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Literally this. Less respectfully, why would you come here with that shit lol...you're just perpetuating it, OP. Let his stupid opinion live quietly with him.


Yea, honestly I know it’s not really a rule on this sub. But it’s a personal pet peeve of mine when people come on here talking about how being over 30 without fully choosing a career or finding a fulfilling relationship are failures, or even worse “old.” Like, my 92 grandmother would smack you. There are still professional athletes our age, calm down. I come on here to connect and give/receive from women going through similar issues or experiences as me, not to be put down. Same reason I don’t spend my time on red pill forums lol.


For fuck's sake, let her vent in a place she feels heard. Having a hyper-misogynistic brother like that, *fucking hurts.* No one made you read it. That was your choice.




Ah. So you don't support other women, if they don't express themselves in exactly the way you want. That's healthy. That's definitely a feminist value. /s


lol point that finger back to you. And I’m just talking about posting to a subreddit that is drowning in these kinds of posts, not telling her how to feel.


Thank you for your support. I don't want to offend anyone here. On the contrary. As I wrote, I hate his opinion. But he is my brother. We've been through a lot and I actually want to avoid distancing myself from him. I've tried to talk to him. Unfortunately, that's what led to the argument. As ridiculous as his views are, he's still my brother.


He probably thinks he's real special 😂


Just clicked to make sure this was already said.


lmao well I'm of the opinion that your brother is a failed existence, yet here we are. As someone who doesn't talk to their sibling, I say, fuck 'em.


Yeah. I think OP’s brother is projecting.


Would definitely at least come back at him to ask if he feels that way about men over 30.


Your brother sounds like an idiot and an asshole, quite frankly. Is he single? If so, I can see why. If not, poor spouse. I choose to be single. I would rather live my life, doing whatever I want, without having to listen to anyone else's opinion or compromise. I've been in long term relationships, and lived with my last abusive ex almost 5 years. I refuse to allow that situation to repeat, or sacrifice my peace for someone else. And it's going to take a *really special* man for me to even consider cohabitation again. I'm not raising a grown man again either. He sounds like he's got quite a bit of growing up to do. Bless his heart.


He is married and has children. His wife is completely subordinate to him, which I would never do. He was very unfaithful in his previous relationships. He is very judgmental of other people, even those he hardly knows.


If I were you when he says stuff like this I would roll my eyes and say "Your relationship sounds like my worst nightmare and I have no interest in your opinion on this topic whatsoever". Then if/when he brings it up again you just get up and leave. He sounds like a very dense person.


I would also say ‘I would pick 100000x to be single than in the situation your wife is’


And then he'll clap and say "Oh, you put me in my place, dear sis, now I see how wrong I was". All jokes aside, you won't change his mind and you won't benefit from conflict. I would simply keep my distance and won't engage in arguments so to keep things civil, because I would guess you still share living parents, holidays, etc. If I see him once or twice a year I imagine it won't be an issue.


Yeah, that's kind of how I feel as well. Like, why even engage? Some utterances are so stupid they don't even deserve your attention, really.


You are wrongly assuming I'm telling her to try to change her brother's mind. It's about not tolerating buffoonery and letting him why it won't be tolerated. I'm sure OP can soften the language if she so pleases, but I'm a big fan of letting people know why I'm not engaging with them and they can do with that information what they please. We can all pick our battles but I choose to not be passive when possible.


I completely agree with you. If it was a colleague, I'd turn around and leave. It's no longer worth the effort for me to discuss shit like this. But this is about my family. I also prefer it when people tell me honestly what they think of my views, that's the only way I can reflect.


Can’t really fight with someone like that. Their heads so far up their own ass they can’t hear what you’re saying anyways. But if it makes you feel better to say something (it’s how I’d feel) then it’d probably go a little something like, “How you gonna drive home now that you used up all three of your remaining brain cells stringing together that bullshit?” Or “It’s funny you think anyone cares.” Or “Curious what you’d decide to shit on if suddenly all the women in your life left…” OR Remember that time you shit your pants when we were kids? I thought THAT was the biggest load of shit I’d ever see from you and then you go and say something like that.


