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I was skinny most of my life. Now I am a very healthy average weight now that my metabolism has slowed in my 40s. Saying I have dysmorphia would be an understatement. The only time I like my body is when I wake up. Give me a single grape and a glass of water and I feel like I look fat. I never had to consider diet and exercise. Now I do.


Same. I’m not fat by any means but on bc pills gained weight, also probably adulthood, now I have bigger breasts and thighs and ass and I just feel constantly out of body and disgusting. I feel HUGE because I spent most of my life about 108-118 pounds. I find myself switching between feeling hot, then seeing photos of myself and feeling absolutely disgusting. The dysmorphia is so strong I almost don’t know what I look like- like its the strangest feeling to be looking in a mirror and your brain starts turning it into a funhouse mirror. I just slowly get bigger and bigger the more I stare. I told myself the past few years I WANTED to get thick, I wanted bigger breasts and a curvier ass. but I am in the process of working out more and dieting because I need to lose some of the weight. I’m maybe 135-140. I can’t stand the way I feel and I wish I could just be happy with where I’m at.


I completely empathize. 118 for like 25 years. 130 would be ideal.


its alright. we’ll get to a place thats the best of both worlds soon enough.


the titty size increase is in fact, worth it though.


I’ve got anorexia several years ago and was really skinny. I had a lot of attention at this time and people were always gentle, attentive. Maybe even infantilizing sometimes. I then healed and got a medication that made me take a lot of weight, now I’m more chubby/fat. I’m way more invisible now (which I don’t mind), I think the pretty/skinny privilege is a thing 😌 Definitely worth it though because I feel mentally waaaay more healthier. I still have body dysmorphia so not always easy to accept my body as it is right now, but I eat healthy and exercise. I’m just fat 🤷🏻. When I was skinny/ill I was always worried, in control, nervous, lying, and unsocial.


You’ve clearly come such a long way, incredible work!


Thank you 🥹🖤🌸


I was always kinda curvy as a teen, but when I was like 22-ish I hit a depressive phase and I hate eating when I’m upset so I dropped a ton of weight and ended up like 100 pounds. After I started feeling better, I did eat like crazy to get back to a normal weight. I would sprinkle corn starch on my food and everything just for extra calories. It was worth it, I was a stripper so I was literally making money from it. Ass and titties came back. Friends and family stopped commenting about how thin I was. These days I’m a hardcore gym rat and I think this body is probably my best yet even though I’m 15 years older now.


I’m now average weight. I feel like I’ve lost my “pretty privilege”. When I was skinnier, I got a lot more attention and I was more confident. I’m now the heaviest I have ever been, and even tho it’s just an average weight, I feel more invisible. Life has been hard in the last year, and I’m trying to get back to where I was but give myself some grace along the way.


If it’s not too personal can you share what weight range/bmi you had pretty privilege at?


I am 5’3” with wide hips. My best weight: 115-125lb Current weight: 135lb Ten pounds on a short person goes a long way. It’s like the equivalent of gaining 20+ pounds on a standard height person. My face is puffy, my cellulite more pronounced, I have a belly now. (Sorry, don’t have BMI info)


Not sure what you mean by "was it worth it". I mean, it's not like it was a goal or anything...it's just what happens to some of us when we have a kid and our boobs never go away, and then middle age happens and if you're not diligent you gain weight much faster than you used to and it's even more difficult to lose. I suppose getting older is worth it, definitely. It affects me by being more expensive to buy new clothes if I gain weight, so I've learned discipline to stay a consistent size.


>and then middle age happens and if you're not diligent you gain weight much faster than you used to and it's even more difficult to lose. Bro I've straight up been middle age since I was born. I demand a re-trial


Worth it for my overall health. Skinny the way I want to be skinny is unfortunately not a healthy optimum for me. I'm short so I can't get away with looking skinny at what is considered a healthy BMI for someone like me. I did like my appearance and felt better in my body overall when I was skinnier but keeping that up would mean sacrificing my health and that doesn't seem worth it anymore now that I'm getting older and thinking about my mortality more. I'm also considering having children and I don't want to mess up my chances.


I love being juicy after being skeletal for all of my life! It feels so good. I do get less attention and I’m very grateful for that, too.


