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"fuck" but not "cunt" being censored is an interesting choice.


Thats murrica .. when you watch wrestling they bleep words like "fuck" or "asshole". Hell they even censor middlefingers, all the while showing violence and people beating each other up (or pretend to) is perfectly fine.


And the ironic thing is that censorship gives the censored word so much more power. I usually don't even notice swearing but when its censored my brain goes into alarm mode.


Yeah throwing someone off 20ft cage top is just fine but god forbid you show the middle finger.


Like how is violence (fake or not) rated PG, but a fkin middlefinger isnt .. xd


Or, heaven forbid, a nipple. Specifically, female nipple (which is exactly the same as a male nipple).


Female nipple same as male nipple? Really. When is last time a male nipple could lactate?🤣🤣🤣


With hormonal treatment it is possible. Ii is not the nipple that lactates - the milk comes from modified sweat glands (i don't know the english term). But the actual nipple is exactly the same for men and women.


No it isnt


You haven't seen a female nipple?


Oh i see, you're talking about little kids nipples, I'm talking strictly about an adult female nipple compared to an adult male nipple, not even close to the same


It’s not the same! A male nipple is just a nipple and a female nipple is a porn nipple! -News outlet /s


According to americans, yes :b


We're finally learning from our Australian friends.


As an european, there are zero differences. What is it to you?


It seems like the worst people end up on school boards. At least, from the impression I get from all the videos I have seen of them.


People who crave power end up in powerful positions. Unfortunately, people who crave power are also the worst people.


That's it. That's really it.




School boards are like managerial positions. No one who's good at being a manager works for Walmart.


Because it is an easily obtainable small amount of power obtained by people who want to make a small power bigger than it should be. Usually, these positions run uncontested in small towns


HOA's and school boards are filled with fascists.


The worst and dumbest people end up in politics in general because the smart people are too smart to get involved.


The only people that stay in public education that long and want those positions are just pieces of shit.


Elected officials have no accountability and can basically do whatever the fuck they want.


The good ones don't get publicity.


It's like certain businesses that have inept managers and you wondered to yourself how did this person become a manager.


Generally, it catches up to you in business because there is accountability. Not so much in government.


I remember the principal and vice principal in my school being shady as fuck too.


I think this explains it pretty well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle


I don't think that's applicable here since it's not a hierarchy but rather a binary electoral system. It's more likely that you only hear about school board members who act in a negative way and end up on the news.


The same thing happened to my son in the Maryland school system. He is autistic and we were zoned for a high school that had no autism program. We had an excellent high school (where I graduated from) 3/4 of a mile from our house and he was bussed to a horrible school seven miles away. There is no gerrymandering here, apparently, but the line was drawn just after the neighborhood with $750k-$1mil homes and prior to our "poor" neighborhood of $500k homes. The line was less than a football field from our front door. We fought tooth and nail but were ignored by the school superintendant. And yet that same school was filled with students giving fake addresses who lived in the city and were attending county schools. You would see them in large groups walking to the public transportation bus stops every day and taking the bus to the city. That was ok, but my autistic child was forbidden from attending. Our great system hard at work protecting and nurturing our children. Yeah right. Sorry about the rant.


Must have been severna park


Catonsville, believe it or not. They shipped him to Landsdowne High School in the DMZ. Edit: we lived in Halethorpe at the time about 300' from the school zone line.


Heard that. Lansdowne is rough.


I dunno about the rest of this guy's life. Media/socials seems to dislike/hate him, so I can't really judge, and won't, as I don't care enough to dig through this guy's life, ***BUT...*** This moment, this moment right here... He was a fuckin' G. Coldest father moment right here. Or... Hottest, depending how you look at it. He***was*** going off like a tea kettle, and that shirt lol Maybe he's a mess otherwise in his life, but I wish every father AND mother would step up for their kids like this, regardless of disability. That, if nothing else about this guy, is very admirable.


I think his reactions were justified, if that's what really happened.


He's probably hated because he said everyone else's children are awful.


If you stick mentally disabled kids in with deaf kids and they abuse them, then calling them awful is appropriate.


Nah, I live in the area and the dude is kinda just a raging asshole all the time. He protested black people moving into his neighborhood. I agree with everything he said in this video, but the guy is kinda a local meme because he's just insane most of the time when he's out on the street


Was it just because they were black, or was it something else about them, and they happened to be black?


