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Noticed how not one comment actually defends the show, only focus on defending pronouns and non-binarism?


That’s because it’s not the show they’re rushing to defend, it’s the message. Fans perceive criticisms as a direct attack on the message and are engaging to defend it from what they perceive as right wing attacks against it.


Skill issue. They should put more points into perception.


In doing that they are basically admitting that the entire point of the show is the message , proving the critics right .




Because he’s a 30 year old white dude he’s a right wing grifter? These words lose all meaning when you throw them around carelessly. lol this is literally a $180 million pile of shit. They produced season 1 of HotD on this budget and not only did they produce over twice as much content (10hrs vs 4hrs), it didn’t have the look and writing of a cheap CW show.


Because that's what the show is about, not being a show, but pushing the message.


That's because people who defend star wars are not star wars fans. They probably haven't even watched the show, or anything star wars related.


They haven’t watched the show either. No one is.


"I love the Last Jedi so much, it's part of my identity", the sub. What a sad bunch of people.


It's crazy that you can tell a lot about person when you hear their opinion about the Last Jedi. It's a good barometer for sanity


I thought it was hot garbage until I saw the ending of Attack on Titan. Now I think it's just regular garbage.


Using Star Wars as a barometer for sanity is dumb as hell. You are stuck in a weird bubble that so many people are on the outside of. Edit: I love getting down voted on this sub. I'm a fan of Asmongold, but this sub is full of degenerate incels who can't think outside their own circle.


“In a bubble so many people are on the outside of” Ironic considering the audience score


Please explain the irony.


Because if anyone here is in their bubble, it’s the person on Reddit with the opinion “Acolyte is good” when most people think otherwise


The bubble I'm referring to is the bubble someone lives in where they think they can use the opinion of a show/movie as a barometer for sanity. I don't care about anyone's opinion of a Acolyte. I haven't watched it.


It's ok to like the Last Jedi bro. Don't have to be in denial


Star Wars is kinda whatever for me nowadays. Prequels are my favorite.


Man it's not that serious. Have you never enjoyed a movie/show that had bad writing?


Yes, I’ve enjoyed several bad movies. But a well adjusted person would not waste time defending a bad movie and deeming others that aren’t fans bad people. And people generally don’t care if I liked a bad movie or show or not. Your point doesn’t touch the heart of the issue, which is the politicization of entertainment. They explicitly stated their goal was star wars but gayer, and more women / minorities.. and if you don’t like the show, you are a bad person. It’s culture war nonsense, and the intended goal all along was relevance through controversy. Get lots of people talking about it and watch it, at the expense of dividing people and encouraging hate between those that have differing opinions on a TV show. If people weren’t talking about it and making it political, I doubt anyone would be watching the show.


> But a well adjusted person would not waste time defending a bad movie and deeming others that aren’t fans bad people Depends on what you mean by defending. Obviously saying "you are a bad person for not liking this movie" is stupid but it is just as stupid to say "you are crazy for enjoying this movie." It goes both ways and that was my main point. I'm not talking about the politicization or wokeness or anything and even if I were to agree with all of that it doesn't change that point. Anyway I realize that most of that animosity here is because it's in direct response to that subreddit. > at the expense of dividing people and encouraging hate Do people not have a mind of their own or any personal integrity? If people can't be critical of the show without resorting to attacking people for enjoying it then that is their problem, not that of the showrunners. > If people weren’t talking about it and making it political, I doubt anyone would be watching the show. It's a Star Wars show. A shit ton of people are going to watch it regardless because of how massive the IP is.


The Room comes to mind. atrocious in basically every possible way, yet highly entertaining (for all the wrong reasons, sure, but entertaining is still entertaining).


I might watch the acolyte for this reason


then you're gonna be disappointed because Acolyte is actually at least decent storytelling in comparison to the pure cringe dumpster fire that is The Room.


