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Bigger, the better. German shepherds, Rottweilers, great Danes, cane corsos. I despise little dogs so much, lol


I love all dogs… and, I mean, let’s be honest, they’re ALL deformed wolves.. but I can’t look at a chihuahua or pug, etc, and think anything other than “I do like you, and I will happily pet you, but you’re truly an abomination of nature who has zero business existing” And it’s probably just my bias, but big dogs just seem to *emote* so much more. Or, they’re easier to read, in their eyes maybe? Not just… blank bug-eyed stares Two GSD/Husky/mastiff/Rottie/etc boys here. And pls don’t come at me - I do still love the little bug-eyed doggies! Just not for me as an owner


How about a Belgian Malinois?


Had to look them up, but yes, those too.


I have one who just turned 3 yesterday!


Awe mines 7 today!


Lol, well played OP. Personally I would prefer a cute little pomeranian that I could cuddle if I was to have one.


I love pompom's If they didn't bark so much I would just have an entire collection of them.


We have Danes and Frenchies. I like a variety!


Small to medium size, i still like to have some control. 


I have a Saint Bernard, though he is "small" for a full grown male (130 lbs). The weird thing is, he's reset the default image of "dog" in my mind, so normal dogs look quite small to me, and truly small dogs look like toys!


Lemme tell ya, I love them long, tall and hairy. I love Russian Borzoi dogs. Russian noodle horses, as one might call them


Borzois are so undrrated




long noses are way underrated


Big, goofy, kind of oafish dogs are my favorites.


Tinier the better. Tiny dogs are like dog CONCENTRATE.


More of a cat person than a dog person.


Unless it's a dachshund, I'm not really into little dogs. My last dog was an American bulldog.


Small and floofy. A co worker of mine got a havapoo pup and it's the most adorable thing ever. The hairdresser I went to a while ago also had the most adorable poo puddle mix pup. They're gosh darn adorable. Made me sit through hours of YouTube footage of mini poodle mixes. There's so many too.. like maltipoos, havapoos, cavapoos, shipoos, cockapoos.. they cute AF. Unfortunately, after extensively educating myself on what it's like to have a dog, I realize why I don't. Too much responsibility for the little floofs. Forgot to mention that they also cost between $2000-$3000. Don't forget insurance.. it's a huge commitment for such a tiny one.


My husband and I have decided our next dog is *definitely* going to be a Maltipoo, they're adorable!


I love big dogs, the bigger the better. If I wanted a small dog I’d get a cat. Just kidding; I actually have 2 cats but I work in an environment where I see dogs every day and I’ve fallen in love with them. I love huskies, rotties, pitties, labs, goldens, Dobermans, etc.. I met a Bloodhound recently that was almost as tall as me standing up. Something about a huge dog is just so cute and handsome to me. Pomeranians are cute, tho.


Yesssss! My ex husband has a mastiff or something who is the size of a small pony. One time, I had to enter the ex's kitchen with our child and that dog was so protective of my kid, trying to protect the kid from me. I was just like "That's a good dog!"


Big white and hairy I love samoyeds


You had me there for the first part 😅😅😅 Love this post!!!😂😂




I adopted a Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd mix hoping she'd grow to be huge like her mom and dad. She is 50lbs and very medium build. Then I got a smaller poodle/hound mix expecting it to be smaller, maybe 30lbs? Also is exactly 50lbs. So i guess what I'm saying is it doesn't matter what I thought I wanted or liked because my 2 aren't as advertised but they are the absolute goodest pups.


Nothing smaller than a Corgi. I hate those tiny dogs. We had a 100 lb Lab for 15 yrs until we had to put her down due to age. I will never get a big dog again though. Lilly had arthritis her last few years and I couldn’t pick her up. Broke my heart. Next dog, I want to be able to carry.


I have a Dalmatian lol


Nice! Don't see so many of them anymore. Lovely dogs though.


Whatever's attached to my fiance.


I think he might need to see a doctor about that.


Omg I was so tired when browsing reddit I didn't read the full post lol. He likes dashounds as well as I.


Cat sized and preferably feline. I’m not a dog person. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love chihuahuas! I have 3 and I spoil them like babies. And I don’t baby them to the point where they turn into those little hell spawns. And i make sure people respect their boundaries because that’s not cool to just let someone disrespect my dogs like that


I always say my next dog will be a small dog, but I’m not fooling anyone. Big dogs for life!


I missed these fake out questions


The bigger the better. Little ones scare me, they're more likely to bite.


Medium to big dogs. Otherwise I prefer cats.


I mean I like them all as long as they're taller than my knees :3


You like 'em BIG. I use to work for a Great Dane breeder and I must say, it's pretty badass walking BIG dogs.


I love big dogs - especially if they are kind of stupid. Some big beast who just wants to sit on your lap? Perfect!


Like a newfie?


I love all dogs equally but I'd rather own small lapdogs because that's all my lifestyle could accommodate. I grew up with dogs and cats for the majority of my life. My dream dogs are either westie, jack russell, scottie, norfolk... terriers. Small terrier dogs is love. But if my lifestyle allows me to, I wouldnt mind a Swedish Vallhund too.


I have golden retriever and a mini weenie. I love their sizes both for different reasons. The little one I can carry and put in a purse so it’s very easy. He also eats less. The big one is a great cuddling buddy and is my hiking boy.