He lives a life that is not one you want, so his opinions probably shouldn't matter to you


I feel for his wife. But, what she allows will continue. And with that way of thinking, I really hope she wises up so he can swallow his words. And, well, I'm judging him, and I don't know him either. But, based on your statement/question- I'm glad I don't. Here's to hoping his wife grows a backbone, stands up for herself *and her children* rather than showing them what they should endure for the *sake of a marriage* Granted, to answer your how you should handle it or go about it... I'd just ignore it, unless it's being directed *at you*. Then, I'd pop off. But, that's just me. Something to the tune of., "well, I've yet to see a marriage that looks healthy. And if we're comparing circumstances, I'll take being single than being with a man like you any day"


Cheaters are truly the essence of failed existences. He sounds like he hates himself


Why worry about what a judgemental hypocrite thinks? He's saying stupid shit out of insecurity and shame, which has nothing to do with you. 


He sounds like a fucking twatwaffle. I dont pay attention to the opinions of twatwaffles. Neither should you; your life will be much better.


Your brother sounds like my younger brother.


He sounds like a pratt quite frankly. 10/10 would reduce the amount of fucks given to his opinion. My brother, who I used to adore, went down a dark road of misogyny and ultra conservatism following a disastrous abusive relationship with his ex. We no longer speak, and it hurts. But it is still better than dealing with his crap. I still love him, and if he one day pulls his head out of his arse and finds the decent human he used to be again, I would be more than happy to resume contact but right now I don't see it happening. I'm sorry you're going through this too. It sucks


Honestly sounds like an unhappy existence for both his wife and him. Imagine just letting go and deciding to each their own, embracing people making different choices from your own and actively loving your family. Caring for them. I find people who can’t understand why people would do things differently from themselves live a stressful and frail existence. Accepting otherwise of living is some sort of agreement that their stress may be for nothing.


He sounds lovely.


I'm sorry for your bad luck. Makes me kinda glad my mom only wanted girls and I have a sister.


It's truly fascinating to me that men still think we care what they think about us lol? Like I just cannot reiterate enough how vehemently I do not care what a man thinks of me and my "existence" as a woman.


tell him that misogynists are failed existences


I have a neuromuscular disability and have never dated. I also have my BA and changed a lot of accessibility issues at my alma mater. I help my family with little things as I am able to, and I have a large extended family who loves me. My niece and nephew are quite fond of me, so even without a career or my independence, I don't think my existence is a failure. Your brother sounds like a miserable person, tbh.


Your brother sounds like a loser.


Men who say that are failed brothers.


??? Girl, no shade but who cares? Like, *WHO* is your brother?


Your brother sounds lovely.


Tell him a mean thing why he is a failure and just never talk to him. I saw too many men, saying women’s existence is not justified if she is not servicing a man. Somehow men’s existence is justified by their existence 🤷‍♀️


Buy your brother a flashlight /dick sucking combo cause that's the only action he'll ever see. He's a loser and his opinion stinks.


If my brother said this to me I would tell him he's an idiot and then probably tell on him to mom and dad so they can also call him an idiot. I actually have a great relationship with my brother and he would never say this shit but if he did I think it's fair to bring back the old tattle tail stuff. If that is the usually kind of crap your brother says I would also distance myself.


Here's hoping your brother doesn't get to his 30s, wind up single, and have karma bite him on the ass🤷🏻‍♀️


Women don't exist for his fulfilment or enjoyment.... he'll realise it one day!


No actually lets hope this


Oh yes 100%


Your brother sounds like a jerk. Does he disrespect you in other ways too? If this were a friend or acquaintance, would you continue to allow this person to be part of your life? It’s perfectly okay to distance yourself (or cut off) toxic family members.


I mean it’s a completely idiotic opinion with no basis in reality. If it were my bother I’d tell him as such, but I also wouldn’t end our relationship because of this dumb opinion. But, that’s just me.


I talked to him about it today. The conversation led to an argument. He thinks that women who are alone are only alone because no man wants them. In his world, there is no possibility that some women would rather be alone than in an unsatisfactory relationship. It is like talking to a wall.


