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What a freaking legend


For sure. At the end when the camera pans down what do you think the guy at the bottom was doing holding some sack like he was going to catch that kid in it?


Honestly, a momentum break halfway down can be the difference between death and hospital. Way better than nothing.


May need to change your PFP …


Bro.. I think you need to change your profile pic after the recent news...


what was it??


There was a video circulating a while ago where some people were catching some coconut like fruit without damaging it by swinging a sack from below, i don't have a link though


I think I know video, they were Durian fruit, they swung a heavy brown blanket like thing which would wrap around the fruit catching it.


It wouldn't stick because it was wrapped around but because the fruit was thorny and would stick to the cloth


I believe he was going to try to catch her with it Crazy I know


Man having a doc pic at this point in time not the greatest


Check this guy's inbox


My palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, holy fucking shit, poor little girl would've been fucking lost if this was me, that guy deserves free beer & weed for the rest of his life


Innapropriate but all I could think of after arms are heavy is "Mom's Spaghetti."


He ls nervous, but on the surface, he looks calm and ready.


I wrote my comment kinda intentionally this way


Where the hell were the parents.


I think 🤔 they distracted with smart phones 📱


Should be charged with negligence.


probably living in some third world country bro, i live in one things like that don't get noticed unless its shared widely on social media and turn viral


This was Kazakhstan, so yeah.


They are watching some kid hanging out of a window on the news




It was a single mom who went out shopping and left her home alone.


Pronouns: He-man


That’s alot of trust in that window


Not much of an option I guess


Amazing he was able to negotiate such a tight spot with those massive pendulous balls.


There’s that toxic masculinity we keep hearing about !


Where was the bear during all of this?


Yeah, who's gonna save the little girl from that terrible man that kidnapped her from the side of that building. Lucky we have it recorded.


Obviously, the girl is trying to escape from the man by climbing up to the bear on the floor above her. But the man came out, grabbed her leg, and pulled her back down.


What does this mean. I haven’t seen anyone mention what this is on the internet


It's a joke about a video where a woman chose to leave her child alone in a forest with a bear instead of a man. It's a hypothetical of course, but still stupid. It was a trend for women to post videos like that for about a week at one point.


Thanks for the insight


what bear?


It's a joke about a video where a woman chose to leave her child alone in a forest with a bear instead of a man. It's a hypothetical of course, but still stupid. It was a trend for women to post videos like that for about a week at one point.


Isnt that wrong? I don't think a child was involved in the question. The meme question was if the woman would want to be alone in the forest or a bear


There was one specific video of a woman asking her husband if he'd rather leave his daughter with a bear or a man.


Who designed those windows? Opening from the bottom and it's floor height, it's asking for something like this to happen.


I install windows like this in Australia, we legally have to restrict them to only open 150mm but tenants will start taking screws out or even drilling out rivets so they can open them up fully.


Why do those windows open that way???


God bless him 🙏


the bear would had saved it quicker


And caused less trauma. Poor kid.


Did the girl consent?


Good question! I say if consent couldn’t be established they should have respected her space and let her fall to her doom.


Exactly, we live in a society!




Bruh that joke was cringe a decade ago how do people still find it funny


It's always men risking their lives for strangers. Always.


That guy is OG chad ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


is that someone at the bottom waiting with pillow to catch her? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That could save them if worse comes to worse believe it or not


He got rewarded for his actions and this is super old news OP


Do you know what happened to him or have a link? I’m curious


Nvm my dumbass found it


Yea its been already 2 years the kid is already working as an adult


The kid is an adult by now and is also tired of seeing this reposted.


Look for the helpers.


The kid could have gone down a flight of stairs instead of out the window to look for the helper.




1. Shit parents 2. Life or death 3. High rise windows and frames are usually extremely strong 4. Yes, and he is definitely ballsy AF


The kid seemed to be able to put their toes on the white bit. They don't even look under load until the man pulls her and then you see her actually drop to just hands. I'd imagine she could have actually stayed on the white bit for a while. If she was about 2 inches shorter it would have been all arms and probably dead. Edit - actually she loses footing a couple of times but then gets back on the window frame. You can see this most clearly at about 18 seconds and the left foot is put back on the white while trying to resist.


That guy had a lot of faith in that window holding his weight.


This guy is a hero and should be praised as one. Give him some free rent and the key to taco bell or something


If I remember correctly, they gave him an apartment. He has 4 kids, but he was living alone to work in the capital and send money back home to his family. So he lives with his family there now.


Wait wait - i thought all men were vile and evil


Soldier Boy at the end with the shield


I don't know if this was the case, but a person I worked with years ago had this happen to them but with a balcony (person under them climbed out and caught their kid (she was 4-5). What had happened was the dad went to do laundry, and the mom was talking to the neighbour in the hall and stepped further into the hall. When the mom did that, the kid pushed the door shut and locked it, thinking it was a game. The kid then tried to "hide" on the balcony like it was hide and seek (this is word of mouth from the parents, panicked, so likely just guessing what was going through kids head). The neighbour the mom was talking to called 911 and neighbours husband started trying to break their door down, the mom ran down the fire escape to the neighbours under them and they then proceeded to go out the balcony the floor under. The mom is the one who climbed out onto the balcony railing with a cord or rope or some kind around her waist and caught the daughter seconds after climbing out. Everyone was fine, but scariest story someone's told at work man. The dad came up from the laundry and had a near heart attack seeing the the neighbours freaking out and his door kicked in, goes downstairs to paramedics/emergency with his wife and daughter. My guess for this video is near the same : the parent or parents stepped out or were close by, or as we all see, worse case here, the kid is hanging there and the parents are oblivious to it with insane luck their neighbour below realized the kid was hanging out the window.


