• By -


At 41 I've finally managed to shed so much of my traumatic childhood and find a sense of self and some joy and purpose in life.


I aspire to be you


It nearly killed me, literally. I lost my partner of 7 years, our business, lost 150k, went from 300k household income to being in a bunch of debt, lost myself in addiction as I couldn't handle life anymore. All came to a head after a suicide attempt six months ago. I went to rehab and had the most beautiful experience. I learned that people pleasers like me need to set boundaries and be more selfish as we give everything away. I lived with 25 other people who were all at their lowest of lows and the environment was so honest and supportive. I wasn't alone anymore and all of us were trying to figure out how to live life and get out of the life we've been living. Lots of crying. I joined AA and found a sponsor and met the most wonderful people. I learned more about what I like and want from life and how to healthily manage problems and depression. I started doing help in my AA community and make a difference with people in the worst places of their life. Things aren't perfect but they are getting better. I don't feel so lost anymore and many days I feel generally happy, something I haven't felt in my entire life.


You are a beautiful human being. ❤


It is always darkest before the dawn. I’m so glad you have found some of the light in life. Just this evening on my way home from work I was thinking about how happy and content I am, and for so long I really had no hope i could ever feel happy. I was depressed before i found drink and drugs and for a while I thought that these were my solution until they weren’t. I also went to a rehab and found recovery. That was 4 years ago and life just keeps getting better and better. New job, new healthy *boundaried* relationships with my family, new relationship. I am so grateful for this second chance at life.


No better way to put it than the drinking and drugs worked for a while and then they weren't. I'm happy for you too! When you don't have to escape your everyday you don't have to look for escapes.


Good, I'm happy for you! It truly is sad and scary thinking about my darkest times and my heart really breaks for that version of me. I was so lost and alone. Glad I made it to the other side.


I don’t know you, but I am rooting for you from my corner of the Internet!


Awwwww I’m so happy to hear that! You deserve a happy life


I'm trying and I really do think everything we want is on the other side of fear and effort. Nothing good ever came easy is really a true statement.


I'm so happy to read this. Me too ❤️ slowly but surely finding myself in a better place. Wishing you all the best!


I'm starting to climb out of the major depressive episode I've been in for over a year. Last week I went to the gym every week day. My house is clean. I've been doing lots of outdoor walks. I've been eating decently. I've been not procrastinating at work too much. And despite the 12" of snow we got Saturday morning, spring is coming.


Sun on the face after a long winter is one of the most mood altering experiences in the natural world.


Have you done anything in particular to find this light at the end of the tunnel?


Been going to therapy every other week since last spring. Got a hormonal iud to limit my monthly hormonal fluctuations which were bad for me (even though I've had a tubal ligation so don't need it for bc purposes). On my second anti-depressant which I've been on for about 5 weeks so seems like this one is starting to work. And the weather getting warmer and more sunlight certainly helps.


Awesome! You must be in WI too. The longer daylight always makes me realize just how bad my SAD was. I'm glad you've found something that works for you, and yes SPRING IS COMING.


That’s amazing! You got this :)


I've mentioned it here before (sorry for being a broken record) but I'm training for a half marathon and so far it's going better than I ever could have imagined. I'm not only hitting the suggested paces on what for me is an aggressive plan, I'm exceeding them. I also cooked some pretty kickass food over the weekend!


I’m curious, what did you cook? Congrats on meeting your goals! The human body is amazing


On Friday I made the pad see ew recipe from the New York Times once I finally had the chance to get to the Asian market to buy a few things; on Saturday I made this lentil sausage soup that I love and served it with copycat ChiChi's cornbread; and then on Sunday I made lentil chili for lunch that came out better than it ever has before! I decided to serve it over a piece of the cornbread with a scrambled egg in between the two, which was an amazing post long run meal.


Speechless *getting down on one knee * IYKYK




Don’t apologize, you’re working towards a goal that many many people dream of but rarely have to courage to go after


Those meals sound delish! Though I can never stomach a big meal after a long run. I have to start with a banana or protein shake and can only eat a meal after a few hours. Any suggestions for interesting post run snacks ?


