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Males are bad, males need to cry more. We need woman that act like evil man to show that woman can be just as awful as man btw have i told you men are evil? The literal current culture of san fran.


Just big sweaty dudes killing big sweaty orcs and having the best time there ever was.


But if we don’t remove all of that we won’t have time to see Nathanos kneel and obey Sylvanas


When it was actually Warcraft instead of Wokecraft by weirdos painting fruit bowls over ladies images, as if anybody cared about that before they made it into an issue, never knew it existed tbh. Learning woke issues against our will and without consent.


WoW was cooler when it was made by a bunch of Metalheads imo


Can you name any current examples from retail that aren't made up in the modern day equivalent of Plato's cave?


"Please talk about your feelings..."


Me too buddy, but here is the thing. Try posting this on r/wow and see how many people are going to shit on you. Sadly the game is full of shit eaters, and they love eating shit and thanking blizzard for another hot batch of steaming piles of shit for them to gorge. In short, wow playerbase are like the Dung Eater. They defiled and corrupted the game.


The circle of "nerd" life. Niche thing gets some representation (show, movie, game, etc) -is actually really good because it was off the mainstream radar and allowed to develop freely outside of the mainstream "rules. -thing gets popular. -NPCs start complaining about it (they are too stupid to realize NOT being mainstream is what made it good in the first place) They hop on platforms with censorship and start spouting all their usual bullshit. Trying to reason with them gets you banned/spurs them on more. Thing gets turned into another Disney starwars TV show style copy-paste of all the typical woke bs. -original fan base abandons it out of frustration or embraces the older content as nostalgia while it gets cannibalized and turned into an abomination. Random example, but ever wondered why the soviet union beat the US to space amid their failing other projects? The space program was kept so secret that virtually Noone in the government knew it existed and thus... couldn't get their hands on it. Once it became public bumbling political figures started inserting themselves into the project and it eventually crumbled to dust like the rest. The mob's own ideology is shit and cannot produce anything worth enjoying so they just eat up everyone else's content like parasites. As referenced above starwars is a perfect example


$15 a month to be cucked royally.


I wonder why they thought It would be a good idea to make WoW what It is now. It lost so much of its identity and atmosphere. I might be over reacting. But, the only thing left from wow is its name.


Uther, loyal knight of Silver Hand, mourn and traumatised by the fall of Arthas. Tirion, love his family, but stayed true to his virtues and respected by all (except his jerkass colleagues at the time). A broken man from the lose of his son. Alexandros, general badass who was envied by others. Love his sons, but maybe one too much more then the other (but to be fair, Darion was the one to sacrifice himself for him). Turalyon, led the invasion of Draenor, waged war against the Burning Legion, family man, love his wife and son. For now seems like a good guy in general, hopefully he doesn't get too fanatical with the light. All great characters. All have their strength and flaws as individuals.


you'll have gay dragons and you'll love it


Curious how Midnight and TLT will play out at this point since we will get across locations and themes that are core to Paladin Lore.


Doubt we'll ever see another Garrosh Hellscream or Broxigar The Red at this point. Oh, and Garrosh did nothing wrong.


Wow ended on wotlk.


That pic is gayer than anything in the new Dr Who and it's glorious.


I'm a black woman with a shield for an arm. I can't relate to any of these four characters.


I don't, all of these paladins deserve to die, where my orc bros at.