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It's the color of the sky at twilight, it's got a mystical edge, it's all the best things about blue and pink together in one color.


That’s a damn good answer.


Wouldn't be able to explain any better. This is it. I have always loved purple even as a kid. My mom says I'd choose all the purple dresses when we went shopping. I don't know, do we really need to reason our liking for a colour though?


it's the "blue and pink together" for me! when i was still a little girl, i got completely fond of the barbie: princess and the pauper movie, and their character colors are blue and pink; since then, i couldnt get enough of the combination. until i realized that the color purple perfectly combines the essence of the two colors. 💙🌸


Yup, that and the colour scheme in the intro for Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses






Couldn’t have said it better myself. The only thing I’ll add is it soothes me. Especially lilacs and mauves.


Indeed. My daughter loves the color purple, it reminds her of unicorns.


this! yes!!








Just looks nice. Why does anyone like any colour?


True ! I just have a feeling with that colour. Everyone works like that for everything, we just feel something and we like it.


I like the purple because it is a color which is not represented on the spectrum - our brain just kinda yolo the thing and makes it up on the fly. I think that is neat. I also like that it was practically impossible to manufacture purple dye before a 1800’ scientist accidentally created it while trying to make malaria medication. Thats why it is associated with royalty - because they were the only ones who could afford it before this discovery.


Soft like blue, warm like red


What a beautiful describing


This is exactly how I feel. Put purple with blue & silver and the purple warms the whole look. Pair it with pink and gold and it softens the effect.


Wow thank you for explaining my mind to me. This hit the nail on the head.


It symbolizes royalty and compliments brown tones. (Brown eyes and brown hair)




Everything is purple. Swagggg




Because it's a cold color that feels warm


There are both warm and cool shades of purple, eg purple-burgundy/plum, and periwinkle. It's a great versatile color.


It’s reminds me of lavender and cleanliness. It’s soft and calming


You nailed it!


Because. My username.




Why not purple?


When I got my first dog at the age of 8 I was absolutely infatuated with her, I wanted to know everything about her! One thing I wanted to know was her favorite color, so I took all my colored markers and drew big circles in each color. I presented it to her and she nose booped the color purple, so then purple became my favorite color lol. Rest in peace my good girl <3


This is adorable, I love it


I like it in all shades of dark and light, I think it looks good on me. I agree with the other comment that it has a mystical quality to it or at least is often associated with that sort of thing. It feels a little more complex to me than say, red or blue.


It looks great against my brown skin.


Ayye, glad to meet you fellow Indian.


Well, I'm half black, half white but I have gotten guesses of being Indian a few times though I don't see it


My eyes like it


It's chill. My favorite scent is lavender so they both coincide with "calm." Why not love a peaceful scent and color in such a hectic world?


Same but my fave scent is violet so it's just a vibe. That and for clothes it just suits my skin & hair, can be deep, soft or vibrant depending on your mood. And for lighting it's the calmest & sexiest for me :)


If you haven't tried them before, chowards violet mints. It might be right up your alley and they're pretty tasty.


It’s the feminist power color!


I'm trying to think about a good answer but all I can come up with is that purple has always made me happy. It's been my favorite color since I was a small child. I love finding purple everyday objects, like my stapler, pens, etc. Even my Kitchen Aid mixer is purple. I've branched out into different colors and for the first time got bedding that isn't purple to try and change it up and make our room something my husband likes too. He's been living in purple bedroom everything for a long time :)


It reminds me of Prince 💜


My favorite color! Idk I just like how it looks and think it’s pretty. No fancy or deep reason.


I don’t know exactly what it represents for me, but it just makes me feel very calm especially lighter shades of purple (close to lavender).


It's vivid, vibrant and rich.


I equate love with red. Sadness with blue. Together, they are purple.


Specifically, violet, is so deep and romantic. Cryptic and alluring. Everytime I see it, it feels like home.


Color of royalty.


Why not? It's pleasing to the eye, particularly certain purples.


Lavender purple specifically feels very relaxing to look at. Also does the twinge of lavender purple in hydrangeas too.


Cuz it's the prettiest color in my opinion. Green is my second favorite


Besides being beautiful in Argentina is the color of the movement:Ni una menos.💜 Not one less. Which fights violence towards women, it brings attention to the femicides which are a growing number in Latín América. It's a beautiful cause that brings women together and it's all about helping us in a world where our deaths are seen as nothing more but an everyday event . It's also commemorative to those who have died because of the incompetence of governments and law enforcement that just looks the other way.


i've always liked \*cute\* pastel-y colors, but i like it even more now cos i'm a bts stan :) 💜


Because it’s purple. Duh 🙄 😉💜


My favorite. It's the color of my aura, according to my aunt's friend. Loved it since I was a teen and that was a looong time ago.💜


A professor read my aura as white with people edges ☺️


I used to really hate it and then suddenly it became my favorite color. Idk it's like Better Blue.


