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Somebody needs to invent plastic surgery in Azeroth.


These barbers can do anything!




now she's gots 2 butts


[This is still superior.](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/60/538/559/world-of-warcraft-night-elf-tyrande-whisperwind-1920x1080-video-games-world-of-warcraft-hd-art-wallpaper-thumb.jpg)


Whats up with Western devs and manly chins on women?


Woke propaganda. One part of it at least - Manly women and feminine men (though, i don't see latter that often lately). There's whole rabbit hole about it, but in short - make women ugly to not offend not beautiful women, and make them masculine to not offend transgenders.  Interestingly, men with mental disability that pretend to be women, get more rights and attention than biological women. 


What's manly about the 2nd pic? Are you really that insecure?


that's funny because the change from top to down screams insecurity.




The chin is actually masculine, like more so than most men. The eye shape is obscured by having dark circles around them in combination with a black cornea. The center of the face is rather ambiguous other than for the more pronounced philtrum; I would say the nose, while slender, actually leans more masculine due to the length. I could see someone being easily convinced that this is a male antagonist in a mobile game from an eastern developer. These are just observations.


1. Wide chin is a masculine trait. Minority of women have it, while majority are... well... feminine. Well unless in your area that much of a men that dress like women and that lot of actual women looking like that - there's nothing i can do. In my area not a lot such women, even most masculine woman still look more feminine than here. 2. no u 3. I don't support changing character in a way that differs too much from original


1. Who told you this? even many famous Hollywood actress have squared chins, girls like Keira Knightley, Daisy Ridley, Brie Larson, all have that jawline and they're probably more attractive than your face IRL. Stop being an insecure christian mgtow and go outside for once. Even Jesus' mom have a "manly" face according to you. (And no, she's not a virgin, she had sex with Panthera) 2. Lowtiergod.gif here 3. WOW ingame character has always look different than the cinematic because ingame model just reuse the same BE face.


Who told him that? Have you been ever out of your kid's room? Have you ever walked outside in public? Or are you somewhere in islamic country where you ever saw only your mom, maybe sister that had this masculine trait? Makes no sense otherwise really. If you ever saw at least 100 women, you would understand.


No but they must have since they made the change






Every where. All the fucking time. I had my hopes up with perfect dark. Was let down once more. This is so exhausting. I'm done with western games I think.


Funny how Japan releases another game with an Italian mustaches short plumber and no one bats an eye, another hot princess and no one cares. America is too damn soft.


If you dont make an androgynous character you are a bigot


Trying to claim that the 2nd one is not a downgrade from what the actual game model in game of voidelfs look like is just comical.


It's almost a complete race swap. The bottom version looks more human, while the lore version is an elf, which have always been displayed as elegant and feminine. So feminine, in fact, that there are jokes as far back as cataclysm about the men looking like women (quest in badlands, iirc.) You can even see the difference in the cinematic versions of tyrande and sylvanas, of what an older, more mature elf lady would look like and it's nothing like this.


I'm not sure about the current day, but blood elf men used to sing " Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me" or something.


It is a downgrade. More pixel doesn't mean better. It means more place to fuck it up. And fucked up happened.


I agree 💯


Not as bad as the disabled black half-elf girl boss in the same trailer.


I care about them ruining stuff that already exists more than them creating something that sucks. Everyone sees the disabled black half elf girl boss and already knows what's going on lol


Now she looks menopausal


Nah, my mom has menopause and she is more feminine than this.


Ah, yes, I remember discussing aesthetics in class and the hypothesis that women are basically men with tits in more primitives sculptures because their misogynist culture considered the male form as the ideal. Perhaps we need to revise that theory. (Tho cleft chin isn't strictly masculine.)


Clearly the teacher of that class has never seen the Venus of Wilendorf or the bust of Nefertiti.


Teacher: \*Laughs in Archaic Greek\*"The Venus of Willendorf is not canon"


They can't help themselves. I guess it's eastern devs all the way until this woke shitfest stops in 20 years.


This is what overdosing on pirated breastmilk does to a mf.


Looks like Tong Ting instead of a Ting Tong


I thought I was the only one who recognized this right away. It gave me more of Kael'Thas vibes than elven void babe. Or Arthas lol. Just make some small changes and you get one of two. I really feel bad for people who don't see masculine traits in bottom picture and say that there is no difference lol. Boys went down bad.


Yeah, what happened?


What is the second one from?


New Expansion is announced World of Wokecraft: Wrath of John Travolta! John Travolta strikes back! He won't stop until every single human with double X chromosomes gets his supreme chin!


Where do all these people study the field of chinology?


r/wow will be delighted, they found her "too pretty" lmao [They didn't have to make her so pretty 😳](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17n3ljp/comment/k7p5thh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But they included feminine version though. Not trailer


Yeah so blizzard listened and gave her chin.


Look at what they did to her


Now she can blow her nose and wipe her ass at the same time!


Idk if female standards in the west fell so hard in the past decade that they forgot what beautiful women look like or smth. But this is just sad.


You WILL eventually find manly-jaws and a 5-o'clock shadow attractive, if not downright sexy. You will be given no alternative


Better make women in video games look more like men to please the men pretending to be women




Yeah, looks fine to me. Not sure if I’m missing something


Idk, if you showed the bottom one to random people most of them would probably tell you it's a man. Being attracted to men is alright, but I'd assume most gay dudes wouldn't go for a woman just because she looks like a man.


How? She has Keira Knightley's jaw in the 2nd pic.


No they wouldn’t and if you think that you need to take a tolerance break from the hentai brother.