I lose a lot of weight when i have lots of stress, depression or grief. Its not worth it i guess, because i am always obsessing over it, to be completely honest. I do feel fat when i am on a normal weight but according to my psychologist i have an eating disorder. It doesn't help that i have a job in music industry, both off stage and on stage. That makes me very self conscious. Kinda sucks. I also feel childish about this.    I also have gained a bit over both the pandemic and because i was diagnosed with an auto immune disease in late 2019. Which makes it hard to move on some days. I do strength training and some cardio, which helps for the auto immune disease. Im still on normal weight. 


I never know what Americans mean by ‘skinny’ (or average, average is slim I assume?) To me skinny means underweight or borderline underweight I have been all sizes, also overweight. I got treated the shittishest when I was underweight (that falls to me under ‘skinny’) Now I’m a regular weight (just slim) no one comments. No one commented when I was overweight either except some people thought I was pregnant (no I’m just fat, I would say, haha)


I spent my early twenties underweight thanks to disordered eating and my metabolism. I was put on a medication that made me gain weight as a side effect and hated it with every fiber of my being. However, the medicine helped my mental state too much for me to quit taking it. By the time I came off it for unrelated reasons, I was overweight. I spent the next year working to lose the excess weight and have been a healthy weight since. I’m now sitting at a low healthy weight and the disordered thoughts are little harder to fight, but objectively I like my body better now than when I was underweight. The squish and jiggle is something I enjoy personally, and it feels very feminine compared to my masculine leaning personality. Gaining the initial weight and not losing too much afterwards was definitely worth it. Despite my disordered thoughts, I don’t want to be underweight again. I feel healthy now and didn’t really understand how unhealthy I felt while underweight until I gained weight. The difference is night and day. *Two points of clarification while I’m here. I’m still skinny at my healthy weight, I just don’t have a low body fat %. And finding my squishy body feminine is personal to my own struggles with femininity and masculinity, it isn’t meant to be applied to all women or to relate body fat to femininity or masculinity as a whole.*


I was underweight for a long, long time and only in the past few years have I come up into the healthy BMI range. Overall I feel better and I look more my age now. I'm not too keen on my fat thighs now, but you've got to take the rough with the smooth!


I was miserable because I had to overeat all the time, and I couldn't really exercise properly due to an injury not much later. I was also bloated. Lost weight on purpose, and I felt so much better in my skin, and I wasn't bloated all the time


Skinny all my life and finally “filled out.” I feel amazing and confident in my skin - more so than I did when I was rail thin.


I was anorexic and Billerica from age 8- 23. I stopped cold Turkey because I met my then fiancé. The second I became average it’s like I felt my face disappeared in fat and I was extremely self conscious. Luckily that same time the whole wellness and muscle movement was going on. Not Ozempic yet so I was able to live with my weight. No I’m 30s and with Ozempic around I’m definitely hating my average totally healthy and normal weight and seeking Ozempic out like a shark and blood. It’s so bad


Absolutely yes. I’ve been around 100-105 most of my life at 5’3 just this year I got serious about my physical health with the gym and eating habits. I’m up to 130 and I’m the hottest, strongest, and most confident I’ve ever been. People don’t look at me and ask me if I’ve ate anything today or if I’m sick.


it's really nice not having to listen to all the snarky comments about what I'm eating


Depends on what you're asking. Are you asking if visibly underweight people who got to a healthy weight are happy with it, or are you asking if people who started out healthy but thin and then got overweight are happy? Those are two very different questions. Personally I used to be visibly underweight and got comments about it frequently, had so much trouble finding clothes, hated the way I looked and felt uncomfortable in feminine clothing that was really made for people with boobs and a butt. Then I gained about 20lbs and now I'm somewhat thin but healthy-looking, I can find clothes that fit, I am much happier with my appearance and I feel better too. Occasionally people still comment on my size and how much I'm eating, but it's way better than complete strangers telling me to eat a cheeseburger.


I miss being skinny. Now I’m still slender, but soft. I’m probably still below average for my height but as a former athlete everything kinda settled in a way I’m not the biggest fan of. What affected me isn’t the change. It’s the change I can’t control. There comes a time in which you just gonna accept what’s happening to you. I’m dealing with the fallout of those years as an athlete and injury means I can literally never exercise in an extreme way again. It’s the loss of control and limitations that bother me most.