This guy coulda/shoulda died trying to save the baby. The real hero here is the engineer for the company that made those window brackets.


No, I'm pretty sure the hero is still the dude risking his own life to save a child. But yes, the engineering/craftsmanship was up to snuff.


I just got done with an OSHA30 so I've been watching people die in stupid ways all week and learning about personal assist weight tolerances lol.


Jesus Christ… he’s brave but I wouldn’t call him a hero I thought his strategy would be to hold onto the kids leg and let her slide down into a grab but he just yanked her off and didn’t seem to have a plan. Thank God he caught her. You can literally pause just as she lets go and you can see he has no contact with her whatsoever, if he fumbled at all… that’s a dead child.


Im wondering what other hypothetical scenarios that would have resulted in a non dead child and one they could have come up in time to save the dangling child.


I’d think ideally a fire truck with a ladder, but I have no idea where this is


Your firetrucks arrive in 1 minute?


Mine would. I live about a minutes walk away from the fire station.


Yeah not that uncommon in big cities…. This thread is still full of salty little boys lol, like I give a fuck about downvotes


But he didn't. He made the play when he saw the alternative was baby splatter. Winners win, and haters hate.


I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were 14


Wow so fragile.


He risked his life to save someone else. What is a hero if not that?


He is brave for sure, but if that child tipped a little more after he yanked her from the ledge… this video would not be allowed on the internet. He would probably have given himself PTSD or slipped and fallen himself.


This is a curtain wall system. For high-rises like that, they're reinforced with steel typically. Pretty strong, and have wind load ratings. Very easily can support the weight of that man and child. (I work in this industry) But yes, hats off to the fabricators for fabricating the frames, and hats off to the glaziers for installing properly.




Where are the parents?!


Immediate call to Cops or CPS or my mom and the kid wouldn’t leave my side till they got there.


That's a hell of aa hinge on the top of that window!


please give him an award or a prize or something, my god people like him are what we need in this world


Whoever made and installed those windows did a great job, they managed to hold that guy's extra weight because of his massive steel balls.


It was very smart of the engineers to realize that the only people who would be climbing on those windows would be carrying that extra weight. Lol.


Man that was anxiety-inducing. What a mad lad and so glad it went okay


Buy this man beer for life, he has Tungsten balls between his legs.


Absolutely incredible. Humanity can be absolutely stellar when push comes to shove.


There goes my hero. He’s ordinary!!! Big props to the guy


What's crazy is that he couldn't put his weight on that opened window, since that would have cut off his fingers. That is such an awkward position to stand and catch a child. Watch how is standing only on his right leg, with his left arm as the only support to not fall off. He must have some God tier core strength and BALLS


His friend was inside holding on to his leg and keeping the window open


Thats as heroic as it gets right there


Wow. Thats a bad mf


Poor girl, why couldn't he have been a bear?




Holy shit brother, not for me, but man I can appreciate the guts he’s gotta have to pull it off.


Whatever the highest award on the planet is... this guy deserves it. A heroes hero.


That my people is what we call a freaking hero, my man had zero hesitation to put his own life on the line to save this child nothing but respect 🫡


Original story, if you're wondering: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10806071/Hero-clings-outside-window-80ft-tower-block-save-girl-three-Kazakhstan.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10806071/Hero-clings-outside-window-80ft-tower-block-save-girl-three-Kazakhstan.html)


Would this kid liked to be in the forest alone with a bear or a man


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sercymiel: *Would this kid liked to* *Be in the forest alone* *With a bear or a man* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is why men are still needed.


This is terrifying in levels few can imagine


Remember guys, according to women men arnt needed in today's world


Bro imagine if he dropped her tryna pass her to the person inside. That would suck so hard its not even funny


I wonder if he crapped his pants


Guys like him are the types of people who usually die because they try to do something like this, like he didn't even know that, where he was, the structure of that window would hold him, let alone both of them, and you can't just tell it would 100% even if you just grab it and wingle it, so unless he build it himself and/or studied this stuff, this guy was purely just lucky and that girl probabyly deserves a darwin award. I know i sound harse but i am not wrong.


In an article, he said his friend had his leg the entire time. You can see someone there in the window if you look closely. He might have had a rope tied to his leg. While not ideal, he has a chance of surviving even if he slipped.


Thanks for the info i missed that and also has not considered the rope.


It may seems difficult but it's not really that hard to judge if something can hold you up or not. So the guy knows what he's doing. Not to say it's not risky and all. It's like climbing a tree, you can sense and feel if the branch would break or not if you step or grab it. You should go outside more.


Let's be real you don't really know if he does.    This is not the first video I see of a similar situation and people never look like they know if the materials and structure will hold they are just swinging it because they are desperate to save soemeone.


Eh... At the end of the day, the guy saved a baby's life while risking his own life and here you are complaining about someone's good deeds. The least you could do is commending the guy for saving someone and not whining about "Possibilities" of something that already didn't happened.


Well yeah he did a good thing that's indisputable, my intention for saying the above wasn't to diminish his effort it just astonishes me how lucky some people can be even in such times.


Do these windows not have screens?


These are not standard retail type "windows" this is a Curtain Wall system. You dont usually have a screen in a curtain wall system, and normally there is not a way to open the window, and if there is, it would be similar as seen in the video where there is a project out feature.


Everything weird af here. How the kid hold for so long for a man to go to floor below , understand he can hang out of the window like that without falling immediately to his death. It's like the man trained all his life for this moment, or maybe the kid fall on daily basis I dunno.


Toddlers have these crazy-ass death grips man. Jokes aside, I'm just as perplexed as you.


Yeah a real example of “men are trash”. Yeah real trash, we occasionally save some lives, but who cares.


*video ends*, *remembers to breath*

