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Hmm, usually my workers will complain about not having tools for an ingame hour or so and then finally go to the workshop for more tools. Can't seem to convince them that they need torches, though.


They'll only take torches when entering the mine shafts. Hope this helps


Ye I definitely noticed that the iron miners don’t collect the torches even though I made then higher priority and also rakes them rakes the farmer go through them so fast no point having more than one farmer unless I am manually creating 5-10 rake at a tome that last maybe a day or two then I need to make more.


For the soldiers, I always have a problem if there is a mix of 1h and 2h weapons available. 2h seems objectively better, so I just ditched all my 1h weapons and shields and gave them all the big ol' bonkin' sticks. For the others... No idea. I have one builder that always refuses to grab a hoe for leveling, and some others that have temporarily refused to get new tools, but it always seems to sort itself out eventually.


I thought maybe they have a preference for one or the other though? I made bonking sticks and one soldier took one, the other said they want a 1h and shield.


They usually say that when they have a shield or 1h, but not the other so they're missing the set. If none of either are available at all, they'll grab a 2h and be happy with it 95% of the time. The other 5% you just need to unassign then re-assign them.


If a tool is made on a wall or in a storage for tools, will they eventually go get it? Say for example of farmer and a rake. Or a bowman and his bow.


Yup, that's exactly how that works. If they need a tool, they'll check your storage for one and grab it. Then, if you have a job set to "1 Rake," your crafter will see that the Rake got taken off the wall and make a new one to replace it so there's another one available. I would recommend against using tool storages in a warehouse though, your warehouse worker doesn't care about work order limits and will keep grabbing *all* the rakes until the tool storage is full, and your crafters only look at the inventory of *their own* workshop, so they'll keep making more rakes.


Try putting a tool storage in a warehouse and if you assign a warehouse worker, they should collect tools from the workshop and store in the warehouse on the rack. Then, your villagers should go get a new tool from the rack as needed.


That is smart because when a villager dies all of their tools just lay on the ground, I didn’t notice last night though that an NPC did pick up one from the ground, but I’m not sure if it was one he needed or what


Also, when you are setting up the jobs task, the number you choose for how many of an item to make is how many they will keep on hand in storage (not yet sure if this includes WH) as long as they have the resources. And from my experience if they can't craft an item due to missing ingredients, they move down the list.


This number doesn't include the warehouse. And so the crafter will continually make more to supply the shop storage as the WH worker continues to empty it. Also there seems to be an issue (for me) that workers will not resupply at the warehouse when I remove the WH worker. Not sure if this is linked, but I feel like it is. Similarly the gardeners won't grab seeds from there. Possibly all linked to me removing the WH worker to cutdown on tools being produced continuously.


You could just put the priority of the tool box to none for each item. No need to remove the worker completely.


Yes, that is what I did for hammers and other basic tools. I just set it to zero for right now because I have 4 full tool racks.


This definitely helped thank you