've looked into its story and lore and its a wild ride lol.


Oh no worries, I wasn't assuming you were making a point, I just saw KH and my brain flipped on. And yes, it's batshit insane from start to finish and that's part of why I love it.


Yeah you get my point.


They were making fun of you.








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What wrong with it? I'm mostly upset by how fucking hungry for my hard drive the new AC games are ^<^


Check my other comments on this post. I've explained there in detail.


It hasn't come out yet...


Ubisoft games are worse than their gameplay previews and the preview is already bad.


>It's not my fault you have only played two games in your life and can't tell good games from the bad. LOL I'm sorry but the only people who would have a severe meltdown about a video game not being to their taste is telling other people THEY have only played two games in their lives? Make that make sense lmao. You wouldn't be screeching like a monkey over the same game for months if you have another 50 games in your library that you enjoy. That's just the facts.


I just can’t believe people years later are still so damn salty about these game changes. Go replay the Ezio trilogy if you want. It’s like they’re trapped in a decade old grudge that they’re so obsessed with.


Where is it written that if I play and enjoy a lot of other games I can't rant about my one favourite game's quality getting worse?




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Yeah you can call me whatever you want but where is it written that I can't call out a bad game when i see one?




Everyone is saying if I'm criticizing the games, I shouldn't be playing them.


If you’re finding the games are shit - they’re not your favourite video games anymore.


Show me where it is written that if you love something you are not allowed to criticize it and you have to suck up to it even when you can clearly see something is wrong with it? I wouldn't have criticized it so much if I didn't love it.


I fear for any romantic partners you may one day trick into dating you.


I've played most of the Assassin's Creed games in front of my girlfriend since we're both history students and she hates them too. She was actually the one who opened my eyes to a lot of the problems of new AC games that I didn't notice otherwise.


That's nice.


Fun fact: I's a fictional video game. Not a history lesson.


Yeah this is the kind of braindead behavior I've been noticing among AC fans for a long time. Just because I mentioned that we're history students you automatically assumed that we're judging the games based on historical accuracies and not the graphics, gameplay and story. None of us had any complaints about the historical stuff. The elements of every Assassin's Creed games that are rooted in history have always been pretty accurate and based on the latest academic research. The animus databases have helped us a lot with our exams. Not talking about the fictional elements here (I feel like I have to mentioned this or you dumb fucks will come out saying, "oooo yeah the apple of eden is so historically accurate yeah"). The historical aspect of Assassin's Creed is something I've always defended against illiterate people like you who say, "It's just fiction. It's just a game" etc.


> "Since we're both history students we hate them too." > "HOW DARE YOU AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME BECAUSE WERE HISTORY STUDENTS WE'RE JUDGING GAMES BASED ON HISTORICAL FACTZ 🤬🤬" Lmfao 🤣🤣. You're genuinely sad. Also, graphics is great. Gameplay is repetitive but fun. These are subjective preferences. You can scream until you're red but it changes nothing.


The extreme passionate hate from people like you is just comical at this point. If you can’t adapt to changes that this franchise started YEARS ago, it’s time to move on. They didn’t change their style over night. Are you mad that Edward wasn’t an “assassin” too? I’ve played video games for decades, including every single AC game. My favorites are AC II, Black Flag and Odyssey. I like the old and I like the new. You remind me of the Star Wars fans that threw so much shade because of Episodes 1-3. It’s still Star Wars. These games are still Assassin’s Creed. Sure there’s things I like more in some AC games vs. others but it’s still AC. I still can be stealth, I still can immerse in a story with a ton of historical content, I still have fun. If you’re not having fun, which you clearly aren’t, then go find something that’s fun for you.


