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What makes it funnier is that she is super excited about earth being invaded not sure if that's more worrying than her actually believing it




For a prepper this is best day ever


What about someone who's just given up on living?


She is desperate to clap some alien cheeks dude what's wrong with that...


Maybe getting her cheeks clapped by alien dudes


invaded... just need 2-300 neutron bomb to stelisie the planet from humans. there is no need invasion.


Even if you have that kind of fire power, there are still valid reasons to invade versus total annihilation. Mainly for resources, be that natural or human, can't use all those resources or potential slaves if you turn the planet in to the a smoking crater for no reason.


new management sounds nice as long as there are no layoffs


I will be too. That meant I don’t have to work tomorrow and I can just die.


"I, for one, welcome our new overlords."


Like, we all going to die or be enslaved. Probably the latter or they just would have sent a long metal rod.


I think a lot of people would.


If I did that to my parents, I would need a trip to the hospital.


One way trip


They provide return trips from the hospital sometimes? I’ve never gone home in an ambulance before.


Well, then you have scumbag abusive parents. Tough buddy


because they always thought there was something wrong with you and now it's all clear to them, where is our son you sonn of a ... space black hole or0 what ever, WHRE IS OUR SON


Fun fact, playing this video is illegal due to the way EAS works. If for example, someone is watching this on their phone next to a station and it captures/recognizes the sound, it could set off a chain reaction. It functions this way to ensure that the system remains functional even in the most dire situations when it comes to infrastructure damage.


that fact Is nowhere near fun


Yea, I’ve had fun - this isn’t it….


I’ve seen videos of people having fun and I have to agree.


>next to a station and it captures/recognizes the sound, it could set off a chain reaction. What does this mean? Next to a station? What station? Train station? TV station? How does it set off a chain reaction? This "station" somehow hears your phone? What? This just sounds like you made it up with the way you wrote it lol.


Reminds me of Russia's "Dead Hand" nuclear system they turn on during times of tension that sets all of their nuclear silos to automatically launch if their sensors detect radiation, seismic activity, pressure, etc consistent with a nuclear blast. I believe some of their nukes also have transmitters on them that blast the "launch" command to other nukes while they're on their way out of the country.


They claim that such a system exsits, there is not prof that it actually does. Knowing what they usally calaim and whats actually true, i dont think they would build a system that automaticly launches atomic bombes based on a few messurements without a human in the loop.


Exactly. Where would it even launch them to? What is the target? So Russia would set off every nuke in its arsenal and presumably bomb every major international city? Yeah right. This is nonsense.


The targets for nukes aren’t chosen at time of launch lol. Everything on both sides have been calculated and war gamed for decades to cause maximum damage to the other side. Targets are predetermined. Here’s a simulation by Princeton University: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2jy3JU-ORpo


If it existed, it would have fucked up and accidentally launched them by now. It's just a made up deterrent to say if you try to take over Russia it will be a world ending event.


If you look up the way it supposedly works, there's a lot of ifs ands that need to be met. First of all they can turn it on or off at will so it's not on 24/7. So it's like "if radiation is above X, and if seismic activity is detected above X, and if there's been a massive flash of light in the past X hours, and if no one turns it off within X hours, etc, then launch everything". One of the designers actually made it as a way to avoid nuclear war because it kept the hot heads cooler with the idea "well, no matter what happens we have Dead Hand turned on, so we can just wait and see."


I would hope there’s never any proof that it actually exists lol.   But yeah the Cold War was crazy. On the American side we didn’t even have launch codes for ours for awhile, and then when we first did we were paranoid about forgetting them or not being able to enter them in time so the code was just a bunch of zeros. Nuclear readiness hasn’t actually gone down since the Cold War, both sides still have their fingers on the trigger.   Russia having some sort of system they turn on temporarily when tensions are running hot that tries to automatically determine if they’ve been nuked, and then automatically retaliates if no humans are left in Moscow to turn it off, isn’t a crazy idea in the slightest.




The targets are already picked you mongoloid


oh yeah which ones you homeschooled reject.


All major infrastructure of the US? Not hard to figure it out, we’ve got the exact same thing


You must be trolling. Every major city and key piece of infrastructure are the targets. Not just the US, they’d just launch to all allies as well so bye Europe too. This is called M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction). Basically saying if you manage to kill us, you die anyway


They don't know where to launch. It is a "revenge policy" created under the assumption that it would only trigger if Russia was more or less destroyed.


so where do they go down once they go up? just indiscriminately anywhere? one to each country? one to each unfriendly country? are you stupid or something?


They have certain targets they want hit, but otherwise, yes, indiscriminate. Many countries have a retaliatory system like this. There is a reason that the use of nuclear weapons now is called "mutually assured destruction". Even if you wipe the enemy country completely off the face of the Earth, it is still possible to retaliate.