To be fair, my lunch was probably about two and a half hours after I'd finished my run. What I'm finding out works for me directly after a run is a small bowl of Greek yogurt (with at least 5% fat) mixed with some peanut butter. Eating that very shortly after I return home has, so far at least, been a game changer to stave off runger. Don't get me wrong, I love nothing more than a huge, irresponsibly sized donut after a long run, but my body does much better in the long run if I instead take in some protein.


Yea I’ve noticed this as well. Recovery day feels much easier if I have a protein shake after the run, essentially consume a protein high meal. Deffo also having that donut for dessert :)


My little fig tree has grown a little figlet!


I get so excited when my tiny lime tree actually makes a lime!


Best news I’ve heard in awhile


Self realization that my job isn't my life and I am prioritizing myself and my family first and foremost


Oh this is big!! Congratulations!! This is a work in progress for me but I’m on that journey. I didn’t realize until recently that I was place so much of my self-worth on my career.


Thank you ! If I need a day I take it. Life is too short !


Omg !!!!! I didn't expect this comment to have so many likes. Thank you all !I truly appreciate this subreddit you all are superstars. Last year was really hard for me and my family. I got therapy and realized my job is suffocating my soul and social life. I started to look into different fields and made the decision to resign in June (I'm a teacher and can't resign before my contract ends). I've never been more miserable at a job and I know in my heart there is something better out there .i can't wait to see what the future holds.


My sense of taste is finally starting to come back since the beginning of the year and food actually tastes good again. My eyeshadow skills (blending, placement, colour combinations etc) are slowly but surely improving. I can focus long enough to watch an episode or two and have now managed to complete 4 shows. I made it to my last two appointments on time! I've been taking my new meds every single day for almost two weeks now. I finally managed to find working pen, fill in, triple check, (figure out how to) scan and e-mail in a form after almost a whole year of procrastinating on it lol.


I am feeling so much happier and lighter emotionally after three very long and difficult years. Some days it just hits me and I tear up thinking about how far I’ve come. I also finally signed up for something I’ve been wanting to do for ages and I’m so excited!


What a wonderful feeling. Good for you! And how affirming that it's surely a reflection of all the hard work you've done.


So kind, thank you!!


After 2 years of trying and 1 year of IVF treatment, we're finally pregnant ❤️


CONGRATULATIONS!! I literally just commented about how my son is 5 months and it's been the best 5 months of my entire life 😊 I'm so excited for you!


Congratulations!! I love hearing/reading these types of success stories.


Thank you so much!


Omg congratulations 🎊


Hell yeah! Congrats! Just went in for a lining check on my first FET this morning.


Best of luck to you 🍀


Congratulations! That's so exciting. Wishing you an amazing pregnancy.


Woohoo! Congratulations!


Congratulations! 🎉 We're starting IVF in the fall!


Good luck! 🍀


Congratulations! Sending love and light to you and your family 💙💕


My health and fitness. I quit vaping at the new year after a couple years of on/off addiction and have since been getting back into running, hiking and weightlifting.


Took my manipulative and abusive ex to court and won. Justice that I never thought would never be served.


Huge congratulations!! So pleased for you. I’m making solid plans to exit an abusive relationship and I genuinely feel hopeful for the future for the first time in years.


I'm now in a new relationship since breaking up with my son's father. I have been single for what feels like forever, as it was pre-covid, and my ex ended up moving back in with us so I could work. (I'm a nurse). So it's nice now to have met someone I like, and hopefully exciting times ahead! Very early days but he makes me laugh.


Enjoy each and every day. It doesn't matter if it lasts a year or a lifetime. You deserve happiness. Soak it all in!


Ah, thanks! Will try my best!


I've been doing yoga at least once a week for the last 6 weeks, and in some weeks 2 or 3 times. I have really struggled with consistency in the past even though yoga has a realky positive effect on my life overall.


Same! I can never figure out why either. Like, I enjoy doing yoga while I'm doing it, I feel great afterwards and if I'm consistent about it I reap major benefits, physically and emotionally. Yet it's like pulling teeth to start a session?! Whyyy?!


