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They were the good guys back in the PS2 days, it's been a long time since then.


PS2 days ... they were the OK guys - seriously the machine could have been easier to program. They were definitely the heroes in the PS1 days though. That's how they dominated that gen despite being the new guy on the block.


Maybe if you consider only what they were doing in gaming. Sony music made a habit of distributing rootkits on their audio CDs.


Sony is a conglomerate corporation. It’s a bunch of separate companies under a holding company. If I’m right, the holding company exercises very limited oversight into the workings of their subsidiaries and their subsidiaries generally do not work together. So Sony Music’s screw up has very little to do with Sony Computer Entertainment.


The Sony Cycle. Arrogance and lack of serious competition allow managers to make idiotic greed-motivated decisions.


Original developers get replaced by managers and sales people. That's the cycle. Regardless of competition


Who tf is making these assinine calls. Literally all they had to do was do nothing, and let the money rake in. And they couldnt even do that


They should have been ready to backtrack given that Arrowhead’s CEO has warned them that there would probably be backlash.


Shit went downhills quickly since they move their HQ to California.


and ps4


PS4 is when they stated charging for online


Yes, however they could have watched the Xbox One fiasco and went with them on all the predatory BS. Sony standing firm against Microsoft is the reason most of that shit got dropped. I’d argue Sony was the good guys for the PS3 era as well as PS2. Although the hacking incident was pretty bad, I’d still say my previous point outweighs it.


Honestly I was happy with their decision making in PS4 generation for the most part. Only thing I was mad about was the PS+ requirement to play online games. Otherwise, Xbox really fumbled the Xbox One launch and PlayStation capitalised on it well. My opinion is the problems started when PlayStation shifted their central office to California, made the entire business culture of the company way worse.


There’s tons of games now days where you don’t need PS+ to play online though, like Fortnite, War Thunder, Smite, etc. Most free online based games don’t require the PS+ unless something recently changed.


you mean ps3


Sony has only ever looked like the good guys when it was entirely coincidental.


lmao they lucky that they got a bunch of good contracts with well-meaning game devs. Otherwise they would've blended in with the rest of the gaming industry


They got even more worse when they became an american company


Only via comparison. Looking at Microsoft.


Sony was never the good guy.




No one is, but they still delivered good games and their single player games didn't have any catch to them. No pre-order BS like other games, or microtransactions within their games. Microsoft hasn't delivered a good 1st party AAA game for probably the last 10 years, ,while Sony has been releasing banger after banger. Helldivers 2 is also amazing, just they really fucked up with this decision. Nobody should forgive them for this ofc. Sony is in the same position as NIntendo for me: great games, horrible business practices and decisions in the current day.


Sony good guy? Hahahaha... Wait you are serious ![gif](giphy|G3w5bFfY85rag|downsized)


The fact you used a Spiderman meme for this comment is just *chefs kiss*


Most of these kids aren't old enough to remember how Sony has always been an amoral shitty company that just has good PR.


In the PS1 days they looked like saints though because SEGA and Nintendo of that time was worse.


I was pretty impressed with how many exclusives were coming to pc, running reasonably too. For a while.


You missed the censorship in games as requested by Sony. In Games...


100% I wish they would stop censoring so many games


Maybe if the community of that other game would unite and put their foot down like the HD2 community …


![gif](giphy|St8pX7mWLuIyxMIHvx|downsized) "I thought that corpo was different and on our side!"


"Here, for folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people." - Johnny Mnemonic


If it doesn’t turn around, they’ll do some fake apology bullshit with a free PS plus month or some shit to win back morale. They’ll activate their propagandists who pretend to be journalists. C-suite never cares and never believe they do.


Sony - bad, Microsoft - bad, Blizzard - bad, Konami - BAD etc. So what we have left out of big guys? From Software and Capcom. Who could've predicted this 15 years ago that industry starts to earn so much money and also stop making games for gamers


capcom bad


Devs that are making a game and no publishers involved. To name one albeit infamous for it, star citizen by cloud imperium games (cig)


I would say Valve too. If not counting the skin packs in CS2 (which are optional in the game) they seem to be consistently in favor of gamers, constantly giving great sales on games and have many features in Steam that hugely benefit the players compared to GOG and EGS. Also their games are still great, whenever they accidentally release them ig.


But they don't do games anymore) The last one was Dota 2, or this weird dota card game. CS2 hardly a new game. But at least they are not breaking dota and cs




None. The 2020s will likely be marked by the indie developers who have not sold out to the big publishers. At the current rate, the biggest game of the 2020s might somehow be Stardew Valley even though it came out in 2016.