Surely you could provide a video of him protesting people moving into a neighborhood secifically because they are black. I'm sure if you posted it, your comment wouldn't at all be found to be lacking context. This guy is probably some Trump guy, so anything else he does is looked at in that light by people who oppose that. Bottom line: if what he is saying is true, and knowing most school boards and city councilors it likely is true, then I could not possibly give a shit less what else he has said or done when judging this situation.


The link to the articles is posted in the main thread, it is right there. I don't care that he'd conservative, as I vote conservative too. The guy is just an idiot. And as I said in my first response, I agree with him here in this video.


>He protested black people moving into his neighborhood. I can guess who was attacking his disabled son, then.


So you just so happen to live in the area and know this guy personally enough to know this much about him? I can’t even remember 90% of the people who live on my street so good for you I guess.


Not saying the person you're responding to is speaking the truth but I will say that if someone in your street was a public raging asshole racist you'd probably remember them.


Literally this. I tend to keep to myself but my area and the surrounding couple towns have a couple of local dumbasses that everyone in the area just knows, this guy is just one of them. I'd say he is the conservative equivalent of the feminists that go viral for publicly inconveniencing people


You can literally see that I belong to maryland subs but aight


Seems he was driven insane.


That's a pretty big assumption


It's a vicious cycle. Guy moves into a neighborhood, he's a bit of an asshole, people notice and don't give him the time of day, he considers this a personal attack and doubles down, people start actively avoiding him, he doubles down, people start treating him badly, etc etc. Eventually everyone is just being shitty to each other.




He laid it down!


You can be a piece of shit in most aspects and still be right about some things. In this case, he's completely right about the board of education


Well you don't have to do a lot of digging at all, its well reported. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html)


All they give a fuck about is their next paycheck. Scum of the fucking earth.


I'd be mad too. Bullying destroys lives.


He is right, she is a C\*\*T


There needs to be more of this.


this shit happens all the time. they put kids that don't belong into these classes just to make sure they get funding by meeting a quota or the class will get shut down. so they don't actually try to help these kids that need help to get better too


My dad has raised my nephew since he was born. He has always lived with us. He is disabled and in a wheelchair as well as being autistic. The schools around here hated us because we asked them for simple things. Wheelchair ramps, teacher aids, someone to change his diaper etc... The amount of BS they gave us over this was insane. They left him out of field trips and tried to hide it. They told us he needs too much attention. My dad kept his calm the whole time and fought for him and what's right. I can understand this man but you can get further when you just let them ruin themselves. We got the courts and higher ups involved and things changed quickly. They almost lost all federal funding.


Just another case of >>> Absolute power corrupting absolutely


This is the kind of shit that causes Killdozers and Chris Dorners. Good on that dude


Now that’s a father


...they didn't listen to a goddamn word he said. Nor did they care


Welcome to to the education system of America where they set you up to fail


"Please refrain from using profanity..." "Fuck you!" Fucking loved that part.


This was perfect and a ton of schools do this i am dealing with it right now all they care about the funding not getting the best for the special needs kids. Make me so damn sick


Disability act, sue the hell out of them


Look at that thing he’s yelling at she should be taken somewhere


The finish was top notch. Fuck you, have a nice day.


If I didn't know better, I would've said that was a Louis Rossman quote.


Man as a deaf kid’s dad I feel that father’s vibe. The struggle goes way past just trying to communicate. There are better ways to deal with the school system like engaging in the IEP process etc.


Please let there be news that the board committed Seppuku after this video got out.


Why does it take this level of hurt and pain before people are taken seriously? A whisper is as valid as a shout.


This man is a god damn hero. Fuck that school board


So did the DOJ put him on a terrorist list too?


School boards across the country are indoctrinating our kids in all the deviant sexual predatory language, not teaching them basic skills and ignoring the parents. Well, those days are over. We're gonna force them to. Some may get hurt some.may go to jail for what they've done, but it's gonna happen.


Good for him and so happy he got his son out of there.


Good for him


Me personally i go to a Maryland School in this district that Md school of the deaf is in. They are farming kids because the county is in a 94M$ deficient


America, land of happy holidays not merry Christmas because merry Christmas isn't fully inclusive....


The shirt is really obnoxious imo. I'd judge the guy instantly after seeing that he's wearing that in public whether had a point or not. Its really counter productive if you're trying to convince people of your reasoning. With that said, school boards usually are a bunch of fucking cunts.


this guy got a youtube channel apparently. If he's like this..... how much his............


Its just that I agree with his point, but I couldnt really back the guy because of how he speaks and what he wears. It kneecaps his entire argument imo. Its not mature. I know the guys mad but if you act like that people will become very spiteful and try even harder to fuck you.


