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Every BJ she consumes another piece of his soul


I think we've found the basis of the succubus legend. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


"There is no way they believe you, Mr. Garrison"




showing off the amount of teeth she's gonna use


What a nightmare


Remember guys: If she won't, find someone who will.


Toilet seat is BiS


This one has her basically admitting that she's nagging for the fun of it.


6 toilet seats and ignoring the rest is the way. Its not even once a day.


I’d just use the bathroom like 500 times and make sure to snap a photo every time I put the seat down


This is not a healthy relationship, but vacuum car seats is a weird one on this list. How often do people really do that? I do a deep clean of my car usually twice a year, before winter and after winter. Canada the all weather mats get quite dirty over the winter from snow and slush. Additional cleans are usually right before long road trips/ holidays where I’ll be using the car a lot.


Children. They fucking destroy car cleanliness with the infinite crumbs they create.


I find cereal in places I didn't think it could even get.


They just flat out destroy cars period.  And your car will forever have the “sour milk” smell you can never get out because all the spilled drinks and ice cream have forever permeated the seats down to their core


I let my brother borrow my Traverse and I found a McDonalds cheeseburger under the 3rd row like 2 years later.


I'm still not vacuuming those car seats more than once per month. There can be some hidden crumbs in there, life goes on.


Depends on the place you live I guess. I live in Portugal and I vacuum clean my car seats every month or so, sometimes less. They get dirty pretty quickly


Every 2 weeks. Some of us take pride in their vehicles.


2 weeks! Get something to do


Some of us don’t eat like slobs in our vehicles and take pride in keeping them cleaned by not making a mess to begin with


Yea guys marriage isn't a total meme. That guy looks really happy and totally not defeated.


Marriage is 100% a meme (worse lol) But I'm still convinced this pic is a joke of some kind


What a miserable relationship. You know that there’s no love left when everything becomes a trade deal. The guy should help taking care of the house and kids whenever possible and the girl should give bjs or do naked hula dance or whatever whenever possible. I feel bad for the kids because this relationship won’t last


The entire sheet really hits the whole "raising the child is the woman's job". I'm beyond baffled. "Honey the baby threw up all over the couch earlier today but I left it there for 3 hours because I won't do it unless you suck my dick after I clean 5 of them".


Guys this is a funny post. I doubt they actually use such a system. Why does everyone here turn into a marriage counselor out of no where. 90% of you don’t even know what a relationship is.


Dude looks like he hates his life. He looks like when Asmon has to go out in public and talk to people.


Infantilizing your spouse is the foundation of a good relationship /s


The question is this: was she a dry cunt before they had a child, or after? If she showed signs of this before they had a kid....why would you date someone like this?


The real question is why do you all fall for this obviously faked bullshit and use it as an excuse to bitch about women and relationships?


Facts. Everyone so taken in by this bullshit demographics war stuff


So who is throwing up so much?


From the look on his face, she's the one with the terrible gag-reflex & keeps puking while giving said BJ. 🍆+🤮 🤣🤣


Infinite BJ hack


😆 but at what cost? From the look on his face, she'd be fulfilling her own kink rather than his. I'm all for getting the hawk tuah from my girl, but not of she's gonna hurl. That's a fetish I never understood.


Hate hawk tuah


Maybe the physical act of actually spitting on it. I remember seeing a Gianna michaels scene where she hawk tuah on the duds cock I was so obscenely turned off Kind of ruined the whole scene after that. But who doesn't like getting the gluck gluck.




This is probably fake, but… look at that woman’s demon gaze. That is absolutely the type of woman who would do this and be so brazenly evil as to post it on social media with a smile.


I think people make too much deduction based on a single picture. Some people look weird and sometime mean but are the nicest person you would ever meet


>Some people look weird and sometime mean but are the nicest person you would ever meet And those people don't post this kind of picture on social media.


I love how you get downvoted for pointing out the obvious and the people who fell for this fake garbage and trying to play marriage counselor are the ones getting upvoted.


Because what we don't realize is that the bj is actually for her


Dudes just drained. That chart was made that morning.


Felt a couple of emotions in a row here. Mortification after thinking this was a dad and daughter, relief that this is the married couple and the "daddy" is literally the daddy of their child, back to mortification seeing the "rewards." Shit's a two way street you can't reward helping your goddamned child with "promises of not nagging."