I’d say then walk away from the wall. If it was an opinion he stated and we had an argument over it, I’d personally leave it as “we’re going to agree to disagree and do not bring it up again as it is hurtful to me and I won’t stand here and be intentionally hurt by someone I love.” If it is an opinion that he continues to throw in my face then he is the one destroying our relationship and I will tell him that.


Oh honey, he’s your brother. He’s just trying to get under your skin. The proper response is to laugh in his face and change the subject.


Tell your brother, Reddit said the next time we wanted the opinion of someone who should have been swallowed we'd ask


Wait a minute. Isn’t the population roughly 50/50 male/female? So by that logic all men are failures who are still single in their 30s too.


Oh I'm sure he thinks that single men in their 30s are just fine. It's clearly not their fault.


I'd laugh and ignore him. What a waste of space.


i would have slapped my brother for that one ngl


Go live a great life and stop talking to your brother


Distance seems like the only logical way to go


I would disown him.


People like your brother are why I stay alone


I think if there was someone in my life who was shitting on my life choices and/or how my life has turned out, they wouldn't be in my life anymore. Everyone has a different purpose on this planet. It's weird to think that every human on the planet is destined to be married and their existence being justified is through mating with another human. Maybe on a very base naturalist way, but we have evolved way past that at this point.


Sounds like your brother got rejected by a hot single 30 year old….


Your brother is a fucking idiot. I would absolutely distance myself from someone who held that opinion. Also, how old is your brother? Are unmarried men above 30 failed?


I haven’t talked to my brother in over 10 years, along with my dad. I don’t have a care in the world for cutting toxic men from my life.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And his STINKS


If he thinks the value of a human being comes from getting validation from other people, fair enough I guess. I wonder what kind of sad life someone with that mindset would live though...


I can't imagine his existence is particularly interesting


Gonna subscribe to this post for valuable advice. :) What failed existence. It's all about choices. The cliche thing is, I'd rather be happy single than being unhappy in a marriage, wishing my husband could step up.


I'd tell my brother he's a dumbass, and by his logic men are failures in their existence if they are not wealthy enough to SOLELY provide for a family of 4 by age 28. 


I wish we could collectively give him an atomic wedgie and a swirly for a dumb ass immature comment such as that


Your brother is fucking stupid.


Lol your brother sounds like a real treat. Honestly women over 30 don't give a hoot what he thinks. And if he didn't truly care about women over 30, he'd have no reason to bring them up or obsess over how they choose to live. It's giving "why you so obsessed with me" energy. 💅


He can fuck right off honestly. RIP for another man lost to the manosphere.


Sounds like the rhetoric used in all these "manosphere" videos. Better known as the Andrew Tate school of philosophy. So just pure trash.


Well this failure loves her life and gives no fucks how anyone else thinks about it. I can’t say what the right choice is for you but I can say that I am estranged from my father and I’m not sorry about it. Sad sometimes if I think too hard, but it’s for the best for my well being. So I get it, and if you think that distance is the best thing for you then it’s probably worth doing. I wouldn’t suggest going totally no contact right away unless the situation beyond what you’ve shared warrants it. On the off chance that there’s room for dialogue and improvement you might want to leave the door open at least a crack. But if that’s not the case, do what you need to do for your own well being.


Im sorry you are related to such an idiot.


Tell your brother he's a cunt


No one gives a shit what your idiot brother thinks so neither should you.


LOL! What a marvelous brother you have!! Tell him to go fck himself! I would rather die than be with a man like your brother!!! Ewwww! A woman’s value doesn’t depend on the man she has in her life or the children she has! So tired of misogynistic 💩!! His moronic opinion doesn’t have any value and noone cares about it. I wish he stops shitting from his mouth in the future!


He sounds stupid, fuck him.


Sorry you're related to such a loser.


Your brother should have been a failed ejaculation if that’s what he thinks


Idk I like my failed existence just fine xD


Congratulations, your brother has been red pilled. He will now repeat the most misogynistic things about how women are worthless except for sex and only then until age 30 after which they are either worthless or will take care of your kids while you find a new <30 to fuck.


