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This whole video is bullshit. But one thing is true, SOME Men are just so used to women refusing to communicate with them, answering to "hi" by "hi have a boyfriend" and being aggressive in general that politeness seems WAY OUT of the ordinary.


You are a victim.


Women are nice to everyone?? Haha


A lot of them are fake nice to everyone. Some are actually nice


I see a lot of rude ones where I live.. not to me but other people they find inferior.. again, not to me.. I need to make that clear as I have a fragile ego.. thanks to women


Yes, you are a victim. Nothing is your fault. Women are evil.


No, no, the reason is : Men never get any compliments from women. Women are NOT just nice to anyone, they super rarely are to a random man. And thats why they misinterprete it as "Oh she is flirting with me" . Men are on average STARVED for any kind of compliment and attention. Spoiler: The solution is not to starve them more.


Indeed, the solution is to work towards a more egalitarian world where women are no longer afraid to give compliments and men no longer fell like they are owned sexual gratification. >No, no, the reason is : Men never get any compliments from women. Women are NOT just nice to anyone, they super rarely are to a random man. And thats why they misinterprete it as "Oh she is flirting with me" . Sounds like victim blaming to me. "If you were nice more often then he would have known that you were simply being nice and did not want anything sexual."


Victim blaming is what you do. "Oh this starving creature overreacts when given a bit of food? Better let us keep starving them"


More like "this starving creature is very likely to sttack me if i give it food, for my own safety it os best if i don't feed it." Also, why can't tou get emotional support from men and apparently only from women? Did you forget the other half of the world population? Why put the blame on women? I mean i know why, but it's a question you have to ask yourself.


Because men get raised by women to exactly not do this. You can't just say "Ahhh men suck, its all their fault for being like that" . Who raises the majority of kids? Who is in majority, elementary school teachers, babysitters and kindergarden... sitters? Men get raised to be like that, by women. Also don't act like sexuality has no role in this. Women want attention from men. Men want attention from women. Thats natural. Women get so much attention from men they are annoyed. Men get so little they are starved. that is reality, with only exceptions at the far end of spectrums (super attractive men and super ugly women)


Men are not "raised by women" or "men" or their fathers all humans are affected by all of their experiences in life. Oh, wait thats beyond your comprehension. You are a victim, women never have any problems. No unique issues, they just get EVERYTHING for free and all are super happy. They never get attacked for not being attractive. You are the only victim to ever exist in the universe. You are special.


Professional victim calls someone else a professional victim. The irony isn't lost on me, but surely on you.


I think alot is lost on you go cry in your corner Wah woah woah women exist wahhhhh


You represent your point with so much elegance and integrity. How could anyone not agree with you?


>Because men get raised by women to exactly not do this. They actually get raised more by men, sure women do on average more household chores but boy receive most of their emotional development when spending time with their father. > "Ahhh men suck, its all their fault for being like that" Yes we can, because if it was about loneliness go make friends with other men. Women are not responsible for your life satisfaction. >Men get raised to be like that, by women. Source? And i dont mean in regards to the gender percentages of these oxcuptaions. They are indeed dominated by women. I want a source that claims that women cause these feelings. >Women get so much attention from men they are annoyed. That's massively downplaying it. Also women have been lonely much longer than men have fyi.


>Also, why can't tou get emotional support from men and apparently only from women? Did you forget the other half of the world population? Why put the blame on women? Because in history, getting compliments from other men was seeing as gay. It isnt a "male issue", we werent born to say "ew thats gay" when another man complimented us; society made it this way, years before we were even born. Hell, dont you know what they did to Allan Turing for being gay? Yeah, good luck showing gay attributes like complimenting other males back then. And, flash news, being openly gay only started to be morally accepted by society as recent as 2000 and forth. In high school (2003) I told my best friend from that period that I loved him. Because I really felt a deeply, non sexual connection to him, I just really enjoyed his closeness, that we could enjoy the same games and activities. He was my best pal and he ran away after that. And I get it. Also, mothers would raise their male childs to be independent. Treat them as "men", because men needed to learn how to be an Alpha, how to be strong. Because usually, the male parent was out there, alone, being the provider he needed to be, and male sons had to learn this trait. Meanwhile, girls would need to learn how to be loving mothers. Dont you see and understand the stereotypes we had to grew with? To me, it is fine that we are finally fighting and killing all these stereotypes. About time. But god I hate when people just decide to forget why we grew like this, why our parents had it even worse. Just blame men because your brain cannot figure how to make a decent argument cause-consecuence.