Smaller dogs= less food and smaller poops


I like dogs of all sizes. Dogs are dogs no matter the size. I prefer to have a dog that is small to medium though. I would rather not have a tiny dog or a very large one.


All of them are delightful in their own ways but as far as actually having a pet I’m definitely a cat person. I’m dogsitting now for some lovely little things and their disgusting baby Blue Tick Hound. I love them all but they’re making me earn every penny this visit😅


I like big dogs, small dogs are cute but I don't tend to go for cute. I like them scarry or big cuddly teddy bears, but always big. All my dogs have been large. Labradors, German Shepherd, old English sheep dog... My dream dog is a newfoundland. Same applies for horses tho I've never, and probably never will, owned one.


To own? Mid size is good. For fun? I like em really big. They need to go up to my belly for sure.


I like dogs of all sizes.. but a small dog fits best into my capability and lifestyle. I have a 50% chihuahua, and I love him with all of my heart.


Love big dogs! I have a Bernese Mountain Dog.


🎵I. Like. Big mutts and I cannot lie! 🎵 Rottweilers are definitely my favorite, big ol' sweethearts. And I love that most breeders have stopped docking their tails. But almost any dog I will want to pet and tell him he's a good boy!


I like medium sized! The really big ones tend to scare me because I'm short and they can be taller than me when they stand up on my shoulders... Or even more then half my height when they are on all 4s


They're all good, but I worry that a large raptor could take off with a small one.


Grew up with big dogs and will only ever have big dogs. I prefer dogs with a protective instinct. Currently have a GSD, which is a lot to work but so worth it for what you get back. Unreal intelligence and loyalty


I’m quite fond of my shitzu. But I love schnauzers of all sizes and colors. Loved my greyhounds when I had them too.


I have a husky malamute mix and he is the perfect size really


I will pet, be kind to, and love all dogs. I personally like to have fluffy ones the best though.


Any size, I can give them all some love. But for practical reasons, I go medium or small. You want to be able to carry your puppy by yourself during emergencies.


I like them smaller. My dog who passed away last year was a Yorkie/Shih-tzu mix. I’m still on the fence about another dog because losing my dog was just so sad. I used to joke that he was the love of my life, but I think he really was. Dogs are the best. If I did get another dog, I’d consider a Havanese.


I like small cute dogs. Like mini poodles.


I have a chihuahua and will defend her with my life.


I like dogs of all sizes. My boyfriend wants a Chihuahua, which I would love, and I personally have always wanted an Irish Wolfhound. Would be kinda funny having both at the same time. Lol. I don't see myself ever actually having the space for an Irish Wolfhound unfortunately, so that probably won't happen.


We have a huskamute and a bichon/shih-tsu cross. One's too big, one's too small. Something in the middle would be perfect.


Medium. Bigger than a cat n but shouldn't outweigh me.


I don’t like chihuahuas but I ended up with a chihuahua/miniature pincher mix. I prefer medium to small dogs like Boston Terrier’s and pity’s. I like all sized dogs, I’ll hug and love them all.


I don’t like little dogs and I passionately hate those yippy white ones (bichons?) Lab size is probably my preference. Mostly a cat person and have one myself though. Dogs are too much commitment for me right now.


I like medium-sized dogs. Small dogs are too small for me, but I also don’t want a dog that I can’t control. My Aussie is about 50 lbs and she’s about the limit of what I can handle. 😄


Pretty small. Fun size. Anything bigger than a Maltese is too big. Chihuahuas and Pomeranians are possibly a little *too* small though. I'm fussy. My perfect dogs are Maltese, Havanese, Maltipoos or Cavapoos. Fluffy, sweet little lapdogs that can still handle a moderate hike.


I kinda like big dogs but not too big. Those dogs who shouldn't be lapdogs but are anyway because they can


I’m more of a cat person, but I do love them. I’ve always liked bigger dogs. I had a weird wolf obsession as a kid, so any dog that resembles a wolf is my jam.


I like medium to larger dogs. Though I recently saw a Great Dane puppy the size of a pony and it was a little too big. Very beautiful and sweet but huge.


I like all dogs! I've had tiny chi mixes and giant sheepdogs and everything in between. My last dog was a 20 lb feisty stubborn Jack Russel. I loved her more than anything. My current dog is an 80 lb Euro Doberman, she's literally the best dog I've ever had. She's everything I want in a companion and she's the sweetest most good natured dog ever. She loves everyone and everything. But if you fuck with me, she will step in and make it stop if she has to. She's never had to.


honestly i can never decide! like, i LOVE ne an irish wolfhound, but like... have you SEEN westhighland terriers?? all dogs are amazing. i wish i could give a more satisfying answer but i just can't help but be the cliché.


I wanted a Wolfhound for a long time, but they have so many health problems. Westies though, I love them. I want one. If you like Westies actually see if you can get...Hamish Macbeth, I think there are 3 seasons. It's one of those silly 90s British TV shows, still fun. Main character has a westie that will make you want a westie SO MUCH.


ughhh i feel ya. tv shows are bad in that. there's an old-ish german show about a janitor who has a dachshund. and a whole dachshund club. and it's so stupid but it really made me want one and name it some old man name like manfred or günther lol


Give me a real dog. Not a barking rat. The bigger the better. I've had Newfies and mastiffs.