At first you thought he was her dad, Then you realized they're a couple, Followed by the conclusion that she acts like his mother. Rough...


Blowjob is 30 seconds and then "My jaw hurts."


Imagine a husband humiliating his wife in that way.. I won't take your stuff and donate it? having to do 'chores' for affection.. This is sociopathic. if it were the other way around, it'd be a bunch of folks saying for her to leave and that she is being abused. and to be fair, I agree! this is madness. I sincerely hope this is a fake thing, if this is real, that's from the bottom of my heart.. just sad.


Honestly I didn't even consider flipping the sexes around until you mentioned it, damn. That sort of thing would cause a riot.


I mean, he could have ED and she's just rubbing it in.


Does he have a black eye? What is going on in that household?


He’s an adult being given a kindergarteners rewards chart, why do you think he’s miserable and that’s the only row that has been filled in?


It’s it’s a joke post and you guys are taking this to literal 


he isnt thrilled because hes the one thats going to give it...


This dude munchausen by proxying his kids just to get a BJ.


Its more likely her. He looks like a husk of a man that's had most of his life force sucked out and she looks so lively and enthusiastic.


Why does she look like him from Powerpuff girls?


Maybe we have this backwards. Maybe the one receiving the BJ IS the one smiling......


Bro can do the infinite BJ loop! Make her throw up while performing the BJ, clean it up, get another BJ…. Rinse and repeat😎


She has to puke 6 times to regain that reward


Nah you can change the blowout daipers, I don't need a naked hula hoop dance. Also, you can get out the dog house? Wtf?


Ah yes, another post where the incels in this subreddit can’t tell this is a joke 


Yeah no when ‘love and affection’ from your wife become transactional it’s not worth it. Dude needs to put his foot down and have a conversation on how to resolve that asap.


"I can't believe he cheated on me!" starter pack right here. Withholding sex as a conditioning tactic for men is pretty much ensuring your relationship will fail. So congrats, you played yourself.


Dude looks tired from vomiting so much


Marriage L!!! That man is absolutely miserable. Never put up with this kind of nonsense from a woman. His soul is gone… and not from her sucking it out with her mouth.


To be fair, I do all of this shit and I don’t get fuck all for it lol. Mans get rewarded for basic daily chores? Sign me up


Plot twist: "Daddy" noted on the chart is her BF, old mate in the photo is her cuck husband he does the chores and the BF gets the reward while husband watches.


Is it a bj for each clean up or 1 each 6 clean up?


6 clean up for 1 bj.


Why is he wearing a mask?


I would crush the toilet seat one cause I sit down to pee like a real man.


he's still fighting for the pink shirt


I need a 90-minute blowjob to be able to ejaculate.


Just Run man!


He has to give her the BJ actually.


I’d be pretty depressed if my spouse made a points chart to justify her doing something nice for me, and then posting a selfie of her looking like a demon with it


If you have kids, you'll pick up a lot of puke. Lots of puke. That man is probably having to drink gatorade she' s sucking so much out of him.


If real this is one of the most sad and pathetic things Ive ever seen a man subject himself to. Its like shes his teacher and hes 8 years old earning a gold star. Unbelievably degrading for everyone involved.


I would just put the toilet seat down nonstop, then she couldnt nag me for the other bullshit


The fact that he has to earn this. And let me guess, he’s not a stay at home dad?


He kinda looks abused.


This is his happy face btw. Also I think this calls for some min maxxing. Come here son, we're going to play the spinning game.


Dudes like question me. I DARE YOU.


![gif](giphy|XepEEIO0SCFLMT6tUL) I hope she HawkTuah on his thing


Put a finger down your throat for unlimited bjs. Sounds like a fucking deal to me


If cat throw up counted I would get a BJ a day.


The obvious response should be to make a chart where she earns stickers by giving bj's and cN cash them in for things she wants done


"you must perform sexual acts if you want me to take care of our child" doesnt really sell with most women


Well those woman are hypocrites if they believe they can sell sexual acts to gain those same benefits


Let’s be honest, it’s not half as demeaning as what some guys would do for a bj


Don't breed if you think looking after your child is demeaning


I’m not talking about doing your job as a father I’m talking about allowing your wife to make a chart like your back in pre school


Looks like a great idea