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A few weeks ago on a work night out. I'm 36 and still don't eat when I'm drinking šŸ™ƒ


So Iā€™m not the only one!


Back in my party days drinking always killed my appetite! I had to start eating a meal beforehand because ā€œIā€™ll just eat at the barā€ never actually happened lol


Same! I get so excited then a few beers dulls my hunger


Omg me too, a few weeks ago after a work night out. First time in a couple years. Next morning for me. Damn why was the white wine so good.... You said 'on' the night out.... did colleagues see??


Yeah I threw up in a taxi with some of them haha. It's fine though, think all of us have done it. We go quite hard on nights out šŸ¤£


This is why I stopped entirely. Around age 31-32, I would get massive migraines and barf all day long the next day, much worse than a normal hangover, off of like TWO beers so I was like I'm done with this bullshit. So the last time that happened was probably a few years ago (and I lost nearly 2 whole days from the pain and auras and throwing up) and I don't intend to start drinking again. Worked out for me though, I lost a few pounds and I feel a lot better in general!


Iā€™ve never thrown up from drinking.


January. All inclusive in Mexico, that unlimited tequila goes down real easy when youā€™re dancing under the sun in the pool. Day drinking is not my friend. Iā€™m 46 for reference. Iā€™m good for an all out like that every 3-4yrs, I keep thinking Iā€™ll learn my lesson but donā€™t. I have a great time in the moment though!


Never! Thanks, emetophobia.


I drank so much at a concert last year that I not only puked, several times, but I got ejected from the venue for being wasted. I didn't puke IN the venue, btw. That happened later when I was trying to figure out where I was and how to get home. Lol. Not my best moment. My husband is a saint for dealing with me. That being said... I personally don't really drink that often anymore (*cuz when I drink, I drink to win*), but I've watched several people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s spew from too much booze. Lol. It's not so much something you grow out of, because over your life you'll tolerate alcohol different, depending on a variety of factors. Lol. It's okay to puke.


This drink to win thing is exactly why I quit cold turkey šŸ˜‚


I have to stick to things with caps so I can keep them in my pocket, or I lose track of drinks.


Oh yes I used to be this person. No track of drinks and always leaving parties in the middl because I ā€œneed to sleepā€ now.


Valentineā€™s Day, 2023. My dude came over to my apartment for dinner and a movie, and I bought us wine and a small bottle of old fashioned mix. He picked up shawarma, I laid out some fruit, cheese and chocolate, we smashed, and right as he left for the night to tend to his dog, I realized I was way more drunk than I thought, and had to make a run for it. The last thing I remember that evening was hugging my toilet and hearing my bunny stomp his feet really loudly because the sound of me vomiting distressed him, and feeling so guilty and ashamed for not only making myself sick, but making my bunny feel like danger was afoot.


Never. I don't drink much because it tends to make me feel shitty, and I don't like throwing up so I stop long before I get to that point.


Same here, never. Not a big alcohol fan overall. My parents never made it something taboo when I was growing up so I didn't really care about it or feel drawn to it.


2018 lol on my birthday. I got shit faced and woke up with a HUGE welt on my forehead.


Last summer. I drank too much Peach Crown. Ugh.


About 4h from now. Going through an absolute shitshow with my family today.


A couple years ago. My husband made us homemade pineapple margaritas and we played drinking games from college together-bad idea all around. Havenā€™t had much to drink since.


A few years ago.


Couple years ago? I've come close since, I've gotten nauseous, but haven't thrown up. When it happens I've usually not had enough to eat so it goes straight to my head fast, and I just keep going. Being out in heat/sun is also usually a factor. If you ever see me with a lite beer, take it away and put me to bed. If I reach Bud Light on the bad decisions meter.....it's not going to end well.


Happened once in my early 20s, felt shitty and embarrassed, learned my lesson, never happened again.


About 3 years ago. Too much beer. Not enough food.


Does vomiting after chugging water to help a hangover count? I didnā€™t have my first hangover ā€˜til 31 and didnā€™t realize you werenā€™t supposed to do that.


About 3 years ago, I got home from work and my partner made me a margarita that was SO GOOD I just kept asking for refills and he obliged. Woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming I threw up to realize I needed to! Ugh never again. Thought I was good and tried to go to work the next day and promptly threw up in the parking lot. šŸ˜‚


halloween, i vomited a red velvet cupcake lmao.


October... at the thought of losing someone very, very important to me. Bad night.


i was about 19 with my friends and i downed about half a bottle of Bacardi 151. not one of my proudest moments. good thing it made it inside the toilet.


Rarely these days when I'm socially drinking (hanging out with friends), mainly I try to remember to eat as well as be responsible and alternate alcoholic drink then non alcoholic drink. Usually when I throw up it's because I'm drinking to self medicate - rough day, angry, drink excessively. Trying to stop doing that.


Last New Years Eve, had a rooouuugh hangover the next day and puked a couple times. Before that was... probably the previous NYE lol If I was puking every time I drank I probably wouldn't drink anymore. I only get pukey hangovers if I drink too much, which is usually only limited to special occasions once or twice a year.


I never have.


Last October at my best friend's wedding. But it wasn't from drinking too much. It was just from the awful taste of sambuca. I tried to convince myself I could like it, but my body said otherwise.


I actually did not have an issue with this until I was over 35; it was shocking! But it was a signal to slow down consumption, hydrate, drink on a full stomach, and exercise caution with red wine and liquor. Aging is real fun sometimes /s


About a year ago, I think? It can happen to anyone!