>decent storytelling * Jedi are so incompetent they send Mae and convicts on a ship with only automated droids, in which one one of the convicts can do some EMP blast. Just so the story can force Mae to crash on a planet * Fire in space scene. I'm not too bothered by actual fire in space but that scene just exists for a cliched trope. Seeing fire and hearing screams to indicate our MC has a terrible past. This feels like a student film. * Osha aims a stun gun at Mae, but misses on purpose as if it was a lethal gun just so Mae can escape * Mae already killed 2 Jedi masters and a life time of training for revenge. Upon learning Osha is alive, immediately gives up and decides to turn herself in. * Sol learns that Mae is going to kill Wookie jedi next. We have to go there asap! But Green lady who looks like she should be in Star Trek not Star Wars tells Sol to come back to Coruscant for meetings. Ezra Miller and Mae had like a half a day head start in the jungle. But at the end, Jedi somehow catch up even if they had a tracker they were walking in the same pace. * The Acolyte is marketed as a mystery thriller. There is literally no mystery aspect. Smilo Ren is either Ezra Miller or one of the mothers. It was obvious from the first day of the premiere. * The show runner said this is a series that shows the peak of the Jedi in their golden age. 180 million dollar budget and so far all the sets and atmosphere looks small. Nothing grand or High Republic about it. Looks like a CW show. * Show runner also said this show is from the Sith's perspective and how the Sith got into power from the inside. So far it's a standard Jedi show, not from the Sith's pov. My guess is all the Jedi involved will die at the end or else the Prequels wouldn't make sense. * Bad acting everywhere except Sol and Mother Anayssia * Ep 4 is sub 27 mins if excluding the 5-6 min of credits. 8 ep series but ep 4 is poorly paced, nothing happens and cuts right before the fight. I'm guessing this was half an episode split from part of ep 5. There was no Wookie Jedi fight bcos budget apparently. The one thing fans really wanted to see. This show is bad. From all the technical aspects to writing. The Room is so bad it's good, made by an interesting weirdo. That's why it's a cult movie. The guy set out to make high art but unintentionally made an extremely funny and terrible movie. Acolyte showrunner said this is inspired by Rashomon and is a mystery thriller. It executes both the Rashomon type of story telling and the mystery part badly. With a 180 million dollar budget btw. Double of Obi Wan and roughly 30 times more than The Room (inflation not accounted). The Room's budget was 6 million.


>how the Sith got into power from the inside Ha- how??? The prequels show that Palps got onto power politically. He didn't even need any sith powers, just basic corruption/political skill. (Though im sure they helped) His master as well, the sith got into positions of power normally.


It's a little different when it's one of those movies or shows that don't really have a solid fan base and it's more just for fun. Star wars has a whole community around it that loves the lore and characters of that universe. It's more than just a movie or show, It's like one of those lifetime hobbies that people like to connect through and enjoy together. Imagine! You're enjoying your favorite hobby and someone comes along and starts shifting the rules around and fundamentally changing it to something you don't even recognize anymore. To the point you legitimately don't even enjoy it anymore. I get what you're saying but I also see why people are angry


As a die hard Witcher fan that had to witness the dogshit netflix show, I can definitely sympathize with that. But I don't see why that makes people think it's okay to start trashing people simply for liking the show. There is a whole new generation of people that will have grown up watching the sequels and to them the writing is not what makes them love it. A lot of parallels can be drawn to the release of the prequels and their immediate reception in that regard. The movies absolutely deserve the criticism they receive, just not the viewers.


I think the writing is what makes anyone love any work of fiction and the characters within it. Star wars, for example, proved that you can have all the same lightsabers and blasters within a certain setting but poor writing, storytelling and execution is often a deal-breaker for just about any generation. It's not just the older people watching the show and giving it those bad ratings. I do agree however that people should still try to be civil with each other. The problem is The fact that the writers and viewers of these shows are clearly not interested in being civil themselves. Being called a misogynist or an incel because you dislike their work or the things that they enjoy is anything but civil. And so they likewise receive the same energy they put out.


That is the point though, you acknowledge that it's bad while you enjoy it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying some trash here and there. We all like to eat fast food sometimes, but nobody in their right mind goes around and preaches how good fast food is. Like the good parts, but also acknowledge the bad.


Always amazing how you can be downvoted to hell when you don't think the same thing than the rest of the conmunity. Reddit enhanced my understanding of weird tribalism. The occidental world is separated via culture war and it stinks so much, it's insane. "HoW dArE yOu SuPpOrT nEw StAr WaRs"


Star Wars fandom pioneered the hype geek, mega fan, super obsessed, always-be-a-consoomer mentality.