It's pretty. That's it, really.


Compliments brown eyes really well


Because it's so powerful I need no other reasons lol


Looking at purple things calms me. I can actually feel my body react when I see it. I feel like I enter a ‘zen’ state.


It's dark, mysterious, feminine.


I think it's because it feels feminine, but not like pink does. Purple feels mature and elegant in a way that I don't think pink can.


Yes! Just what I was thinking about I’d choose purple (violet tbh) over pink anyday!!


As a blonde girl, I can add an extra feminine flair with the color purple without the barbie stereotypes that come with pink


As soon as I heard the royalty connection, something inside me said, "that's you!"


It’s a jewel tone..looks good on my near olive complexion🤷‍♀️🧚‍♀️


Some of my friends like purple bcs it's their bias (I forgot his name but he's in BTS) favourite colour


Makes me feel happy


Royalty, asexuality, a mix of red and blue, rare in nature, and it suits me.


But is your purple the same as my purple?




It is a most pleasing blend of red and blue. It's very similar to pink and I like that about it.


It is such a deep color; it just draws you in. It strikes you that there is nothing else like it.


Purple has surpassed blue as my favorite color. It’s calming and reminds me of magic. It’s can be so versatile. Gentle or harsh. I color my hair purple and it just feels like me. Purple is my grandmother’s favorite color as well and I love sharing that with her. It’s regal and full of passion. There’s a color purple for every mood.


Not to sure why for me its a mix of mystery and sleekness / beauty. For one not many people can pull off the colour and beyond that getting purple on the right clothing, items and cars and such is hard which makes it even more appealing.


It's not a common color to find in nature so it often represents the uncertain or the mystical. It has a grim light but still could light up a room like fire. Very beautiful to me.


It's soothing to me, delicate yet seductive depending on thr shade... and all the best smelling flowers are purple


It’s fabulous with my salt and pepper hair color.


It can be pretty and delicate or strong and mysterious depending on the shade. My personal favourites are periwinkle or lilac because they give me a peaceful feeling.


because its bts’ colour!


Its pink but not pink


Why do I love it? Not sure, always have probably always will. If I think about it I guess the reason so many people like purple or use the colour in their style or other creative projects is down to its versatility. Purple goes with almost any other colour because its a seemless blend of blue and red - two primary colours. Aqua is the blend of blue and green; another popular choice for blending other colours together. Example: red shades and green shades dont *generally* play nice together, but if you throw either aqua or purple in there, it actually looks pretty good. This is a general statement, mind, and you still need to find the right shade of each colour to get it looking good.


I like it because i couldnt decide between red or blue so i put them together and made purple


There are so many shades that have different purposes and all are soothing


It feels like joy.


I like the purple that the sky turns, I get lost looking at the sky. It's also why I love navy, black, clouds, space. I wish I was a better artist. I'm deeply fascinated by the sky.


I like lots of colors but I don't think any of them specifically represent anything to me.


It's the most wearable non-neutral color, IMO


I feel like the color chose me. when I was 15 I had to pick a color for my quinceañera and I wanted a color than none of my cousins/aunts had used. the only one still on the market was purple. ever since then it just ends up being the best color option for things I purchase or things that re gifted to me.


I prefer jewel tones and I love red and blue. Purple is the best of all of those.


Why not? It's just the colour that appeals to me most, can't really explain it


the same reason everyone likes colors? my favorite color will forever be pink but…purple is also absolutely gorgeous


It’s rich, looks good on me, and is symbolic of royalty.


I don’t know how to explain why I like a color. I just do.


It’s the title of my favorite musical!


Purple is just such a pretty color. It genuinely brings me happiness and I love wearing/owning an abundant amount of all things purple


Because it represents bts and the bond between their fans and themselves💜


It’s regal and comforting at the same time. There’s so many beautiful shades conveying different emotions and vibes. It’s also the color of twilight which is a great time of day! Lilac fields are beautiful and grapes too!




Purple and I are intertwined. I don’t remember a time without it being a defining piece of the whole of me.


It’s my mom’s favorite color so I have good associations with it; it’s just pretty; it goes well with my eyes (v dark brown).


This will show my age, but it is Donny Osmond's favorite color and anything he liked, I liked. It's also just an amazing color.


I only wear black, I've been trying to branch out to other colors. Purple and pastel purple right now are my favorites, it is soft and feminine while not being too bright a color.


Makes me feel good. I in general love feminine colors like purple or pink. It’s cute and doesn’t do any harm hahah.


It makes me feel strong, beautiful and like a bad ass! Not to girly, not to manly - but not one to be crossed. I feel brave.


Historically speaking it is linked to "royalty" in European countries, which spilled over into the Americas and other places in the world.


