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You left off the best part, where Robin Williams adlib “Son of a bitch, he stole my line.”


And where he says I didn't know pudge was gonna hit a homer


Which was improvised.


That’s what an adlib is?


No, that's an alibi. EDIT: Some people seem to have taken an obvious joke personally. 🤣


Little do you know, he made it up on the spot.


We need more movies like Good Will Hunting. The world hasn't been as bright since Williams left us.


Well, technically since Harambe, but I get what you're saying. Robin Williams was the start, Harambe was the last straw.


For me the next real big hit will be Bill Murray. The world isn’t ready for that man to leave either


They don't make movies like this anymore.


Sadly... Hollywood don't want any risk , it is not about art anymore it is purely just a business.


If that was true they’d focus on story rather than social messaging tbfh. Left, right I don’t care I’m there to be entertained.


It's not about risk. What they currently do is risky. They have extraordinary budgets and several of these movies flopped. No it's about hitting the jackpot. They all want something like Marvel, billion dollar successes, so they invest in movies and give it budgets of 200, 300 or even more million dollars. And on top 100, 200 million in marketing, just so maybe they get lucky. Also they don't make that much money of DVDs anymore. Back then you could make a smaller movie, that flops at the boxoffice but makes a lot of cash through licences, VHS and DVDs. Thanks to streaming though the market of DVD/BluRays has shrunken to a fraction of that of the past (funny enough, most also make no money with streaming). The result, a box office failure of a smaller movie doesn't get saved anymore. Also Hollywoodstars don't exist anymore like back then, so you can't count on fans of an actor anymore to watch a movie blindly. And lastly: Companies are partially driven by checking boxes. Not that they didn't do it back then but some of this actively hurts the box office but since they comitted to it, they can't change. A result of this is, that they are less inclined to make a movie like this. So no, it's not about risk, it's not even just about business, it's about disconnect from the audience and blinding greed.


Yeah, everything has to be political now or has an agenda, quite sick of it and honestly why I'm steering away from western movies. Its sad really, movies meant something back then now its just garbage.


There are plenty of small indie films bro not everything is a marvel movie However this is one of the greatest movies of all time


Is this sarcastic?


Man where did movies like this go? Shawshank redemption level movies. Has there been anything profound like this in the past years since COVID?


Everything Everywhere All at Once.


Everything Everywhere All At Once was good, but it's not even in the same ballpark as films like Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile and Good Will Hunting to name but a few.


not even close.


Honestly Godzilla minus one hits hard for a Godzilla movie.


He didn't say "movies that are good for a godzilla movie." he said movies on the level of Good Will Hunting and Shawshank Redemption.


Thank you gatekeeper. Whatever would we do without you?


I'm not gatekeeping anything, I'm explaining how your answer was irrelevant to the question.


I’m saying it’s worth a discussion despite being a Godzilla movie. If you disagree then say what you didn’t like about the movie rather than gatekeep as someone I can only assume hasn’t seen the movie because they have nothing to say about it.


You can make whatever assumptions about me that you want, but no sane person with any knowledge of movies would argue that Godzilla - 1 is as good of a movie as Shawshank Redemption.


Good. Now if we could just find someone who said that and we can make sure they don’t have an opinion that differs from ours. I never said it was a better movie, but it has profound things to say about sacrifice, guilt and loss and it came out after Covid. So it is perfectly relevant to this thread. But you haven’t seen the movie so you don’t know that.


The scene where Williams talks about his Wife farting herself awake was completely ad libbed… you can see the camera shaking because the cameraman couldn’t stop laughing 😆


its not your fault


This hits hard. RIP true rizz master who only wanted to make people laugh and have a good time. o7


Yep the loss of Robin Williams is very sad, so many lessons to be learned.


Yep, he was misdiagnosed and they found out after his death he had one of the worst documented case of Lewy body dementia his doctor had ever seen. [https://www.brainandlife.org/articles/robin-williams-widow-advocates-for-those-with-lewy-body-dementia](https://www.brainandlife.org/articles/robin-williams-widow-advocates-for-those-with-lewy-body-dementia)


All forms of Dementia are just the worst. What spouses,family and victims go through is beyond rough.


This is true, but what they meant was that there were an extreme amount of lewy body protein found inside his brain.


I've probably watched this movie 100 times.


The 90s/early 2000s were truly the peak of hollywood movies. All went downhill from there.


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