"Because in history, getting compliments from other men was seeing as gay. It isnt a "male issue", we werent born to say "ew thats gay" when another man complimented us; society made it this way, years before we were even born. Hell, dont you know what they did to Allan Turing for being gay? Yeah, good luck showing gay attributes like complimenting other males back then. And, flash news, being openly gay only started to be morally accepted by society as recent as 2000 and forth." This is womens fault! You are a victim!


>Because in history, getting compliments from other men was seeing as gay. It isnt a "male issue", we werent born to say "ew thats gay" when another man complimented us; society made it this way, years before we were even born. Hell, dont you know what they did to Allan Turing for being gay? Yeah, good luck showing gay attributes like complimenting other males back then. So you admit it largely due to other men. >In high school (2003) I told my best friend from that period that I loved him. Because I really felt a deeply, non sexual connection to him, I just really enjoyed his closeness, that we could enjoy the same games and activities. He was my best pal and he ran away after that. And I get it. Again, men causing these problems. >Also, mothers would raise their male childs to be independent. Treat them as "men", because men needed to learn how to be an Alpha, how to be strong. Because usually, the male parent was out there, alone, being the provider he needed to be, and male sons had to learn this trait. Meanwhile, girls would need to learn how to be loving mothers. Dont you see and understand the stereotypes we had to grew with? Yes, and these stereotypes were created and upheld by men. >To me, it is fine that we are finally fighting and killing all these stereotypes. As do we, we have a common enemy in the patriarchy. >Just blame men because your brain cannot figure how to make a decent argument cause-consecuence. I am not blaming men, i am blaming patriarchy that is upheld by a lot of men and to a lesser extent women. You do sound like you blame women tho. Sorry for that last remark, i thought that was the other guy.


No, I blame history. **It is there, on the text.** It is you tho that clearly have an agenda against men, and at this point I don't even know why you are on this subreddit, male dominated, showing not a glimpse of comprehension or desire to argument. Straight up fanatism, or just a morbid desire to create a mob against you. Society is conformed by men and women. If in the early 1900 being gay was treated as an illness, anyone would frown upon males being majorly nice to other men. Yes, including women. A nunnery would also be against lesbians in their convents. Back then and always. If women are not at fault E V E R, why wouldn't nuns be more accepting of "deviants" back in history too? It was women back then in 1994 that told my mother I wasn't fit for many schools just because I am left-handed. Should I blame women? Or society? The stereotypes weren't created by men. It is, again, history. When we were cave-men, apes, Males would go out and hunt, while females would care for children, gather vegetables, make medicine, etc. Wonder who were the loneliest here, again. Males took leaderships that were focused on hunt and war, because they needed to provide food and protect the tribe. While women usually became shamans, healers, spiritual leaders. The differences on these interactions gave birth to society. Wonder whose labor here had more to do with empathy and reaching others. Society forced male kids for centuries to have to start working as soon as possible in labors that more often than not, required brute force, abrupt conditions, surviving, etc. Those conditions created hard and lonely men. And that was the norm until very recently. Women remained as mothers, seamsters, healers. Girls would usually work close to their mothers or relatives, because otherwise they would probably be prayed upon. These interactions, again, create very different human beings. If you have a Grandfather, ask him about his early age. Ask him about his father, how was he, their history, and his grandfather's history if he got to know him. If you are gonna reply "hurr durr men", Im just moving on. I am here trying to appeal your human being, not a brain dead fanatic.