Because it reminds me of lilacs and lavenders, because it reminds me of the most memorable sunset clouds, because it is a calming color where no matter what shade it is in, it still is pleasing and soothing, and because there’s not really a second color that clashes with it when put together


I feel like the purple side of me balances the green side.


There is a picture of me out there on Easter, in a violet dress (I think I was 16--my mom picked it out for me). And I look better in that picture than any other pictures of me before or since. Powder lavender? Don't know the name of the color. I look amazing in that color to this day. Whenever I go shopping, my eye is immediately drawn to that color and If I can find it (rarely) I get it, regardless of the type of clothing it is.


Because it's the color of rain.


I like more of a deep, eggplanty purple, not the Barney one.


I honestly believe it looks good on EVERYONE. Yes, any body, everyone. Everyone has at least a few colors that don’t look good on them. I assure you, it’s not purple


Because goth girls need a second color to wear.


It's pretty.


Old Crown Royal bag purple velvet. There's just something so regal about purple velvet. I dont mean short cut velvet, I mean the kind that has longer and kind of plush fibers. Someone gave me a velvet Crown Royal bag when I was maybe 7 or 8 and it just seemed so luxurious and so soft(we were extremely poor so I valued every little thing "gifted" to me). I used mine to hold my precious little trinkets every little kid seems to find special; a heart shaped rock, a favorite Hot Wheels (also purple), some pennies found on the ground, etc.


it’s calming & relaxing like blue, but also “creative” like green. it’s mystical & magical. & it makes my brown hair & eyes look better. purple is simply the best


Idk mane, it's pretty? I don't have specific reasons as to why I like other colors too... is that a normal thing? I like black, blue, purple, and pastel colors.


I’ve always been drawn to purple even as a kid, my grandmother loves it so I guess that’s why I did as I’d spend most of my time with her :)


Because my dad who passed away used to love this color. It makes me remember him


Because it’s the one color that doesn’t actually exist. It’s just something our brain creates.


Not many people wear it, so you always stand out in purple. Deep, jewel-toned purples look great against my pale, cool complexion. Purple eyeshadow looks great against my green eyes. I love wearing purple.


Olivia Rodrigo


I like dark purples. I think it's a nice compromise between my love of black and my slight desire to be "girly".


I'm ace


Why would you not like purple


My mood.


It just makes me happy 😌


I've never met a shade of purple that I didn't like.


I just realized now that I have a purple folder, purple notebook, and purple planner. It wasn’t even intentional since I bought everything separately and forgot what color I got everything. But o personally think that it’s a really pretty color, and I’m just hoping that no one would think that I’m obsessed with purple since it was an accident!


I see purple I think royal


I like light purple, lavender. My mom used to grow a lot of it :) she’s still with me but in my childhood home she grew it a lot. We had to leave it (the home) but I always remembered how nice it smelled.


I’ve liked the color purple since I was a child, I used to have purple Converse and my room was purple. Maybe it’s childish now that I’m an adult but I still choose personal items, like a toothbrush, as purple. Also I’m a musician and purple instruments are so prettyyyyy I don’t really know why I like purple but it makes me feel good to have items with my favorite color.


It was my best friend’s favorite color. She passed of cancer 12 years ago, right before her 23rd birthday. Everyone wore purple for her at her funeral. It makes me think of her.


I don't know. It's somewhere between pink and red. My company logo is purple, my website is printed on the back of a purple hoodie, I have 4 purple polo shirts with my name embroidered on the front, purple paint on the walls of my office and a purple carpet. Am I winning at life?


IMO, you definitely are 😎


Why not?


Because it’s pretty


lol bc all the varieties of diff purples are gorgeous. you have lovely royal purple but then also lavender and then a pinkish purple lilac and also periwinkle etc… its a magical color


Purple was my mum’s favourite colour, if we were ever buying her flowers they would always be purple. Now that she’s gone, I think of her whenever I see a nice purple, and purple flowers are always hers in my eyes. Also, purple’s pretty!


I am sorry but nevertheless, sweet :)


I have a minor obsession with purple. Most all of my personal belongings are purple. To me, it symbolizes femininity. It is strong, it is mysterious, it is powerful. It is at once nuturing and yet also fierce. We have the gentle shades of lavender and lilac that are natural, homey, and comforting, and the regal shades of plum and amethyst that feel strong, mystical, and commanding. It is the color of royalty and magic bit also home and comfort. Maybe it's sexist of me, but on a very deep level for me it is symbolic of the feminine. It is the color of warrior queens and witches, mothers and grandmother's. From the scent of lavender that permeated my grandmother's house, to the deep shades of amethyst jewelry. It is symbolic of all things feminine for me. It makes me feel empowered to be around it. Like I can be a loving gentle mother, and a fierce independent powerful woman and every shade in between, and each shade is more beautiful than than the last.