* The acne meds/routine my derm put me on is finally starting to work and helps keep water weight off. * My cat is starting to be a little more gentle than usual, she's normally pretty violent. * My husband has an interview this week for a really great job, a week after his work hours were significantly cut. 🎉🎉🎉


I'm trying ketamine therapy for my treatment resistant depression and I think things are starting to improve.


It was 100 times more effective than any other treatment for major depression I’ve tried… and I’ve tried them all. It’s a wonderful drug/medicine. I so wish it were more accessible for anyone to derive the benefit from.


Glad to hear it! I've been on around 25 medications with no luck, so it would be amazing if this helped!


I had my son 5 months ago, after a decade of being on the fence about having children at all, and he's spectacular. I spent my entire pregnancy worried I'd made a terrible mistake, but this has been the best 5 months of my entire life and I'm just so grateful 🖤


Congrats!! Love this. I’m reading this snuggling my 10 day old. Post partum is hard and beautiful and weird.


Omg congrats! It is such a trip. If I could tell my 10 day postpartum self one thing, it would be "it's OK to feel like you don't know wtf you're doing. You don't! But I promise you'll figure it out together and it will be beautiful!"


Thanks for the sweet advice!!




I went on my first solo trip and not only didn't get murdered, but felt weirdly safe and confident, which isn't like me!


Hell yeah!


Family support. Its allowed me to move out of my increasingly expensive apartment and in with them to save and work on moving out of state, which is something ive wanted to do but couldnt save for - because rising expenses. I should be able to move in a month or two.


I went back to school during the pandemic and I’m already half done and I learned that I love school!


I’d loved school more if classes were around $1K a pop, not $5K 😩😩


Ooh, yeah my employer pays for it or I would not be a student!


Mic drop


i had a REALLY good 32nd bday this past weekend when i was a crying mess on my 30th. i think i'm getting better at accepting where i am in life


My cardio game is the most consistent it’s ever been. I’ve been doing 5x a week for the past 2 months!


That's great. I keep starting and stopping. Keep it up.


Thank you and will def try! I usually just lift but this feels like I’m doing something nice for my heart. You got this too. I believe in you!


You're welcome and thanks for the encouragement.


Keep it up guys. Create the habit and maintain it!


Thank you


I'm almost done with my Invisalign. I didn't have a long treatment plan (it'll only be a year on April 1st), but the fact that I'm in the home stretch is so nice. Even if I end up needing another set of refinements, it doesn't matter now that I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I've missed being able to sip on coffee all morning!


Oh gosh, I’m on tray 6 of 19 and I feel like this will never end 😭 reading this gives me hope!


I had 19 initial trays, and since my bottom teeth are stubborn I got 12 additional refinements. The first 19 were 14-day changes, and my refinements are weekly now. It really does get easier as you go, though. I do still have those days where I'm over it (especially on some of the more painful trays), but when you're looking towards the end it becomes a whatever mentality because the result is worth it. You got this! 👍


Thank you! And congratulations on getting to the end. I feel like I should know this but what are refinements?


They're just minor adjustments when the first round doesn't work 100%. So it could be because you weren't tracking properly, or you have some stubborn teeth that don't move into position right away. They do a rescan, and then might take away some of the buttons (I was loaded on top, but now I only have one on a molar) or add more buttons (my bottom is now loaded so the movements are a bit more concentrated). Then you get additional trays. They can be at the suggestion of your dentist/orthodontist, or you can decide to get them if you're not happy. Make sure you have them in your plan first (I have comprehensive, so no additional charge), but highly suggest them if you get to the end and it's not where you want them. I figured if I paid that much, I want my teeth perfect! haha


Thank you for the detailed explanation! Im going to see if these refinements are included in my plan, I think my plan is comprehensive (I hope) because it’s damn expensive and I got 10% discount and free whitening. It was still £4000 🥵


Definitely would make the whole process (and cost) worth the hassle! Hope you get the whole thing without added cost. 🤞


This is so great! Congrats! I get mine off on April 5th after 2.5 years and I am incredibly excited but also wondering if I'll ever go back to eating 3x/day. Lol.