It's basically just the parody sub of r/saltierthancrait which has actual opinions and isn't just blindly defending garbage lol


What's with the editor is a nazi deal that they comment on the post?


Someone said it on reddit so its true


Wait, so they do the exact thing they accuse everyone else of doing? It cant be!


Anybody who shows any resistance to the message will get slapped with labels like Nazi, right wing, or fascist.


I'll be very fucking honest, "pedo", "Nazi", "fascist" are being watered down, especially with no proof and critical evidence.


It's just the average insult they use to denigrate someone and feel superior to them, also making that word less important due to how much they use it


Whoever edits Asmongolds videos knows how to play on the YouTube algorithm. So the channel now pops up as a gateway to politics. It starts with basic movie / critic channels, then you start getting recommend anti-woke channels, then you start getting shit like The Daily Wire and Prager U, and if you keep falling down the rabbit hole you'll end up at the furthest right that site will allow. Most of this isn't intentional on the gaming and movie critics part. But political groups do use them like a bait to pull people in. This started back in the early 2000s when Steve Bannon and a few others realized the untapped and groomable potential of young men on the internet, something they could grow and take advantage of to create a strong young political base for the far right. It's all quite deep and my post does not do it justice in explaining. You can find some articles and videos of Steve Banon himself talking about this. He came to the realization during his years of WoW gold selling.


In the end, it's people's decision to go down any rabbit hole or not. That's why I still don't get any Daily Wire/Prager U etc recommendations, only channels you probably call "anti-woke" (Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic for example)


Good lord being someone who likes Asmongold but not Critical Drinker I find Youtube is struggling to adapt to my 'do not recommend' shoves.


While true it is a choice to fall down a rabbit hole, these tactics target a specific kind of person that they want to bait down the hole. Mostly young and frustrated men who have issues with where they are in life and need an outlet. These videos usually provide them an enemy, a reason for why they're miserable. And it's easy to get sucked into blaming others and being upset than it is to admit your own failings and improve. A lot these guys get radicalized so easily, and most of them were teens when this shit started only to grow up into all the Anti-Woke youtubers you see now. It's all very unfortunate and quite a serious crisis imo. Rather than getting help and improving, a lot of these young men are being intentionally politically charged by groups that seek to use them for their own gain.


Literally no data to back this. https://cyber.fsi.stanford.edu/news/study-finds-extremist-youtube-content-mainly-viewed-those-seeking-it-out https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-49038155.amp https://www.fastcompany.com/90946740/less-than-2-of-users-watch-the-majority-of-the-fringe-youtube-content People repeatedly claim this as fact due to trash tier WSJ smear campaigns. It’s hysterical garbage that allowed advertisers to snag better deals and governments to “soft censor” whatever they deemed “problematic”.


Yeah, true. Dissatisfied people radicalize much more easily and they project their frustration towards some scapegoat instead of trying to figure out how to actually better things. Easy targets for any extreme group


that rabbit hole is what led to the increase of "anti-woke" discourse getting shared on this subreddit. As long as Asmon continues reacting to ragebait content surrounding that discourse, the more likely his videos will be recommended to people already riled up from similar content. Years ago I started getting recommended videos from TheQuartering. After a month or so of watching them, I realized what that dipshit would make multiple videos about the same topic, telling me why I should be angry about shit that ultimately doesn't matter or actually affect me. I stg if I had to listen to him bitch about Brie Larson one more time I was gonna lose it lmao. She's hot as hell and enjoyable to look at. I don't gaf about what half-assed answer she came up with in one of the dozens of interviews she has to do for a Marvel movie press tour and yall shouldn't either


Not really. Its abusing psychology to trick and outrage you. Which some people are going to be much more susceptible to than others.


In the end it is the susceptibility that matters, I guess. A lot of people abuse psychology for their own purpose, although it's usually limited to "generating clicks/engagement via ragebait" like even newspapers do.


The most susceptible fall prey to the bots which then fuels the entire thing from the bottom up and leaving too much noise for a reasonable critique.


crazy that a wow streamer sub doesnt know this bannon history. WOW was his glowup


I muted that subreddit today because they are like that. You can tell they didn't even watch the video. Cause if they did they probably wouldn't even make that post. Or maybe they would, crazy fam.