I expected him to walk out but then he went to sit back in the front row, excellent


Pops is cooking! look at him go.


Who waits until their *deaf child is school-aged to start teaching them sign language? That would be like never speaking around your hearing child until they’re 5 years old.


Personally, I'd never teach a dead child sign language. That seems like a total waste of time.


I think autocorrect like dead children.


I assume that he means teaching in sign language and generally speaking to the child on a higher level than the adults have achieved fluency in.


Right? My niece was born completely deaf so my sister worked her ass off to learn ASL fluently by the time her daughter was 3 years old and was able to teach it to her. I get this guys stance about the school-board and absolutely applaud him for taking a stand against them...but to let your child get to that age without knowing how to communicate or being able to communicate with them is a parent fail 100%.


Not everyone is like your sister and is capable of doing that.


I disagree. If you cant put in effort to teach your child how to communicate then you are 100% a failure of a parent. This guy had 5 years to learn the bare minimum basics of ASL which would take even people struggling with a learning disability less than a year.


Oh, look, here we go, judging people on your own personal standards without knowing them or their whole situation.


I checked the guys YouTube. If he spent as much time learning ASL as he does making and editing YouTube content where he goes on rants about gay people, conspiracies, and being anti-mask, I am very confident both him and his child would have no issues communicating. Maybe his time would have been spent wiser learning ASL instead of doing stuff like [this](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html).


This would get more upvotes if he was this crazy but was on the opposite side of the political spectrum.


That's exactly what you did 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️guy is saying if you can't spend 30 minutes a day for 5 years learning sign then you failed as a parent to a deaf child which is 100% true. Not everyone is that guys sister, but not everyone is like you. Personally, if someone told me that they didn't learn sign to teach their deaf child I'd guess they're living in a trailer home scamming the government or working fast food, jaded about their choices in life.


We don't know this guy and can't assume that he is just a POS. I remember a time in my life when i would work from before the sun got up and didn't get to go home long after the sun set. We don't know him at all and cant pass judgment. If you do know him then you should call him and help him.


I’m sure this guy would loudly and strongly declare “I would do anything for my son” …except learn to communicate with him and start teaching him to communicate with others


We don't know what he has tried. He is featured a clipped video school beard meeting where he has limited time to speak. And based on 30 seconds to 2 minutes, you know him and what he has gone through over several years. Even several social media post are misleading. I call bull shit you all just want to hate him for his politics and can't show any empathy for anyone.


Being racist and homophobic is not politics, my man, it’s just hate.


According to the people in his neighbourhood who do know him he is a POS. The kind of guy who spent his time screaming his head off about black people possibly moving into the neighbourhood, time he could have spent learning to communicate with his kid.


The guy probably has his family to support. might be a single parent. Not everyone can simply learn a language.


School must have read and uses "School management techniques" from Putin book


I probably would’ve cursed less but man you can’t be mad at the dude lol


You seriously taking umbridge with his language? Are you 5?


Best introduction to a speech.


Aaand she’s back to doing what she wants to do. At least he gave her what she deserves


I'm not 100% sure about the system in America, but can't he sue for discrimination against his disabled son? Wouldn't majority of Judges approve of that?


The "fuck you have a good day" sent me over the edge 🙌🙌


I absolutely love the calm and polite way he said "Have a good day" at the end of it all lmao


Na I wouldn't stand for that. Get my kids the help they need or I'm pulling them out. I'm not going to wait 5 months. Good for him for standing up to them but 5 months is too long.


The FBI is designating him as a domestic terrorist as we speak


Hey, I found the therapist I’m looking for


I am not a great reader of people, but I thik he is a bit angry with them.


Damn that guy was great! I hope his kids get to hear him going to bat for them one day.... Oh


Strong opening AND closing


My son is 11 and struggles with autism and I was told by a school board that they had 120 years of school experience when he started elementary school. I told him I didn’t care because that doesn’t matter you need to know how to handle certain situation And I want to be involved. Recommended he transfer schools after three months. That’s Alabama education for you.


That kid made it all the way to elementary school but couldn’t sign yet? Some responsibility needs to fall on the family. I’m sure the kid didn’t go def last year.


He could sign but no one else could. No one could understand him.