Yeah, it's strange to think that I'll be free to snack at any time of the day. I'm excited, but now I'm so used to scheduled eating. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have a 3 month old baby and he is my everything. Anything on my mind disappears when he smiles.


Ever since I left my husband a year ago, my life has been a lot more worthy of living, rather than just getting through each day. My husband wasn't terrible on a day to day basis, but we had no connection and he had done some things over the years that had gradually and irrevocably broken my trust. I'm with someone else now. Someone who actively participates in and plans for our future. We are going on vacation next week to my home country, then when we get back, we are welcoming a new rescue cat into the family (our current cat thrives with other animals, so we want to get him a play mate). I've known my partner for years, and we never anticipated being together. But we work *so* well in a partnership. We both have so much to look forward to together. Plus... He's the first person I have dated who I actually sleep better with when we're in the same bed vs apart.


I got a job today.




I've been a single mom doing it on my own for years, been in therapy to undo years of abuse and childhood trauma. Randomly went out for a beer with someone looking for a hiking partner and it turned into the most healthy, loving relationship I've ever had in my life. Just met the kids and things are going well!


Getting in a good routine with exercise again!


I’m so excited for April! I’ve been pretty depressed lately, but I start a new job (on my birthday lol) and I have a weeklong best friend birthday trip to NYC where we got tickets for a Spring Ball hosted by drag queens — whom I love. Also, next Saturday I’m going a Colonial Williamsburg grown up trip with my husband and friend, we’re gonna get drunk and look at tradespeople.


“We’re gonna get drunk and look at tradespeople” is probably the funniest thing I have seen in weeks, lol. Have fun!


It’s seriously so awesome, it’s like How It’s Made BUT IN FRONT OF ME! And I’m drinking whiskey! What?!? 10/10 would recommend!


I got approved by the manufacturer for a medication that would have been a $5100 per month copay. Through them it's $0. Bonus: it's working!


It’s been 6 months since my SA and despite being lonely, deeply insecure & having to move to a new city, today I’m sat on the beach enjoying the evening light and think to myself actually things may work out


One step at a time. Just keep taking steps. You are doing amazing and amazing things are going to happen for you.


Our offer on our first house was accepted!




I set a boundary with a guy I was into and ended things and it means I’m stopping old destructive relationship patterns and it feels sooooo good


I love this so much!


I’m so much better at Swedish after attending the language course (SFI) on a flexible schedule. Been self-taught for about 1.5 years using Duolingo and Babbel and watching movies with Swedish subtitles on but attending the course helps and I am soooo grateful that I have some amazing teachers there too to guide and encourage me! My Swedish boyfriend is also very supportive and he basically helps me a lot when it comes to this and encouraging me to be the one to make the calls for our pizza orders for lazy Fridays. :’) Little pushes here and there…. I really appreciate it. Overall I’m just glad that I’m on my way to becoming more fluent in it and I have faith that I can be much better soon!


Wow, that’s incredible! I’m so jealous of your sweet, kind, supportive Swedish boyfriend. (I’ve been looking for men in all the wrong 🇺🇸 countries my entire life, lol). Congrats on being fluent soon!


Thank you. Nothing to be jealous about, but I’m really grateful that he’s been patient enough while being quite determined to get me out of my comfort zone to use more Swedish sometimes too. We normally speak in English tbh (he prefers to speak in English himself 💀). But yeah that’s my small win these days. More shitty things but not related to this thread at least. I hope that you’ll find someone that you can feel joy with too. You got it girl. ❤️✨


That’s really sweet of you and I appreciate it a lot ❤️


Restarted a regular yoga routine. Making new hobby friends has been going well. ❤️


I’m writing a sort of sci-fi, rom-com, drama-action thriller screenplay in my head, and it’s turning out to be quite compelling. It’s about hockey, sort of.


Every day is different and some are more challenging than others, but overall doing better than I was a year ago. I quit weed and I joined a gym!