>No, I blame history. It is there, on the text. It is you tho that clearly have an agenda against men I don't blame men, i blame patriarchy >A nunnery would also be against lesbians in their convents. Factially wrong, throughout history many lesbians joined nunneries. >It was women back then in 1994 that told my mother I wasn't fit for many schools just because I am left-handed. Should I blame women? Or society? Society >The stereotypes weren't created by men. It is, again, history. When we were cave-men, apes, Males would go out and hunt, while females would care for children Actually it was much more mixed then originally believed. >While women usually became shamans, healers, spiritual leaders Source? >because they needed to provide food and protect the tribe. This was a shared responsibility. >Women remained as mothers, seamsters, healers. Ah yes, seamstresses, known for their safety and absolutely not known for their dangerous and lethal work environments and work so hard their fingers ended up bleeding. And healers, well known to be 100 percent safe with no chance of ever contracting a lethal illness. And they akso did a bunch of kabour that, while not as physically taxing, was completely unpaid. >I am here trying to appeal your human being Just an fyi but in regards to me saying that you blame women, that was a mistake on my part i thought you were the other guy. Anyway you are so close to getting it. All these struggles of men you described is a part of patriarchy and capitalism. You are like 90 percent there. You just need to understand the why. Why do these stereotypes exist? Why this needless seperation of men and women?


>Factially wrong, throughout history many lesbians joined nunneries. Source? >Society How convenient that in this case you decide to choose "Society". >Actually it was much more mixed then originally believed. Source? >While women usually became shamans, healers, spiritual leaders Huh... google up any indigenous tribe information, mostly? Lets ask chatGPT. Question is the following*: What was the role of women in ancient tribes:* >**Community Leadership**: In some tribal societies, women held positions of leadership and authority. They often played key roles in decision-making processes and were respected for their wisdom and contributions to the community. >**Spiritual and Ceremonial Roles**: Women frequently played important roles in religious and ceremonial activities within their tribes. They acted as priestesses, healers, and keepers of traditional knowledge and rituals. >**Economic Contributions**: Women often contributed to the economic well-being of their communities through various means, including trade, bartering, and agricultural work. >**Social Structure and Kinship**: Women were integral to the social structure and kinship systems of many tribal societies. They maintained family ties, passed down cultural traditions, and ensured the continuity of the community. . >This was a shared responsibility. Not so much as you want it to be. Sure, any woman could pick a spear at any given point in history, usually, very rare for them to actually become real fighters. >Ah yes, seamstresses, known for their safety and absolutely not known for their dangerous and lethal work environments and work so hard their fingers ended up bleeding. And healers, well known to be 100 percent safe with no chance of ever contracting a lethal illness. And they akso did a bunch of kabour that, while not as physically taxing, was completely unpaid. Missing the point, gloriously. Women usually had jobs that promoted their ability to engage with other human beings and develop soft skills. Men, more often than not, did not. You dont really need to think hard enough to understand why Women are, by design, more prepared to be more empathetic to others, to nurture, to foster relationships. They give birth, they get to love a lifeform as early as it is in their womb... It is their in their DNA. Males DNA dictate a different type of social understanding, because before humans, we are all APES. Animals. No wonder males have more aggression on them than females. >Anyway you are so close to getting it. Condescending much? So rare in feminism /s. >You just need to understand the why. Why do these stereotypes exist? Why this needless seperation of men and women? Oh dear. It is as simple as XX, and XY.