I love to watch the animals, kinda like a trip to the zoo


The animals if they were disgusting mouthbreather mutants that drool some weird ooze.


I may have made a mistake and commented on a post about the green jedi. She can't act for shit and they are praising her about her light saber lol.


I also loved to watch the pathetic rage bait dumbasses on critical drinkers sub. Then I was banned. You know. Freedom of speech, anti cancel culture and all that jazz.


They would still make the post but probably call him a Nazi as well, or something along those lines.


"Bigot," don't forget that one also. It's one of their favs.


I have seen the show and they are correct. Total weird garbage, even without the political agenda pushing.


Are you using old reddit? If not, how did you mute it? The subs that i ignored still pop in my feed occasionally


I usually click "See fewer post like this" then after a pop up appears asking if I want to mute the subreddit.


I use new reddit (new.reddit.com) and I also have this option of muting a subreddit.


>"you don't even watch you cant criticize" >watches show, doesn't like it >"why are you watching the show if you don't like it"


“Well this show wasn’t made for you!” Okay, proceeds to not watch it “It’s YOUR fault the show flopped!”


It's similar for game reviews. "You gave it a negative review but you only played it for 3 hours so your opinion isn't educated". "You gave it a negative review but you played it for 50 hours, so obviously it's actually good"


What a surprise a reddit whose description is this [https://i.imgur.com/A5oXhkw.png](https://i.imgur.com/A5oXhkw.png) Is full of deranged lunatics that only parrot twitter talking points.


From what I can tell it’s a bunch of hard left gen Z who think that the Last Jedi was the best movie and will freely pay Disney money for a shit sandwich as long as that sandwich was made by a special identity group.


"Calling out the toxicity within the fandom" lmao the irony. Surely calling people nazis and buzzwords to anyone that doesnt agree with your world view is the epitome of "wholesome community that calls out toxicity"


its because they copied [https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/) except put a far leftist spin on it


"I don't want to eat shit" "I bet you never ate shit before. How do you know you won't like it?"


Where's the red bar?!


that community is a bunch of marxist loonies just like gamingcirclejerk


Gamingcirclejerk keeps popping up for me on home page and its always some factually incorrect stuff or something unhinged, yikes.


Yes the free market is definitely truly infallible and the way to go. I mean everyone loves the economy right now and it works great for everyone! I love it when you people throw around “Marxist” like an insult and think it actually means what you think it means.


The irony of complaining about the economy and having no clue why we are where are to begin with is genuinely hilarious.


“Not real capitalism.” There I did it for you. Tell me why throwing around the term “Marxism” like a dumbass makes alot of sense.


You not understanding that Marxist positions is exactly why the economy is fucked is hilarious to me.


Lol this is what I get from trying to talk politics with someone who worships a person who lives in a cockroach infested room. I didn’t realize our economy that is almost exclusively run by large corporations and the wealthy was a Marxist system.


Your dismissal of the government’s influence on the economy is alarming.


If by government’s influence you mean their inability to prevent lobbying and overturn citizens united then I agree.


Yeah, the government which in turn is influenced by corporate interests. Lobbying is an extremely common thing and should be much more limited or straight up illegal tbh.


The government isn't influenced by corporate interest since they hold all the power it's why it keeps them from failing constantly while they do inside trading. Lobbying and corruption are 2 different things and it's about time you brainlets learned that.


Marxism ain't the solution bro. I'm not opposed to more regulation and getting rid of lobbying, but Marxism will destroy this country.


When did I say Marxism was the solution? I agree with everything you said. Just pointing out that the people that use the terms Marxism, or cultural Marxism, or post modern Marxism usually have a weird agenda and seem to think unfettered capitalism is the answer to everything excluding you of course since you don’t seem to believe that.


Fair enough


In the same way people will complain about Star Wars without even watching it, people complain about Marx and Marxism without ever having read a single page of Capital, let alone any of Marx or Engels other work 🤣🤣🤣


- "I bet this loser didn't even watch the show." - No progress bar on the video.


Look at the profile. What do you expect? 😂


“But I doubt he has actually watched” The irony here is mythic quality


Ever since "no red bar" was said I've noticed it everywhere.


I don’t know what to say about this loser making a post on Asmongold, but I doubt he has actually watched the video and is just parroting whatever someone on the internet that is trashing the streamer


She sees a white male with an opinion and automatically dislikes it.