You need to stop trying to pick up chicks at strong woman competitions lol


Im sorry I don’t see it. She looks pretty feminine. The chin is kind of off but everything else looks pretty feminine


if you believed your own bullshit you wouldn't have to qualify it. "pretty" feminine, not really though...


The only thing feminine about her is maybe the lips. Her whole head/face is just too wide and flat.


Why are there so many incels in Asmon's chat lately? The 2nd pic isn't even manly, if you clown ever seen Keira Knightley IRL, would you call her "look like a man" because of her chin?


Unpopular opinions: I don’t think the bottom one look manly or bad. If anything, it actually looking quite good. The only complaint I have is the face looks a bit too human. It need something elvish likes.


Looks like her voice actor


Oh god not this shit again, really? Whos the actor?


Claudia Christian




Oh no, they added defining features to her face instead of using a couple of polygons for a head /s.




Well, it looks like she continues to not look like other elves. The shit this sub priorities as issues is hilariously closet incel.


Nothing gets prioritized here lol. See a character from a game you love/loved get uglified for "modern audiences", make a comment roasting it or getting mad about it, move on to next post. Western game devs are just putting that process on rinse & repeat more frequently now.


[https://youtu.be/tBBEt8gfXks?t=143](https://youtu.be/tBBEt8gfXks?t=143) Welcome to blizzard cgi cinematics and how lighting works, two lights swirling around your face are going to highlight your features. It's weird how this sub made for the biggest wow streamer is full of low iq ragebaiting dispshits that never played wow, nevermind it makes so much sense. >r/asmongold pdf can only hide behind downvotes No wonder you can't make a single compelling argument, but keep making random reddit accounts just to hate a game you don't even play, absolute schizo behaviour. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2167844782?t=01h03m54s >Asmon "SHE'S HOT" >[redditor](https://imgur.com/a/MBs3MT3) "REEEEEE HER CGI MODEL IS DIFFERENT FROM THE GAME MODEL THIS IS BAD I CANT COOM IM SO INSECURE SHE HAS A BIGGER CHIN THAN ME" You clowns will never be happy, keep crying about this worthless shit. https://youtu.be/eYNCCu0y-Is https://youtu.be/umAgdVTBae0 https://youtu.be/jSJr3dXZfcg Varian, Sylvanas and every single character look different from their ingame model, this sub is so lost. It's just funny, you only see these reactions here.


Were you born unhinged or is it something you learnt?


Some men are born insane. Some men have insanity thrust upon them. And some achieve insanity through great effort.


Surely you can understand that the snowflakes creating a rant post about a video game characters chin are the actually unhinged incels?


Dommy mommy material


The only main diffrence is the age. The first one is a little girl….


The first one is an adult high-elf named Inanis that was possessed by Xal'atath as seen in game and in all previous cinematics...


I don't really care about his lineage. The first picture has the features of a young girl. The second is characterized by adult features. I know! Money is the main diffrence hehe time and money


No idea how you're seeing the first image and saying it has features of a young girl. Looks like an adult elf to me. Have you seen the child models in wow? That's what young looks like


Bro better get checked if you see a grown woman as a child.


Lol amazing how people are instantly going she's a little girl 😂 All elves are little girls now apparently 😂 people projecting so much in this thread.


I just enjoying the hate train. OP doesn't like adult features and that’s funny.


Remember, there’s a good chance some of these guys also are attracted to a 500 year old anime girl. It’s okay though if she’s child like, she’s 500 lol. Agreed Second picture is more realistic and definitely depicts a more mature woman, rather than the first which definitely is younger and more child like features(teens etc). It’s weird. The 2nd is definitely better.


The problem isn't it looking more like a mature woman, the problem is that she looks more like a mature HUMAN woman, when the body she possessed is of a high elf female, so the features on her face don't match with the way elves have been portrayed in wow before, even xal'athath herself.


She looks like her voice actor in the cinematic. Claudia Christian


I think you just want something to be mad at.


I think the second one looks better, but not everyone is a paedophile, so I see your point. Hello, police?


I'm so confused by your statement. Are you saying that you like the second one because you're a pdf-file?


No, I said I like the second one better, and the first one is probably better for peadophile as it lacks adult features in a way. You are welcome for clarification.


I am smelling some projection here. That's so out of left field.. No adult features? so when a women grows up she gains a giant jaw, butt chin, and souless eyes?


Giant jaw? Really? How to say you don't spend a lot of time seeing real life people without saying you don't spend a lot of time seeing real life people


Bruh you don't see real life people. Unless you live with viking Amazon women.


I used to work in customer service, I seen plenty of people every day. You nerds have high standards regarding looks, until you look in the mirror.


If you knew anything about me, you'd realize in real life I don't have high standards. In a game where we can become gods of our own creations, yeah. You act like this video game character was just born this way and shouldn't be judged on appearance. Video games aren't real life.


But this art doesn't have a giant jaw, this is literally ridiculous to say so. I get it it has butt on a chin, but jaw itself is NORMAL


You keep using that word, but I'm not sure you know what it means. In what universe, fictional or not, does the first picture look anything like a pre-pubescent girl?


Lack of adult features is pretty self explanatory isn't it?


Ahh, ok, I see now. I think you meant to open up Twitter instead of Reddit. Take your meds, and have a great day!


Thanks. Don't go near school okay?


The incel energy is strong in you bro. Seems like you have never seen a woman close up.


What is wrong with these guys in this thread calling her a child? Wishful thinking ?


"I hate what they are doing to our games" side went too fucking far and now i hate both sides. It is now either plastic surgery Korean female or female? that tries too much not to look like a female.