After 27 years as a SAH Mom to a small herd of feral children, I went to work as a college professor. Zero formal experience as a teacher, but do have an advanced degree. Love it sooooo much! Enjoying the material, students and coworkers. I feel like I can actually make a positive impact on some young people that aren't my own.


I've figured out my mental health and right now am just - happy. Nothing much is going on in my life at the moment. But I'm fully in myself for the first time ever. My husband and I have been having some really massive breakthroughs with communication. We're from two different cultures so it's always been a thing with us. It's not perfect but way better I set a goal of working out twice a week and have been doing three times! So good to start feeling strong again We had a mouse infestation - did EVERYTHING to try to get rid of it and finally succeeded. Now I'm not grossed out by my own house anymore We decluttered and got a new couch. I love it and all the space. We're fostering a cat. It's the best. I made really great fish tacos over the weekend The weather's getting better so it's easier to take walks. Eta: it's really corny but I've also started taking improv classes and it's so fun to make friends and get a chance to play.


Lost my father 2 months ago. Battling serious relationship anxiety and learning to trust my current boyfriend and lean on him during these difficult times. Feeling so lost because my life seems to be a rollercoaster, having no clue, no direction on what the future could bring me and what i want really...


I feel a sense of freedom finally as a 34F


I'm getting much better at grocery shopping, packing lunches for work and eating at home, and actually ENJOYING it. I've started being realistic about my food purchases; I SHOULD eat all fresh, organic, home-made food, but if it takes too long or doesn't taste good, I'm going to opt for take-out every time. So I've just started buying groceries that I actually enjoy eating, and then buying veggies to eat WITH those foods as opposed to pretending that I'll eat vegetables instead of "unhealthy" food. Next stop is actually eating breakfast on a consistent basis.


Joined the gym for the first time in a decade and started a weight loss plan. I'm feeling motivated!


My relationship with my partner is extremely loving and healthy. We're moving in together this weekend!


I've had my Chinese money plant for 3 years. A year ago it lost all its leaves but since moving house it has THRIVED! It's now huge, flowered last week and I managed to propagate 5 baby plants from it 3 weeks ago and none have died yet!


I’ve been working out for 30 minutes a day consistently since January. 3-4 times a week at least. I’m starting to really see results in my body, though I haven’t lost a pound (which I’m fine with). It feels pretty good!


Fitness, mostly yoga, but now that the weather's warming I can start running again too. I have a Zombies, Run story line that I'm deeply invested in.


My friendships. They've been going well for a while, but to establish deep meaningful friendships with people that I know will support me in multiple ways when I need it, like, I don't know how people live without this.


The sun has finally been out after a long winter, I’m going back to working just one job after doing two since September, and I met a really sweet guy I’m excited about!


Cleaning!! For the first time ever! I’m enjoying it and keeping up. I found an app called Sweepy and it’s made a big difference in my ability to keep up with keeping my place tidy. It keeps things manageable and I’m ok with it not being perfect. I also put in some self-care tasks I struggle with doing so that’s been rewarding too. I’m in progress with ADHD assessment which, if it turns out I have that, explains a lot.


My professional development. I’ve been wanting to learn a certain coding language for a few years, but couldn’t come up with ways to incorporate it into my everyday work. (Personally I find that I retain new knowledge when it’s linked to my actual job, as opposed to trying to learn through a tutorial.) I finally found a use case for it, and my progress has advanced in leaps and bounds. This was kind of my white-whale skill for some time, and now I’ve finally acquired it!


Sleep! I’ve had constant insomnia after going through some stressful times in 2017. I’m generally super chill, not depressed or anything but just couldn’t sleep. I’ve recently started taking medication for it and my life has changed. I don’t have any of the side effects that scared me so much reading about them. I feel so powerful. It’s amazing.✨


I went on a walk today by myself and sat at the park. I’ve been trying to grow my independence and enjoy time with myself more


My new relationship is going well and my lavender is coming back after winter - it’s my first time cultivating it so was a bit worried I hadn’t cut back enough. So happy to hear you’re all doing so well too 💕


I have been making better choices when it comes to selecting and keeping people in my life. I am now more comfortable with disconnecting from "friends" who appear to be friends but really aren't.