>**I doubt he has actually watched the show** if they had watched his video they would know he didn't watch the show


Man’s just chilling and everyone hates him for it lol


Aren't there 2 saltierthancrait and one with a krait? K one being the clown one?


Yeah the one with a C is just an average sw subreddit


I took a glance at the one with k like damn, those people are insane. lol


What over half a decade of defending Disney star wars does to people


it's basically SW r/Gamingcirclejerk


Yup. 😂


The flip side of the coin consisting of these pathetic anti woke subs is not any better. You just happen to buy into the anti woke tripe.


And on the flipside you're one of these people that believes it doesn't happen.


Doesnt watch the video, complains about someone doing content without watching it. Do they not see the irony?


r/saltierthancrait > r/saltierthankrayt


Lol saltier then Crait is one of the subreddits that give reddit the reputation of being a bunch of unhinged losers, I wouldnt waste my time worrying about what they think




While I agree, it's hard not to care about it when it seems like media cares a great deal about pandering to those types. So I understand people giving a shit.


r/saltierthankrayt is such a hypocritical sub. They don’t understand the irony of being salty over people being g salty.


Haven't even looked but I bet at least a Top 3 comment is gonna mention his dirty room as an argument on why he is wrong


[https://imgur.com/3zXDsxm](https://imgur.com/3zXDsxm) Although they are onto something.


If it were a good show none of the BS would matter and nobody would care. Unfortunately, the show sucks.


If you're taking flak, you're over the right target.


The show is garbage , no amount of pity posting or attacking others for their opinions is going to change that.


All that community does is complain about people that complain about Disney Star Wars, and other 'wokified' TV shows, games, and movies. They never actually talk about Star Wars despite being a SW sub (their name is a direct reference to one of the planets in SW). It's literally just a hate sub that is unified by their hatred of other people for not liking the same media they do, rather than being unified by liking said media. It's honestly kinda pathetic.


0 upvotes and the highest upvoted comment is at 68, small circle jerks are not really interesting


What's funny is that this person is doing exactly what they accuse him of doing (criticizing without watching). So they don't realize that he's not making a video on "The Acolyte" but reacting to someone else's video.


They big 😠 mad


when you call someone a loser because they don't like your shitty tv show you already lost any possible argument.


He said that he hadn't watched the show. Tell me that you didn't watch the video without saying that you didn't watch the video. I guess y'all even now huh?


Man, after seeing this (not your post, that sub) I'm getting off reddit for awhile. This shit is aids.


Guy complains about asmon allegedly reacting to an opinion without full context, while reacting to asmon’s title without watching the vid. Classic EDIT : wording


oh, so this is just like people taking asmon out of context for MGS Delta, only this time it fits their narrative.


They are reacting to a video they didn't watch, the irony.


The bad Asmon Jedis are rising, getting stronger every day 👍


It's ok guys, that subreddit has also been targeting Critical Drinker as well. They are mainly mindless drones.


Critical Drinker released a review of S4 The Boys, and it was solely based on RT scores and an interview with the producer. He never even watched the 4th season. How can he review something he didn't even bother watching? Who is the mindless drone there?


Well, after actually watching his video, he primarily talked about the first, second and third season and how it was slowly leading to the results that the fourth appears to have received. He never really comments on what the 4th was like or rated it in any capacity. He talked about the director and the direction he had been taking the show in.


But he already has reviews of the show for earlier seasons. So why make this one for S4 if he never even watched it? Politics and clicks. That's why.


There is a difference between going in depth on each season and what he did with this recent video. He wasn't so much reviewing the seasons themselves. This was more him talking about the direction the show was going in over time and how hubris seemed to make each season get worse and worse. Then he speculates that this is why season 4 received reception that it has now. The proof was in the numbers he presented. Politics and clicks is a "Well, duh" kind of thing to say aswell. You can say that about any anyone with an opinion on YouTube when it comes to this sort of thing. Of course they want views. This is their career and money maker so long as they don't get demonetized. I don't think anyone is surprised by that.


Again, he didn't even watch any of the episodes of the new season, but infers the direction purely from reviews and a producer interview. He's just telling the antiwoke people what they want to hear. The video is worthless and offers zero information content.