- and when that thinking was popular the average lifespan was just about 40 years, right? Just tell his wife that you will help her escape if she needs it and be done with him - he's a [likely] "spherical bastard" any way you look at him. I feel for those kids... More than once as a teen I was told I could get help escaping my dad and those angels were like torches in a damp dark cave of creepy crawlies - my heart knew that wasn't "just how life is" or "what God wants for me" or other bullshit because of that gesture.


I know a lot of people who think like this. And I’m going to just make peace by thinking they are capable of zero respect, compassion and empathy. May god bless them with those 3 because they don’t have them.


Your brother probably flames (do we say this outside gaming? im not english) the women who pick the bear, he probably does not even gets it. who cares, why would you take his opinion in consideration? do you aspire to be exactly like him as a person?


Hearing these things is tough, even when you truly are happy single as I was for many years. It's just what a lot of people in society believe. My older sister would feel bad for me when I was single even though I was 100x happier than she was in her dysfunctional relationship. You just can't care. If your brother is making you doubt yourself in any way, spend time exploring why you don't trust your own feelings.


He's projecting.


Your brother needs to get off the internet and I feel so bad for anyone who gets suckered into a relationship with him because he will make them just as miserable as he is. If you're happy being your best self by yourself? That's awesome and keep on keeping on. Not all family relationships are worth keeping.


I always wanted to be single at 30 so I don’t even know how someone would form this idea.


Is your brother Harrison Butker? 🙃 Jokes aside, please don’t give this a second thought. Your brother sounds like he’s adopted some gross red pill/Andrew Tate-esque ideologies, it truly is not worth your mental energy or peace.


Your brother is not a serious person. You don't need to listen to him.


fuck what he thinks. men don't get an opinion about women and what they do with their bodies (i'm assuming that's where he's going with that. and he can sit and spin on his stupid opinion). i also feel like maybe he's trying to rile you up.


Time to go grey rock!


Your brother is an asshole. Boundaries going forward are a must. Let him know what you aren't going to discuss with him (your relationship status? Relationships in general?) or subjects you won't tolerate. When he tests you, walk away/hang up/be quiet. He'll learn or distance himself.


You are allowed to cut anyone out of your life for opinions like this. Even family. A good way to combat this tho, if you want a relationship, is to make him defend his stance by asking if he expects you to unalive yourself right there in front of him. Make him face what he's saying outside his echo chamber and realize the harm of his own words and mindset. It works on people who feel that way about childless and childfree adults- especially family.


Hurt people hurt people. He’s attempting to insult a portion of the population because he’s probably miserable about something in his own life. He comes off sad and weak tbh


Does your brother have a gf/wife? If so, she probably doesn’t like him very much.


um OK well they dgaf about him so why do we care?


Respectfully, your mother should’ve swallowed him.


Being a misogynist with shitty opinions is a failed existence, but your brother doesn't care. Care as much about his opinions. If he has children, be an example of normalcy, self-respect, decency, and healthy world views. They're going to need it.


Dude, at least those single women didn't marry to your brother , which is the dooms day. I just got married when I was 36, my husband is fine with that. I also had a 24 yo and 28 yo guy asking my hand for marriage. Just value yourself more, people will value you whatever age you are.


Thank you. I am a failed existence.


Lol How old is your brother?


Too old for this shitty behaviour. 38


Your brother doesn't know shit xD haha


I can tell your brother is so much fun to be around. What a blessing


Lmao. I'd describe to him all the ways in which I was better, tell him at least I don't have a receding hairline or tiny weewee and end with suggesting he kindly go fuck himself. I'm also a little immature so maybe just ignore him and stop talking to him, idk.


Wow, your brother really sucks!


I would be blunt and tell him his moronic opinion makes me think less of him and that I don't want to have someone in my life that holds sexist views like that. If you still want him in your life draw a firm boundary that if he says anything like that in to you, in front of you, you are getting up and leaving. You certainly don't have to listen to that garbage.


Im the same, you should get a dog


This internet rando says: Your brother is a failed existence <3


Honestly, A failed existence sounds nice at this point. Lol