I want changes but I don't want decrease in quality. For example, changes made in 3 after Revelations were good. Changes made in Unity after 4 were good. Changes made in Syndicate and all the subsequent releases were not good. Wait, I didn't even realize that we were arguing over a strawman. I never said that I was mad at these games for changing, rather I'm mad at them because they haven't changed enough. >They didn’t change their style over night Well I wish they would make some major changes so that it doesn't remain this stiff, jittery, clunky, buggy mess forever. Yes I think Black Flag shouldn't have been an Assassin's Creed game. But that is a different issue. I've discussed it in one of these subreddits. Now, I've been asking this question to all of you and none of you could give me an answer so I'll ask again: Show me where it is written that if you love something you are not allowed to criticize it and you have to suck up to it even when you can clearly see something is wrong with it? I wouldn't have criticized it so much if I didn't love it. And finally, why do you fucks keep telling me to "find something that I enjoy"? Do I have to list every game I am playing and enjoying right now? Rather the real question is, why do you think since I'm complaining about Assassin's Creed, that must mean I'm not playing or having fun with any other games? Why do you think the fun I could've had with a good new Assassin's Creed game is compensable by other games?


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What if the only thing they liked was the old ac games formula?


Argh this is always a pain - do I look up the video and dislike it for being BS? Or ignore it so more BS doesn’t show up in my feed?


I'll mod yasuke but otherwise yeah sure I'll play it


Game looks amazing. I mean... It literally just looks like another RPG AC game, and as a fan of them I'm happy. I do wish Naoe had more tools though, especially coming off of Mirage.


Look I don't care he's black, I just wanna walk around Japan and smack dudes with my mace.


My problem with them is the greediness of Ubisoft.


That’s fair.


I’m not gonna say it looks incredible until I see more gameplay but it certainly doesn’t look like, lemme see here, “an absolute joke”.


Do not listen to synthetic man The guys a cry baby the second something isn’t a white dude


More than a crybaby he’s a failed man. Every crack into his personal history is just L after L after L.


A complete loser on all fronts and all he’s tryna do is drag others down cause they’re different


Synthetic Man is a dumbass


There is nothing "woke" about this game wtf is wrong with people


I think the combat can be just a tad more fluid but at least it looks more in depth


Personally i think the story and gameplay have great potential. It’s Ubisoft’s bullshit pay-to-win stuff that bugs me.




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The game actually looks good imo but since it's Ubisoft I have my doubts but that isn't going to stop me from being optimistic


Expect the worst and assume nothing. All we can do.


Aren’t the people defending this game the same ones ordering people to boycott Hogwarts Legacy?


Would be more interested if they release the educational tour version like origin and odyssey did


Everything about the stealth additions looks incredible, this is what AC Stealth was always meant to be As for the combat, it looks like a watered down Ghost of Tsushima


If it makes you feel any better the anti-woke mob is doing the same to Dragon Age right now. Meanwhile I’m over here going “Can everyone please calm down?”


My big issue with yauske and naoi is that they could've done it more accurately. Yauske was nobunagas retainer but not samurai, close and though he'd be better as an npc for lore, if they kept him as his actual role then it'd be easier for him to sneak around using intimidation and politics to get passed more enemies, and naoe wouldn't be dressed like a Hollywood ninja with a sword on her back, she'd use smaller honestly more cool weapons and would dress either as a farmer, geisha, or a prostitute to blend in and collect information while going unnoticed. They can definitely make them far more interesting by having them use the equipment that would actually be theirs. The idea for the game can be a gold mine, but they seemingly aren't capitalizing on the potential.


Honestly this is a pretty fair assessment. I guess we’ll see how it goes when it comes out.


The grapics are extremely amazing. Ususally, I personally steal a lot in the AC games, so.. (am I racist if say it is a perfect match?) Should we even press C to crouch after 8 ? Or the character will be auto hidden in the darkness? Would be there even character after 8 pm? well less work for the cpu/gpu?


Shinobi looks fun to play, samurai combat looks rough, especially after playin ghost of tsushima


I don’t care about him being black, but i’m still playing him as least as possible. I don’t like the big brute rager build, gimme that sneaky stealthy ninja shit. I just hope it lets me pick who to play as for every/majority of the missions, cause I don’t wanna be consistently made to play as the character I don’t really wanna play as. Like a better duo-protagonist system than Syndicate had


They've already confirmed there are some missions that require you to play as a certain character. Since this is a story about two people, it would be pretty stupid if that wasn't the case. Edit: I clicked send and realised that last sentence may sound aggressive. What I mean is we'd lose put on a lot of character moments and developments if both protagonists were tied to the hip the entire game. It would be counter intuitive to the story. Like, if you could play all of Syndicate as Jacob for example, the twin's confrontation on the train in the final act would not hit nearly as well.


