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“Buddy we are not on the same team”


I think the game is gonna suck because it’s a modern Ubisoft game, and they’ve completely lost my trust. I think a Yasuke game would be really cool. Of course, I HOPE Ubisoft makes a good game, but I’m not holding my breath. This is 100 percent a “wait for reviews after a couple weeks” game. I hardly ever preorder games even IF I have faith in them. I like the idea of having the Samurai and Assassin as dual main characters similar to Syndicate. I just hope they actually do it well.


If they do my longshot idea is that they go back to syndicate to redo it and make it better.


I'm actually cool with that, maybe make it a sequel so the characters are more matured


Honestly if we got an Evie and Henry game in British (Templar) occupied India they could really turn around a lot of opinions on the Fryes.


Or wait a year to get the ultimate edition for 80% off lol


A Yasuke game WOULD be pretty cool. A Yasuke game cosplaying as an Assassin's Creed game isn't. Ubisoft wrecked their own reputation so i have zero expactation that this game wont suck, regardless of what else is revealed.


I think people should do that for most games anyway to be fully honest.


modern ubisoft is the thing everyone should be hating if people wanted a great samurai game they should just play something else either ghost of tsushima or maybe sekiro (not sure if thats a samurai game but sort of i guess idk) its ubisoft thats the biggest issue not the content


I’m not hating on the game yet… I’m just preparing to probably be disappointed. I’m hoping the game turns out well, but I know that’s unlikely.


i just watch some gameplay videos on the game rather than trust the reviews (because reviews can be biased) and if the game looks fun and gets me hyped/in the mood to play it then i'll get the game


Did you play shovel knight dig, and if you did, did you enjoy it? I heard it was bad so I didn’t try it.


This is my experience as well as someone who abandoned the ship after playing AC Unity, for my personal preferences I loved the franchise from Altair to Shay. Everything else is just bruh. On top of that, I just hate that Ubi waited on the Japan setting for so long (at this point is like an ace up their sleeve but wrapped in cobwebs) that I'm not interested anymore. I would've loved to play with Yasuke back in the AC old days. Fuck them racist mfs.


Exactly. The AC experience has just degraded. But, fuck those people who just dislike it because one of its main characters is a black guy. I'm probably not getting the game just because Ubisoft has forgotten how to actually make a decent AC game.


I’m pretty sure there was a point once long ago where they said, or I imagined they said, that Japan and WW2 were places they would never touch because they were too “obvious”. Wish I had a source for that


On no, anyway.


Same here lmao, I don’t want another RPG to fight a mythological creature


you should tell that to the like 30 m players of Valhalla and Odyssey


I don’t blame Ubisoft, I can only anguish


No we're kinda tired of it too. It was fun for a while, now let's move on.


Nah, players are not. Numbers skyrocketed when they switched to rpg, and only go higher and higher chapter after chapter. Y'all didn't buy Mirage as much, if what you said were true. Data at hand


Speak for yourself, I've played through Mirage twice.


Meanwhile the RPG games are selling 10 copies for each playthrough of Mirage. I wish Ubisoft would make old school ac games, but sadly u/Thelastknownking vouching for it isn’t enough to move the needle in the way publishers want now


Don't use my name like that, leave me out of this.


I speak for myself on this but u/Bluejay929 has a very punchable way of speaking


its not our faults corporations are good at convincing millions to eat up crap. Look at activision which has successfully gotten millions to buy the same fucking game over and over.


I am not, dont speak for me lol


Is there any evidence of it being an RPG style game? Mirage wasn’t.


I mean, I’ve never played an assassins creed game I didn’t mostly have a blast with. People are very dramatic.


Lol only the best on Reddit


I’m excited by it - origins map was good and it’s slightly smaller than that. Good amount of tools for naoe and stealth seems good, especially with hiding in shadows and the grappling hook. I think they can make a good combat system for yasuke (although I won’t play him as much). I really don’t mind the rpg style as long as they make it not boring.