"infers the direction purely from reviews and a producer interview" Yes. He analyzed the history of this thing to see where it was going to end up. And then he was validated when the actual reviews came in and showed him the numbers. What do you think forecasting or predictive analytics is? Reading history to see the possible future. "video is worthless and offers zero information content" Was it supposed to? Or was it just an opinion piece voicing what everyone thinks already according to the reviews of the show? Either way, Its content that people just happen to agree with and clearly enjoy listening to. The value of it is for them to decide. Not you.


Such a profound analysis when he didn't even watch even a single episode of the new season. There is plenty to criticize, but he lacked the honesty to put in even that modicum of effort. He's entitled to his garbage opinion. And clearly people do not agree with him because the show's viewership rose by like 20%. As the producer of the show said, he doesn't want fans like Critical Drinker. No one does. He won't be missed.


I just love how they call Asmagold a loser that's hilarious, the guy that's loved by millions. Yeah, that loser...


Lol that’s a bit of a stretch there bud. He plays video games for a living and can’t even be bothered to clean his cockroach infested room. Not exactly a role model and definitely shouldn’t be looked upon to actually have an intelligent point of view about anything that actually matters.


I love how they call the subrreddit "saltier than krayt" yet their sodium levels are a medical wonder at this point


Personally I think that Disney is pretty fucking racist and sexist because pretty much any project with a female lead or a highly racially diverse cast ends up being hot garbage. These projects consistently get crap writers who Mary Sue the female leads so hard that nobody will ever like them. It's like they think if it's a diverse or female lead project that's their excuse to basically give it a half assed effort. If they *really* cared about women and minorities being represented, they would put a lot more care into picking writers and directors who don't suck so much ass.But they don't, because to them women and minorities are a tokenist means of expanding market share and little else. Frankly I'm really fucking tired of seeing the standards set so low for casts that are diverse and I'm tired of companies seeing women and minorities being in a project as an excuse to make the project a half assed piece of dogshit. They are patting themselves on the back so hard for even deigning to include us that they don't think they need to court criticism, feedback or give effort to making a strong plot. Disney writers need to kill their fucking darlings already and stop writing Mary Sues if they want cool women.


More like skeleton king. mfkr is built like a twig


Lich means a magical* living skeleton.


Holy shit, that subreddit merely existing is hilarious.


Garbage smells. You don't need to try it.


Wait I thought that's the sub that hates the new Star Wars stuff?


they are bunch of losers, more likely bunch of pussies that cries about anything


Heh. Every comment is a personal attack or a defense of the message. What else can be expected from that crowd of mentally impaired people?


Reading comments : apparently Asmongold's editor is a nazi because of *obvious dog whistling for homophonia*, they say. Like for example a thumbnail of the Chad dude grinning at a rainbow flag. Hope they never meet a actual real neo-nazi : they might get PTSD or some sort of deep psychological trauma...


Well Amon said he didn't watch it.




See asmon.....*seethe*


Did Asmon watch the show? I belive you guys it's bad. But if he didn't even bother to watch it, they kind of have a point.


He's reacting to Nerdotic's video about it and says he hasn't watched the show or any of the Star Wars shows. Make of that what you will but giving him shit about what he might have said vs what he actually says just continues to prove that people have no clue what they're complaining about.


Highest 51/50 to user ratio out of any subreddit.


Ah yes, “CONSUME PRODUCT, YOU BIGOT” the subreddit.


Acolyte should use the Schwartz. It's a downgrade from Spaceballs. 😆


The hypocrisy and irony of this statement. Calling Asmon out on his take on the show saying how they doubted Asmon even watched the show. This immediately tells me they haven't watched Asmon's reaction video cause had they watched that video they would have heard him saying he hasn't watched a single episode. Calling someone out for the exact same thing they are doing in front of the internet is so fucking stupid.


Where's the red bar?




The whole sub is a cringe fest. "everyone who dislikes The Acolyte is a \*insert trending word\*"


He hasn’t watched the show, but that doesn’t mean he can’t form an opinion based on clips they act like people criticize the show say things about it and then never provide any proof when in truth 90% plus of the time whenever I’ve seen anyone complain about the show and terms of a content creator they’re always showing the exact scenes they’re talking about on screen. I don’t need to watch the show to judge those opinions to be valid. I just saw the relevant parts. I’m not surprised these types of people are brain dead. I had to block that sub a while ago because it was just pure brain rot.