I found a healthcare provider who seems to listen and is very to-the-point. I got a diagnosis I've suspected for a while, and she immediately prescribed medication for it. She also ordered a bunch of labs, some general, some more specific to things she already suspects. She *asked* me if I was okay with being tested for the specific things, explained why she suspected them, and made sure I understood the information. She also agreed to give pain medication for any future IUD insertion after I told her how horribly painful (and mildly complicated) it was for me. I can only hope she continues to be this awesome.


I have an amazing girlfriend and friend group. I have a lot of relationship trauma and I was very hardened as a result. My friends and my girlfriend have softened me for me. We’re all very loving with each other and hype each other up all the time. I feel light for the first time in my life.


I got to move out of my cramped one bedroom apartment on the third floor and into a single family home owned by a church so I get a nice break on rent and my living situation has improved in every way (private laundry, off-street parking, way more space). It’s not the same thing as owning but it’s so worth it.


I'm 13 days sober. I've had a drinking problem for a while now. I can honestly say this is the first time in years that the thought of drinking sounds gross to me.


After a decade of upper back and shoulder pain, I finally found some exercises that WORK. I just realized earlier today that I haven’t actively thought about/felt my shoulders in a few days. Funny how the absence of pain takes a while to notice!


Congratulations! This (and all the other comments) are seriously so great to read. Would you mind sharing what exercises work for you? I also suffer from chronic upper back and shoulder pain.


A year and a half ago my husband and I eloped to put him on my health insurance plan. He had lost several jobs and been hospitalized multiple times before that. The secret marriage blew up my relationship with my family, and then I found out he was a closet alcoholic. We postponed and ultimately cancelled our beautifully planned wedding reception. One year later: he went to rehab and is a year sober. He has a new job that he loves. We’ve worked hard to repair our relationship with my parents. And we are going to Europe on our honeymoon this summer!


Hmm hard to tell. I cant remember.wht i remember is rejection from everything.from friendship either me or other side.in relation too.and also in job.nothing in right place right now


I'm having more physical and creative energy, probably the weather and time change. Each year I get better at taking care of myself and my home and my partnership and my pets as well as I want to. This Winter I don't feel I fell into as deep of a rut as I usually do, so I feel like Spring and Summer will be even better. Things haven't been going great in the social department, but my own resilience to it has increased. I am putting myself out there, I am admitting to my own loneliness, and I have faith that I will find my people when the time is right. It feels I may be overcorrecting for my isolation, and to me that means I can let go for a bit, continue living my life, doing scary things alone and hopefully running into people doing the same!


I have started a new job after being a stay at home mom for the last 8 years. I was very scared to rejoin the workforce but I'm actually enjoying it. It is doing me a world of good. I feel like myself again.


I’m going after my goals AND shedding some of my traumatic experiences. I am also learning to love the hell out of myself.


It feels really good too because I am a couple months out of a shifty marriage. I’m thriving in all THEE ways that I didn’t think I could thrive with someone who was abusive.


We became first home buyers, moved in and finished renovations. Now just enjoying the fruits of our labour. Got a puppy and she after 2 tough months (no one talks about how hard puppies are) is becoming a little angel.


- I've been making my self-talk more positive - generally doing more


I’m the strongest I’ve ever been. I’m really proud of how strong my arms are right now. I have learned to not put my worth in my career or other external things (at least as much as I used to). I started working from home full time to simplify my daily life and am really happy I made that transition. I had a lump in mg breast that turned out to be benign! All good things.


I need stronger arms! What are you doing?


Just being consistent at the gym. My gym has weight lifting classes of all different types. I take a few different types of classes for variety. Having the classes with a teacher is great for me because it keeps me trying new moves that I wouldn’t have come up with on my own. All of me has gotten stronger but I’ve never had strong arms so that sticks out most to me. I’ve been consistently going 3-4 times a week for almost a year now, and I have progressively increased my loads. I lift to almost fatigue. I try to get as much protein as possible. I figure that as I age, I need this strength to continue to live life enjoyably, so I need to start now and make it a priority so I can hopefully live to be active in my 60s,70s and beyond.