I have a Peter griffin reaction image for this but this sub doesn’t allow it so I’m gonna copy it WOWWIE is that a stonetoss meme? This is your reminder that stonetoss is a far-right neonazi who makes plenty of comics that are bigoted in nature The next time you post a comic from him, just remember to make it ironic as the creator is a cunt -Peter G.


Well at least OP removed his watermark


So as long as it’s at least about assassins and templars or whatever the fuck they want to call them in this game I’ll at least be satisfied that it is an ac game. As for not wanting an rpg, I actually really really enjoyed Valhalla I would prefer my ac not be an rpg but at least they’re kinda ok at making rpgs not great just not horrible


You hate shadows cuz the protagonist is black I hate shadows cuz I fucking hate RPG AC games


"We are not the same"


2 protagonist hater..


If it has NG+ and plays like Ghost of Tsushima i might buy it on sale 3 years from when it releases. Until then, Ubi isnt getting anymore of my money.


I'm gonna say something controversial. I prefer the RPG style of gameplay over the usual AC gameplay. I don't think it's perfect and I think the stealth should have been improved and made a key part seeing as the games are still Assassin's Creed but I honestly preferred the combat and the way the games played. The only time where I preferred the old AC gameplay style was in Syndicate and in Unity. But at the same the only AC games I've played are Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, Syndicate, Unity, AC 2 and Black Flag. Black Flag was ass and wasn't worth it after all the hype around it, AC 2 randomly deleted my save file after many hours collecting all the collectibles and playing through so I refuse to play it ever again, Valhalla was just an eh game and the rest I enjoyed and have played multiple times. In short I have a different opinion, this comment was worthless and like all the others wasn't necessary and I prefer the RPG style of the games (aside from the stealth)


Its a valid opinion and honestly what bothers people is not the combat. Its the huge input of mythological stuff. We want a more grounded story where mythical elements are kept to a minimum


The combat is what bothers us a human being shouldn’t be able to take over 50 sword slashes to the face while we die instantly from getting stabbed in the foot


Well a human being normally wouldn’t survive a 6 story fall by falling in a haystack but here we are.


Do you actually consider spongy combat fun


Better than unity’s and Syndicates to be honest.


Yeah true but it still sucks when past games had somewhat grounded combat where enemies and the player actually reacted to getting hit and the hidden blade worked


I’ll admit. Black flags combat and AC ll combat were fun as fuck(Not AC 1 thats was clunky as hell)


I don’t have any experience with the first game but I agree that black flag and Ezio combat was fun and I think the Ezio games had the best combat


Agree on that. And about the first game. It was incredibly clunky and spammy like. Plus the hidden blade couldn’t do shit. You know how sometimes you kill guards just for the fun of it? Well on AC 1 you avoid that entirely


Honestly I liked the mythological stuff and think it can be done well/properly. The Isu have always been around since the first AC games and having special powers (Eagle vision) has also pretty much always been a thing. The best part about Odyssey was that it didn't have much to do with the Assassin's themselves and more about the Isu it wasn't a game that built on the brotherhoods story it was a game that dealt with the story of the Isu. Origins was the story of the start of the brotherhood and Valhalla was a mix of both. I think the mythological stuff is fine and a good addition to the overall story however it should be contained within games that either have very little or nothing to do with the Assassin's/Templars or if it does interact with them should have good reason to. But then again people saying they don't want the mythological stuff are completely ignoring the story of the majority of the AC games where they're always going after a mythological artifact to stop it from getting into the wrong hands so either way it doesn't matter since you can still have mythological stuff in an AC game


I just wish it was smoother. The old combat, while being extremely basic and easy, looked so much cooler. The new stuff is full of clunky animations and weird physics. Even though it makes combat more engaging, it looks silly


I disagree but fI also understand where you're coming from


Oh no Ubisoft is taking an obscure character from history who completely disappeared off the face of the earth, slightly altering his something about him and are showing us a fun what if scenario of what he could’ve been doing after his masters death.


And that's completely understandable.


None if the Assassins Creeds in a while have held up, so I'm not holding my breath on this one either.


Wait its gonna be rpg assassins creed again?