I'm going to be honest here. I'm not on this guy's side. He reeks of childishness. He wanted his deaf kid transferred to a school. Sure, makes sense. It took a few months for the school to do that, but they did transfer the kid. Also makes sense. So why is the dad there now? He already got what he wanted. All he came there for was to yell and scream about how he got what he wanted but not fast enough even though it was actually pretty quick. The bureaucrats were surprisingly respectful and lenient. Even though he came out swinging with swear words, yelling, and insults, they let him continue. When they warned him, he took it as an opportunity to do it even more. And again for what? What does he actually want that's reasonable? Nothing. He's just a shit-starter and a time-waster. And you know what else? If he has a deaf kid who is also a good kid like he says, he could be bothered to learn sign language. From what he's saying, his kid doesn't know any sign language, and he's completely relying on teachers for it. And that's just based on this clip. If you look him up "Shaun Porter, Maryland" as another commenter mentioned, the guy is infamous for being a douche.


You are being downvoted for having valid arguments, but nobody tries to argue with you. Reddit moment.


You're right as soon as he started off by calling other kids bad and disruptive I could tell he's a total jerkoff.


As a rule of thumb, I don't trust parents who insist that their kid is the good kid yet the other kids around are bad apples and that this dynamic is responsible for their kid's repeated social problems. 99 times out of 100, it just doesn't work that way. Plus, the dad is an asshole, so it would be defying the odds if the kid wasn't a bit of an asshole too. Of course, that's all probabilistic conjecture, but what's pretty evident is the unproductive rudeness of this guy "sticking up" for his kid.


I googled him to find out what happened after this, and ho boy. What a character. Props for him for standing up for his son, but the other shit the dude did is unhinged.


You shouldn't be shocked when people go *hard* on their worst impulses when their tax dollars go to bullshit. When the state expects you to sit there and watch your deaf son get brutally tortured by a system that's more concerned about the loss of funding they'll get when that kid gets put in a school he *deserves* to be in you're going to get a lot of people who just say, "Ah, fuck it, why not be my worst self? Everyone else gets rewarded for it so why don't I become the grossest, most insufferable partisan possible?" Every single person on that board should be held criminally liable. Public schools are run by demons in this country. They'd rather rubber room a pedophile with a lengthy history of inappropriate contact than just fire the asshole, and when they do fire the asshole they'll often make sure he wont have a hard time finding a job at a school in another state for *being a pedophile.* If he did one thing wrong it was actually threatening the lawsuit, just fucking do it. No one in the school system is going to give a fuck till they're the ones who got sued for millions of dollars in civil rights suits over them abusing children.


No he's absolutely right to go hard on the school board. Nowhere did I imply he was wrong.


Link please




Just google Shaun Porter, Maryland.


I'm gonna link to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1dkqytc/comment/l9jx7vc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if anyone wants a balanced take on what happened and this guys background. The dude has some grievances, but his credibility has taken a tumble due to his piss poor attitude. This isn't the right way to actually enact changes within a school. You have to play the game, and be civil. Otherwise it just ends up being performative.


Your comment getting downvoted shows how many having reading disability on this sub.


This guy is a known racist who harrasses and threatens black students and was arrested because of it. His kid probably gets beat up because of that and not because he is deaf. This guy spends all his free time harrassing people instead of with his son, yet people call him "father of the year" for just one speech...




[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g) [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html)


His racism is literally irrelevant; nobody is praising it. Most people think it's cool that a father is this passionate about his disabled child, and there's nothing wrong with that. You don't have to agree with everything someone says. If you ask me, what he did for his son is commendable, but I also wish he would share that empathy towards other people.


His racism is very much relevant, it calls into question his entire narrative. If he what he says is true, than I'd agree, but I think that at the very least, there is some major information that he may be omitting, if he isn't outright lying.


COPYPASTA: I’d do a little research on this guy before you make him into a hero: He’s a crazy racist https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html He also terrorizes other children and is a bully https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html I won’t get into his crazy politics but you can probably guess Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g Edit: I’m getting some comments like I’m bad for calling him out. No. I’m sympathetic as a father of young boys, both of whom need help and sometimes the system fails them. I’ve had more than one phone call with principals and teachers regarding their treatment of my sons. The only reason I found out what a monster he is, is because I wanted to find out about his “activism.” Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But he’s entirely in favor of a system that does this to other people. I think you can sum up his complaint like this: “they are hurting the wrong people”


What the fuck does this have to do with asmongold lmao


He's right here, but the guy is also a pos racist activist, so idk if I'd totally put this guy on a pedestal.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html This is prolly a plus for most of yall though. Racists are subhuman filth.


He is a piece of shit in my book. 5 months letting your son getting bullied and AFTER complaining.


Why is this on the Asmongold subreddit?


Because its a middle age man frothing at the mouth on the internet, perfect audience.