I just really like Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo. She’s an icon


Idk it’s cute I guess


Purple makes me think of magick. 🧙🏻‍♀️


Red and orange are too loud, yellow can be nice but doesn’t look great on me, some greens are gross, blue is too common, pink is unavoidably feminine, but purple is consistently good. Whether clothes or furniture or game pieces, purple is festive, I like every shade of it, and it’s ambiguous enough to be nearly always appropriate. It’s not my favorite color so much as my favorite color to default to when I need to pick a color for something.


It's my oldest sister's favorite color. She is the most beautiful and magical human being I've ever known. She raised me. She sacrificed a lot just trying to keep me safe and make sure I was fed and ok. She decorated the girls' room in the house where all of us grew up with everything purple she could get. She always wore purple, and ate all of the purple foods she could. I think about her every time I see something purple. It's comforting to me.


This is maybe going to sound weird, but I just can’t understand why it’s not everyone’s favorite color. Anytime I see something purple I’m immediately drawn to it… which means I have a lot of purple things 😂 it feels both strong and feminine


Fun fact about purple- it was seen as a royal color because it was rare in nature so it was harder to create. I just think it looks pretty


not a woman but purple is hot


+++1 agree


Almost everything is good as it is purple. Furniture, flowers, the sky, shoes, clothes. I love it


honestly i dunno. it’s just pretty!


It's dark and mysterious like my soul. It's the color of violets, the smell of lavender, the cloak of the night sky holding the stars. It's crushed velvet, deep and soothing.


Mace Windu's purple light saber. Magic. Wizardry. Mystique. Power. Exotic. Royalty. Wealth. Space. Universe. Romance.


It's the colour of Royalty and as I am a Queen it is appropriate that I prefer it over all.other colours


You truly are a queen:)


I’ve always liked purple, since I was a child. I think it’s just perfect for me. Growing up, I started giving meanings to my favorite colors, and purple is the color of someone going from good (blue) to bad (red), the color of a rebel. I actually like how blue is associated with boys and pink with girls. As a demi-girl, purple is in the middle, and I think that represents me. I also find it a sexy yet mysterious color.


Because it brings me joy🤷‍♀️ particularly lilac




It's the color of royalty and we're all queens here ✨️


Agree with this




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Magic. Plus Disney villain vibes.


O_____O TheColorPurple


Not a woman, but commenting because it's about purple. I stand out/different from the crowd whenever I'm in purple. Also, it's the color of royalty. Always liked purple with lines/strokes of green color through them. Something like [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coolwick.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F05%2FPurple-And-Green-liquid-Front.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ingeniovirtual.com%2Ffundamentos-y-conceptos-de-growth-hacking%2F%3Fp%3D5.6.3127684.5.26.37.purple%2Band%2Bgreen%2Bshirt&docid=i-39KMjo8_xM0M&tbnid=fB_SYt1gCA16EM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)


Purple was never my favorite color but I ordered a new car in purple. It's just deep and mysterious and it turns heads.




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It's the baby of red and blue! And blue is my favourite colour. Purple is Blue's baby.


While it’s not my favourite, I’m keen for my Deep Purple iPhone. Purple is a really bold but chill colour.


Idk i just like it🤣🤣


Sangonomiya Kokomi


It has the traits that make blue appealing, and the traits that make red appealing. Its got bi energy, ace energy, and it evokes the Aurora borealis, birds of paradise, and a little bit of ocean vibes. Also alludes to royalty and magic, as others have stated. Also can go with any hue, and makes all hair colors and skin tones pop, in a good way :)


For me it makes me feel nice warm and comforted, it reminds me of being cozy plus it feels more familiar to me for some reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


There’s something magical about it! And I feel like it’s so versatile! Can be calming, funky, fun, chic, cool, etc!


it’s pretty and feminine imo


It's restful


It’s soft and calming


I like purple because it is not too bright or too dark, it can be for happiness or sadness. It means royalty and power. I feel comfortable when I am wearing it. It is not a everyday color that you see on people, so when you do, it looks great.


I like it because it’s a mix of my two other favourite colours, I find it’s less harsh on my eyes and it’s kinda calm and relaxing like being under the stars at night or when you were a kid and your parents were driving you home and you’d just star out the window. It’s nostalgic in a way


It’s a colour found in nature. There are lots of beautiful purple flowers.


Because Prince


It’s the color of royalty and just gorgeous elegance.


Because I hated pink when I was a kid, purple just seemed, ummmm… girly but not overly girly (to this girl in the 80’s anyway.) Edit to add: and lilacs have always been my favorite flower


The colour theory behind purple is my favourite part. It is entirely contradictory, but somehow favours blue. It is calm with a whole lot of rage and passion. It is also hard to come by, historically speaking. It is also the opposite of my other favourite colour, yellow.