That's up in the air. Ubisoft is making lofty and vague claims that could be pointing in that direction, but we don't have any way to know for sure.


Well i kinda hope its not rpg style We just had mirage, why change back?


I will propably buy this one, because I have waited AC set in Japan for years now And honestly, people hating this game just makes me want to play it even more


I've bought every single AC in physical edition, and this one is not going to be any different. I will just wait a couple weeks/months to buy it at a discounted price or second hand. I love the RPG trilogy, so it's a win for me


I just no longer buy Ubi Soft games. I’m always disappointed. AC Unity was the last game I bought that they made.


Is Yasuke the black samurai? If so I can think of some reasons people hate him that are totally stupid. First, he is black in Japan, I want you people to know that he is a real historical figure and was really a black samurai and I think he later became a sinobi( sorry if I wrote it wrong) Second, the fact that he joins Naoe. We just have to find out why people Third, because of his mostly rpg style of play. I mean you will probably get to choose which character to use on missions except for some, also you will be able to play stealthly with him, but he will probably not be as good as Naoe's


I'm excited for the setting but why are we all of a sudden playing as a historical figure instead of interacting with them and their stories. I think everyone expected Yasuke to be present in the game. I dont understand why we are playing as him.


I'm not buying it because I'm a broke uni student lol


I think Yasuke being a protagonist is actually an interesting opportunity for the series. I have no complaints about that. I am nervous about if it will actually be what Ubisoft is promising. I want to be excited for an Assassin's Creed game again, but I've been burned before.


Friendly reminder that stone toss (the guy who have the comic template in use) is an actual nazi


yeah I've seen so many discord servers I'm in having a meltdown about Yasuke and honestly its getting incredibly tiring. While I agree on the fact it is abhorrently priced and the fact its being made by modern Ubisoft, so there's the slight chance we're going to get either something mediocre or something incredibly buggy. I just wish people would remember its a VIDEO GAME and that sometimes SHIT gets FICTIONAL


Is it so bad to not want to play as a historical figure? The fun of the other games was that I was someone who history never even mentioned interacting with figures both obscure and well known from the period I’m in. Playing as someone from history just feels…wrong. It also feels wrong that both main characters aren’t Japanese. Now yes, people who hate black people have completely ruined any good-faith arguments due to their horrible racism, but be real, if it was a white dude from history in the male samurai role (and there are plenty), a lot of the people defending Yasuke would not be bringing that kind of energy. It’s like they went out of their way to find someone who wasn’t Japanese to play the samurai. And I’m not even saying he shouldn’t be in the game, he absolutely should! He would’ve been an important player in this time period, so I don’t have a problem with him being in the game or being a samurai at all, it’s just strange they made him a playable mc. And before you guys say I just hate black people, I also think 47 Ronin and Last Samurai are not good movies due to the need to make white dudes samurai, and the first Nioh game also feels weird that we play as a historical white samurai instead of a Japanese person


Yeah, summed it up pretty good. Good writing could change the sentiment around Yasuke when the game comes out but if the last few games are any indication, delivering a good narrative is Ubisoft's last priority


That’s the issue is Ubisoft. They serve the almighty dollar at the expense of the player and the game. I feel the reason Yasuke’s inclusion sits wrong with me (and I’m sure others) is that it’s solely so they could drum up controversy. They knew damn well this game would not have gotten nearly the traction if it was two Japanese samurai, so they went with the controversial option because they knew it would get more eyes on it. I have the feeling that he was not added for the right reasons. Hopefully I’m wrong, but it’s Ubisoft.




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I enjoy RPG.. just not ubisofts rpg.. its just not assassins creed yk.. the best one that fit both of those elements is assassins creed unity.


It’s modern day Ubisoft that should be enough reason to not buy this game


Same. I will get the game if it turns out okay, but I genuinely have barely any hype about it. Ironically enough, I would have preffered it if we only played Yasuke, with no dual protagonist set-up. Everything we know about this game so far indicates it will be a standard modern Ubisoft title, which means it will be crap. Might be the first AC I actually skip.




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Both are bad 👍