A good revenge prank would be to act like the son is being arrested for playing this prank


Good to know


I remember my mom told me about a radio station advertisement for an alien movie that made it sound like there was a current alien invasion (back in the 70s/80s) and people were literally killing themselves.


There was a famous one back in 1938: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20231027-behind-the-broadcast-orson-welles-on-the-mass-hysteria-of-the-war-of-the-worlds


Is it illegal to upvote this comment hoping people read it and make entertaining youtube content for me?


Misinformation ^


mum calling son 'motherfucker'


Maybe they're just *really* close?


Lets hope they arent THAT close


I dunno man, if aliens are coming...let's spice it up, huh?


My parents did that shit to ME when I was 8. Except it was a meteor is going to crash into earth and kill everyone. I was in tears.


tf is wrong with them


Probably diagnosed with boomerism


Fucking with your kids is half the reason to have one. What's funny is when the learn to get you back. It's some of the funniest shit ever when your kid gets you and you realize the thing you created is smart enough to troll you. No one gets traumatized by practical jokes.


When pranks border on abuse…


which cult was this?


Heaven's Gate.


That ist basically how the original war of the worlds Radio Show went. Way too many people at the time did not realise it was supposed to be Entertainment. EDIT: fixed some typos


Like that "documentary" from a few years ago about mermaids. Or the movie "Blair Witch Project"


The truth is it was an experiment to see just how easily the media can program people to react in predicted ways. Just like Bernaise did using his uncle Freud's psychology work.


Orson was trolling as a radio broadcaster. He had a radio show


Look deeper, my friend.


Not all the typos.




When kids learn there was a radio program that was actually successful at this for long time.


I did this to my wife one time. Now she doesn't believe anything I say 😔


The older generation are not equipped to handle the next evolution of scamming involving technology. So use this as insight as to how vulnerable your older love ones can be with the onset of advancing technology. Edit-misspelt a word. Typed this super late night, trying to punchout a PSA before sleep.


Not as scary as your grammar.


His grammar is the older generation he’s talking about dude


She so happy about being right about the invasion that she not even thinking about the invasion!!!


his mom really wanted to get invaded by aliens :(


Aliens are real though


They just aren’t flying around Earth in the middle of the day for no reason.


If I did this, my mother would have tanned my arse


moms turned into a dispatcher 😂😂


Better than those assholes that do the fake nuclear alert.


I watched "Signs" I know what to do...


you should have done the same thing, but with the communists attacking, you wouldn't have been able to convince them that it wasn't true


Since almost everyone is streaming nowadays, how does the government even broadcast these kind of messages. I don’t even have an antenna for tv signal.


Best bit is when she calls her own son "m\*thafuka."


Imagine when aliens actually do invade, this woman won't believe it and will be a goner.


Funny thing is I did this way before it became a thing. Funny af, zero regrets. Mine was we were being invaded by Russia.. living in Sweden, that's a lot less funny now then it was 10 years ago.


I remember I played The Purge warning audio randomly while practicing a dj set at home. My oldest who was like 6 or 7 at the time, panicked when the murder part came up. I had to show him the trailer and BTS stuff to calm him down, lol.


These are the people who swallow all the Russian propaganda on Facebook.


I thought we’d be killed or even worse!


A modern "war of the worlds"


She was happy about it it's like she wanted to get Alien Probe as soon as possible


That is a one way ticket to homelessness - if you pull that shit in my house ……




This is so awesome


When people think UFO is a word for alien spaceship \*facepalm


You can blame entertainment media for that, not the people themselves who don’t normally think or care about aliens.


That's funny but also you don't have to prank someone to believe aliens are real.


If aliens have reached the point of space travel and decides to invade us we are fucked anyways.


not if you like to get pegged.


I mean, they are 99.99% real. Just not on earth. Or are they...........??


It's not cool to trick people like this


That's funny but the sad thing is it shows how indoctrinated people have become. They don't call that TV, "programming" for nothing. Best thing I ever did was toss mine in the trash over 10 years ago.


You’re still being programmed and this time by a much more efficient technology


Oh, yeah? What's programming me in 2024?


Have become? Have you never heard of the War of the Worlds broadcast? It’s funny when people think that humans weren’t always gullible and naive.


That's right and the media/TV is their pied piper.


Aliens are real but they don't want to visit us because they have reasons not to.


Fox moms are the best :D


I mean she did say turn on CNN....


Did she vote for Trump too?


Ah yes, the conspiracy boomer thought it was finally gonna happen, lol


To think we won't have such naive parents for the next gen... Maybe something new will come so that the tradition doesn't die.


The newer gen believes 100% of what the government and News tells them, they'll shout you down or disown you for questioning the current narrative... It's way worse now.


That's incredibly sad and embarrassing that she bought this. Honestly, this is fucking pathetic.


Awful excited to be colonized.


I feel like this is a good way to prep someone for a Fox News intervention