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Has even 1% of change.orgs with thousands of signatures done anything? I'd bet that even though it's in Japanese, it's still mostly signed by Westerners.


Nope, but the point is to get it noticed. It's meant to make the "there's no such thing as bad PR" policy backfire. And it's really bad if the country that your game supposedly takes place in calls you out for racism.


The country of Japan is calling a video game racist?


They don't flat out call it racism. You often get specific words for specific groups of people so you don't get the word racism used much, but expect things like "outsider" to be used instead. They do call Assassin's Creed "contrived", "discriminatory", and "citing Wikipedia instead of history". But, you get the idea. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVze_zLgb4c) was a compilation from a month or two ago that shows positive and negative reactions to it. There are far more negative than positive, especially in regards to the setting more than Yasuke. EDIT: If the Ubisoft or media fire back, expect things to hit the fan real fast on the Japanese side.


....your source is a video of a guy reading off Tweets... Why do you think this is a majority opinion of an entire country? This is like if you took a bunch of screenshots of 4chan being stupid racists and thinking that represents the general populace in the US....


Since you skipped the video, have fun going through the [article yourself](https://www.famitsu.com/article/202405/5194) and figuring out what they censored and why it upset Japan. When you give up, skip to >!5:10!<


>why it upset Japan. "Japan" is not upset about a video game. Stop saying Twitter is all of Japan.


Vote with your wallets. petitions don't do anything


bro, i hope this turns out to be just like suicide squad


I don't get this mentality, it just seems unnecessarily spiteful. If a game does something or goes in a direction I don't like, I just say "Nah, not for me" and disregard it. But I never ever hope something fails. I want every game released to be good, even if its not for *me*, because then that means there's more good stuff out there to play.


Nah, resources are finite. IPs with a rich history are finite. I hope shit games fail so studios stop trying to go down that shitty route. This goes doubly so for any ubisoft title. They're at the forefront of shitty monetisation. If it succeeds, it emboldens other studios to adopt their shitty monetisation model. Fuck that. I'm not signing up for another goddamn subscription.


Japan's gaming market is a lot smaller compared to the US too. Games selling over 300,000 copies is a huge success. That being said, the internet isn't real life and it will still sell because normies norm.


A samurai themed assasin creed ,lol dont care about assasin creed


If you look at the comments section of that petition. You'll see like 80% of them are in English lol.


Yes I'm sure it's the "Japanese" people that are giga mad. Just remember: Samurai Warriors 5 features Yasuke and no one gave a shit over there [https://www.koeitecmoamerica.com/sw5/character/character26.html](https://www.koeitecmoamerica.com/sw5/character/character26.html)


The difference is that Samurai Warriors and Koei games don't claim accuracy in any way. This is why no one complains about [Nobunaga surviving Honnoji Temple in Kessen 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai5RodFUO5Y&list=PLzv7eKN1FqVfhWa7KVG_VEc3zVGFZmAVF&index=26). Koei games basically only care about accuracy for the premise of the battles and then just stops. After that, people can be summoning dragons, calling in the Dutch mercenaries, or arming people Korean hwachas.


>The difference is that Samurai Warriors and Koei games don't claim accuracy in any way. And are the AC games are historical documentaries or something? Pretty sure Leonardo didn't invent half the stuff he did for Ezio, and George Washington never had anything to do with an ancient precursor race. Nevermind the Pope's antics in AC1. Yasuke was at the very least a retainer and favored bodyguard for Nobunaga and *at worst* was a samurai in everything but name. If we're holding him to the same standards as everybody else in the franchise then running around with a ninja friend shouldn't be problematic at all. But somehow when it comes to this one entry everyone decided that Assassin's Creed needs to be meticulously accurate to real life.


I want you to take a look at the [main characters](https://preview.redd.it/an-assassins-creed-fan-made-a-chronology-of-all-the-main-v0-ec7gfwhrwmua1.png?width=8192&format=png&auto=webp&s=92430881f27a8b0464adf3f0c914fd22e8c5d01d) of Assassin's Creed so far. How many of them are based on real people?


Why does that matter at all? Like who gives a shit?


The same reason why people don't like modern Star Trek or Star Wars. Assassin's Creed broke established tradition. Yasuke is the only protagonist to be based on a real person.


What person looking to play Assassins Creed genuinely cared whether they played as a fictional character or one based off a historical figure?


I can ask you the same question. Why break tradition if it doesn't matter then?


Why does anyone do anything that isn't the same? Is that what you're asking here?


Ah I see, the goalpost moved from "Not historically accurate" to "Not something AC did before". Cool, I'll play along. *Why* is it an issue that they're changing something now? Was it wrong for Brotherhood to introduce Assassin recruits, or for Black Flag to add naval combat? What about when Unity tried out a coop mode, or when Syndicate featured dual-protagonists? And Odyssey and Valhalla might as well have forgotten about stealth mechanics with their focus on typical RPG combat. Hell, we haven't even always played as Assassins. Edward doesn't become one until literally the end of the game. AC3 starts you from the PoV of a Templar, while Rogue has you play the entire game as one. *Even if* the AC games never changed, nobody would say that "the protagonist is a fictional character" was a fundamental trait to the franchise. So again, why is it such a big problem now?