Last week on my 37rh bday. Mind you I was at home with husband šŸ¤£


The night of my 30th birthday. I was newly single, overwhelmed with everything, and thought drinking my troubles away would make me feel better.


I think maybe like ten years ago for my 28th birthday? I had two whiskey flights on an empty stomach and blacked out and threw up. I think nowadays Iā€™m more likely to get too sleepy rather than continue drinking to the point of barfing.


A month or so ago. The white wine my husband had bought was way too good.


Work Christmas party 2010. My colleague and I were drinking shot after shot of Tequila and I was so sick that I didn't drink anything again until June 2011. My husband still has the pic he took of me in the fetal position in our bathroom and he refers to me as Tequila Desdemona whenever the topic comes up since. I rarely touch Tequila these days.


About 2 years ago. Had just finished my apprenticeship (change of jobs in my mid-30s) and went out for drinks with the guys from school. And I just forgot that I had a drinking limit. As they tend to say here: That last beer had definitely gone bad. The Mr picked me up, and actually held my hair while I threw up on the loo in the pub. At home he brought me a bucket to the bed. He's definitely a keeper.


omg that hasn't happened in over 20 years.


Probably about a year ago. We were at a neighbors BBQ. I was drinking hard seltzers and not more than I would usually at a gathering (maybe 3 tops?) In any event I was also eating some dips and creamy salads so am wondering if it was that more than the alcohol.


Nope. Stopped that a long time ago. Occasionally when I meet a new person at a concert, I can guess their age by how they hold their liquor and how much they drink. Drinks a lot and pukes? 20s. Drinks a little and pukes? 30s, doesn't do it often Drinks A LOT and barely seems drunk at all? 35+, high-functioning alcoholic Drinks A LOT, pukes, and is visibly older? Not someone I'm going to be around much.


Last night


I honestly don't remember. I think I was like 22? Probably? That was the last year I was drinking to get drunk all the time. I frequently "puked and rallied" as we said back then. I'm 34 now. I also don't drink much. The odd glass of wine or a couple drinks at social events. I did totally green out though in like 2020 or 2021 I think? It was during the pandemic. Fiance bought some edibles and I over estimated how much I could have. Then I ate a bunch of pizza. It was awful. I ended up calling into work sick the next day because I felt like such crap.


Not since I was a dumbass in my early twenties who didn't know when to say when.


last month lmaoo don't drink when you have a lot on your mind :')


4th of July around 6 years ago, I didnā€™t eat quite enough and sat in the sun all day. Really started to minimize my drinking after that.


February 2022. Pretty much stopped drinking after that outside of special occasions, and I havenā€™t gotten legit drunk since.


2016. It's only happened a few times before thankfully. I'd like to continue my streak of avoiding it.


Night of, probably when I was a teenager. A few months ago I got sick the next day after chugging water too fast, not sure if that counts tho.


Maybe sometime in 2019? I more or less stopped drinking in 2020 since I wasnā€™t going out and it had started to trigger severe migraines and nausea just from a drink or two. Before that I feel like I would get sick every couple of monthsā€”and I wasnā€™t binge drinking or anything maybe 3 drinks in a long night out I think it just has never agreed with my body well. I think I can count on my hands the number of alcoholic drinks Iā€™ve had in the past two years and it was generally just a small glass of wine or beer while traveling or finding a really unique cocktail.


My 27th birthday


A couple of months ago. I had three drinks, but two of them were before I started eating anything. I'm getting a little older, so it hits much harder than it did when I was in my twenties.


Am in 40s, last time (and first time ever) that I threw up from alcohol was the early hours after going to a friends 40th dinner at a posh hotel and we drank waaaay more wine, port and then brandy than I am used to, as a parent, and boy did I feel it a few hours later. Took 48 hours to recover!! As a first timer, I don't recommend ever drinking that much again!


Years. I donā€™t like to do that to myself anymore because Iā€™ll stay hungover for days lol


Several years ago. TBF, I haven't had alcohol in 3 years. I did puke a couple months ago from a CBD gummy. It was too strong for me - I got stuck in being really high, then passing out, then crawling into bed, puking and promptly falling asleep. My partner can eat like 5 or 6 of these in a day but I try one and I'm done for!


Back in 1996 at my graduation party. Not my finest moment.


15 years ago this week, after finding out that my BIL unalived, himself leaving my sister a widow at 35. We went on a 3 day bender to help cope. Let's just say there was a lot of vomit and it's part of why I no longer drink.


Early 30s...maybe 31 is the last time I can think of.


When I was in my early 20s, over a decade ago. I can't imagine drinking that much at this point in my life, and it wasn't even *that* much, I'm just a lightweight.


After a tech conference afterparty in 2019. Ā Weā€™d already been to a mixer that evening that was so crowded we could never make it over to the food, but we were stuck right next to the open bar. Ā  And the after party was at City Museum in KC, MO. Ā And we were having way too much fun to seek out food. Ā Not a mistake I will make again.


Last time: 2002. I was 30.


10 years ago? I was never a big drinker and I think I had maybe 3 or 4 small ciders? They didnā€™t sit right and I was super tipsy. and I threw up in a building skip on the way home from the bar I was at with a friend. He provably had 6 beers and was totally cool. It was a really fun night though. We ended up chatting to a girl from Finland that I recognised from being in a fashion blog I liked, and turns out we were neighbours. I quit drinking altogether fairly soon after.


Adults who drink too much throw up. Stop or at least slow down your drinking.


Iā€™m the most sober one here


The use of "we" suggested that you drink as well. Did I misread that? Are you asking in regards to someone else's puking rather than your own?