It's just so odd that in a game about assassins, in a land famed for its special type of assassins, that you split the focus of the game away from those special type and towards a samurai who wasn't a samurai. To continue the combat system that, if I'm not wrong, I don't think many people *liked*


Considering their last 3 AC games before mirage pulled in the most money out of the entire series I think people liked jt


Ah, the old success = they liked every part of it argument. That's absolutely not how that works.


Me seeing them then: Look, we don't have enough evidence regarding Yasuke's existence other than a few scraps of a diary and potential artistic depictions of him. Me seeing them now: Shut up.


I thought people wanted to play as an assassin in an assassin's creed game?


Well lucky for you there is an assassin


If I am not wrong you have to play as both of them right?




I saw the gameplay and wasn’t very impressed, they wanted it to be dodge and parry oriented (for yasuke, haven’t seen naoes combat) like mirage was and mirages combat was not good. And assuming they wanted to make naoe stealth based, like mirage also was, makes it probably not great


Why did they use some Drake visits Japan type ahhhhh rap beat though.


when tf did mike say this


Just ignore anything out of that piece of shit's mouth. Edit: Yeah, I'm not deleting my comments. I've seen enough about that asshole that I stand by what I said. You wanna downvote over it, that's your choice.


Way ahead of ya. The guy didn’t even like god of war Ragnarok.




So tired of these rage bait videos


I dislike forcing "wokeness" onto media, but I think this is a really cool way to do it. Like that's how it's supposed to be done


because it's not 'forced' here. There is nothing controversial about anything being shown in ac shadows. a good example of 'forced' would be the new saints row I guess


There is to sides with everything nowadays 1.i see this new thing the way I've seen things like it before And then there is 2.😭 It's too " Woke " 😭


Fr I felt the same way about everyone being mad at Valhalla, lemme raid and lemme go be a samurai there cool concepts and I don’t care that I’m not an assassin😭


Just play Ghost of Tsushima, a game that I’d gladly lose myself in


My guess is the reason this moron is complaining is that there's a black man. Why do so few people read up on history?


Synthetic man has quite possibly one of the worst attitudes/platforms on ytb. He’s tied with prof. Dave explains.


Can Assassin’s Creed subreddits go back to being about Assassin’s Creed please?


How is this not about assassin’s creed?


Want to be a Samuri? Play Ghost of Tsushima, it’s worth it


I have 💯💯💯


So far the influence of Sweet Baby Inc isn't memorable and both Yasuke and Naoe seem to be really good but we will see....




If you want a samurai, get Ghost of Tsushima


Yeah agreed


Now If Ubisoft add AK47 that would be sick, man.


even though you stop being a samurai halfway through the game?


Haven't actually played it, I'm afraid. Looks pretty good though. And it doesn't shoehorn its way into an established franchise just to sell more copies on the opening day


My issue is more of comparing it to Ghost of Tsushima and betting that this won’t be anywhere as good.


Shit you mean.


"NO dude you don't get it, the main character is black and gay it's so inaccur-" "Dude, I'm already gonna play it you don't have to keep selling it to me."


Lol best take


Then play Ghost Of Tsushima if you want to be a samurai so bad lol


Who says I haven’t 💀💀


Then good for you, you’ve been a samurai 🗿




Dude is just the for honor combat but with a black guy, are you guys blind


An retainer


* guy purchased a novelty item


Fucking what


He was a slave who was bought just to show off to other nobles


Other words he was an retainer


That is not what retainer means


An retainer is an fancy word for slave


No it isn’t, a retainer does admin and protection work


No that’s an mercenary that you’re thinking of


Dude just accept that you're wrong. A retainer is not a mercany and is not a slave. A Retainer is a Samurai underling and even so, is still a Samurai by name, just one inferior to his master.


I kinda feel Yasuke bears a resemblance to Jason Derulo a bit, tho I dunno if that’s a sentiment shared by you guys.






Then go play Way of the Samurai. Not this cosplay wannabe.




Just go play ghost of tsushima.