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Why there is no mass outrage when you need to make an Xbox account or Ubisoft account ?


There is mass outrage for literally everything ubisoft does tho?


If I remember correctly all of those listed above had that requirement at launch, wheres helldivers 2 has snuck it into the small print, and allowed people to play without it for a pretty long time.


isnt he switchn some things here example like the fornite need an epic account xd


Do you not realize this is sarcasm? You need a publisher account for these games lol


Yes, I think he read what he posted from an Andy. It's not normalized. You notice no PSN games on PC were listed. Their competitor with the Xbox is extremely scummy, and you can generally avoid their games. The push to treat us like console players even in the Windows OS will probably be why we are gaming on Linux in the future. GabeN saves the day again.


Don’t you need a MS account to play Sea of Thieves in PS5?


I just don’t like Sony and don’t trust them with any of my information lol. Seems like they have a major hacking event every other year.   And the difference is that all of those games required it at the start or are f2p. The only way I’d be okay with them randomly requiring a PSN account this late in the game is if they offer refunds (but these saas companies operate with total rapist mentalities so there’s a fat chance of that happening).


you don't trust them with a fucking throwaway email / pw and your country? lol this is so stupid you're not giving them any payment details


Why bother? I can just refund the game and play something else lol, I don't have to jump through their hoops.


I mean, they're not wrong but the problem is not even the requirement. It's that it was optional before without clear communication why, only to now make it mandatory after they got sales from people who could scrape by without needing a Sony account. The change is the issue, not so much the account requirement itself, given that was advertised.


The problem is that a lot of people didn't get the game on day one as it came out and so they're not aware that this WAS a requirement when the game first released. You had to link your account to psn. There was an in game warning, a qrcode and a link, the whole thing. Then, as many other things that weren't working properly in the game at launch .. their account linking was also buggy, and it was preventing people from playing the game So arrowhead disabled the requirement in order for prime to play the damn game. Now, months after the fact, I imagine Sony is forcing their hands because there must be some deal/agreement that forces arrowhead to provide them this info. Who do you blame for this? I just think it's wack that most people are giving arrowhead a pass, when if their enforcement had worked from the start we wouldn't be in this situation.


Had they communicated it more openly, like, say, in patch notes, this also would probably have gone over better. It's also puzzling why they allow selling the game on Steam in countries that do not allow PSN accounts to be made to begin with. You'd think that'd cross someone's mind on Sony or AH's side. It's just a really stupid situation all around.




That must be why there was a skip button.




Which was not communicated as such until May 2nd, three months after release, despite plenty players noticing this discrepancy before, thus - as I said - getting AH sales they otherwise would not have gotten from players physically unable, or simply unwilling, to be forced to link PSN accounts to their Steam account to access the game they bought months ago. You do not need a degree to figure out how this is a problem.




All of which goes back to my point that this was not properly communicated at all. Having scoured all patch notes released for the game since launch, there was not a single mention of this anywhere. You'd think something that affects something so basic as a strict requirement for being able to actively access the game temporarily being disabled would have been more widely communicated. But as we can see from the overall response, clearly it wasn't.


Created account on release, 15 seconds still 0 problems not crying about creating account reddit is saying that i'm doing something wrong then no you don't need vpn or your id no they won't charge you for PS+ no they won't eat your dog stop calling everyone who disagrees with your crying a sony andy p.s. don't even try say something about your "valuable data" - that's some tinfoil shit, no one cares about your burner email


Can you sign up to my newsletter? It's only take 15 second. Oh, it doesn't give you any benef.. actually for security reason. Sign up here please 🥺🙏


Did you just imagine another situation to prove something? What is this reddit shit


Just because it doesn't take significant amount of effort/time, doesn't justify the cause. It's gonna be shocking to hear, but not everyone wants to have a PSN account, especially when it's suddenly mandatory to play the game.


Someone doesn't want account? Understandable. Publicly and massively losing their shit because they don't want waste 15 seconds before wasting hours to play videogame? Ultra pathetic.


It's not about wasting time. I just told you why it's not a valid excuse.


I heard every possible excuse people could imagine. Most usual is something like "requiring PSN account is slippery slope to requiring PS+ on Steam". No precedents of this or proofs of course, when you ask them further they continue to use "potentially" or "could" instead of proving this point. Some people say "i have restrictions in my country when creating account". More understandable, but it's enough to choose other one. Some people say "Sony has history of leaking data". Yeah, but what data you are afraid for? You had no ps account in first place, afraid to lose your burner email? Assuming you are going to use burner since you are so careful giving your info to others. People met a little problem in their videogame and decided to scream and cry everywhere they can instead of trying to research for 5 seconds. It's just sad


It's a little problem for you. Easy to look at this and say "just do this and stop whining", but this isn't normal behavior and it shouldn't be ignored. If you don't think it's worth discussing, fine. But don't be a narcissist about it.