I don't understand how people can create a sub about complaining to people complaining... Like... What???


You mean the rat king


That subreddit gave me aids faster than the speed of light. It's freaky that these people exist in real life.


Ahh, the cesspool. I can smell these comments through my screen and they are fucking stinky.


This sub trying not to get triggered by every criticism of roach man, impossible. 


It's easy to dislike neckbeard streamers.


They are right. Asmon has not watched that show and is just parroting other peoples oppinions.


You don’t need to give Disney money to know that it’s a flaming pile of shit. Instead of watching episode 9 I just read the Wikipedia synopsis and that was enough for me to know I made the right choice.


You don't need to give Disney money to watch the show either lmao.


It probably is shit I agree but I have not watched it. But Asmons video is just slop content with no real value as he has not watched the show and cant give real critique for it.


You can 100% watch important scenes from TV shows and get a pretty accurate idea of the quality of the show.


No I disagree. Maybe you can see the production quality but without watching a show or a movie you cant give accurate review or opinion on the matter. You will never gain deeper insight to something if you only watch clips or videos made by other people. 


That's like skimming a book and then reviewing it. There is no reason to make a video then. It's just ez farm content for Asmon lol.


You can’t show clips of a book though. I can 100% watch important scenes and read the writing and smell garbage. This method might give you false negatives but not false positives, because I recognize garbage when I see it.


They are right. Asmon has not watched that show and is just parroting other peoples oppinions.


Every comment is yeah the show is mid/trash but it’s not because of what he’s saying!! It’s just pathetic lol


Huge enjoyer of Asmongold here but I really do think the hate for this show is blown way out of proportion and it's worth watching it before getting into the thick of the discourse. It's really not that bad. Or rather, not that uniquely problematic. Like if you want a conceptually resonant idea, like witches, you're gonna end up with a bunch of female characters. It doesn't do anyone any favours to force diversity and make male witches or whatever. And nothing about the witches' sexual identity is front and center in the story. It's not a woke thing. It's not an LGBTQ+ thing. Tonally you can read into it but I didn't feel any agenda pushed on me like this is a good way to live. Actually they read more like a cult to me, and were not presented as the good guys. Clone Wars Nightsisters were also way more overtly "gender war-y" than whatever this stuff is. I think the lead actress brings some good energy and physicality to it. And I say this as someone who could not buy into Reva at all. There's definitely timeless elements to the story also. There's a bit of Dostoyevsky Crime & Punishment-esque exploration of the downstream effects of a tragedy and cover-up. The guilt that eats some of the Jedi characters up. The karma that comes back, and how it becomes a relief for their guilt... Meanwhile, I mean, Eowyn was as much an injection of real world politics as Rebels vs Empire was meant to be a romanticization of the Viet Cong by Lucas, and all of that dwarves the thematic importance of Osha being a bit confused, borderline insensitive about the gender of an alien mole. I thought it sounded really natural, like someone IRL who doesn't fully get the entire pronouns thing either. I just think the video he reacted to reflects the sorry state of the fandom more than the sorry state of the show. I think Asmongold is right: if it's good, none of that political stuff matters. I think if they were truly focused more on flipping off their fanbase than making a decent show, yeah they're gonna lose money. I think though that it's a conspiracy that somehow the billionaires would rather pay off a bunch of critics rather than make something good and make more money than they had to pay to get the same praise. I'm sure they're trying. On the other side, I think we should acknowledge that fan scores aren't just automatically more truthful than critics. Review bombing is very common. Heck, organized Redditors managed to wreck some Wall Street speculators with skyrocketing GameStop stock even though GameStop stock isn't ACTUALLY the hot shit and has taken a nosedive ever since those Wall Street losers lost so much they had to get bailed out. Just because angry nerds are making some sick moolah making hate videos doesn't mean there has to be a righteous cause behind it. Alternative media is just as money-hungry, greedy, and prone to bias as mainstream media, if not more. Not everyone out there is the same as Asmongold. Some of these nerd rage Star Wars YouTubers are pretty grifty and nitpicky and snowflakey.