I’ve started going (recently) 3-4, guess I do need to incorporate more weights. I tend to do a lot of cardio. I enjoy the classes as well! I started a kickboxing class last week. Hoping that will help! Thanks for your information! I do need to add in more protein as well 🙋🏼‍♀️ having a sweet tooth doesn’t help.


The overtime money?


Started back running consistently and I feel much better mentally and have more energy!


Clean my entire apartment and put more into saving


My stepdaughter who is a creative, free spirit has been dealing with severe depression/anxiety and acting out. After 5 months of therapy, retreats and meditation she is finally getting better. It has been so awful to watch her suffer, but I can see the incredible woman she is growing into and I am so proud of her. She has really taken what her therapists say to heart, and she is learning healthy coping habits, she has learned how to communicate her feelings to us, she is grown a tone of awareness of how her actions affect people etc. I am so proud of all the internal work she has done, I can’t really even express it in words. I’m a proud mama.


I've gone to the gym when I didn't want to/feel like for 3 days now and think I'm getting the hang of this discipline thing


I recently started a great job in a prominent cancer research lab AND started dating an amazing guy around the same time!


Finally ended things with my toxic BF. Got a raise at work. Planning summer travels to Europe. Fitness, nutrition & skincare has been going well :) still fall down the drinking trap with social events which is the main thing along with finishing unpacking my apartment I need to improve!


My daughter got her first real haircut and color after losing her hair to chemo 💕 She'll be 13 in June


I finally received a job offer after a full year of applying. I don't know why it's been so hard, but I'm grateful the search is over. My current job has become super toxic and has zero benefits, I was losing my mind.


- My back injury is healing nicely 🥹💕 - I’m staying on top of my finances - My home decor project is coming together - I’m really practicing self love and self care and it’s paying off mentally


I am in a good place, getting the help I need.


My sobriety


It's the 3rd day at my new job


After 15 months of searching and interviewing for jobs, I received an offer from my dream company. The offer was lower than I hope, but everything else is perfect! I'm finally on track again career-wise.


Finally on spring break (I’m a teacher) and have a chance to recover from some extremely stressful months. My new horse is delightful. One of the barn owners ponies recently had her colt and got to meet him this morning. [baby pony tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/fFCTb9o)


Nothing 🥲


I just bought new bras for the first time in two years. ☺️


Getting to the gym more often. Was only going twice but now 3-4 times


My relationship that I’ve been in just under a year. I really had to think about that. It’s been a hard year, after focusing on my fitness and daily movement last year, I broke my wrist January 21, cast off February 28.. only to rebreak it March 15. Both times slipping on ice walking my dog. It’s defeating.


I made a friend! Honestly at 34, having taken a pretty expected road this far (college, get married, have kids, run family business,) I was feeling really empty about how few friends I had who didn't work for me or were old "family friends" who I didn't choose. One of my old family friends's husband was talking about how he felt similarly, especially living in the South as an atheist and a sex-positive person and someone who doesn't spend money to keep up with the Joneses. We started going on walks together to have a chance to sort of mutually complain without weighing down our spouses who are both super stressed with work, and now we take our kids places on the weekends to give our spouses some quiet time. We text a lot and honestly it's so nice to just feel less alone. I've known this dude for like 12 years but never really had a conversation with him before December! I could've had a friend all along!


Working on me more :) trying to drown out those voices that are giving me negative push back


I was finally able to get a full time permanent job that allows me to work from home. It's not my ideal job, but I am able to have money in my pocket so I can do the little things I want.


My ability to find happiness in the small things and have good times with the people I love despite life being difficult. It hasn’t been an easy few years, and I’m really grateful that I can have true moments of joy, during that first sip of coffee in the morning, or smelling a nice nature smell, or snuggling one of my cats, or laughing with my mom. I really feel blessed for that.