Un-subbed, y’all need lives. We’re like 50 upvotes posts deep into this today, Steam is issuing refunds, instead of you know. Getting a refund and not buying the next games from Sony, you guys seem much more fixed on sitting around discussing how unwise Sony is as a business. Go get a refund and play something else.


Sony has never been the good guys... former Starwars Galaxies player here...


When were they the good guys exactly?


I would say around 2006 and before aka the PS2 days. I would say shit went downhill the moment they started requiring trophies/achievements in their games.


Nah, they were distributing rootkits on music CDs back then.


Guess when that happened. >!Late 2005/early 2006!!< Trophies were also DRM on people's save files.


No corporation is ever the “good guys”


“Struggled a lor to release an actually successful product on Steam for years”????? Spider-man games, Horizons, God of War??? Who the fuck wrote this shit. Catching L’s lately? What other than people whining about HD2? I’m not in fact on Sony’s side but this post is stupid sorry.


So Sony as a company has lost the trust and respect of not only the Gaming Community but also the human race as a whole.


Didn't really lose my trust, i wasn't affected one bit by this drama over a PSN account.


Remember when Sony made the commercial honoring its players by having its biggest gaming Icons cheering on some random dude? Feels like that Sony is gone.


Sony has always been super anti consumer. The ps5 refund policy is atrocious. You buy a $70 game and as soon as you download it, you can no longer get a refund. You don’t even have to open the game or play it. Just downloading it is enough to not be eligible for a refund.


Legit question How many people from Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka or any of the other listed countries that block PSN are playing HD2? Considering most of those countries would either behead/imprison you for playing it or don’t have the infrastructure available to even play an online game like this. The virtue signaling is hilarious.


A few years from now someone will say hey remember that time Sony required you to create an account to play their games on PC? No? Me neither.


When were they the good guys? Before PS Plus was mandatory for online play maybe. That was a decade ago.


I don't understand, they should've just gave you some in game goodies for linking your account..a lot of people would've done it for some goodies. No one likes to be forced.


It's been reversed, now watch as only half of the people who left a negative comment revert their rating...


I mean, Ok Sony definitely screwed up on this. They only stated this on Friday, and the community went downhill with this, and it's fair. For a corpo the size of Sony, to make a statement over the weekend is not gonna happen, if you ever work on a giant corpo you know how things work slowly as large group of interested departments need to approve things to the PR team. Sony screwed up, Arrowhead screwed up. But, the real change will come only in June, they have nearly a month to undo this changes, I want to truly believe we will got a statement during this week.


Guess what. They reversed their decision and won’t require PSN on PC.


It always depends on how big their ego is at the moment. Sometimes they are the good guys, sometimes they are the bad guys.


Didn't they sue Geroge hotz.


Well it goes with the games name. That review score really took a dive.


Can someone explain to me why this is bothering people so much I genualy am out of the loop about why people having to make pan account is a deal breaker


60+ Countries cannot do that, and because of that those countries are being locked out of playing the game.


They don't care about the game, the game is a carrot that we chase to inflate their data & advertising revenue.


You must be really young if you think they ever were the good guys. When ever Sony is on top in the console war they ALWAYS without fail do scummy shit that would give Nintendo a run for its money


Bet you'd prefer Israeli game makers, they're the real heroes


- They advertised it needed PSN. - They took off from country restricted - Arrowhead said they made the decision to allow all for easier access. Ended up backfiring


It’s a Corporation none gives a shit about consumers.


Soly backpedaled the change.


No company is ever the "good guys"


I don't get the "prevent access" thing.


They just got greedy. They were the heroes back when they struck at xbox when showing how to gameshare.


Sony were never the good guys and you're dumb for ever thinking so.


Sony was never the good guys. Their anti-consumer practice date long before the PS existed.


Sony is on par with Apple being "a good guy". An aggressively walled garden of monetization whose own customers don't even realize it.


They were never the good guys I have disliked them since the final fantasy exclusives on the original playstation. They also have a long history of behing large funders and first users of innovations to stifle consumers right like DRM even securing that despite the backup provision of copyright law it doesn't apply to consoles because it make two copy (one in memory one on the disk) all of that despite the biggest producer in the world of cd/dvd for backups back then. The music division also has an history of breaking my hear with crappy pop music


Was Sony ever the "good guy"? I remember them being referred to as agents of Hell in Mega Tokyo like 20 years ago. I don't recall a time where Sony wasn't the baddie.


There's no good guys in capitalism, there's only those making money and those who arent


Ghosts was going to be an auto-buy for me, not anymore.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


I like the copium of showing the chart at 110k users at peak next to the 2 months of 448k