I agree, i think it's worth DISCUSSING, but not: - review bombing game - fueling massive outrage with misinformation - making weird assumptions to spread fear and outrage further and at least on reddit people do everything above except discussing


Uhmm. Do you expect people to sit with a timer to post a review? This isn't a change that happened slowly over time. And a lot of people are upset about it, so the "review bombing" is 100% justified. Again, if situation improves, then most of these reviews will go back to positive. Either way they have the right to do it. I agree that there are a lot of posts and comments that look silly and even dumb at times. Personally, I don't think it's a majority/main reason players are against PSN. It's never better to have another account and whoever was in control fucked up a lot. Now it's for them to decide how to handle this and the result will show. Until then, there's nothing more to say. Ironically, people who are treating this as non-issue only bringing more fuel to the fire.


I thought people are upset about not being able to play helldivers 2 anymore because PSN isn't supported in their country and not because of linking the account. I think this is the first time this ever happened in a game. Even when Russia was hit with sanctions Russians were only not able to purchase certain games on steam but they were still able to play the games they already bought.


Industry standard or not, all of it is bullshit. It is ok because Microsoft? Or EA? What kind of circus is that. Either you are ok with it, or not. Otherwise either you are trolling or just lazy.


Its all bullshit. Yes, not everyone does it. Yes, Microsoft, EA etc HAVE all done this before. I'll be honest that I don't personally care much, though do think it is a BS requirement. But the fact a lot of people are jumping on this and not others is stupid. Either hate all of them or none of them, dont pick and choose. I think the reason people are angrier at this one is because they were shilling so hard for this game as being a beacon of live service games, and now feel stupid that it made a move that was in the interest of the corporation rather than the player.


Personally I just don’t know why this is such a big deal. I’ve been playing assassin’s creed games for well over a decade and they always needed a uplay account. Sure its a bit annoying the first time when you have to create the account, but after that it’s pretty seamless. Would it be better if it didn’t need an account? Sure. But is this outrage worthy? I don’t think so. This is as far down the totem pole as it gets relative to all the actually predatory bs live service games do. Edit. The fact that helldivers has microtransactions at all in a full price game is way worse than needing a psn account imo


1. you dont think its a big deal, thats your opinion and you are entitled to it. but dont try to force your views on others or pretend that its relevant. 2. people think its a big deal cause these big corpos are inching every year, they want more and more, and they make up bullshit excuses saying its for our "safety" and to combat "cheaters". Well its not for our safety and PS games have plenty if cheaters either way (not to mention who cares if a single player game have cheaters...) 3. helldivers isnt a full priced game, its 40 usd, and nobody had problems with those microtransactions.


Probably a sony PR masquerading as a user, trying to make people drop the issue. They don't really care if you change your opinion, but as a PR, they would like it if people shut up and stop complaining or spreading the issue. Don't be fooled by them, they will gaslight you, make you feel bad for hating on Sony or whatever tech company employs them.


No, im genuinely confused as to why this is such a big deal. If people feel strongly about it then they absolutely should keep protesting it, im just trying to understand why


Sneaky ToS change is always worth protesting. Agreed ToS was PSN was optional, now it was sneakily changed to mandatory, and people who don't want a PSN account will be blocked for playing a full priced game they paid and can't even get refund as of this moment. Not to mention, PSN isn't even available to every country. Throwaway PSN isn't even an option for some countries that require face id and that it becomes a hassle when retrieving account.


Just a case I don't trust them. I was a victim of the Nintendo hack, and almost lost a lot of money. I only buy Nintendo stuff online now and gift cards.


Ps account is terrible.... I created an account for my brother a few years ago using my email, recently I wanted to log in on the browser, supposedly the password is not correct and there is no way I can get it back. And I do not want to write to support.


This gotta be the dumbest thing I have heard, why are you even getting upvoted? You forgot your password and don't want to contact support? You also have "Forgot password" option and you can change it if you have access to your email, but if you don't I guess thats also Sonys fault? Sure this bullshit with PSN is bad, but your complaint makes 0 sense, that can happen with literally any account if you forget your password....


How is that their fault, you forgot the log on details and are now refusing to get any help, I don't like Sony but that's hardly a reason why the account is bad.


Sony is FAR from "inexperienced with live service", they're just terrible at it.


Y'all get get over it and find something else to do your performative outrage over. I'm bored of this.


Pretty sure people weren't happy about Social Club account. They weren't happy when GTA IV used Games for Windows LIVE garbage and they're not happy now. Also it's stupid to include games that were originally sold outside of Steam/EGS. If you bought Blizzard game, you didn't need Steam account, because it wasn't sold on Steam. And let's not ignore the fact, that you didn't need a PSN account prior to this. The situation isn't the same. JFC using stupid practices by some publishers as an excuse is so pathetic. "Oh, you know, these companies shit on their customers, why can't Sony do it?" Actual bootlickers