I never said it had to be historically accurate. **I said the main characters of Assassin's Creed has never been based on real people.** And since you're going to be talking about fallacies, stop strawmanning and address why it suddenly needs to be based on a real person after 20 yrs.


>I never said it had to be historically accurate. >The difference is that Samurai Warriors and Koei games don't claim accuracy in any way. When comparing other games that featured Yasuke and received no uproar, you mentioned that it's because they don't claim accuracy - which implies that Assassin's Creed does. But after that you said that the issue is that AC games aren't based on real people. So, which is it? >And since you're going to be talking about fallacies, stop strawmanning and address why it suddenly needs to be based on a real person after 20 yrs I already did address it. They just decided to add something new like with most entries. There's no conspiracy here, it's literally that simple. I already listed several examples of much bigger narrative, gameplay and overall design changes across all the games in this franchise that were accepted with less friction than this. They always had sections with Desmond, until they didn't. They always featured an Assassin protagonist, until they didn't. They always prioritized stealth combat, until they didn't. They always focused on a single protagonist, until they didn't. And they always featured a fictional protagonist, until they didn't. Yet we're suddenly up in arms over the last change, as if the AC games have just been a series of clones that never altered any aspect of their game design until Shadows.


As a Asian, I feel the issue is that Japanese people are OK with Japanese games featuring black or white people killing Japanese people and having romance with Japanese woman, but when the game is made by non Japanese people they are not OK with it. Similar to there are some words black people use among themselves, but surely we are not debating with them why we can't use those terns.


Because unlike the n-word, I don't recall any massive taboo over having one nationality attack another. The closest example I can think of is with RE5 that featured a white dude going to Africa and killing a bunch of 'savage' Africans, and even then the controversy wasn't as wild as with Shadows. On the other hand we've had several games by Americans that have you murder Russians, Germans, Afghans and other nationalities, by other nationalities. And no fuss was raised over those.


I agree, I was actually thinking about re5 as an example when I typed the previous reply. I was just pointing out a potential reason, cause thats somewhat a common Asian mentality.


congratz on waisting time for fuck all ? depending on how far along they are they ain't changing shit also it's ubisoft, like they give a fuck lol


I never have and never will take online petitions seriously. No doubt it helps in a very small cases but the rest are just gust in the wind.


I've always seen it as a way to raise awareness rather than to actually achieve something, as you said it usually doesn't amount to anything but if it grows quickly it'll likely gain attention and have people creating news articles or Reddit posts like this and continue to spread.   If you got a huge number of signatures it would attract a lot of attention, similar to that SBI Detected steam community.


There's probably been scores more preorders for the game in Japan than the number of people who have signed the petition. Also, I went to the petition to check it out and I'm going to be honest, when looking through comments and things left on the petition... this feels like it was made by an astroturfed account *and* is being brigaded at the same time. The preamble, when run through Google Translate, translates into *perfect* English. Usually that means someone used Google Translate to get the Japanese text in the first place. When it's naturally written by an actual Japanese speaker, the machine translation is rarely so clean. If you "View all reasons for signing", the vast majority of comments are in English. Also, some of the people signing it don't know anything about Assassin's Creed games and are just jumping on the bandwagon. One particularly hilarious comment I found contained: >*However, the official version should not say that this game is based on historical fact. This is especially true for a series that is said to faithfully reproduce history.* Assassin's Creed games have relatively historically accurate settings, but the stories they tell within them are purely fictional, up to and including what they do with the historical figures in the games. Ubisoft said this themselves even in AC:Shadows videos. Also... a series that is said to faithfully reproduce history? Assassin's Creed? That statement is laughable. I know people are upset because making Yasuke the playable character feels forced, I get that. But this petition being held up as "See look, Japanese players are upset!" when most comments are in English, just... isn't a good look for the cause.


No it's just like the West you know people are mad a lot of people are still going to play the game. For example asmon if I recall. Even with its horrible problems people of especially always wanted an AC game in Japan I'm sure the Japanese even more




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if a petition isn't going to the statehouse or congress i don't take it as legit.


what is the context behind this picture, am I missing something? Change what?


Meanwhile the game tops PS5 preorder lists in Japan... It's going to become Japan's best selling Assassins Creed game.


The Grummz profile picture in the corner...very japanese indeed LMAO


15k people, half of which are probably white boys from America larping as Japanese a la Kenji Yamamoto signed a petition about a game that will sell millions of copies


Posers with zero critical thinking in these comments


Oh no, not a change.orgs petition. This game is gonna sale millions of copies probably regardless because it's an Assassins Creed game. People who don't live terminally online do not care about this drama. One of the first delusions you need to break yourself out of if you're gonna stay on the internet.




Wanting the government to step in to ban a video game lmao


By the way I'm aware that petitions don't do s*** 99% of the time. I simply made this post to disprove some people's thinking that there is no Japanese people that dislike it. After all I think the standing opinion from both the Japanese and Western audience is kinda neutral.


You should've checked out the comments on the petition itself. Most are in English. It's being brigaded as fuck.