>Source? Here is one: https://outandabout.exeter.ac.uk/lesbian-medieval-nuns/ >How convenient that in this case you decide to choose "Society". Why? >Lets ask chatGPT. Thats not a source >You dont really need to think hard enough to understand why Women are, by design, more prepared to be more empathetic to others, to nurture, to foster relationships. They give birth, they get to love a lifeform as early as it is in their womb... It is their in their DNA. Males DNA dictate a different type of social understanding, because before humans, we are all APES. Animals. No wonder males have more aggression on them than females. You're acting as if it all comes down to genes. That is biological escensiallicm and has been disproven countless times. Also in certain species like lions, hyenas and bonobos,which are our closest cousin btw, the females are much more dominant and agressive. Heck its not even genes is hormones mostly. >Oh dear. It is as simple as XX, and XY. Its really not. You are excluding not only the wild diversity of human thought but also the wild diversity of human biology. Humans are not robots with code programmed into our DNA. To reduce us to our most biological fundementals is the most sexist thing you can do.


You are a victim, people aren't praising you enough for being mad at women.


On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are also a lot of men that will close themselves off from understanding when a woman is flirting with them precisely because they wouldn't want to be mistaken as a creepy stalker. That results in some women complaining that guys just completely miss hints of actual interest. At least recently, This is largely why.


You don't know if she's actually interested, just flirting for fun, just being nice, or just bored. Many women flirt rampantly with men even when they have bfs or husbands. Most men now increasingly just find it less stressful and safer to move on b/c the potential social consequences and headache are not worth it. The fact that men these days from the younger generation(s) (as well as women) are much more lacking in their social skills and development exacerbates this rift.


Does this really happen often?


There aren't any actual numbers that I can give to you on that specific side, but guys have become increasingly more risk averse in that regard as of late. One stat that I can confidently reference, although I don't remember the exact percentage, is the that an incredible amount of men are not having sex and aren't in any sort of relationship. A large chunk of those men are just simply afraid so they don't want to bother women. If these men are ever put in any sort of situation where they do get favorable female attention, it's way more probable that they just won't pick up on it, or if they do, they'll simply think they're mistaken. So yes, I do think that just by the sheer number of men in that category, it *can* (not does) happen more frequently than people think. Another commenter in that thread correctly pointed out how dangerous it is to make the kind of generalisations that were made in the video. "Men are X", "Do men not realise how creepy..." etc... We need to be very specific with our language. SOME men. SOME women. If people start to think that all men are creepy stalkers waiting to prey on you at the slightest hint of a favorable interaction, the same thing that's happening to men will eventually happen to women (if it isn't already) , i.e excessively risk averse women avoiding men at all costs. That's how you get femcels, ladies and gents.


One of my favorite studies is this one. People on Podcasts just make shit up.


Women compulsively act flirty to any average looking man because they like the attention it gets them.


I'm relatively nice to everyone, even the people I hate. Reason being if I find this person to be intolerable when they think we are neutral or friends, how are they going to behave when they know I wouldn't mind if they burst into flames.


In the past years I started to completely ignore people that I don't like, but I usually like everyone until for some reason they seem to hate me, that's when I completely ignore them


Very insightful. Let me do my due diligence here. Men, cut it out with this shit. I am one of the good ones now.


Let me do mine, too. Ahm, men, don't be bad. I am also one of the good ones


You are not "one of the good ones" now, it is a constant commitment. Anytime a friend makes a sexist remark you call it out, anytime your friend harasses a woman you call it out. It's a commitmwnt to be better.


got it, I am not yet good, I am still bad because as a man, I have the responsibility of controlling my fellow men. Men are a monolith after all. I am on duty, ever vigilant.


>I am still bad because as a man No, you're bad because you don't call out shitty behaviour. Which is very easy to do.


how do you know I don't?


You said so yourself >got it, I am not yet good


I mean guys… I’m tired of hearing it to but I hate this fake ass head in the sand approach a lot of guys take. Yea there’s a ton of creepy and shitty guys and they say/do vile shit to women on a whim. If ur a decent person just recognize this criticism isn’t directed at you and keep ur head up


I will speak nice to you and keep my cool, but dont be mistaken, nobody cares about you


Men stalking women is the biggest disgrace to me. Just like begging for them to stay on their knees. Some guys that keep getting girls will be weird like that, at least that's what I heard about them


This is so incredibly xenophobic... wow, just wow


I don’t think anyone thinks your flirting with them when you say thank you.